Quick Conference Planning Guide & Schedule
Quick Conference Planning Guide & Schedule
Quick Planning Guide to the Conference Concurrent Sessions The full session descriptions and information about the presenters is posted on our conference website http://guelphsexualityconference.ca/guelph-sexuality-conference/concurrent-sessions-2015/ Thursday June 18th, 2015 7:45 am 8:45 am Networking Breakfast Welcome 9:00 am Panel Presentation: Stories of Our Bodies 10:30 am Hospitality Break 10:45am Concurrent Sessions Block A STI Stream A-1 A-2 A-3 A-4 A-5 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 Syphilis Case Studies from the Front Line (Theresa Lui) Reproduction Gone Awry: Body, Sex and Soul (Jan Silverman, Sheri Kreiger, Sandy Fainer and Debbie Garshon) Sexual Consent: Research and Educational Policy (Terry Humphreys, Chelsea Kilimnik, and Raymond McKie) Defining Sex-Positivity: Personally and Professionally (Ruth Neusifter & Lisa Powell) The Missing Pieces of the Female Genital Anatomy Puzzle : An Integral Perspective On Embodied Pleasure and Health (Sheri Winston) Beyond the Colonial Divide: Alliance Building Between African Diasporic and Indigenous Communities in HIV Prevention (Ciann Wilson) Community Approaches to Healthy Bodies and Sex (Jennifer Davies and Kate McIntyre) Straight Talk: Findings and Lessons Learned from a Pilot Needs Assessment Program for Heterosexual Asian Men Who Have Sex with Men in Toronto, ON, Canada (Christian Hui, Richard Utama, Noulmook Sutdhibhasilp) Research Briefs #1: The Use of Story Personal Experiences and Stories in Studying Sexuality Two Lunch Options for delegates 12:15 pm Lunch on your own. Poster Presentations begin at 12:45 pm University of Guelph hospitality services is a cash only service. 12:15 pm STI Stream Test Your Contraception IQ – Dr. Carrie Ferguson, SOGC 1:30 pm Concurrent Sessions Block B STI Stream B-1 B-2 Optional Lunch with Speaker – Pre-purchase ticket through registration process Everyone Welcome - Extra fee of $20.00 per person 3:00 pm STI Updates: gonorrhea rates, resistance and remedies (Vanessa Allen) Glitter Matters: The Magic of Co-creation Alongside Youth in HIV Programming (Tumaini Lyaruu, Sarah Switzer, & Empower Youth) AND It's Not Just About Sex: Sexuality and Reproductive Health Education for Individuals with Disabilities (Sarah Yantzi) B-3 Our Bodies. Whose Politics? (Khaleda Ebrahimi and Irene Tsepnopoulos-Elhaimer) B-4 Desirability as Resistance: Reading Disability Differently (Kaleigh Trace) B-5 Sex Yourself: Tips on Making Masturbation Enticing, Worthwhile, and Exciting for Your Clients (Caryle Jansen) B-6 Non-Binary 101: Bodies and Beings (Lynx Sainte-Marie) B-7 The Sex We Desire: The Liberating Potential of New Biomedical Strategies for HIV Prevention for Both HIV-Positive and HIV-Negative Gay Men (Ed Jackson, San Patten, Barry Adam, & Marc-André LeBlanc) B-8 Why should we be talking to kids about sexual health? ( Jennifer Katz) B-9 Research Briefs #2: Sexuality, Medicalization, and the Body Hospitality Break 3:15 – 4:45 pm Carla Rice 5:30 –7:00 pm Student Delegate Social – join us for delicious appetizers, tasty local beer and great conversation. Preregister in order to receive your free drink ticket! 7:00 pm The $5 Social at NV Lounge in Downtown Guelph Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph This schedule is current however it is subject to change sexconf@OpenEd.uoguelph.ca Friday June 19th, 2015 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:15 am 10:30 am 10:45 am Networking Breakfast Welcome Concurrent Sessions Block C C-1 Childhood Sexual Abuse and It's Effects on Long Term Relationships (Lisa Powell) C-2 Liberation, Uniforms, and Transgender Grass Roots in the North (Vincent Bolt, Darlyn Hansen, and Rita Olink) C-3 For It’s Own Sake: An Examination of the Nuances and Challenges of Consent Creation (Heather Elizabeth & JP Robichaud) C-4 Global HPV Vaccination Campaigns: Controversy & Stigma, Health & Education ( Jennifer Katz) C-5 An Integrated Approach to Treating Pelvic Health Conditions in Males ( Adrienne Bairstow, Angelique Montano-Bresolin, and Jaisa Sulit) C-6 Celebrating the Body, the Self and Sexuality after Sexual Harm ( Joanne Lee Kelly) C-7 Research Briefs #3: Bisexual and Queer Women Experiences Hospitality Break 3:00 pm Concurrent Sessions Block D D-1 Adapting Sex Ed Language for Diverse Genders, Bodies, and Sexualities ( Andreas Mertens & Kimberly Wong) D-2 The Secret Ingredient in Effective Sex and Relationship Violence Prevention ( Emily Nagoski) D-3 From Under the Prayer Rug: Sexual Health from an Islamic Perspective ( Nadiah Mohajir & Sameera Qureshi) D-4 Challenging cis-centrism: toward inclusive sexual health counselling and HIV/STI testing for trans* and genderqueer clients ( Rahim Thawer & Erin MacMillan) D-5 Beyond the Birds and the bees: Supporting Sexuality and Healthy Relationships for People with Developmental Disabilities ( Becky Van Tassel & Emily Ophus) D-6 Ecstatic Pleasures / Deep Shame — Unraveling the Dark Fantasies that Turn You On (Barbara Morris) D-7 Research Briefs #4: Sexuality Attitudes and Education Lunch on your own. Poster Presentations begin at 12:45 pm Concurrent Sessions Block E E-1 Texting-Based Sexual Health Initiative: SextEd, A Case Study (Iradele Plante, Andreas Mertens, & Kimberly Wong) AND Guinness Work Record Testing Event (Christopher Blain and Joshua Poynter) E-2 Raising Sexually Healthy Children: Peer Parent Leadership Training in AfricanCanadian Communities (Anda Li, Menbere Gabreselassie, Khadiga Abdelrhman, Fowsiya Nur, Adey Bekele, & Christine Kangabe) E-3 Ontario's New Health Curriculum: “It’s More Than Just “Sex Ed.” (Heather Gardner) E-4 Sex Work & The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act (Morgan Thorne) E-5 Eating Disorders and Sexuality - Getting Your Mojo Back (Lyba Spring) E-6 Crossing the Invisible Fence : Theorizing barriers to youth sexual health education from classroom to community (Ciann Wilson, Sarah Switzer and Melissa Cobbler) E-7 Moving Beyond Words: Embodied Sex Ed Games ( Karen B. K. Chan & Brigid Tierney) Hospitality Break 3:15 – 4:45 pm Buck Angel 4:45 pm Good-Bye 12:15 pm 1:30 pm Rozanski Hall, University of Guelph This schedule is current however it is subject to change sexconf@OpenEd.uoguelph.ca