Timely Information - Groves High School


Timely Information - Groves High School
Cathy’s Thoughts for the Week
Spring Break begins at the end of the day Thursday. Please be aware there is no school on Friday,
April 3. Classes resume Monday, April 13. Enjoy your break. Find time as a family to reconnect and
enjoy some “unscheduled time.” Safe travels to our Orchestra families as they travel to Italy and to
staff and students participating in the Alternative Spring Break Trip working with Habitat for Humanity
in New Orleans.
There is NO X-Block on Wednesday, April 15th. All classes begin at 7:30 am.
From The Counseling Department
On Tuesday, April 14, 2015 all Juniors will begin the state mandated M-Step testing. All parents of
junior students should have received a letter in the mail with their student’s testing sessions. The MSTEP will assess student learning on Michigan’s standards in mathematics, English language arts
(ELA), science, and social studies. This transition is necessary to meet state and federal education
guidelines regarding assessment and accountability, as well as to ensure that our statewide
assessments better reflect what students know and are able to demonstrate.
We want your child’s experience to be relaxed and as stress free as possible. Your positive and
supportive manner and outlook going into these assessments will have a tremendous impact on your
child’s experience. Please have a conversation with your student about the importance of this
testing. This is a reflection of their learning and a reflection on the effectiveness of our school.
Please make sure your Junior gets a goodnight’s rest and eats a healthy breakfast and lunch.
Students cannot have food or water in the testing rooms. They also can not have cell phones or
other electronic devices in their possession. We encourage juniors to bring a book, or magazine to
their testing session. Students will not be able to work on computers or any electronic device if they
finish early.
If you have any additional questions that pertain to your student’s situation, please contact your
student’s counselor. We appreciate your support and assistance through this testing period.
Cathy Hurley
Timely Information
Groves Student Congress Application/Elections
It’s that time of the year again! Groves Student Congress (GSC) elections are here, and we want your
student to be a part of our organization. GSC’s mission is to impact the school in the most positive
way possible and we are always looking for new faces and ideas. We invite your student to go to the
office, pick up a packet, and sign up for GSC! Packets are now available and are due back in the
office April 14th no later than three o’clock. We hope to see your son or daughter thriving next year
with all of us here in GSC, we want to hear their voice!
Bond 2015
Your Board of Education and administration have spent years preparing for this bond proposal through
strong fiscal stewardship and a dedication to our students. The results of those efforts are a bond
proposal that keeps our current millage rate at 3.9 mills while providing our district with $66 million in
needed funding for instruction spaces, safety and security improvements, building and site work and
technology upgrades. There will be no increase to the district’s debt millage with this bond proposal.
Please access additional details regarding the bond on the BPS website.
Tom Carson Award
Nomination forms for the Tom Carson Award will be available on-line and in the main office at Groves
beginning April 1st. The Tom Carson Award is a prestigious award given to one Senior male and one
Senior female at Commencement. This award honors a young person who exemplifies the values of
Tom Carson – service involvement in school and community, honesty, discipline and hard work.
Parents are encouraged to complete a nomination for their student. Nominations are due no later
than May 4, 2015.
Upcoming Events
Senior Signs
Order a custom lawn sign (18" x 24") to congratulate your Senior. Place it in your lawn for graduation
parties, etc. Fill out the order form, attach a check and mail it back by May 1st.
***** Buy one sign for $25 or two signs for $45 *****
The signs will be ready for pick up by Memorial Day weekend (May 22nd).
Order forms are available on the Senior Class Information page of the Groves website.
Questions? Contact Patty Schmidt
@ pbschmidt63@sbcglobal.net
(248) 877-1607
***** This is a gymnastics team fundraiser. Thank you for your support! *****
Club Meetings/ Sports
Senior Class Information
The Jewish News will honor all Jewish students who are graduating this spring from Michigan high
schools in our new Cap & Gown Yearbook 2015. The Yearbook will be published in our May 21 issue.
For free, we will include a photo and up to 40 words listing the student’s name, school and
accomplishments. We also encourage families to honor their students or out-of-state graduates with a
congratulatory ad. It is easier than ever for students and their families to submit their information for
the Cap & Gown issue — it’s all online. All free listings need to be submitted by May 7.
Please direct students to https://www.thejewishnews.com/contact/cap-and-gown/free-listing/. They –
or their parents — just need to follow the prompts, upload their photos and hit submit.
ANY QUESTIONS? Call Sy Manello, 248-351-5147 or smanello@renmedia.us
Important information….
Thank you for reading our lengthening ANP updates!
We are collecting photos of your senior for a special display at the All Night Party. This is importantwe don’t want anyone to be left out!
Please send to the office ASAP……..
8 x 10 baby picture (preferably before age 3)
8 x 10 senior or current picture
Please put the name of your senior on the back of both pictures.
Questions? Vanessa Parnell 313-629-9362 or Ellie Noble 248-417-7777.
A list of students not registered for the ANP is posted in the office. This is a night your student
doesn’t want to miss! Please ask your senior to check the list. The $55 registration fee can be sent to
the ANP mailbox in the office. Make checks payable to ‘Groves PTSA Senior All Night Party’ and put
your student’s name in the memo. If you are not sure if you’ve already paid, contact Karen Carrick at
248-214-4901 or kacarrick@yahoo.com. Please let us know if your student will not be attending the
ANP. For financial assistance, contact Cathy Hurley.
Fundraising is a huge piece of the All Night Party. We need your support with our fundraising efforts
to help make the ANP a success. Following are our current fundraisers. Direct monetary donations
are also welcome and can be made to the ANP mailbox in the office payable to ‘Groves PTSA Senior
All Night Party’. If you or someone you know is affiliated with a business that may be willing to donate
or discount items to our prizes or make a monetary donation, please contact Lindastern.linda@bashml@sbcglobal.net
Thank you!
Senior Wishes
What is a ‘Senior Wish’?
A Senior Wish is a message to say, Congratulations; Good Luck; Good Job; or, I love you. It’s
whatever you want to say to your favorite graduating senior(s).
Who can send a Senior Wish?
Anyone can send a Senior Wish – parents, grandparents, siblings, friends, neighbors, teammates,
coaches, teachers, etc.
When are Senior Wishes delivered?
Seniors will receive their Wishes at the Senior All Night Party, specially designed, just for them.
How much are Senior Wishes?
Wishes are $5 each, or $20 for 5 Wishes. All proceeds from the sale of Senior Wishes help cover the
cost of the All Night Party.
The deadline for ordering your Wishes is May 23rd. Please see the attached form to order your
Senior Wishes. If you have trouble downloading or have questions, contact:
Chris Nader cnader1@yahoo.com
Elena Munoz Turner elenamt@sbcglobal.net
Fundraising Events – Mark Your Calendar!
April 16th Thursday / Noodles & Co. / 4-9pm / 30130 Telegraph (between 12 &13 Mile)
25% of sales back to Groves ANP
April 30th Thursday / Kalamata / 5-9 pm / 32538 Woodward (south of 14 Mile)
20% of sales back to Groves ANP
April 13-30 / Steeped Tea Fundraiser - info forthcoming
April 13-30 / Garden Fresh Fundraiser - info forthcoming
The decorations committee is meeting on the following dates in preparation for the ANP. Anyone is
welcome to come and help. All meeting times are 1-3 pm
Additional dates will be announced as needed.
Questions? Barb Whalen - bwhalen@ford.com
NEEDED -"Junior Lead Parent" to be responsible for overseeing the other parents that sign up to
help. You would get a list of tasks from the committee chairs and you would assign them to the
parents as they come in to work Sunday afternoon, May 31st. Your volunteer efforts enable senior
parents to attend the graduation ceremony. Sunday volunteers will be…. picking up food, finalizing
decorations, minor set up. Very easy work! Questions? Lori Sandercock blsandercock@comcast.net
An online document will soon be available for you to sign up for your choice of shift. Stay tuned!
We are still collecting BBB coupons. Please send your unneeded coupons to the ANP mailbox in the
Check out our "shout out" section at the end of this email and thank those who have shown their
support. If you know of a supporter we may have overlooked, please contact me and I'll be sure to
include them in the next edition.
Please be sure to read all weekly ANP emails, as there will be updates and special requests
being made in order to make this event a huge success!
Linda and Brett Stern---All Night Party Chairs
Student News
Groves Band News
Several Groves Band students participated in State Solo and Ensemble Festival on Saturday, March
21, at Farmington Harrison High School. Congratulations to the following musicians who received top
1st Division Rating
Eleni Kondak -Timpani Solo
Eleni Kondak - Marimba Solo
Antonio Delgado, Julian Anderson - Percussion Duet
Sloan Kanat, Sophia Dijkman, Tim Michel, Ethan Bodwin - Saxophone Quartet
Carley Salerno, Hope Lamphere, Sarah Piotrowicz, Annalese Lohr, Jenna Woodrow - Flute Quintet
Hope Lamphere, Carley Salerno, Sarah Piotrowicz - Flute Trio
Colin Coburn - Oboe Solo
2nd Division Rating
Sophia Dijkman - Alto Saxophone
Ben Hager-Henry - Trombone Solo
Brianna Williams - Trumpet Solo
Charlotte Beggs - Bassoon Solo
Hope Lamphere - Piano Solo
Japanese Students Compete
Groves’ Japanese students finally completed all the competition for this school year. They did a very
good job. These are the results.
March 15: Michigan Japan Quiz Bowl Division 4:
3rd Place in Michigan
Scott Schaefer, Nicholas Hornburg, Johnathan Harrison (Seaholm)
March 15: Michigan Japan Quiz Bowl Culture Division: T-shirt Design
3rd Place
Seth McGhee
March 28: Michigan Japanese Language Speech Contest: High School Division:
3rd Place: Monique Hakam
Great Lakes Shiga High School Science Exchange Program (10 days water science program in
Japan) sponsored by Japanese government and MSU.
Receiving scholarship and selected as one of the final members to go to Japan:
David Broughton
Groves Forensic
Saturday the Groves forensic team competed at the Michigan Speech Coaches, Inc. State Novice
tournament* and the MSCI Open Invitational. The novice tournament is a State competition for first
year forensic competitors only.
MSCI Novice State Festival:
Sophie Erlich/Caitlin McCoy-1-Duo
Ryan Larson/Phil Tran-2-Duo
Victoria Lurz-2-Storytelling
Ava Scott-2-Broadcasting
Rafey Rehman-6-Oratory
Chance Stephenson-5-Extemporaneous
Makaiya Sain-6-Prose
Telor McClary-7-Poetry
MSCI Open tournament results:
Carly Stern-1st-Sales
Casey Sherwood-2nd-Sales
Lilah Kalfus-1st-Oratory
Haley Werthmann-1st-Dramatic Interpretation
Simone Porter-4th-Poetry
Imani Roberson-5th-Prose
Eric Green-3rd-Informative
Kyra Alpiner-4th-Informative
Haley West-3rd-Dramatic Interpretation
Sam Hardey-7th –Storytelling
Community Service Opportunities
College & Career Center News
For more scholarship opportunities and information on financial aid, visit my website at
College/Career Exploration –
Metro Detroit National College Fair will be held on Monday, March 30, 2015 from 6 – 8 pm at
the Novi Suburban Collection Showplace. Over 120 college and university representatives will be
there. The event is free and open to high school students and their parents. Register at
Groves College Visit Program: U of Arizona rep will visit us on March 30 at 9 am. Interested
juniors and seniors see Mrs. Bodary to register.
Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine invites students of all ages and their
families to attend the annual Vet-A-Visit Program on Saturday, March 28 from 9 am – 3 pm.
Most activities are free, but a few are $2 or $5. For more information, go to:
The University of St Andrews in Scotland Information Session will be held at Seaholm HS on
Sunday, March 29, from 6:30-8 pm in the Media Center. Interested students and their parents
are invited. For more information and to RSVP, email to Mr. Sterling Yates (St Andrews)
at sy7@st-andrews.ac.uk.
Beaumont Health Career Workshops are open to students in grades 10-12 and take place on
Saturdays in March and April at Beaumont Royal Oak and Troy locations. Cost is $25/session.
For info and to register, go to: www.oakland.k12.mi.us/student.
Oakland Community College Emergency and Public Services Career Fair will be held on
April 14 from 12 - 4 pm. Learn about law enforcement, fire, emergency medical, military, and
federal services. Tour the CREST training facility. For more information, contact
drmills@oaklandcc.edu or call 248-232-4580.
Visit Programs at the colleges:
1. Oakland University Go for the Gold on Saturday, March 28 and Human Health Day on
Saturday April 18. Register at http://oakland.edu/visit.
1. Grand Valley State University Lakers Experience Day on Fridays, March 27 and April 3.
Register at www.gvsu.edu/visit,
2. Michigan State University James Madison College Junior Visit Days on April 6, 8, and
17. Register at www.jmc.msu.edu/visit.
3. University of Michigan-Dearborn Spring Open House on April 11. Register at
4. Purdue University Juniors Exploring Engineering on Monday, April 13. Register at
5. Western Michigan University Junior Spotlight Day on Saturday, April 18. Register at
http://wmich.edu/admissions/freshmen/visit/wmuspotlight or call the Office of Admissions at
(269) 387-2000.
The Joyce Ivy Foundation invites female HS students and their families to attend College
Admissions Symposium on Saturday, May 16 in Ann Arbor. The Symposium (JCAS) brings
together talented young women from Midwest high schools, admissions officers from highly
selective colleges and universities, high school college counselors, and local community
volunteers. This free event is from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. at the Washtenaw Intermediate School District
Teaching and Learning Center, 1819 S. Wagner Rd, Ann Arbor. Lunch is provided. For more
information and registration, go to: http://www.joyceivyfoundation.org/events/jcas-students.html
Paying for College (for high school seniors) –
Engineering Society of Detroit Scholarship: for seniors planning to study engineering;
application available in College & Career Center and due March 31, 2015.
AAA Michigan School Safety Patrol Scholarship: Groves may nominate one senior for this
scholarship; application available in College & Career Center; return to Mrs. Bodary by April 1,
William Davidson Jewish Loan Program: apply online at www.jewishcollegeloansmi.org from
April 1 – May 15. Questions? Email to info@jewishcollegeloansmi.org or call 248-723-8184.
Michigan Retailers Association Scholarship: for seniors employed by member retailer; apply
online at www.retailers.com (access code is MIRA) by April 1, 2015.
2015 Beans for Brains Scholarship: for seniors who are knitters, crocheters, sewers, quilters
and fiber arts. Application available online starting April 1, 2015 at
Beverly Hills Lions Club Community Service Scholarship: for seniors residing in Beverly Hills,
and having significant community service involvement. Application available in College & Career
Center and due by April 2, 2015.
Exxon Mobil Bernard Harris Math and Science Scholarships: for minority students planning to
pursue career in science, tech, engineering and math (STEM); applications available at
http://www.cgcs.org/domain/19 and due April 8, 2015.
Detroit Association of University of Michigan Women Scholarship: for female seniors
planning to attend U of Michigan in fall 2015; application available in College & Career Center and
due April 10, 2015.
American Polish Engineering Association Scholarship: for seniors of Polish origin or Polish
decent, planning to study engineering or allied science. Application available in College & Career
Center and postmarked by April 11, 2015.
Birmingham Education Association Scholarship: awarded to two seniors from BPS District
who plan to pursue teaching as their profession; application available in College & Career Center
and due by April 14, 2015.
MSU Harold Gach Memorial Scholarship: for seniors enrolling at MSU in Fall 15 who have
experienced cancer (yourself or parent); application due by April 15, 2015 and available in College
& Career Center and online at
Student-View Scholarship Program: for seniors planning to attend college in fall 2015; to be
eligible go to www.student-view.com by April 22, 2015 and complete the application survey.
Student-View is a market research firm; for information on this company, go to
Oakland County Credit Union Scholarship: for seniors planning to attend college or trade
school in fall 2015; must be member of credit union when applying for the scholarship. Credit
union membership is $5; apply online http://oaklandcountycu.com; due by April 17.
West Maple School Alumni Scholarship: for seniors who attended West Maple; application
available on the school’s website and due April 30, 2015.
Arab American & Chaldean Council Scholarship: application available in College & Career
Center and due by May 1, 2015.
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan Scholarships: information and application
available at http://cfsem.org/scholarships. Due May 1, 2015.
Credit Union One William G. Coyne Memorial Scholarship: for credit union members;
application available at http://www.cuone.org/about/scholarships.aspx. Due May 1.
Vibe Credit Union Fu$e Scholarship: must be Vibe Credit Union member, have at least 3.0
GPA and 20 hours of community service. Applications are available in the College & Career
Center and due by May 1, 2015.
Robert A. Schuele Scholarship: six full-ride scholarship awards granted to students in
Birmingham and surrounding areas. Apply online by May 3, 2015 at 9 pm at
Paint Creek Center for the Arts Scholarship: for seniors enrolling in college to pursue visual
arts degree; application available in College & Career Center and due May 8.
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program: application due June 15 and available at
For more scholarship opportunities and information on financial aid, visit my website at
Job opportunities for high school students – Medical office clerk, library pages, food service, child
care, and yard work jobs are posted on the Groves College & Career Center web page. Click on
Jobs for Students to access the list.
Community News and Opportunities
Birmingham Schools Garage Sale
To benefit the Birmingham Education Foundation funding programs
@ BERKSHIRE 14 Mile between Lahser & Evergreen
Saturday, April 18
9 am to 2 pm early entry at 8 am for $1
Sunday, April 19
bag sale 10 to 1
We need your donations!
Clothing, toys, books, furniture, sports and exercise equipment, bicycles, electronics, small
appliances, pet, garden, household items...
(tax forms available - all unsold items are donated to local charities and shelters)
Drop off times:
Thursday, April 16
Friday, April 17
4 - 8 pm
in the Berkshire cafeteria
Please contact Jane Polan at 626-2231 or J5polan@aol.com if you are available to help during the
drop off or sale days no experience necessary, you may make purchases, and you will have fun!
Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC)
Friends of Different Learners
Carol Mastroianni
Executive Director
Birmingham Bloomfield Community Coalition (BBCC)
1525 Covington Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48301
o) 248.203.4615
c) 248.506.1594
f) 248.203.4529
Common Ground
1410 S. Telegraph Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 | ( 248.451.2613 |
*: alehto@commongroundhelps.org
Birmingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council (PAC) New Members Wanted!!!
Consider becoming a member, PAC “Meet and Greet” coffee dates:
Starbucks- Lasher and Maple
April 14, 2015, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
April 15, 2015, 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Please come join the Birmingham Special Education Parent Advisory Council (PAC) to hear a special
presentation on Strategic Plan Goal 1 & Goal 4 on Tuesday, April 21, 9:30-11:30am at The
Birmingham Administration building.
Thank You From The Groves’ Senior Party
Please support these businesses with your patronage
2015 Senior All Night Party Shout Outs!
4th Edition
THANKS!! to the following for supporting the
2015 Senior All Night Party!
Beverly Hills Club – Beverly Hills
Franklin Athletic Club – Southfield
Hunter House - Birmingham
MJR Digital Cinemas – Livernois & Maple, Troy
Kalamata Greek Grille – Woodward south of 14 Mile, Royal Oak
Buddy’s Pizza – Corporate Offices
Market Square – Beverly Hills
Chipotle – Evergreen Rd., Southfield
Happy’s Pizza – Orchard Lake Rd., Farmington Hills
Bag Makers, Inc. - Union, IL
Leeds - New Kensington, PA
Dakota Bread - Orchard Lake Rd., West Bloomfield
Brooklyn Pizza - Crooks Road, Troy & Downtown Birmingham
The Dailey Method - Downtown Birmingham
Big Boy - Southfield Plaza
Olga's Kitchen - Lathrup Village
Arby's - Southfield Rd, Southfield
Artistic Printing - 12 Mile, Southfield
Qdoba - 13 Mile & Telegraph
Maggiano's - Big Beaver, Troy
Chipotle - Woodward Ave, Birmingham
Leo's Coney Island - 14 Mile & Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield
Rocky Mountain Chocolate - Somerset Collection, Troy
California Pizza Kitchen - Somerset Collection, Troy
Noodles & Co - 12 Mile & Telegraph
Bagger Dave's - Telegraph & Maple
New York Bagel - Orchard Lake Road, West Bloomfield
Lisa and Scott Stern
Catherine and Nathan Forbes
Shane Levine - Designer of Logo, Posters - shanesvideos.com,
Richard McMullan and Blackthorn
Schools, Community Organizations
Berkshire Middle School PTSA
West Maple Elementary School PTSA
Birmingham Youth Assistance
The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a learning/working environment in which all individuals are treated
with dignity and respect, free from discrimination and harassment. There will be no tolerance for discrimination or
harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, genetic information,
disability or age. The District prohibits harassment and other forms of discrimination whether occurring at school, on
District property, in a District vehicle, or at any District related activity or event. The Superintendent will designate
compliance officers and develop and implement regulations for the reporting, investigation and resolution of complaints of
discrimination or harassment. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the
nondiscrimination policies: Students - Inquiries related to discrimination on the basis of disability should be directed to:
Executive Director of Special Education, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000. Direct all other
inquiries related to discrimination to: Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, 31301 Evergreen Road, Beverly
Hills, MI 48025, 248.203.3000.
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