Insertion Operations on Deterministic Reversal


Insertion Operations on Deterministic Reversal
Insertion Operations on
Deterministic Reversal-Bounded
Counter Machines
Joey Eremondi,
Department of Computing Science, Utrecht University
Oscar Ibarra,
Department of Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara
Ian McQuillan,
Department of Computer Science, University of Saskatchewan
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Deterministic Reversal-bounded
Counter Machines
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• Deterministic Finite Automaton with n
unary counters
• Each counter can switch from incrementing
to decrementing or vice versa at most r
• DCM(k, l ): set of all languages accepted by
k-counter, l -reversal DCM
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• Main definition: one-way input head, with a
special “end-of-tape” marker
• Many variants: 2-way, input head reversal
bounded, no end-of-tape marker, etc.
• Notable variant 2DCM(1): 2-way with one
reversal-bounded counter
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• The F problems are all decidable:
containment, disjointness, emptiness,
finiteness, universe, equivalence
• Any changes (non-deterministic, remove
reversal bounds, etc.) make some
F-problems undecidable
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• Frontier of decidability: how far can we push
DCMs while keeping things decidable
• Want to understand relationship between
determinism and insertion
• DCMs can be applied in modelling,
verification of infinite-state systems
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Insertion Operations on
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Insertion Operations
• Different ways of adding symbols to strings
in a language
• Can be viewed as the inverse of
quotient/deletion operations
• Deletion Operations explored at TAMC 2015
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Inverse Prefix
• Words having L as a prefix
• pref −1 (L) = {wx | w ∈ L, x ∈ Σ∗ } = LΣ∗
• Inserts on the end of the string
• Specific form of right language
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Inverse Suffix
• Words having L as a suffix
• suff −1 (L) = {xw | w ∈ L, x ∈ Σ∗ } = Σ∗ L
• Inserts on the beginning of the string
• Specific form of left language concatenation
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Inverse Infix
• Words having L as an infix
• inf −1 (L) = {xwy | w ∈ L, x, y ∈ Σ∗ }
= Σ∗LΣ∗
• Inserts on either (possibly both) ends of the
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Inverse Outfix
• Words having L as an outfix
• outf −1 (L) = {uxv | uv ∈ L, x ∈ Σ∗ }
• Inserts into the middle of the string
• No longer easy to express as concatenation
of languages
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Generalized m-Embedding
• emb−1 (L, m) =
{w0x1 · · · wm−1xm wm | w0 · · · wm ∈ L,
wi ∈ Σ∗, 0 ≤ i ≤ m,
xj ∈ Σ∗, 1 ≤ j ≤ m }
• Insert at most m strings at any point into a
word in L
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Insertion Operations
• All very simple operations
• Non-deterministic case: closed under these
• How does determinism affect these closure
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Research Questions
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Research Questions
• Under which insertion operations is DCM
• Under which insertion operations is
2DCM(1) closed?
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Research Questions
• Which restricted variants of DCM are closed
under these operations?
• Related: is DCM equivalent to a version
with no end-marker
• How does DCM differ from other models,
like deterministic pushdown?
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Closure Results
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• DCM : allows counter and state transitions
after reading the end-marker
• DCMNE languages accepted without
operations on end-marker
• NE → “No End-marker”
• Result: DCM(1, l ) = DCMNE (1, l ) for any l .
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Proof Intuition
• Language of accepting counter values for
each state: regular, unary
• Make DFA for accepting counter values
• Product construction, store in state info
which DFA state current counter value is in
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• If L ∈ DCMNE , R ∈ REG, then
• Track subset of states of R can be in, add
initial of R every time in final of L
• Corollary: DCM(1, k) closed under right
concatenation with REG
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Limited Results
• If L1 ∈ DCMNE and prefix-free, L2 ∈ DCM,
then L1L2 ∈ DCM
• Means we always know when to swtich from
L1 to L2
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Showing non-closure with
undecidable properties
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Abstract Properties
• DCM is closed under boolean operations,
with decidable emptiness
• 2DCM(1), closed under the same properties
• We use this to show that neither class is
closed under inverse-infix
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Non-closure under inverse infix
• We show that there is L ∈ DCM(1, 1) such
that Σ∗LΣ∗ 6∈ DCM ∪ 2DCM(1)
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A language not in either class
• Turing machine equivalent to a 2-counter
machine (no reversal bounds)
• Take 2-counter machine T accepting RE
language that’s not R.
• Let L0 be the language of valid (partial) runs
of T
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A language not in either class
• Suppose L0 ∈ DCM or DCM(1)
• Make R ∈ REG, runs starting starting with
input n, end in final state
• L0 ∩ R = ∅ ⇐⇒ n 6∈ L(T ), contradicts
• Same argument for 2DCM(1)
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Intuition for non-closure
• Words #I #I 0 where I to I 0 is not a valid
transition of T .
• Easy to accept with DCM(1, 1)
• Take inf −1 , intersect with “structure”
language, complement
• Gives us L0 , set of all valid runs
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Non-closure under inverse prefix
• We show that there is
L ∈ DCM(2, 1) ∩ 2DCM(1) such that
LΣ∗ 6∈ DCM ∪ 2DCM(1)
• Notable: different than deterministic
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Proof Intuition
• Let L = {#w # | |w |a 6= |w |b }
• Take use inverse prefix, complement,
k k with REGk to kget
#a b # · · · #a b # | m > 0
• Intuitive: Can’t compare m + 1 values if
we’re only allowed m reversals
• Proof shows how we can use closure
properties to construct DCM for L0
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Easy Corollaries
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End-marker matters
• DCMNE closed under right concatenation
with REG
• Showed L ∈ DCM(2, 1) where
pref −1(L) 6∈ DCM
• So L 6∈ DCMNE
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Non-closure under inverse suffix
• This immediately follows from our previous
• We know DCM(1, 1) closed under pref −1
• If it were closed under suff −1 , it would be
closed under inf −1
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Non-closure under inverse outfix
• Suppose it is closed. Then if L ∈ DCM, then
{%yx | x ∈ L, y ∈ Σ∗} is also
• Take left-quotient with %, gives suff −1 (L)
• Implies non-closure for embedding
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• Completely characterized closure of main
insertion operations for DCM, 2DCM(1)
• Determinism ruins insertion closure for DCM
• End-marker operations make DCM strictly
more powerful
• Can construct concatenations in some
special cases
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Summary for DCM
The question: For all L ∈ DCM(k, l ):
pref −1 (L)
is Op(L) ∈ DCM(k, l)?
Yes if k = 1, l ≥ 1
No if k ≥ 2, l ≥ 1
suff −1 (L)
inf −1 (L)
outf −1 (L)
No if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
Yes if k = 1, l ≥ 1
Yes if L ∈ DCMNE
No otherwise if k ≥ 2, l ≥ 1
Yes if R prefix-free
No otherwise if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
is Op(L) ∈ DCM?
Yes if k = 1, l ≥ 1
Yes if L ∈ DCMNE
No otherwise if k ≥ 2, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
Yes if k = 1, l ≥ 1
Yes if L ∈ DCMNE
No otherwise if k ≥ 2, l ≥ 1
Yes if R prefix-free
No otherwise if k, l ≥ 1
No if k, l ≥ 1
Yes if LDCMNE prefix-free
No otherwise if k, l ≥ 1
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Summary for 2DCM(1)
• There exists L ∈ DCM(1, 1) (one-way), s.t.
suff −1 (L) ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
There exists L ∈ DCM(1, 1) (one-way) , R regular, s.t.
RL ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
There exists L ∈ DCM(1, 1) (one-way), s.t.
outf −1 (L) ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
There exists L ∈ DCM(1, 1) (one-way), s.t.
inf −1 (L) ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
There exists L ∈ 2DCM(1), 1 input turn, 1 counter reversal,
s.t. pref −1 (L) ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
There exists L ∈ 2DCM(1), 1 input turn, 1 counter reversal,
R regular, s.t. LR ∈
/ 2DCM(1)
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