The Great Indian HP Code Off @ GIDS Terms & Conditions a


The Great Indian HP Code Off @ GIDS Terms & Conditions a
The Great Indian HP Code Off @ GIDS
Terms & Conditions
a) Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these conditions of entry.
b) Eligibility Criteria:
1. All legal residents of India over the age of 18, who are NOT working for Public Sector or any
local, state or national Government body, are eligible to participate.
2. Hewlett-Packard employees or contractors may enter this hackathon but are not eligible to
win a prize.
3. Contestants may only enter the hackathon with one team and one application. Duplicate
submissions will not be accepted.
4. Each entrant is eligible to win no more than one prize.
5. Participation in the hackathon does not grant access to Great Indian Developer Summit
(“GIDS”) activities, although a discount code will be provided upon registration if
participants choose to also attend GIDS. Participants should register for the conference on
their own. Registering for the conference is not a requirement to participate in this
6. Only active participants forming part of a team are eligible to win prizes in this hackathon.
7. Hackathon commences April 21, 2015 at 5 pm (IST) and closes on April 24, 2015 at 5:00 pm
(IST) in Bangalore, India. All submissions are due by 10.00 AM (IST) on April 24, 2015.
8. Late, lost, misdirected or indecipherable entries will not be accepted and no responsibility
will be assumed for them by the competition organizers.
9. Submission of a request to participate form does not guarantee entry into the hackathon.
Acceptance of entry to the hackathon is upon sole discretion of the organizers.
10. The organizers reserve the right to refuse participation at any time before or during the
hackathon on any ground whatsoever.
11. Entrants may not begin work on their submissions until after the hackathon begins. Entries
from prior Hewlett-Packard sponsored hackathons or promotions will not be accepted.
12. Use of Open Source code is permitted, but must be declared as part of the submission and
clearly commented in the code, including links to the source code repository. Compliance
with Open Source license obligations and restrictions is the responsibility of the developer,
and improper use of Open Source code will disqualify the entry.
c) Requirements:
1. The goal of the hackathon is for teams to produce working applications utilizing APIs from HP
Haven OnDemand (accessed via and deployed on the HP Helion
Development Platform. Entrants can build applications for any theme or function they would
2. Each team member must have their own unique, activated Haven OnDemand account. New
accounts can be created on For the purposes of the app
demonstration, only one team member needs to use their API key.
3. Eligible language for entries is English only
4. Application code must be submitted by 10.00 AM IST April 24, 2015 in the format specified at
the contest website.
d) Judging & Selection Criteria:
1. Participants will be judged by a selection committee of three or more judges.
2. The decision made by the judges are final and binding in all manner and no appeals shall be
entertained for any reason whatsoever.
3. Entries will be judging based on the following criteria:
a. Use of HP Helion Development Platform:
i. Create and push your selected app to the Helion Dev Platform (max 2 points)
ii. Set-up a Github code repository open to the judges (max 3 points)
iii. Creativity of the code solution (max 15 points)
iv. Incorporation of the below:
o Agile continuous integration / build automation / test automation /
DevOps methodology (max 5 points)
o Documentation of the project, theme or concept for build, deploy,
usage (max 5 points)
b. Use of the HP Haven OnDemand platform:
i. Extent to which the functionality of each API is used, and also how APIs are
combined and used together (max 15 points)
ii. Creativity of how the API’s were used to enable the hero feature(s) of the
application (max 15 points)
c. Application Idea: Evaluation of the application and use case for uniqueness, efficiency,
applicability, business sense and viral/adoption potential. (max 15 points).
d. Social Media Communication: All must be published and presented on or before April
24th, 2015 to be included in the judging criteria.
i. Teams using Twitter, LinkedIn or Facebook to talk about their experience with
the GIDS Code Off will receive extra points (max 5 points)
ii. Teams who write and publish a single or multiple Blog post(s) on their
experience during the Code Off will receive extra points (max 5 points)
e. Presentation / Graphical User Interface
i. Creation of a visually appealing interface via HTML, CSS or other technology will
be awarded points (max 5 points)
ii. Compatibility of the interface on mobile devices such as iPhone, Android etc will
gain extra points (max 5 points)
iii. Presentation or document with 1-5 screenshots that showcases the workflow
and key capabilities of the application, including use of the Helion Dev Platform
and the functionality powered by Haven OnDemand, supported by a description
of the use case/application/hero functionality, including confirmation of the
APIs used (max 5 points) – this will be used as part of the judges review, for the
onstage presentations, and for follow-up social media, blog posts, and PR
HP Helion Development Platform
HP Haven OnDemand
Social Media Communication
Presentation / Graphical User Interface
e) Prizes:
1. There will be awards given to a winning team and a runner up.
Each winning team member will receive an economy class roundtrip ticket from a major
metropolis in India to San Francisco, California to attend an HP sponsored event, or the
equivalent of $1,000 USD (maximum 5 tickets valued at $5,000 per team), pursuant to
HP policies and local laws.
Each runner up team member will receive an economy class roundtrip ticket to Goa
from a major metropolis in India or the equivalent of $500 USD (maximum 5 tickets
valued at $2,500 per team), pursuant to HP policies and local laws.
2. Prizes will be treated as compensation. The winners will be responsible for securing medical
and travel insurance, and also any state, local or other Government taxes, duties or fees, as
applicable in their geography of employment or residence. Tax treatment may vary for nonIndia jurisdictions based on local requirements.
3. Winners will be announced at the end of the event reception by no later than 9 pm (IST). Exact
time to be decided. All submissions must be submitted to our hackathon portal here by the
dates defined in the Eligibility Criteria above.
4. Travel documents such as passports and visas will be the sole responsibility of the winner.
5. Prizes are not transferable, and may not be exchanged for cash. If the prize winner is unable to
travel for any reason whatsoever, the prize will be forfeited.
f) The organizers make no warranty, either expressed or implied, regarding the registration website
or any of its content, including but not limited to, merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. The organizers do not warrant that the content and delivery of this website shall be free
from errors, bugs or viruses, uninterrupted, or repairable if damaged or impaired.
g) The organizers shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever which is suffered (including,
without limitation, indirect or consequential loss), or for personal injury suffered or sustained, as a
result of entering the contest or taking any of the prizes, except for any liability which cannot be
excluded by law.
h) Entry constitutes agreement to these terms and conditions, as well as the organizer’s judgment.
i) All entries become the property of HP. By entering the hackathon, the entrant irrevocably consents
to the use of all or partial information contained within the entry, including the application source
code, for marketing or any other purposes by HP. HP retains and reserves the copyright on all
j) Any photographs or videos taken during the hackathon and conference become the property of HP.
By registering and participating, entrants give consent to Hewlett-Packard Company, its
representatives, affiliates, and employees (“HP”) the right to copyright, use, distribute, record,
publish, prepare derivative works, display, and reproduce, any photographs, images and videos of
me in any form or medium with or without my name and for any lawful purpose, including but not
limited to, internal and external purposes such as publicity, illustration, promotion, packaging and
k) False, plagiarized and/or deceptive entries or acts shall render entrants ineligible. Entries will be
reviewed by a panel of judges for accuracy, quality, relevance and originality.
l) In no event will HP be liable for any incidental, special, or consequential costs or damages of any
kind. HP's total aggregate liability is limited to INR equivalent of USD 1000.
m) Governing Law: These terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with the law of the
Republic of India and the courts of Bangalore will have exclusive jurisdiction.
n) The organizers of this contest are HP Cloud business unit, 1140 Enterprise Way, Sunnyvale, CA
94089, USA. Questions or comments should be directed to