Current - Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy


Current - Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
A Not-for-Profit Organization
Member: National Association for Olmsted Parks
Member: Native Plant Society of New Jersey
Dedicated to the maintenance, restoration and enhancement of the Grover Cleveland Park
Vol. XIV Issue I
March 2015
The celebration of Grover Cleveland Park’s centennial in 2013 spawned the idea to commemorate the park’s centennial with a
printed compilation of the history of the park over the past 100 years. The extensive research was initiated by Richard
Cummings, a former Board member, with assistance from current Board member Warren Marchioni. The goal is to publish a
bound historical record illustrated with photos, maps, and vintage postcards that will bring life to the past and preserve it for
future generations.
This project is slated to be completed in 2015. The research has revealed many surprises about past events in the park’s
chronology including turning part of it into a farm during the years of World Wars to grow crops such as corn. Also surprising
was that naming the park after Grover Cleveland had its critics, some contending that he did not spend enough time living in
the borough to warrant his name being permanently associated with our park.
In addition, there were several other areas in West Essex that were alternately considered for the location of our local county
park. One of the reasons for the selection of the current location was the development of homes in what became known as “The
Cedars” which is adjacent to Grover Cleveland Park on its northern border. Obviously having a park so close to this new
development was a major selling point. The proximity of the park is used, as it was in the 1920s, as an incentive to purchase
properties in adjacent neighborhoods.
While the research phase of the park’s history is largely completed, photos or other historical artifacts related to the park are still
gratefully accepted. Of particular interest are materials that are prior to 1970. Please contact the GCPC to share your artifacts;
your contribution will be credited. Please contact the GCPC to reserve a copy of the book.
In case you missed it… 2013 was a year like no other at Grover Cleveland Park! Energy was focused and
hundreds attended events planned and run by the volunteers at Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
with support and partnership from the Essex County Park System. Four lectures were hosted, three
which were presented by GCPC members, Dr. Richard Cummings, Warren Marchioni, Claudia
Kolster and Caroline Mescia. Model remote-controlled sailboats were launched on the pond thanks
to the Sunset Lake Model Yacht Club and historic photos of the park were displayed at the Caldwell
Public Library. A tented reception catered by Tierney’s Copperhouse of Fairfield preceded the
annual summer concert where The Kootz performed. The Duke Lukic Trio performed during the preconcert reception. Hog Wild provided dinner offerings to the concert crowd.
The year-long celebration was capped off by a fun afternoon for the whole family in the park in September and then the return
of the beloved Halloween Parade in October. The Five-O Trio and Friends performed at the Centennial Celebration while guests
enjoyed crafts, games, and a scavenger hunt and could learn a few things at various demonstrations. Thank you to all who
participated in the 50/50 raffle; $2,310 was raised. Half of the total was divided amongst three winners: Dave Kole, Dainius
Liaukus and Rameeza Narine. The Halloween Parade was co-sponsored by West Caldwell Recreation with over 200 children in
Don’t miss the chance to honor loved
one or a pet with a brick paver for the
available again! See insert for ordering
Become a member or renew
your membership and
receive a GCPC car magnet.
Proudly display your
support of Essex County’s
gem on your car!
Please make note of the GCPC’s new phone number:
P.O. Box 203, Caldwell, New Jersey 07006
Page 2
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
The GCPC is proud to introduce a new line of clothing
merchandise which is available for purchase by contacting the
GCPC and at all of our events. Makes a great gift!
Cap: $15
T-shirt – sizes youth M – adult XL: $12
T-shirt – sizes 2XL-3XL: $14
Women’s t-shirt: $12
Hoodie: $25
(large logo on back of t-shirt and hoodie)
Halloween was celebrated by many children on October 25,
2014 at Grover Cleveland Park. The Grover Cleveland Park
Conservancy and the West Caldwell-Caldwell Recreation
Department again partnered in sponsorship of the parade
which was enjoyed by over 200 children. Children dressed in
creative costumes, marched in the parade around the pond,
and enjoyed Halloween-themed games, crafts and activities,
as well as a spooky story time in the Pond House. Trophies
were awarded for best costume in different age categories and
all participants received goody bags filled with holiday treats.
Jack’s Super Foodtown donated cider and donuts and the
Conservancy provided complimentary coffee on the beautiful
but chilly Saturday morning.
Winners display their trophies.
ICE SKATING: The pond was open for a few days in January
until substantial snow fell. Some area residents enjoyed
hockey, skating, sliding or just watching from inside the
fireplace-warmed pond house. A small group of volunteers
have offered to clear the ice in the future. Please let us know if
you would like to help them. For optimal skating conditions,
the snow should be removed within a day or so of snowfall.
March 2015
The GCPC has a selection of skates to swap or borrow. Please
make plans to check our inventory and leave time to get the
skates sharpened.
POND HEALTH: The pond continues to be plagued by curly
leaf pond weed, originating from Eurasia and used as
decoration in aquariums. This is an invasive water plant that
grows in mid-spring and lasts until mid-summer when it is
replaced by the alga ydrodictyon sp. or water net. The weed
cannot be eradicated, only controlled with herbicides or by
physically removing the entire plant including the roots. This
is a tremendous undertaking and would require many
volunteer hands. The GCPC is working with the county and
actively seeking a partner to assist with the removal. If you
are interested in helping, please contact us.
The Final Chapter
For those who were following the rescue of a clutch of turtle
eggs back in June 2012 and the subsequent hatching of one
strong snapping turtle affectionately named Grover, there is a
happy beginning – the end of his rearing.
The clutch of eggs.
Grover shortly after hatching
Conservancy member Greg Michales rescued and raised this
snapper who was just larger than a nickel when born. In
August 2014 Greg released Grover into the Passaic River. At
that time he measured 3.5” long. His chances of survival are
good at this size. So – should you be canoeing or fishing on
the Passaic and see a snapper – think of Grover!
At the time of his release – seems to be smiling at the thought of
This past summer, a few people in the park witnessed two
turtle hatchlings cross from
the flag garden to the
pond. The turtles knew
exactly where to go despite
being shorter than the
grass. Looks to be another
snapper – could it be
Grover’s relative?
Page 3
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
March 2015
The 2015 Annual Meeting was on February 25. Project plans
for 2015 were laid out including to finalize the invasive plant
removal plan and plant trees to replace many that were lost.
The three Trustee positions were filled by Loren Betros, Susan
Zayas, and Diane Mensinger. Officers for 2015 are President
Lisa Garrity, V. President Susan Zayas, Treasurer Loren Betros
and Secretary Caroline Mescia.
Please become involved with the GCPC. New volunteers are the
lifeblood of the organization providing new ideas and renewed
energy! The Advisory Board is a way to get involved in a limited
way. Or just come to a meeting or an event and share your
thoughts. All are welcome!
At the 2014 Annual Meeting, Lisa Garrity was elected
President, Susan Zayas – Vice President, Kathleen Carrara –
Secretary and Loren Betros – Treasurer. Sharon Morrissey
was newly elected as a Trustee from the Advisory Board and
Warren Marchioni and Caroline Mescia were re-elected for
new 3-year terms.
The GCPC works closely with the Essex County Park System
to identify areas of concern and assist where able. Dangerous
trees have been removed and various issues in the playground
addressed. The Conservancy does not like to see a tree
removed from the park, but when a weak tree is near
walkways, it is prudent to remove it. Every effort is made to
replace especially prominent trees.
In January 2014, a diesel spill from a body shop on Bloomfield
Avenue made its way into the brook nearby and subsequently
the park downstream. Booms to collect the spill were placed
in the park’s brook.
The GCPC continues to maintain all of the gardens in the park
replacing and adding plants as needed. The county provides
mulch as needed. The ornamental grasses in the turtle garden
were removed as they were hiding the turtle and are indeed
invasive. The grasses in the flag garden will be removed in
Invasive plant species continue to spread in the park
threatening native species. The GCPC is hoping to identify a
corporate partner or generous donor to help eradicate the
invasive species. Any suggestions are welcome.
Note cards of scenes of
Grover Cleveland Park
purchase. Ten cards and
envelopes are $15. Each
package has two cards
each of five different
seasonal scenes of the
park taken by the late
Fri sc h.
The se ma ke wonderful gifts! Contact GCPC to purchase.
Spring Clean-up Volunteers
Thank you to these folks and others who assisted in our
spring and fall clean-ups. There were almost 50 volunteers in
attendance at the spring clean-up on April 26, 2014. GCPC
volunteers go beyond where the landscapers go – into the
woods, waterways and gardens – to collect trash and prune
trees and shrubs. Gardens are weeded and mulched as well.
This work is of utmost importance to maintain the natural
beauty of the entire park – even the areas not frequented by
most. The spring clean-up this year will be on April 18, 2015
at 9:00 a.m. by the playground. All are welcome and
encouraged to lend a hand!
The Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy has been working
tirelessly since 2001 to make improvements to the park and to
offer fun and informative events. We can’t do it without the
support of volunteers and members.
A household membership is only $20. Having a strong
membership base not only helps us to fund our mission, but
also shows others that we have the backing of the community.
This is vital when applying for grants or making appeals to
the county for funding or making maintenance requests.
If you have received a paper copy of this newsletter, the date
on your address label is the date of your last donation. If there
is no date on your label, you have received a complimentary
newsletter. Please make a donation to support the work of the
Conservancy and Grover Cleveland Park. We gladly accept
your employer’s matching gift. Receive a GCPC logo car
magnet with each $20 membership.
Please encourage your friends and neighbors to support the Grover
Cleveland Park Conservancy. It’s a small price for big benefits to
your community!
Lisa Garrity
Claudia Wilcke Kolster
Caroline Mescia
Suzy von Lengerke
Page 4
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
Listed below are those who have supported the GCPC for 5 or
10 years. The continued support of many makes it possible
for the GCPC to continue its work to make Grover Cleveland
Park a safe destination for all.
5 years: Conti, Morrissey
10 years: Glazier, White, Berisso, Feldman / Davidson
Bay Roofing & Construction
John Young Realtors
Dancy Funeral Home
Stop & Shop
Cloverleaf Tavern
Forté Pizzeria & Ristorante
Jack’s Super Foodtown
Tierney’s Copperhouse
Calandra’s Italian Village
Caldwell Seafood
Doug Morrison
Print Shack
Original Pancake House
R. Ventola Landscaping LLC
Anne Filkin Lamps and Shades
Caldwell Collision, Inc.
Caldwell Plumbing
Conceptual Interiors
James R. Haas Landscape Spectrum
K. Macken Landscaping
Lakeland Bank
Linda Hann
Rotary Club of Fairfield
Smith & Co.
Spencer Savings
Weffering & Co., CPAs, LLC
West Caldwell Animal Hospital
Presidential – Grover Cleveland ($2,000+)
Revolutionary – James Caldwell ($1,500)
Architect – Frederick Law Olmsted ($1,000)
Benefactor – Andrew Carnegie ($750)
Essex – Lewis Lockward ($500)
Patron ($200)
Sponsor ($100)
President, Lisa Garrity ‘16*
V. Pres., Paul Boeckel, ‘16
Treasurer, Loren Betros ‘18
Secretary, Caroline Mescia ‘17
Claudia Kolster ‘16
Warren Marchioni ‘17
Diane Mensinger ‘18
Sharon Morrissey ‘17
Susan Zayas ‘18
*year term expires
Wendy Callaghan
Janet Calvert
Kathleen Carrara
Douglas Morrison
Suzy von Lengerke
Adams, Gilbert – in honor of his
birthday by: the Domenicks
Azouvi, Allegra
Basile, Salvatore & Stephanie
Berisso, Jane
Betros, Loren
Blumberg, Irene
Boeckel, Paul & Carol
Brown, Florence
Brown, Philip & Lori
Callaghan, Wendy
Calvert, Janet
Cane, Linda
Carrara, Doug & Kathleen
Nelson, Wilmer & Laverne
Nordstedt, Mary Ellen in memory
of: Marie Mazzeo
Pak, Kirstin
Pettit, Valerie
Piccoli, Lenore
Pirozzi, Michael & Jenny Loan
Roth, Rebecca
Rozman, Marjorie
Stewart, James & Louise
Thibodaux, Jay & Jennifer
Travers, Stephen & Diane
Vellekamp, Roger & Gail
Vitkowsky, Barbara
Vogelsang, Jane
March 2015
Chaney, Elgie
Cicchetti, Michele
Cocozziello, Vinnie
Collura, Pat & Grace
Conti, James & Laura
Cordaro, Barbara Ann
Cummings, Richard & Anne
Dassing, Ann
DeFilippis, Carl
Dell, Amy
Durkin, Cornelius & Mary Ellen
Eicher, Barbara
Fedlman, Stuart & Jackie Davidson
Fischer, Kathleen
Fox, Matthew & Ruth Ann Keenan
Frelinghuysen, Rodney
Frisch, Paula
Garden Club of the Caldwells
Garrity, Francis & Lisa
Geib, Curtis & Margaret
Glazier, Gwen in honor of Charley
Halprin, Arthur & Doris
Hann, Linda
Hannigan, Thomas & Ruth
Hanrahan, Ed & Ann
Heberling, William & Lorraine
Hunter, Robert
Jones, Ellen
Kaplan Robert & Barbara
Kelley, John & Susan
Kent, Gregory & Phyllis
Kinzel, Phil & Eleanor
Kocornik, Richard
Kolster, David & Claudia
Konner, Jarett & Margaret
Kuczborski, Anthony & Roxanne
Langer, Jason & Margie
Leonard’s Barbershop
Lynch, James
Nelson, Wilmer & Laverne
Maguire, Mike & Julianne
Mannell, Matthew & Lara
Marchioni, Warren & Ann
Marx, Lisa
McGrogan, Patty
McKenna, Robert
Mescia, Peter & Caroline
Michales, Greg, Carole & Cameron
Michelsen, Deborah
Mondsini, Frank & Natalie
Morrison, Doug & Susan
Morrissey, Thomas & Sharon
Sachs, Michael & Cathryn
Sandler, Richard & Susan
Scott, Andrew & Stacey
Scott, Bruce
Searing, Claire
Selzer, Joseph
Spillane, Thomas & Barbara
Stairiker, Peter & Ginny
von Lengerke, Justus & Suzy
Weil, Gil & Shirley
White, Brad & Ellie
Witt, Penelope
Wood, Lin & Diane Mensinger
Zatta, Leo & Janet
Zayas, Jeff & Susan
Zhang, Heng & Kim Wing Cheung
Basile, Salvatore & Stephanie
Berisso, Jane
Betros, Loren
Boeckel, Paul & Carol
Brown, Florence
Callaghan, Wendy
Calvert, Janet
Cane, Linda
Carrara, Doug & Kathleen
Cordaro, Barbara Ann
Cummings, Richard & Anne
Dassing, Ann
Dell, Amy
Eicher, Barbara
Fischer, Kathleen
Frelinghuysen, Rodney
Garrity, Francis & Lisa
Glazier, Gwen
Hann, Linda
Kent, Gregory & Phyllis
Kolster, David & Claudia
Kuczborski, Anthony & Roxanne
Lally, Tim & Kathleen
Macaluso, Jeff & Kendra
Maguire, Mike & Julianne
Marchioni, Warren & Ann
Menk, Jean-Marie
Mescia, Peter & Caroline
Michelsen, Deborah
Mona, Ellie
Morrison, Doug & Susan
Morrissey, Thomas & Sharon
Murphy, Harriet
Nelson, Wilmer & Laverne
Nordstedt, Mary Ellen in memory
of: Marie Mazzeo
Pak, Kirstin
Piccoli, Lenore
Roth, Rebecca
Sachs, Michael & Cathryn
Sandler, Richard & Susan
Spillane, Thomas & Barbara
Stieve, Bruce & Cathy
Thibodaux, Jay & Jennifer
Vellekamp, Roger & Gail
Vitkowsky, Barbara
Vogelsang, Jane
von Lengerke, Justus & Suzy
White, Brad & Ellie
Zayas, Jeff & Susan
Zhang, Heng & Kim Wing Cheung
ADP Business Wire
Benjamin Moore Paints The Prudential Foundation
•John Badagliacca, Esq. and the law firm of Garrity, Graham, Murphy,
Garofalo & Flinn
James Caldwell Circle ($2,500+)
Olmsted Circle ($1,000+)
Andrew Carnegie Circle ($500+)
Lewis Lockward Circle ($250+)
Sponsors ($100+)
Donors ($50+)
The Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy!
Thank you to those who volunteered their time and effort in
from June 2013 – December 2014. Without these people, the
work of the Conservancy would not be possible. If you are
interested in volunteering, please let us know!
Betros, Genna
Blumberg, Irene
Boeckel, Carol
Boreham, Doug
Boreham, Spencer
Brown, Tim
Callaghan, Abigail & Jerry
Calvert, Janet
Carrara, Doug, Olivia & Madeline
Coleman, Christine
Courtright, Gregory & Matthew
Cummings, Dick
DeFazio, Marie
DePrenda Family (3)
Dromgoole, Cathy
Fox, Matthew
Garetano, Rory
Garrity, Christine & Francis
Glazier, Gwen
Gluckler, Kim
Hann, Linda
Karlsen, Earl
Khost, Deborah
Kolster, David
Langer, Jason
Lipkin, Randi
List, Leslie & Maddie
Lomauro, Isabella
Marchioni, Anne
Markman, Bob & Josh
Masella, Bob
McCann, Emily & Will
Mensinger, Diane
Mescia, Jacqueline & Trevor
Mondalto, Mary & Rachel
Prior, Kathleen
Remler, Caitlin, Lisa, & Sara
Robson, Matthew & Stephen
Scannelli, Sophia
Stable, Jaime
Stairiker, Anna & Ginny
Sules, Chris, Paul & Peter
Summerville, Corrine & Gary
Tanelli, Nicole
Young, Ruth
Vega, Colin
Vitiello, Sam
Weinfield, Sarah
Zayas, Jeff
Brownie Troop 22927
GCPC Trustees & Advisory
Essex County Park System
West Caldwell-Caldwell
Please Join Us!
Check if your contact information has changed.
Annual Membership Levels:
I’d like to volunteer
I’d like to receive email
Lewis Lockward Circle
I’d like to receive the
Andrew Carnegie Circle
newsletter via email
$1,000+ Olmsted Circle
$2,500+ James Caldwell Circle
$5,000+ Grover Cleveland Circle
I have enclosed my employer’s matching gift form.
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law
Note: Donations of $20 or more entitle you to a GCPC Annual Membership.
Please make checks payable to:
Grover Cleveland Park Conservancy
Send to:
P.O. Box 203
Caldwell, NJ 07006
You can also contact us at:
862-505-2443 or
Grover Cleveland Park is located in Caldwell along Brookside Avenue and
in Essex Fells along Runnymede Road.