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View here - Grace BP Church
Volume 40
Issue No. 25
14 June 2015
Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church
5 Jalan Haji Salam, Singapore 468745
Tel: 6442-2440 Fax: 6876-0346
Grace to you and Peace from God
Our Mission:
“Passion for Christ, Heart for the Lost”
(Phil. 1 : 21; Matt. 28 : 18—20)
Combined (English/Mandarin) Service
Pre-Worship Hymns
Sis Chea Ruei Jean & Sis Loretta Wong
Silent Meditation
Call to Worship
Opening Hymn
Rev Tan Eng Boo / Rev Lee Fatt Ping
MH 363
“At Calvary”
MH 473
“Heavenly Sunlight”
Responsive Reading
Psalm 19
*Gloria Patri
** Doxology
Scripture Reading
Eph. 5:18, Rom. 12:2, I Jn 2:17
MH 474
“Constantly Abiding”
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn
MH 366
“Have Thine Own Way”
Threefold Amen
Welcome & Announcements
* Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the
beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen, Amen
** Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
And give us an indication of who else and
from what country you are receiving aid.
Email sent to Pastors Dil and Yam from
Rev Robert Chew on behalf of the Singapore Council of Christian Church (3 June
I and Rev Yap Beng Shin (both members of
the Executive Committee of the SCCC) are
planning to visit you in July or August. By
God's grace, we hope to be able to bring
more aid, the primary purpose of this proposed trip would be to work with you to
develop a plan for long term rebuilding of
churches and homes.
Dear Dil and Yam,
I write to inform you that the initial two
tranches of funds we sent to HBSA for the
earthquake relief are gifts made by a group
of Bible Presbyterian Churches in Singapore. These were channeled to the Singapore Council of Christian Churches (SCCC)
to administer. We stand ready to partner the
HBSA to do more.
The contributing churches expect us to provide timely reports and updates, with relevant pictures to maintain a transparent accountability. I know you and your team are
stretched to the limit to provide and distribute relief, but I appeal to you to provide us
with regular reports on your work. We are
not looking for long but concise updates
with sufficient details (and pictures) to satisfy the accountability and transparency
expected of Singapore churches sending
money overseas. Please treat this with some
Some of the key points to cover in the updates are:
How was the money spent? What was
purchased with it and/or who were the
money given to?
 The specific locations where relief
work was carried out.
 What specifically were done and how
much do the material aids cost. For example, number of tarpaulin sheets, blankets,
foodstuff, etc
 How many families were helped
In Christ,
Robert Chew
Reply from Pastor Yam Tamang (4 June,
Honorable Rev. Robert Chew,
It has been a wonderful opportunity to help
the earthquake victims of Nepal. We are
proud of you and team who have been a
great blessing to us as well as to needy
Nepali brothers and sisters. We are quite
busy distributing relief materials in different
locations of affected districts. I came
back last evening distributing 400 miters
mattress and 200 mosquito nets for 200
families in Marbu, Dalakha, East Nepal.
Today, brother Dil and team have left for
Sindhupalchowk to distribute relief items.
Hopefully this will be the last distribution of
the first phase and we will concentrate on
second phase of reconstruction and rehabitations.
Brother Dil will update you and SCCC a
detail report with number of families benefitted by it, material and locations as well.
We are still waiting for some pictures and
reports from our coordinators and hope to
get it soon. As Dil promised, he will report about the relief distribution as soon as
possible after his arrival from Sindhupalchowk.
Thanking you, Yam
“For what is your life? It is even
a vapour, that appeareth for a
little time, and then vanisheth
away” (James 4: 14)
Will we be able to keep our faith?
Will we still be a strong believer
in Jesus?
The man, Job lost all his ten
We are indeed sadden by the children in a freak storm one day
lose of young Singaporean lives (Job 1: 19). It was a terrible exin the Sabah Earthquake on perience for him. Yet we read of
Mount Kinabalu. Who would his reaction: Job 1: 21 “And said,
have expected this tragic event to Naked came I out of my mother's
strike? We have SINGAPORE - The bodies of five more pu- womb, and naked
never heard of pils and one teacher from Tanjong Katong shall I return
e a r t h q u a k e Primary School (TKPS) have been identified, t h i t h e r :
there, yet it
on Sunday (June 7) as it gave more details on
In what happened before a 6.0-magnitude quake the LORD hath
just a moment struck on Friday (June 5). As of Sunday, six t a k e n
of jolt and lives
died. The Singaporean adventure guide who name
are taken away. was with them on the field trip to Mount KiLORD. Job 1:
It is a painful nabalu died too (Straits Times, June 7)
22 “In all this
experience especially for the living, whose pre- Job sinned not, nor charged God
cious loved ones perished in that foolishly.”
Pray for the family of those
In life, there will always be sad- who have lost their children in
ness. The wise King Solomon this tragic accident.
said in Eccl 3: 1 “To every thing
there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven” Eccl 3: 4
“A time to weep, and a time to
laugh; a time to mourn, and a time
to dance.” We never know when
our dearest in life will be taken
from us. The day will come when
this will be so. When it comes our
way, will we be able to handle it?
This is a reminder of the shortness of life, no matter how old
we may be. Death is no respecter
of age. The Bible says, it is a divine appointment (Heb. 9: 27).
This is not fatalism. It is all of the
Lord. It is only by his mercy that
we are consumed.
Prayer Page
“Men Ought Always To Pray and Not To Faint” (Luke 18: 1)
Praise and Prayer Items
in Brief
Ministry– 21 Jun 2015.
Pray for the Lord’s anointing on the
Lord’s messenger - Bro Lim Chien
Chong. Chairman - Bro Chea Oei
Kiang. Pray for our instrumentalists: Sis Mildred Chan and Sis
Loretta Wong. Pray for the Lord’s
blessings upon the pulpit ministry.
Usher Ministry– 21 Jun 2015.
Pray for Bro Tan Teck Shi, Sis Winnie Chia, Sis Desiree Chia and Bro
Lee Kee Min. Pray for their safety
in the Lord’s work.
Our Missions
Batam, Indonesia
Filadelfia - Shelter Home
and Kindergarten: Pray for
their plan to ordain Evangelist
Rudy. Pray for Rev Mani who will
minister to them on Sunday 21
Grace church 40th anniversary committee: Pray for the
formation of the committee soon.
Children’s Ministry– Outing to
Marina Barrage on 24 June 2015.
Pray for Sis Geok Tin our speaker
as she shares the gospel through a
story. Pray that God will bring the
children for this occasion. Pray that
souls will be saved and believers
will be encouraged.
Elderly outing to Kukup on 10
-11 July - please pray that:
 Gracians will bring their elderly
to this friendship outreach trip;
 For a place that is suitable for
the elderly;
 For wisdom in the planning;
 For a suitable person to lead
the programme;
 That His name will be glorified;
 For safety and journey mercy.
Sis Alice Heng - still in hospital
Our Missionary
under observation for fever with
antibiotics. Pray for God’s mercy
that medication will be effective.
Catherine Ng: Pray for her spiri-
Sis Wendy Leow Pray for wis-
tual life to be strong in the Lord
and that she will have good Christian fellowship with fellow missionaries.
Our Church Ministry
Building Committee: Pray for
the plans to be done soon and the
decision to select the contractors
for the renovation of our church
dom in reaching out and follow-up
to the Chinese workers.
Church camp 2015 Thank God
for the camp in Penang. Pray for
God’s blessings upon this gathering of saints in Hotel Jen. Pray for
the speaker, Rev Yap Kim Sin
(Eng) and Rev Pang (Mand) that
the Word of the Lord will have free
course to minister to everyone.
We spent the last part of our
holidays (May 26-28) with the
Westminster Chapel Christians
in the beautiful CEDAR
SPRINGS CHRISTIAN RETREAT CENTER which is located northeast of Bellingham,
Washington, USA just four miles
south of the Canadian border
near the town of Sumas. This is a
retreat for those 60 years old and
above. The oldest person is 92
years old.
It is one of the most beautiful retreat centers I have seen.
The 50 acres of land is owned by
a Christian couple who turned a
part of this land to be used for
Christian ministry. There are lots
of cedar trees around. Remember, the cedar trees were used by
Solomon to build their ships in
those days. Those cedars were
from Lebanon.
We had an edifying time of
worship, singing all the most
beautiful hymns these generations loved most. There were
four messages and lots of freetime to fellowship and walk
around the retreat grounds.
Thank God for this lovely time.
By Dan Graves, MSL
James Gilmour was discouraged. Working alone in Mongolia, he poured out his
heart to his diary: "preached to 24,000
people, treated 7,500 patients, distributed 10,000 books and tracts...and out of
all this there are only two men who have
openly confessed Christ."
Actually two converts in eight months
was double the fruit that he had seen in
his first fourteen years on the mission
field, in which he had won only one
James Gilmour led an unusual--some
would say eccentric--life. Born at Cathkin, Scotland, on this day, June 12,1843,
he learnt to trust Christ from his godly
parents and grandparents. His mother
read him stories of missionaries. The
boy loved nature and wandered alone
among the hills and glens of his homeland as he would later wander alone in
Because of his parents' prosperity, he
was able to afford an education. He
worked hard to master his subjects at
Glasgow University and was his class's
outstanding student. Yet to him, Christianity was not merely a classroom exercise. Evenings, he went alone to speak
with workers as they walked home, reminding them of their eternal souls. His
efforts to save others did not stop at
speech. Finding a friend drinking, he
opened the window and poured the liquor onto the ground, remarking that it
was better for it to be there than in a
man who was made in God's image.
In 1870, he sailed for China, planning to
work in Mongolia. Soon after his arrival,
22 Roman Catholic priests were massacred. Gilmour was willing to die if it
advanced God's work, but fortunately
calm prevailed. In August 1870, he was
able to set out for Mongolia.
He learned Mongolian and engaged in
years of seemingly fruitless evangelism.
The common folk accepted him because
he came with all his goods in a backpack
just as their own lamas did. His expenses averaged just six cents a day. But
such poverty barred him from inns.
Eventually he had to rent a mule just to
appear high enough in caste to be accepted as a guest. He healed the sick
with simple remedies. Medicine became
his main tool for touching lives.
Gilmour began to pray for a helper. He
saw a portrait of a young woman. Convinced that God meant her for him, he
wrote asking her to marry him. No other
correspondence had passed between
them and they had never met. Miss
Emily Prankard prayed for guidance and
was convinced God meant the marriage
to happen and accepted Gilmour, sight
unseen. Is it eccentric to accept God's
advice? They were happy. She braved
Mongolia's dust storms and tiresome
mutton with him, quickly learning the
language. Gilmour considered her a better missionary than himself.
Eleven years and two sons later, Emily
died. Gilmour sent the boys back to
Scotland to be reared by their grandparents. Worn out with travels and lack of
necessities, he died in North China at
age 47 from a severe and sudden case of
Typhus Fever.
Devotion For Kids
What was on the menu for
the king?
God blesses those who hunger and thirst
for justice, for they will be satisfied.
Matthew 5:6
King Louis XIV of France was known for his large appetite. At a typical
meal he would start with four bowls of different soups, then a whole
pheasant and a whole duck or chicken or partridge—stuffed with mushrooms, of course. Then came a gigantic salad, some lamb, and two slices
of ham and then it was time for dessert. He ate preserves and raw fruit
and a dish of pastry. When he died, his body was examined, and it was
found that the interior of his stomach was huge, and his intestines (the
tubing attached to his stomach) were twice the length of a normal person’s.
God knows we need food to use as fuel for our bodies, but he also
knows that food alone will not make a person feel complete. The Bible
says, “God blesses those who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will
be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6). Only when you have a huge appetite for
God’s Word will you be able to fill up until your heart is content.
Nancy S. Hill
Prayer Meeting
8.00 p.m.
Adult Fellowship
5.30 p.m.
(Last Saturday of every month)
Worship Service
9.30 a.m.
Junior Worship
9.30 a.m.
Bible Class
11.30 a.m.
Last Week’s Collections
Building Fund
$ 1,722.55
$ 7,921.00
$ 799.30
Prayer Meeting — Wednesday
Attendance on 10 Jun: 7
No PM on 17 Jun.
Worship Service Next Sunday:
: Bro Lim Chien Chong
: Bro Chea Oei Kiang
: Sis Mildred Chan
: Sis Loretta Wong
This Week
Next Week
This Week
Next Week
: Sis Lydia Lee / Sis Naomi Neoh
Bro Daniel Tan
: Dr Tan Teck Shi / Sis Winnie Chia
Sis Desiree Chia / Bro Lee Kee Min
: Bro Nathanael Goh
: Bro Chea Ruei-E
Junior Worship (7—10 years old)
This Week : Sis Margaret Teo
Next Week : Bro John Tang
Pre-Primary Worship (3-6 years old)
This Week : Sis Hannah Yeo/Sis Leong Ling Ling
Next Week : Sis Ruth Wong / Sis Hannah Yeo
Flowers and Refreshment
This Week :
Next Week :
Refreshment Duty
This Week : Sis Goh Jee Eng / Sis Ling Ling
Next Week : Sis Nancy Neoh / Sis Tabitha Tan
Kindly turn off your mobile phones or
put them on silent mode!
“The Lord is in His holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
A very warm welcome to Rev Pang
Kok Hiong to our pulpit this morning.
Rev Pang will be the camp speaker for
the Mandarin Service in Penang.
No Prayer Meeting on Wed 17 Jun.
Pastor’s Bible Class Dn Victor will
teach one more session next Sunday.
Pastor will be speaking in Shalom
BPC worship service next Sun 21 Jun
at 9.00 am.
Children’s Outing on Wed 24 Jun to
the Marina Barrage. Please contact Sis
Hannah Yeo for more details.
Adult Fellowship on Sat 27 June, 5.30
pm in church. Speaker: Dr Koh Lip
Hoe (Life BPC). He works in Changi
General Hospital as a Geriatrician and
Palliative Care Physician. He will be
speaking on: “What You Need to Know
About Falls.”
Floral/refreshment roster from July
to Dec is pinned on the Notice Board.
Elderly Fellowship and Mission/
Evangelism Committee Kukup Trip
on 10 & 11 July. Pray and plan to bring
your elderly loved ones and friends for
the trip. Please refer to the poster on
the notice board and register ASAP.
For more details please contact Sis.
Chew Gim.
Pastor: Rev. Tan Eng Boo : 9784-2761 (Hp) email:
Elder: Seah Soon Huat : 9835-2178 (Hp) email: