Newsletter () - Hayes Barton United Methodist Church


Newsletter () - Hayes Barton United Methodist Church
The Commissioner
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church
Pastors: Rick Clayton,
LuAnn Charlton, Jesse Baker
March 30, 2015 Vol. 14, No. 25
Newsletter Deadline: Noon on April 6
Offering Christ,
and Compassion
To Live
as Disciples
of Christ
Living a Resurrection Life
This coming Sunday, several hundred will gather at
Hayes Barton to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
the astonishing event that defines our lives as Christ followers. Each one of our services will be marked with songs of
great praise, sermons that share good news and liturgy that
unfolds a new way of thinking and living. No doubt, it will be
a glorious morning, no matter the weather. Even in the
dampness of our Sunrise service, or maybe especially then,
light will trump darkness! What a glorious thought!
Emily Dickinson once penned, “dwell in possibility.” We live
as those who believe that, even in events that we cannot
explain or would not choose to live through, God’s ways will
one day prevail, ways of love and grace and healing and
peace. We live as those who practice patience because we
understand that each step of the journey is necessary and
will add to a fuller life. We speak hope into our lives and
into the lives of others. We believe for each other when the
going gets tough. We forgive and love and pour out grace
upon each other because we know that, for the most part,
each of us is doing our best to see and experience the light
of Christ amidst the darkness of the world. We live as those
who know that one day, we will rise as Christ has risen, and
that truth changes everything we say and do in this world.
What exactly are we declaring when we celebrate resurrection? Very simply, we are following the teaching of scripture that instructs us that God conquered human sin and
death in resurrecting Jesus Christ from the dead. To help
His disciples grasp the reality of His resurrection, Jesus appears to them, inviting them to touch him and asking them
for food to eat. Jesus wants them to fully understand that
he has risen so that they can see that they are to continue
his mission in the world. For all believers, Jesus’ Great
Commission reminds us that the risen Lord is always present with us, strengthening and guiding us. In the Apostles’
Creed, the church declares, “I believe in…the resurrection
of the body….” As such, we assert that Jesus Christ’s resurrection is a preview and promise of what will happen to all
believers. Further, the resurrection allows those who believe to be filled with the Holy Spirit and alive in Christ.
When we better understand what we are commemorating,
our worship is naturally even more festive.
Of course there are moments in our lives when we struggle to remain hopeful. This is true for everyone, but it is not
the struggle that creates the skepticism. It is the decision to
let the hardship have more power than God has that begins
the downward spiral of hopelessness, negativity and bitterness. And while we all naturally have to battle these kinds
of feelings, we don’t have to stay down for long! We all
have the ability to see people and situations differently
through the resurrection power of Christ. That power, available to us at all times, is capable of lifting us from all despair. When we are living through a difficult time, we can
ask God to remind us of resurrection, to give us the tools we
need to continue to believe, to bless us with the ability to
stay hopeful when everything looks like a lost cause. God
will surely answer our prayers for new life.
Celebrating resurrection is one thing, but I find that living
it is quite another. While the details of how God raised
God’s son from the dead remain a mystery to us, most of us
are happy to embrace the idea of resurrection…the thought
that God is triumphant over death, that God offers us new
life, that all things are possible with God is very appealing.
But just like many other tenets of the Christian faith, living
out the resurrection can be quite challenging. What do I
mean by living out the resurrection? I believe that living
with a rebirth mindset means that we live as people who as
As we move beyond this Easter Sunday, may we carry
with us the truth that God is for us. God has moved on our
behalf to destroy the forces of hell and death. Whatever it is
we may be facing, God will have the final word…and it will
be a great word! May you revel in resurrection power in the
days to come.
Love and Blessings, LuAnn
The Commissioner
Stewardship Corner
Church Calendar: see
Tue. 03/31
Please remember to let us in the finance office know when
you make payments on your General Fund Pledge and/or
your pledge to The Well. If you write checks for both (or either), please be sure to write clearly on the memo line where
you intend for your gift(s) to go. If you don’t specify which
pledge you are paying, we will post it to your general fund
pledge. We can adjust later, but please help us get it right the
first time!
Wed. 04/01
Memorial Gifts through March 23
Sun. 04/05
Thu. 04/02
In Memory of Cale Burgess by Eno Beach Shag Club.
In Honor of Paige Crowther and the Little Pearls
Bible Study by Rex & Melanie Savery.
In Memory of Owen Fitzgerald:
- to the HB Endowment Fund by Eleanor Blackwell,
Louise Dail, Jim & Peggy Fain, Lou & Marcie Pucillo,
and Scott & Norma Stidham.
- to The Well Building Fund by Bob & Jeanne Burrows, John & Jane Holding, Mollie Prescott McDaniel.
In Memory of Owen Fitzgerald and in Honor of
Mary-Owens Fitzgerald to the HB Endowment Fund by
Fred & Betty Crisp.
In Memory of Roland Massey to The Well Building
Fund by Louise Dail.
In Honor of Jo Anna McMillan by Laura Cline.
In Honor of Josie Nicholson’s Confirmation Class
by Gerald & Meilia Cox.
In Memory of Lauretta Parker:
- to The Well Building Fund by Eleanor Blackwell,
Bill & Gloria Coe, Louise Dail, Tom Davis, Wilson &
Jennie Hayman, Mary Anne Lane, Port Side Townhouses,
William & Thalia Shelton, Triangle Securities Wealth
Management, Martha Waters, and Carolyn Wolf.
- to Pastor’s Discretionary Fund by Jane Walz.
In Memory of their parents, Walter & Becky Wall, to
The Well Building Fund by Delinda W. Leafdale and
Steve Wall.
Mon. 04/06
Tue. 04/07
Wed. 04/08
Thu. 04/09
Fri. 04/10
Sun. 04/12
New Member Class Starts April 8
Wednesday, April 8, 15, 22; 6:30-7:15 pm in Chapel
Sunday, April 26, 9:45-10:45 am in Children’s FH
New Member Sunday: join at 11:00 service on April 26
For more information, please contact Amy Piland at
919-832-6435 x27 or
7:30 am Men’s Breakfast
No Prayer/Communion Service
1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers
No dinner or Lenten service
Holy Thursday
7:00 am Men’s Prayer Breakfast
10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study
11:15 am Grand Age Club
7:00 pm Holy Thursday Service
Good Friday
7:00 pm Good Friday Service
Easter Day
6:30 am Sunrise Service
7:15 am Sunrise Breakfast
8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary
8:45 am LightHouse Worship
9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary
Church Offices Closed
7:00 pm Homework Club
7:30 am Men’s Breakfast
11:45 am Prayer/Communion Service
6:30 pm UMM Dinner Meeting
1:00 pm Haggai’s Helpers
1:45 pm Prayer Shawl Ministry
5:00 pm Wednesday Dinner
5:30 pm Children’s Choirs
6:30 pm Spiritual Academy
6:30 pm Children’s Spiritual Academy
6:30 pm New Member Class
7:30 pm Outreach Pathway
6:15 am HS Prayer Breakfast
10:00 am Pastor’s Lectionary Study
11:15 am Grand Age Club
7:30 pm Chancel Choir
Choir Room
8:00 pm LightHouse Practice
JOY Class Beach Retreat
5:30 pm Elem. Friday Night Fellowship
Helen Wright Meal: Circle 6
2nd Sunday of Easter
8:30 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary
8:45 am LightHouse Worship
9:50 am Noah’s Ark Breakfast
9:50 am Sunday School for All Ages
11:00 am Traditional Worship Sanctuary
Grand Age Club: Thursdays, 11:15 am
Upper Room
04/02: Avoid Scams, NC Dept. of Justice, with Caroline
Due to increases in costs of Upper Room booklets, the
cost for the booklets will increase beginning in May:
04/09: Speaker from Whitaker Glen
Small Books - $1.00
For questions: Call Mary Lib Gallagher at 782-8116.
Large Books - $1.50
We have also increased the quantity we purchase in orAttendance
der to meet the demand of our Congregation.
03/29 (8:30) 296 (8:45) 245 (11:00) 471 (SS) 482
The Commissioner
Flowers for
the Easter Floral Cross: $8
Please clearly print the names of those you wish
to honor/remember and your name(s) exactly as
you wish them to appear in print. Send this card and a
check, made out to HBUMC, to arrive by April 1, to:
HBUMC Business Office, 2209 Fairview Rd, Raleigh NC 27608
In Memory of _______________________________________
In Honor of _________________________________________
Your Name(s) ______________________________________
Phone ____________________________________________
Amount Enclosed ____________________________________
Professional Men’s
Prayer Breakfast
Special Guest Speaker: David Morken
Thursday, April 2, at 7 am in the Fellowship Hall
All men of HBUMC are invited.
Please invite peers, friends, & colleagues to attend.
The HB Professional Men’s Prayer Breakfast is
thrilled to host a larger fellowship on April 2, headlined by special guest speaker David Morken. David
is the co-founder and CEO of Bandwidth, a communications technology company based in Raleigh. At
the center of his success and leadership is his Christian faith, and he has healthily integrated this at
Bandwidth. Come hear his story and thoughts on
Faith in the workplace, and please invite your peers
and colleagues. Breakfast and coffee will be provided. Please RSVP soon to Webb Bostic at
Transitioning to the Well
As you all know, there have been several teams meeting over the last couple months to
discuss the location of our church staff, locations for various activities, and the needs for
storage and moving as we prepare for the construction of The Well. Here are a few ways
coming up in which you are invited to learn the details of the Transition Committee.
Sunday, April 12 (following the 11 am service) – Adult Sunday School Leaders
Wednesdays, April 15 and 22 (6:30-7:15 pm) – The full congregation is invited to attend
Continue to be in prayer giving thanks for this wonderful team, and for continued wisdom as we prepare for the changes
The Commissioner
Prayer Encouragement
God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticize, but that we
may intercede.
Oswald Chambers
Pray for Those Deployed
Contact Jesse Baker
or 919-832-6435 x20
AIDS Care Team
Beth Russell: 919-696-8181
Bereavement Care Ministry
Emily Barbour: 919-417-7777
Cancer Support
Mary Elizabeth Gallagher: 782-8116
Communion Ministry
Theresa & Dick Stevens: 919-866-0304
Martha Ministry
Mary Penn Sherlin: 919-781-5579
or 919-832-6435 x33
Memory Support Ministry
English Edwards: 919-625-1524
Mourning Glories
Becky Balentine: 919-783-6806
Sue Robertson: 919-832-2269
Prayer Ministry
Scott Tyler:
Prayer Requests
832-6435 x45 or
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Larry Hines: 919-781-5155
Reminiscent Outreach
Jen Smith: 919-758-8475
Stephen Ministry
Jesse Baker: 919-832-6435
Visiting Friends
Eleanor Blackwell: 919-787-7855
Peggy Underwood: 919-781-2372
Volunteer Patient Advocacy
Annette Cass: 919-606-3405
Sometimes I wondered if
I had any faith.
I sat down and thought about it.
And when I had had enough
of that I got up
and went on my way.
And that—the getting up
and going—was faith.
Mary Jean Irion
Source: Yes World
Nick Constantino, Trey Goodwin: We pray that God would “strengthen them and help
them, that He would uphold them with his righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10b
Sympathy and Love to
the family and friends of Margaret Scott, who died on March 28. Her service will be
at Hayes Barton at 11 am on Tuesday, March 31.
Dickie Thompson and family on the death of his mother, Grace Altman Thompson,
on March 29. Her service will be at Trinity UMC at 2 pm on Wednesday, April 1.
Visiting Friends
Visiting Friends Ministry visits our
church members who can no longer
actively participate in the life of the
church. Visiting Friends let our
homebound members know that
they are still loved and cared for by
the church. Team members visit
specific homebound members on a monthly basis.
Contacts: Eleanor Blackwell, 919-787-7855, or Peggy Underwood, 919-781-2372
We Want to See Jesus (John 12:20-33)
What they want is quite simple: they want to see Jesus. Maybe they think if they can
just see him, be in his presence even briefly, they will know him better, and better understand the kind of kingdom he is ushering in. They get more than they bargain for. They end
up being privy to one of Jesus’ big teachings, a teaching that eradicates any misunderstanding about the sort of kingdom he has in mind, the sort of glory he is moving toward.
The realm to which he is calling us, to which he is giving himself, will not be achieved
through physical or psychological prowess. Those who follow him will not conquer through
pride and power, but through the humility—the humiliation—of offering themselves even
unto death, losing their lives for the sake of the world. Love and forgiveness shall be the
only weapons. Regardless of how much we all might want to be whisked away from the
demands of our lives, might want to cast off the weight of the world and condemn our enemies, we serve the God of love by following love to its ultimate sacrifice.
We are not told how these listeners react to the teaching, but the scripture says the
truth of it troubles Jesus. Even Jesus thinks about trying to get out of what lies ahead. “My
soul is troubled. What shall I say—‘Father, save me from this hour’?” But then he remembers that this seemingly impossible dream is the very reason he has “come to this hour.”
So he simply says to the love of his life, his Source and Sustenance, “Glorify your name.”
Whatever I might have wanted, all of it, is yours. The success, the glory, the loss, the gain,
I lay it down.
If his own teachings are difficult for Jesus, won’t they also be difficult for us? We must
be careful not to romanticize them, not to draw too many hearts and flowers around the
edges, making them into a caricature of devotion. To be truly devoted to the realm of
mercy is not to win a personal sweepstakes, but to die. Whatever might be ours to
gain, we let it go in order to gain what we can never lose.
Kayla McClurg, Season and Scripture: John, Lent Year B
The Commissioner
Scattered to Serve on May 2
Project Partners
Backpack Buddies
Big Sweep - City of Raleigh
Boys and Girls Club
Centro Internacional de Raleigh
Clothing Ministry at First Baptist Church
Christian Life Home
Grace Home for Women
Habitat for Humanity Hayes Barton Member Assistance
Hearts & Hands for Haiti
Maple Ct. Transitional Housing for Homeless Vets
Hope Reigns
Hope School
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle
Meals on Wheels
Methodist Home for Children
Miracle League
Note in the Pocket
Oak City Outreach Center
Parkview Manor
Project Enlightenment
Safe Child
Salvation Army
Society of St. Andrew
Starnes Class
StepUp Ministry
Stop Hunger Now
The Healing Place
Urban Ministries of Wake County
Wee Care
Contact Jesse Baker
at or 919-832-6435 x20
or Anne Bryan at
or Jamey Motter at
Scattered to Serve: Sign Up Now
Nearly 40 projects have
been identified for HB’s
Scattered to Serve on
May 2. There is much
work to be done from
gardening to cleaning and construction to
companionship and everything in between.
There are jobs for kids
and youth, men and
women, families and
seniors. We have a
place for everyone to serve! See next column.
We invite you to pray about how God will use you in this
day of service and where you are called to be. Sign-up and
information on all the projects are available at:
We trust this information will aid your discernment of your
place on May 2. Hardcopy signup will be available soon.
Support the Miracle League
HBUMC Cardinals Schedule:
Friday Evening Games
4/10 & 4/17 at 7:45 pm;
4/24, 5/1 & 5/8 at 6:30 pm;
5/15 & 5/22 at 7:45 pm
at Adams Elementary School,
805 Cary Towne Blvd. Cary
Questions: Ben Thompson
Wake Interfaith Hospitality
WIHN needs volunteers
to help families return to self-sufficiency.
Monday evenings from 6-7:30 pm, 6-8 volunteers are
needed for childcare for about 25 children, from infant to 17 years, most 12 and under.
We also need volunteers to plan, prepare and serve dinner for the children during this
time. April/June dates available. To help, email
Our next host week starts May 3. Sign up online at the links below. Questions? Contact
Lisa or Nelson at 302-5055 or
Dinners - .................................. TU, WE, FR, SA needed
Set Up - ........................................................... 8 slots open
Overnite Hosts/Van - ...................... most slots open
Laundry & Tear Down - ........... most slots still open
Groceries - .................................. most items still needed
For Haiti:
Can You Help?
‘Hearts and Hands for Haiti’
needs gently used laptops or
netbooks for teachers and
students at their schools in
Haiti. Please prayerfully consider donating your old system for use in Haiti. If you
have a laptop or netbook you
want to donate, please contact Bob Jensen at 812-8127
The Commissioner
Project: Join us as we participate in the NC Big Sweep
Spring clean up project at the
Walnut Creek watershed park
area on the edge of downtown
Raleigh. We will be removing
trash from the creeks and water shed area to help protect
our drinking waters and the waters we utilize for recreational
use. We will be partnering with a local school to join forces
in this so important project. This is a wonderful event for the
entire family that will help improve the quality of all our lives.
Project Volunteers Needed:
25 adults and youth or more!
About Big Sweep:
An award-winning 501c3 nonprofit, NC Big Sweep’s purpose is to rid our environment of litter by promoting environmental education and coordinating an annual statewide
cleanup. Their mission is important because:
• Litter is a human health hazard when it attracts diseasecarrying mosquitoes or rodents. As litter decomposes, it
leaches chemicals into our groundwater. People are injured by accidentally stepping on broken glass or other
• When wildlife mistake litter for food, it can suffocate them
or clog their digestive tracts. Many will slowly starve to
death because real food can’t get past the debris they ate.
Wildlife often become entangled in litter. Once entangled,
they are rarely able to free themselves, and they often
attract other wildlife to the same hazard.
• Litter also hurts our economy. Businesses don’t want to
locate in trashy areas. Tourists won’t linger in trashy areas. They won’t spend money, and they won’t return with
their friends.
NC Big Sweep was founded as Beach Sweep in 1987 by
Dr. Lundie Spence of the NC Sea Grant College Program.
In that seminal year, the Sweep was nothing more than a
hastily-planned coastal cleanup. However, our success that
year, attracting over 1,000 volunteers and collecting over 14
tons of debris, allowed the Sweep to grow and rapidly expand inland. In 1989, our public-private partnership officially
became Big Sweep, the nation’s first statewide waterway
cleanup. We expanded our mission in 2002 to include not
just our waterways but our whole environment. Since our
founding, NC Big Sweep has had almost 335,000 volunteers and collected over 11 million pounds of trash from our
environment in North Carolina.
NC Big Sweep, Inc. is the 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
that plans and coordinates the statewide Big Sweep. We
are involved in several stewardship projects, including the
Marina Monofilament Line Recycling Project and the Pier
Litter Educational Campaign; and we have been commended by the NC Coastal Resources Commission for the
12-month Adopt-A-Beach pilot program.
Scattered to Serve
This month, our Ministry Spotlights will highlight a few of the
organizations participating in this day of service:
Project: Clean stables and trail clearing. Plus make minor
repairs to the facilities.
Project Volunteers Needed:
Up to 35 adults, youth, and children…Family Friendly!
About Hope Reins:
Vision – Provide True Hope & Real Healing for Every Child
Mission – To provide comfort to hurting children and their
families by providing one-on-one sessions between caring
leaders and extraordinary ‘equine counselors,’ many of
whom are rescued horses and faced abuse and neglect
themselves. All services are free of charge.
Our team will build a chicken tractor. These movable
chicken coops are designed to fertilize pastures or gardens.
The construction will take place at a site of our choice and
the finished chicken tractors will be transported to the InterFaith Food Shuttle Farm site later.
Project Volunteers Needed:
9 adults and youth
Assist with a variety of activities on the farm to include
planting and/or harvesting, mulching, weeding, moving livestock fencing, and other farm tasks.
Project Volunteers Needed:
20 adults, youth and children
About Inter-Faith Food Shuttle:
Inter-Faith Food Shuttle is an innovative hunger-relief organization serving seven counties in and around the Triangle. We believe hunger IS fixable if the community works
together to do two things: create sources of healthy food in
every low-income neighborhood and grow opportunities for
people to provide for themselves by learning job skills or
growing their own food. From BackPack Buddies to nutrition
education, mobile markets to community gardens, culinary
job training to urban agriculture training, we go directly to
people in need and create what works to empower them. We
feed. We teach. We grow…to create a hunger-free and
healthy community.
The Commissioner
Wednesday Dinners
Normal Dinners (5-6:30 pm)
$6 (adults); $3 (children)
04/01: No dinner
04/08: BREAKFAST! Baked
Cheese Omelet, Bacon,
Grits and Biscuits with Gravy
RSVP by noon on Mondays:
- Reply to weekly email.
- Call 832-6435 x34, leave
RSVP information.
Questions? 832-6435 x24 or
Youth Ministries
Contact Josh French
at or x25
or Emily Newman
at or x17
Homework Club
The Seeds of Hope Homework Club is in need of:
new or gently used board games for ages 4 and up
new or gently used books (same age range)
card games and flash cards
Please be sure that all the game pieces or cards are included. Please contact:
Heather Pace: or
Jill Fletcher:
to arrange a drop off time and location.
There is an opportunity with Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N) and Homework Club to become a mentor once a week for after school tutoring. N2N provides training. Seeds of
Hope Homework Club students are in need of further tutoring in English and reading
to reach grade level. Tutoring is Monday through Thursday, and 4 to 12 individuals
can rotate one day a week or one day every other week to cover the tutoring of one
child. Please call Jill Fletcher at 919-909-5100 if you are interested.
JOY Class Notes: March 29
The JOY Class celebrated Palm Sunday! Our highlights included: doughnuts
for all the students returning their penny
jars, featured artwork by awesome artist
Katharine Collie, birthdays and anniversaries read by Henry Jones, a thank-you
note read by Wade Ferrell. Team 7 was
our service team. Thanks to Sam Crawford, Henry Jones, Nicholas & Harrison
Rose, who served as acolytes and crucifers from the JOY Class on March 29
Register Now for Youth Missions
SLAM Nashville: June 21-27
Info Meeting on 4/26 - 14 youth spots
Student Life: July 27-31
Info Meeting on April 19 - full
Go to:
Elementary Friday Night
Friday, April 10, 5:30 - 8:30 pm
in the Main Fellowship Hall
1st-5th Grades - Bring $5 for dinner
Join us for dinner, fun and games.
(No younger siblings, please)
Contact Liz Merritt
at or x22
or Laurie Harrell
at or x13
Extended Session Volunteers
2s 04/05 Allison & Will Eckstein
04/12 Tara & Stephen Peed
3s 04/05 Blair & Phillip Kennedy
04/12 Anne & Stephen Koster
4s 04/05 Volunteer Needed
04/12 Juli & Henry Clark
5s 04/05 Tonya & Darrin Chapman
04/12 Mary-Kathryn & Jeff Connor
Scholarships for HS Seniors
On 2/26, scholarship applications
were mailed to seniors and are due
back to HB by 3/31. For questions,
please call Fil Stidham, Scholarship
Committee Chair, at 781-7118.
Middle School Girls Retreat
May 1-3 at Camp Don Lee
We’re less than 2 months away from
our Middle School Girls Retreat! Be
sure to save the weekend of May 1-3 to
join Emily, LuAnn, Melanie Tharrington, and more for a great weekend getaway!
Information is available at:
Sign up online at:
Weekday Preschool
We have just one space in 4’s. For other
ages, we have short waiting lists. For
information, contact Amy Mattheis at
832-9535 or
Volunteers Needed
The Children’s Department is looking
for help in filling our ministry teams. If
you are interested in joining either the
Nursery Ministry Team or the Extended
Session Team, please contact us and we
will fill you in on the details.
Nursery Ministry Team - Casey Parvin at
Extended Session Team - Fay Luihn at
The Commissioner
This newsletter is also available by email as a pdf, and can be found on the web at
The Commissioner (USPS 021732) is
published weekly, except one week in
December, one week in August, &
every other week in June/July. Periodical postage paid at Raleigh, NC by:
Hayes Barton United Methodist Church
2209 Fairview Road
Raleigh, NC 27608-2240
United Methodist Church
2209 Fairview Road
Raleigh, NC 27608-2240
Ph: 919-832-6435
Fax: 919-832-4029
Postmaster: Send address changes to:
The Commissioner, PO Box 6088,
Raleigh, NC 27628-6088.
7:00 pm - Rick Clayton
“Stories of Grace and Love”
The story of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet has a
rather obvious meaning: that we are to serve one
another. But the description of Jesus laying aside
his garments for this task points back to his words
about the good shepherd who lays down his life for
the sheep. Taking the role of a slave and washing
his disciples’ feet points to the meaning of his death
and resurrection, a cleansing from sin and restoration of true faith in God.
John 13:1-17; 31b-35
March 30, 2015
Vol. 14, No. 25
Exodus 12:1-14; Psalm 116:1-4, 12-19
1 Corinthians 11:23-26; John 13:1-17; 31b-35
Publisher: Doug Gill
919-832-6435 ext. 26
Isaiah 52:13–53:12; Psalm 22
Hebrews 10:16-25; John 18:1–19:42
7:00 pm
Reading the Passion Narrative with music provided
by the Chancel Choir.
Sign Up Now for
Scattered to Serve - see p. 5 & 6
Acts 10:34-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Cor. 15:1-11; John 20:1-18 or Mark 16:1-8
6:30 am - Jesse Baker
“Whom Are You Looking For?”
One of Jesus’ greatest teaching tools is asking
questions that move his hearers toward the truth.
Mary just wanted the body of Jesus. When Jesus
asked Mary whom she was looking for, he revealed
to Mary the truth of the resurrection.
John 1:1-18
8:30 am/11:00 am - Rick Clayton
“Peace My Peeps”
By trusting in the Risen Jesus, anyone can become
a friend of God, one of God’s “peeps.” Acts 10:34-43
8:45 am LightHouse - LuAnn Charlton
“Recognizing the Christ”
Mary recognized the living Christ. She recognized
that life force in her midst. And it’s exactly the same
for us. We have the risen Christ right in front of
us. We have a life force in our midst. Can we recognize it?
John 20:1-18
The Commissioner
In This Newsletter
Methodist Men
Dinner Meeting
on Tuesday,
April 7
Please join the United Methodist Men on Tuesday, April 7, at
6:30 pm in the FH. Come and
get to know our new organist,
Stephen Aber. We will also be
showcasing some of the musical talent of our men. Dinner is
just $6 per person. Please
RSVP to Joe Burroughs at 919218-2632 by Friday, April 3, or
email if
you’d like to join us.
Calendar ...................................... p. 2
Children’s Ministries..................... p. 7
Floral Cross ................................. p. 3
Grand Age Club........................... p. 2
Holy Week and Easter Sunday.... p. 3
Homework Club ........................... p. 7
Laptops for Haiti .......................... p. 5
Living a Resurrection Life ............ p. 1
Memorial Gifts ............................. p. 2
Miracle League ............................ p. 5
New Member Class ..................... p. 2
Outreach Pathway ................... p. 5, 6
Professional Men’s Breakfast ...... p. 3
Scattered to Serve................... p. 5, 6
Stewardship Corner..................... p. 2
Support Pathway ......................... p. 4
Transitioning to The Well............. p. 3
Upper Room ................................ p. 2
Visiting Friends Ministry............... p. 4
Wake Interfaith Hospitality........... p. 5
Wednesday Dinners .................... p. 7
Youth Ministries ........................... p. 7