May Programme: Guisborough Christian Fellowship Newsletter


May Programme: Guisborough Christian Fellowship Newsletter
Guisborough Christian
Fellowship Newsletter
June Programme:
7 June
My place in God’s purposes: to be a
Magnifier of His name [Psalm 34 v.1-3]
Speaker: Angus Bell
14 June
Belonging [1 Peter 2 v.9]
Speaker: Brian Laws
21 June
Family Service
Led by: Angus & Anne Bell
28 June
Believing [1 Peter 2 v.7]
Speaker: Stuart East
5 July
Behaving [1 Peter 2 v.12]
Speaker: Nick Wells
“You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to
God, that you may declare the praises of
him who called you out of darkness into his
wonderful light”
[1 Peter 2 v.9]
Costa Cavern Club:
Fellowship, music, chill time! From 5-7pm, Tuesday at
Costa - June dates: 9th, 23rd & 30th. If you know a
band, or are in a band and would like to play at Costa, contact
Lindsey on
Prayer Meeting
There will be a Prayer Meeting at 2pm on Tuesday 9th June, at
12, Avon Drive. All welcome; it lasts about an hour come for all or part of the time if you can.
Tuesday House Group
Weekly from 7.30pm at 29, Severn Drive (Val Brennan’s home),
from Tuesday 9th June.
Wednesday House Group
Meeting at 12, Avon Drive on Wednesday 3rd June, 7.45 for
8pm, with guests from the US Get Well church team. Further
meetings will be announced.
Best wishes for all those sitting exams at this
time - at school, college or university…….
A refreshing drink to speed your progress - for
refreshment, healing and energy!........
Claire’s Home-made ‘Life-giving’ Lemonade..
Ingredients: 2 lemons; 4oz sugar; 1/2 pint boiling
water; 1/2 pint cold water.
Remove zest from 1 lemon with veg. peeler & put in a
jug with sugar. Pour the boiling water over, stir until
the sugar has dissolved, & leave to cool. When cold, add the cold
water. Squeeze the juice from both lemons & strain into the
jug. [I often add the bits that come out of the lemon because I
like the thought of extra goodness!] . Serve chilled.
Women in Ministry Further to my comments in May when
reporting on Spring Harvest, I fear I may have upset some folk. I just want to
say I am totally for women in leadership & ministry. The main speaker at
Spring Harvest was a woman and she was great and chaplain to the
Archbishop of Canterbury no less. Her earrings interfered with the radio
microphone so she joked that the only possible reason why women should
not be preachers was because their earrings might cause a problem with the
microphone. In other words, go for it women!! Our church wouldn’t function
without you. Roland
Costa Coffee Worship
Meet at Costa Coffee on Tuesday 2nd June
from 6.45-8.15pm, led by the US team from Get Well
Methodist church in Memphis; and also Tuesday 16th June,
7-8pm, with music provided by the Methodist worship group everyone welcome! [See inside for Costa Cavern Club dates!]
Guisborough Community Litter-pick.
Saturday 6th June, 10.00am - 12.00pm. Meet outside Londis on Helmsley
Drive at 10am, to work along Helmsley Drive & Wilton Lane footpath
areas. All equipment will be provided, please wear suitable clothing and
footwear. (Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult). For more
information contact: Claire Bognar - Community Development Officer for
RCBC, on 01287 284272.
We’d like to make a collection point available for FoodStop
donations at our Sunday services in the college, but we would
need a group of volunteers to transport the items to the Methodist
church after our service. If we have five volunteers they
Guisborough Salvation Army - 136th Anniversary
would each only need to be available for one Sunday of
Anniversary celebrations will be held on Sunday 14th June at the Citadel on
each month, or less frequently. Please speak to Paul
Westgate at 3.30pm. All are welcome to hear special guests
Wedgwood. [Or you can leave a message with Marianne if you
Commissioners Clive & Marianne Adams (national leaders of the SA in the UK
and Rep. of Ireland) and to help celebrate the church anniversary.
Fairworld Film Club
The next film club at Guisborough Methodist Church will be on Saturday 20th
June. The film will be The 100 Foot Journey (cert. PG). Doors open
On Saturday 6th June, 2015 at 12.00noon. (Please note change
6.30pm, and the film starts at 7pm. Stars Helen Mirren & Om Puri.
from May 30th date). Meet in the centre of Osmotherley village,
Some refreshments provided; feel free to bring your own. No charge.
parking where we can. The walk is approx. 6-7 miles long, not
particularly strenuous, lasting 4-4.5hours with stops. Please wear
Guisborough Christian Fellowship
suitable clothing (to suit all English weather!) and bring enough
Meets every Sunday at 10.15am in Prior Pursglove College.
water, snacks as required; there will be a break around 2pm. On our
Come early for coffee and chat!
return to Osmotherley we will make our way to a local pub (to be
Elders: Nick Wells (01287) 633686; John Flett (01642) 327886;
determined by numbers participating) for a bite to eat at 5-5.30pm.
Paul Wedgwood (01287) 660744; Chris Gilbert (01642) 723510;
Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you would like to go so that I can make
Stuart East (01287) 348624
Gordon Henderson Email: Tel: 01642 276840
Bridge News : JUNE
Bridge Prayer Breakfast: Saturday 6th June - 8am at 10, Tidkin
Lane, kindly hosted by Graham and Audrey of St. Nicholas - those of us
who have been up very early that day to see our US visitors onto their
train may be snoozing in a corner so do come and swell the numbers!
Costa Coffee Worship: Two for you this month - the first on
Tuesday 2nd June from 6.45-8.15pm, led by our friends from Get Well
Methodist church, Memphis; and the second on our normal 3rd Tuesday
16th June, 7-8pm, with music provided by the Methodist worship group.
Messy Church: Sunday 31st May. 3.00-5.00pm [note earlier time],
Methodist church hall. Families with children under 11 all welcome.
Drama, games and crafts will be around the story of David and Goliath,
so do come along and meet the US team, who will be leading this
month’s session, and join in the fun. It will be followed by a youth
session in the evening.
Summer Holiday Club: Mon 3rd Aug - Weds 5th; 9.15am - 3pm.
Planning has already started but we could do with extra helpers for the
3 days [you don’t have to help every day and we have a team leader for
each age group so the key thing is extra hands for craft projects and
supervising]. The sessions are focussed on the story of Peter, the Rock,
and the theme unifying the sessions is the Seaside. Lots of opportunities
for fishy jokes, catching games and sand castle building. Watch out for
random items to collect: e.g. small bottles [vanilla essence size are ideal],
glittery or netting material [blue, gold and green especially] and plain or
patterned material for bunting.
Half Century+Club: Dorothy, Karen and Isabel are working hard
on preparations to take this club over on Aug 10th. Team leaders are in
place for each week of the month but more monthly helpers would be
lovely. Also let us know if you can help bake once a month and we are
collecting prizes (value £1) for the tombola to help to fund this project.
We also need a small trolley to move cups etc. from kitchen to hall as
the current one is broken.
US Team visit: the team from Get Well Church will be with us from
May 29th to June 6th. Activities include: Camp of champions - youth and
children’s activities at Westgate Park Playing field from 4-6pm every
school day, 1st to the 5th June; family picnic and service - 6pm on Friday
5th June at Westgate Park; and then our regular Roseberry Topping walk Friday morning; all welcome so ask for more details on timings.
Schools-work: Finally as many of you will now know Jamie Ryan, our YFC
gap year worker, had to leave a couple of months early to attend
Summer school before returning to his university studies. We wish him well
in his future. As we have lost both Jamie and Beth from our school team we
have been wondering whether anyone would like to join our work in school;
we currently go in to work with pupils from Years 3 to 6 on Tuesday and
Wednesday afternoons and look at a wide range of topics. If you would like
to have a talk about this work, and explore if it is something you feel you
could support, please speak to Shona or Peter Barley.
FoodStop: Two requests...would anyone else like to come onto the
Tuesday morning monthly rota as we are still struggling a little; and
secondly, would anyone consider being available on a “call-out” basis on
other days as we do get emergency requests on other days of the week.
We’re not sure of the logistics so have a chat with us if you might be
Wishing you every blessing,
Shona & Jenny
Guisborough Bridge Association, 58a Westgate,
Guisborough, TS14 6AY [behind the URC church]
Tel: 01287 638771 (office)
Tel: 07890 228851 (Shona Joselin)
Tel: 07807 327963 (Jenny Tyrie)
NB GCF Bridge rep is Bill Reynolds.
Speak to Bill for more information.
My place in God’s Purposes:
To be a Model of Christ’s character…...Discipleship
To be a Member of Christ’s family…..Fellowship
To be a Minister of Christ’s grace….. Ministry
To be a Magnifier of Christ’s name....Worship
To be a Messenger of Christ’s love…….Evangelism