Looking for Work? Over 55? Check out the Job Options Program.
Looking for Work? Over 55? Check out the Job Options Program.
Job Options BC Nanaimo - Mature Workers’ Program UNEMPLOYED? LOOKING FOR WORK? OVER 55 YEARS? 6 weeks of employment and skills development training including basic computer assistance Income support during classroom phase One-on-one job search assistance Employment resources Short-term certificate training, as needed Short-term wage subsidy available to employers who hire participants Follow-up job search support REGISTER NOW! Next Session Starts July 6, 2015 WorkBC / GT Hiring Solutions 255, 2000 Island Hwy North, Nanaimo, BC Phone: 250.729.5627 Eligible participants will be 55 years of age or older, unemployed and not an EI client. In addition, participants must be British Columbians who are permanent residents or Canadian citizens, not attending school and not participating in another LMA funded program. Managed by Chemistry Consulting Group Inc.