Water Heaters and Drain Water Heat Recovery
Water Heaters and Drain Water Heat Recovery
2015 Residential Incentives: Water Heaters and Drain Water Heat Recovery PLEASE complete ALL sections and sign form to ensure proper and prompt payment of rebate. Member Address Information (person receiving rebate) First Name Last Name Address Account Number City Equipment Location Information First Name State Account Number City Check the ACCOUNT TYPE where equipment is located Email Address Check if same address as above: Last Name Address Zip Phone State Residence Only Resid./Farm Resid./Business Farm Only Business Only Commercial/Indust. Zip Apart.Bldg/Unit Phone Email Address Check if you are a builder/developer and building is not yet owned by live-in residents: "Spec Building" Installation and Equipment Information DATE INSTALLED Equipment Incentives and Code Tables WATER HEATER TYPE REPLACED: New Construction Replaces Electric Other Replaces LP Gas Replaces Natural Gas None - Drain Water Heat Recovery with existing water heater INSTALLER: Owner Utility Contractor Business Name (retailer or installing contractor) New Electric Water Heating Equipment Code Rebate ENERGY STAR® Heat Pump Water Heater (stand alone units) HPWH $650 Add-On Heat Pump Water Heater (EF ≥ 2.0) AOWH $300 ENERGY STAR Solar Water Heater (with Electric Backup) SOWH $350 Resistance Storage Unit with geothermal heat recovery desuperheater (50-55 gallon, EF ≥ 0.95) DSWH $150 Resistance Storage Unit (One per home, 50-55 gal., EF ≥ 0.95) ESWH $50 Drain Water Heat Recovery (requires electric water heater) Address Code Rebate Drain Water Heat Recovery Pipe (DWHR) City State DWHR $450 Zip Code See Terms and Conditions on back of form. New Water Heater Information Code Brand Model Tank Size (gal.) Serial Energy Factor Installed Cost Rebate DWHR Pipe Installed Length Cost (inches) Rebate Drain Water Heat Recovery Information Brand Model Serial DWHR Pipe Existing Water Heater* * Required if not installing new water heater TOTAL REBATE Attach proof of purchase. Member Agreement (Must Sign) I verify that the above described equipment was installed on the date and location specified. I agree to all program requirements provided (either separately or on back of this form) and that my electric Cooperative reserves the right to inspect all equipment and verify information before issuing a rebate. Member Signature Office Use Only: Date Cooperative ID Notes: Authorized Amount Employee Name Form R3 (Rev. 4/15) Terms and Conditions - Water Heaters and Drain Water Heat Recovery Incentives Program Offer: The Program covers products purchased and/or services rendered on or after January 1, 2015. Eligibility Criteria for Water Heaters: General Terms and Conditions 1. The water heating equipment must be electric. The Cooperative must supply all electricity to the equipment for which the rebate is being paid. 2. Water heaters must be used for domestic water heating only and cannot be used in conjunction with radiant space heating systems (e.g. boiler for infloor or baseboard heating). Application Information: Missing or incorrect information on the application may delay processing and delivery of the rebate. An invoice is required and should include specific product information, including the brand, model, serial number and date of purchase of the energy efficient measures. Other information including manufacturer's equipment performance sheets may be required upon request. 3. Electric storage water heaters must have a 50 to 55 gallon storage tank. 4. Electric resistance units must have an Energy Factor of 0.95 or higher. 5. Electric water heaters not supplemented by geothermal or solar equipment must be energized. 6. There is a limit of two water heater unit rebates per home. 7. Stand-alone resistance storage water heaters (no geothermal or solar assistance) are limited to one per home unless the units are separated by 30 feet of distance where deemed practical to better serve the hot water needs of the home (please note this on the form if this applies to your installation). 8. Solar water heaters and integrated heat pump water heaters must be ENERGY STAR® qualified units. 9. Electric storage water heaters and add-on heat pump water heaters must have GAMA/AHRI certified capacity and energy factor ratings. 10. Add-On Heat Pump and Solar water heaters must use a supplemental electric storage tank with a minimum 40 gallon tank. The Cooperative reserves the right to verify sales transactions and to have reasonable access to the Member's facility to inspect pre-existing equipment (if applicable) and energy efficient measures installed under this program. Warranty Information: The Cooperative makes no warranties, expressed or implied, with respect to equipment operation, material, workmanship or manufacturing. The Cooperative does not guarantee that a certain level of energy or cost savings will result from the use of products covered by this program. Limitation of Liability: The Cooperative's liability in connection with this program is limited to paying the rebate specified when all terms and conditions have been satisfied. Under no circumstances shall the Cooperative be liable for any consequential or incidental damages or tax liability resulting from participation in this program. Participant Certification: Participating Member certifies that he/she purchased and installed the equipment listed on their application at the defined location served by the Cooperative. The Member agrees that all information provided is true and that he/she has conformed to all program requirements. If the equipment and application does not comply with the Cooperative's rules and qualifications, the rebate amount may be denied or adjusted. 1. Water heating equipment for the building must be electric. Program Changes/Termination: The Cooperative reserves the right to extend, modify (including incentive levels) or terminate this Program at any time without prior or further notice. The Member is responsible for checking with the Cooperative to determine whether the program has been changed or is still in effect. 2. Homemade systems are not eligible for the incentive. Manufacturers with DWHR systems currently pre-approved for this incentive are as follows: Members must apply for rebates within six (6) months of the purchase date (as shown on the Member's invoice). Past eligibility, however, does not guarantee that equipment will meet criteria for current programs in effect. Eligibility Criteria for Drain Water Heat Recovery Pipe Systems • • • • • Renewability Energy Inc. (PowerPipe, available at Home Depot) ReTherm Energy Systems Inc. (ReTherm) Watercycles Energy Recovery Inc. (Watercycle) Waterfilm Energy Inc. (GFX) Inventroment Inc. (ECO-GFX) If you plan to purchase a unit manufactured by a company not listed above, please call the Cooperative first to see if it will qualify. If not installing a new water heater, information for the existing electric water heater must be provided where indicated on form. Form R3 - Terms and Conditions (Rev. 4/15)