ffr., Plo3lloe (Bhiwani) [l0`738] - Directorate of Elementary Education
ffr., Plo3lloe (Bhiwani) [l0`738] - Directorate of Elementary Education
hlfficsun Edr,<ilion I 6to litst it,:n,rr tion .rr;rJ! rrr ertrilq{ l"ead rr)e il{rr t)rrklH*s www. schooled ucationha Lcom ORDERNO.l4l27_201sET_tr(3) I*.::tl"* Sr. ffr., Plo3lloe mt. JBT EmpID:P1003956 1 DAI'ED,PANCHKULA: t5l052015 of following JBT/HT teachers is hereby TransferId Name !i1 t,,gili wlth immediate PresentPlaceof Remarks (Bhiwani) [l0'738] U0,7481 (Bhi l0,716l Kumar[P1002356] ni) [1 1,036] [P1003973] The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days disciplinaryaciton. which he/shewill be liablefor 2. NoTA,/DA joining and time will be admissible to the officialif he/shehas shiftedon his/herrequestafter exercising option. 3. Nomaleteacherbelowthe ageof 50 yearsbe allowedto join in girls 4. If there is no vacancy and sanctionea post/Workload the in the del ion school for any reason the incumbent transferred shau re-join hirfi;p;;"r, and also inform to concerned tr;;of ;;, branchat He. Il p.nt discrepancy is noticedin this order or there is a violationof , I polkry,the concernedDEEO shouldbringit to the noticeof concernedotan.n*ilnin tnreecavi ino ine be not implemented. 5. In caseof urbanareastationswhileimplementing the transferorders,it be ensuredthat the transferee hascompletedthe ruralservtceas per transfer Dolicv. ''' if no workload, transfermaynot Oeimpfimeniei.' if DDOmakes the transferre Join inspite of without workload & for the payment of salary to be giveriio Ure t aisre.ee. post he will be responsible Sukriti Likhi IAS ElementaryEducation Panchkula BNDST,NO. EVEN DATEDPA KULA:18.05.2015 A copy is forwarded to the foilowing for information and necessary District Etementary Edft ;id;io-riilli _1.Head iii- niwani ?. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. of the institution Secv. OSD/CM ";ft;;rJ:--' Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/ACSSE PAIDEE Technotogy officer (He) for Director Off.: PlotNo.18, Shihs}aSndan,Se-ctor 5, panchkula, Haryana1i4109(tndia)- Tel:91{0, instiq; i'dr ;0 r4, BBfli,Ei tqti s q_a+_13a1;l.i 2s50189 t * : sr i0172j Page 1 of I Elementary Education aryana,Panchkula ---Dirern&rd 8:t$st'4 E&t's!id I sitld hql l{'$B!l ---*-.''._- '_-'' "{I{sn GoVERNMENT oF HARY/INA / tftqlu|l Directo r ate Elemen tary E ducation s-R-frRrsrfrtqrdq 1,6.d rtld *rFst.llr*lid*j !s l-igltt rvww.schoolec{ucationharyana-gov-inleduplirnS,-1y!W-@eg3it.99g DATED. PANCHKULA tl2l05?0l5 ET-lI(3) oRDER NO. l4l18-201s immediate The orders of following JBT/HT teachers is hereby adjusted/transferred with To Samplla(Sampla JBT (Rohtak) Road) EmpID:P1013975 Ihajjar [16,9321 (Rohtak Near Sukhpura Chowk) (Rohtak) ll7,l2ll Note !will be liable for 1. The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she aciton. disciplinary to the officialif he/shehasbeenshiftedon his/herrequestafter 2, NoTA/DAandjoiningtime will be admissible option. exercising 3 . Nomaleteacherbelowthe ageof 50 yearsbe allowedto join in the girlsschools. any reasonthe 4 . If there is no vacancyani sanctioned.post/Workloadin the destinationschoolfor to concerned inform posting also and place of incumbenttransferredshall re-join hisi her'previous branchat HQ. DEEO is noticedin this orderor thereis a violationof transferpolicy,the.concerned If any discrepancy implemented' not be order the and three days within branch of Concerned notice it to the biing should the transferorders,it maybe ensuredthat the transferee 5 . In caseof urbanareastationswhileimplementing r policy. per transfer the ruralserviceas hascompleted o transfermaynot be implemented. if no workload, post, he will be responsible if DDOmakes the transferre Join inspite of without workload & sanctioned for the payment of salary to be given to the transferee' Sukriti Likhi IAS Education DirectorGeneralElementary Haryana,Panchkula DATED PANCHKULA: 15.05.2015 NO.EVEN ENDST, 15\sl'f A copy is forwarded to the following fo_rinformation and necessaryaction :1. oi6ttct Elementary Education Officer Hissar' 2. Head of the institution concerned, 3. Secv. OSD/CM 4. Sr.PS/E.M. 5. Sr. PS/ACSSE { 6. pgFfe 7.l(echnology officer ( HQ) f)) / Nr-)I-etU SuPhi{dndantET-II for DirectorGeneralElementaryEducation Haryana,Panchkula lf"-t 'ffi Off.:ptotNo,lB,ShikshaSadan,Sector5,Panchkula,Haryanal34l0g(lndia)'Tel:91{0172}'2560189Fax:91(0172}'256 d?m: 2560188 s10172,i . itders c{qm--l34rr,$ ii=t{Bi +-m'o r4. SnniTqq, Fqm gr r0rz)mooros Page I of 1