HERE - Hawthorne Gospel Church
HERE - Hawthorne Gospel Church
2015 Opportunities through Short-Term Missions The majority of the short-term trips will focus on encouraging, partnering, and supporting our own missionaries and their ministries. Some of the most effective outreaches are those in which there is an established relationship and the trip is linked with the work of the national church or an on-going ministry. So, the goal of our short-term trips in 2015 will be to serve those who serve! Join us . . . and make a difference! CUBA Join our missionary Tony Loeffler who has been ministering to the church in Cuba. The trip includes working at nutritional centers for children, food distribution, sharing the gospel, and encouraging the believers. Registration deadline: March 30th! Dates: May 18th - 25th Cost: $2,100 plus round-trip airfare to Miami Leader: Tony Loeffler NORTH AFRICA COSTA RICA This trip will include prayer walks, learning about the culture, some language study, and a home stay in the local culture. For more information, contact Pastor David Schuit at 973-427-6960, extension 150. This trip will be working with E3 Ministries, and the team leader is Heather Kutler. The focus will be on evangelism and working with local pastors to share Christ’s love, make disciples, and build up the church Dates: Cost: May 27th - June 24th $5,000 WOMEN’S CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IN FLORIDA Dates: July 11th - 18th Cost: $2,400 Leader: Heather Kutler FRANCE Those who have gone on this trip in the past come back enthused and changed! It is a great opportunity to work with our missionary Tony Loeffler in the prisons of Florida. The focus will be listening, sharing one on one, and being a friend with women in prison. Registration deadline: April 15th! Join a team of 50 committed people from different countries who have a heart to share the gospel in France. This trip will be in conjunction with our missionaries Jim and Dee Percy. While knowing French would be helpful, it is not necessary and the only requirement for going is a heart to share God’s love with others. Registration deadline: April 15th! Dates: June 20th - 27th Cost: $1,200 plus airfare to Orlando, FL Leaders: Tony & Mary Ann Loeffler Dates: July 13th - 25th Cost: $25 per day for room/board & airfare Leaders: Jim & Dee Percy PHILIPPINES CAMP GRACE NEW YORK This trip is in partnership with Emergence Church and our missionary Steve Lillis. This is a great opportunity to work with children and adults by sharing the Gospel through songs, drama, testimonies, and giving the Bible message in story form. There also will be opportunities to distribute Bibles and pray for the work and needs of the Philippines. Registration deadline: April 15th! Camp Grace can use help in the months of May and June to prepare the camp for the summer camp sessions. This will involve cleaning, light repairs, and landscaping. In August, you can volunteer as a helper with the campers ~ many of whom come from the inner city. This trip is in support of our missionaries the Braunlins. th th Dates: July 9 - 20 Cost: $2,500 Leader: Steve Lillis June 15th - 19th [Camp preparation] August 2nd ~ 8th [Camp helper] Cost: A day trip or $25/night + $10/meal Leader: Tim Braunlin Dates: Why YOU should go . . . Expand your worldview! Make new friends! NEWARK We will once again help Steve Hoernig, our missionary, run a baseball camp for inner-city children from ages 8 to 12 at Branch Brook Park in Newark. If you can help run drills, teach how to field, pitch, run bases, etc., and just be a friend, this is a great outreach for you - and you’ll have fun doing it! Teens and adults are welcome to share their knowledge of this sport with innercity kids. Dates: Cost: TBD No cost; plan to drive together from the church or drive directly from home; bring a bag lunch Leader: Steve Hoernig GREECE This trip is in support of our missionaries Tim and Donna Sirinides who serve in Athens, Greece. The focus of the trip will be to work with the many refugees that they minister to. If you have a heart for those in need and serving others, then join us on this trip. Dates: October 2nd ~ 10th Cost: $2,300 Leaders: Tim & Donna Sirinides Use your gifts and skills! Learn to depend on God! Help others! Share your faith! Encourage missionaries! Make a difference! How do I join? 2015 HGC SHORT-TERM OUTREACHES Contact Pastor David A. Schuit at or 973-427-6960, extension 150 Note: Trips outside the U.S. will require a passport, and you may need a visa and vaccinations! Limited funding is available through the Global Ministries Team for members or regular attendees of Hawthorne Gospel Church hawthorne gospel church 2000 state route 208 hawthorne, nj 07506 t: 973-427-6960 f: 973-427-4712
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