Using the Re-Transmit Feature to Re


Using the Re-Transmit Feature to Re
In the event you were unable to save the output PO due to pop-up blocker or other conditions,
you may reprint the original PO by using the “retransmit” feature as follows:
1. Access the PO from the Main Menu>Custom Document Searches>Purchasing/Accounts
Payable>Purchase Orders link.
2. At the Document Lookup screen, enter the PO number (4-digit document number) in the
“Purchase Order #” field and then click “search” button at the bottom of the screen. Upon
completion of the search routine, the system will display all prior versions of the PO document
at the bottom of the
Document Lookup screen.
3. Select the PO version in “Open” status.
4. Upon display of the applicable PO, click the “retransmit” button at the bottom of the screen.
5. System will advance to PO screen displaying a Purchase Order Retransmit tab.
a. In the PO Header field (mid- right side of screen), select “Purchase Order” from
the drop down menu. NOTE: If “Retransmission of Purchase Order” is selected,
system will instead print “Purchase Order Amendment” on the output document.
b. In the Items section (bottom left side of screen), be sure to click the “select all”
button in order to capture all item lines of the PO.
c. Then click the “retransmit” button at the bottom of the screen in order to view the
finalized version of the PO document.
NOTE: If “preview pdf” is selected, system will display a draft copy of the output PO with a
“DRAFT” watermark on the document.
6. Save the finalized version of the PO document to your computer for future access when
NOTE: While the “retransmit” feature may be used to reprint additional copies of the original
PO document, it is recommended that you limit use of the “retransmit” feature to the extent
possible and reprint copies from your desktop version instead as each “retransmit” action is
recorded by the system and can become confusing when viewing document history.
Furthermore, “retransmit” will more routinely be used when processing PO Amendments which
will be covered at a later date.