College of Public Health University of South Florida
College of Public Health University of South Florida
College of Public Health University of South Florida Department of Family Health Syllabus Online Course Name: Foundations of Maternal and Child Health Prefix & Number: HSC 4579 Sections: 311 Semester: Spring 2015 Course Description: Credit hours: The purpose of this introduction course is to provide an overview of maternal and child health issues and trends. With this primary aim, the objectives are organized around the knowledge of health assessment and interventions for families and children. 3 Pre-Requisites: None; prefer students to be junior or senior status Co-Requisites: None Location: Web-based; computer-aided instruction/asynchronous (Canvas) Instructor Information: Instructor Maridelys Detres, MA. Department: Community and Family Health Office hours: by appointment only Teaching Assistant Information: Preferred Method of Contact: Email is the most reliable way to reach the instructor. Students can expect a reply within 24 hours if sent during the week, and 36-48 hours if sent during a weekend. TA Shana Green, MPH Tech Assistance Use the Tech Assistance button on the course website. The Tech Assistance button links to the Technical Support page of the Office of Educational Technology & Assessment website at: Select from any of the available options. Students will receive a reply WITHIN 24 hours via phone or email based on student preference. During Exams: During normal business days (M-F 8:30 am to 5:00 pm) and during extended hours (Sunday, Monday, and Thursday from 5:00 pm to 10:00 pm) students can contact the ETA office for assistance. 1-888-USF-COPH (option #3) or 813-974-6666. Also, Jung Lim is available for assistance and can be reached at Students in all online public health courses are expected to meet the basic technology requirements to successfully participate in their courses. Failure to meet these requirements may cause problems accessing the course materials. Syllabus Page 1 College of Public Health University of South Florida It is the student's responsibility to ensure all requirements are met prior to the start of the semester. Special Technology Requirements for this course: · DSL/Cable internet connection; · Recommended use of Windows Media Player10 for video viewing; · MS Word or other .doc/.docx word processing software. NO WORD PERFECT Pre-requisite technology skills: Computer Proficiency Required Materials: Course Format: Syllabus Textbook available online 1. Go to or other online vendors such as 2. Search for and select book by Title, ISBN, or Author ISBN: 978-1449611590 Title: Maternal and Child Health: Programs, Problems and Policy in Health, 3rd Ed Author: Jonathan B. Kotch 3. Add the book to your cart and pay using a credit card or access code. * Note: the first two chapters are available under the sample materials tab at: Bookstore This course is offered through Canvas and consists of 8 modules. Each module is expected to take one to two weeks to complete. Students must meet the required deadlines for exams and assignments unless they receive PRIOR approval from the instructor. The deadlines are provided to measure progress and to keep the student on track.Types of activities, types of media used, group vs. individual work, synchronous/asynchronous. Page 2 College of Public Health University of South Florida Learning Objectives: (Objectives must be numbered) By the end of the semester, the student will be able to: 1. Describe the historical background and contemporary trends of maternal and child health 2. Describe the Life Course Perspective as it pertains to maternal and child health 3. Explain the pertinent issues related to women’s health 4. Describe the biological and psychosocial basis of health and disease within the perinatal health continuum (i.e., preconception, interconception, pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, newborn, child) 5. Explain pregnancy and childbirth 6. Identify the most common complications of pregnancy for the mother and the baby including the causes of low birth weight and premature infants 7. Discuss factors related to infant health and toddlerhood 8. Discuss factors related to adolescent health 9. Identify the common causes of morbidity and mortality among children and adolescents 10. Identify examples of maternal and child health interventions, programs and public health policies in the United States. 11. Understand general maternal and child health policy and practice Syllabus Page 3 College of Public Health University of South Florida Assessment Strategies: The course is asynchronous with regular assessments. For each of the eight modules, the student will be required to: a) Read assigned chapters in the textbook b) View assigned PowerPoint slide presentations, lectures and videos c) Read all of the assigned articles, chapters or publications posted on Canvas d) Complete discussion board posts Additionally the student will be required to complete self-introduction, syllabus quiz, 1 topic selection assignment, 2 discussion board assignments, 8 quizzes, 2 class participation posts, 1 advocacy opinion post, and a final written assignment (i.e., professional memo) with an optional draft memo assignment (instructor will provide feedback but the assignment will not be graded). Group Participation Syllabus Quiz SelfIntroduction Graded Assignments Due to the large number of students in this course, students will be assigned to a group at the beginning of the semester. Each group will include 10 students. Each group will have access to their own Group Participation area, where threads will be made available for members to share their thoughts, reactions, questions and concerns regarding the topics discussed during 2 of the 8 course modules. Students are required to contribute to each of the two group participation discussions (Module 2 & Module 7) and thoughtfully interact with their group peers. Each group participation activity is worth 5 points for a total of 10 points. The Syllabus Quiz covers items and key terms presented within this course’s syllabus and glossary. This quiz is worth 10 points, and is due on Thursday, January 8th at 11:59pm EST. This quiz will count as your first day attendance! The purpose of this activity is to briefly introduce yourselves to the instructors and your peers. Students must post a current, appropriate photo of him/herself (and this may be a good opportunity to update your profile picture if you so choose) as well a written introduction of at least one paragraph in the specified thread on his/her Group’s Discussion Board area. Students should include: · · · · · Quizzes Syllabus where they are from; their academic year and major; maternal and child health topics of specific interest; professional goals; and something interesting about themselves. This activity is worth 10 points. See Course Schedule for due date. There are selected chapters, articles and videos for each of the 8 modules in this course. Students will need to read and view all assignments to do well on the quizzes. Quiz questions are drawn from all required materials (book chapters, Page 4 College of Public Health University of South Florida power point presentations including narratives, articles, audio lectures & videos). Students must work alone on the quizzes. Quizzes are considered “open book” and students may refer to their textbook and articles if they need to verify the correct answer to a question. Quizzes are to be completed only by the student registered for the course --students are not allowed to work together with other students or with any other individual. Quizzes are meant to test a factual understanding of the readings and presentations. They are multiple choice and true/false questions meant to assess pertinent information in a straightforward manner. Questions for the quizzes are part of a test bank of questions and are randomly assigned to students. No two quizzes are alike. The quizzes will be posted on Monday. You will have until Sunday at 11:59pm EST to open and take the quiz – Module 8 Quiz, which is due on Friday of the last week of class as per academic calendar requirements. Topic Selection Discussion Assignments Each quiz is worth 50 points. Be sure to note the due date for each quiz. Each quiz includes 25 questions, worth 2 points each. Quizzes are timed and limited to 60 minutes. Students will be able to review their quiz only by request. At such time the instructor will choose the most appropriate method to do so. Students must choose a Maternal or Child Health topic for the Advocacy Opinion Post and the Memo Assignment. Topic choices are provided under the "People" tab à "View User Groups" (located at top right). Do NOT select the Student Groups tab. A list of topics is available to join. Once you have selected a topic (group) that has not been joined by another student, click "join this group". You will receive 5 points for completing this activity. No topic can be chosen by more than one student. During the semester two discussion questions will be posted by the instructor (due dates appear in Discussion Assignments section). Each assignment will total 30 points. Threads will be provided within the Discussion Board for each Group. Each student is expected to review the discussion board regularly. Every student must first develop an intellectual opinion about the subject answering the questions provided and then provide a thought-provoking overall response to his/her group peers’ opinions. The Initial Post (“Opinion Post”) Students will post their thoughts on the topic based on other published, peerreviewed articles or readings. To receive credit for initial postings, each student will cite at least one reference from a peer reviewed journal source and post an opinion of at least 250 words to a maximum of 350 words. A maximum of 18 points are available for the initial post. Response Post After reading all the initial (opinion) posts from his/her Group, the student will Syllabus Page 5 College of Public Health University of South Florida post one response post of at least 250 words to a maximum of 350 words on a separate thread. In this response post, each student must provide a thoughtful reflection on his/her Group members’ opinions on the assigned topic. Please do not respond to just one group member, as stated, your response should be a thoughtful reflection of your other Group members’ opinions on the assigned topic. Be sure to note areas in which agreements or disagreements occur among group members, and why. See the discussiongrading rubric in Canvas for more details on how the response post will be evaluated. Advocacy Opinion Post A maximum of 12 points are available for the response post. NOTE: This is an important learning activity. Students should review and be familiar with the grading rubric, available under this assignment in Canvas, as well as other guidelines posted on Canvas. Students will have chosen a Maternal or Child Health topic to advocate for as part of the Topic Selection Assignment. A general discussion board thread will be available on Canvas for students to post a message about their chosen topic. This post must include: • At least 2-3 sentences explaining why the topic is important to MCH with supporting information or opinions on why the topic is a concern and will continue to be a concern in the future. • At least 2-3 sentences on possible solutions that can be applied to improve MCH outcomes in regards to the selected topic. Memo Assignment The Advocacy Opinion Post is worth 5 points. See Course Schedule for due date. Students will write a professional Memo-formatted paper detailing the significance of their selected topic based on their findings from a short literature review. This assignment will be 3-4 full pages in length, and will be required to follow APA format. Specific guidelines for this assignment will be provided to students on a separate document, via Canvas. Students must carefully read and follow the instructions for this assignment. Students can optionally submit a draft version of their memo assignment by Sunday, March 22nd, 2015 at 11:59pm EST to receive feedback from the instructor. This optional submission is not graded. The instructor will review submitted memo drafts and provide detailed individual feedback by Sunday, April 5th, 2015. ALL students must submit a final version of their memo assignment for grading to the Instructor by Wednesday, April 22rd, 2015 at 11:59pm EST. NOTE: Details about the requirements and grading rubric for this assignment will be provided. Syllabus Page 6 College of Public Health University of South Florida This course Choose an item. the following Choose an item. Competencies. Competency 1.b. Assess social and behavioral interventions to improve the health of populations. 2.a. Identify topics pertaining to public health research Demonstrate awareness about current public health topics including an analysis of the societal attitudes that generate differences on current public health topics 3.a. Demonstrate an ability to contribute effectively to group discussion and presentations 4.a. Demonstrate the use of information literacy skills such as locating and evaluating pertinent public health information 4.b. Demonstrate the ability to use library resources and scientific databases Learning Objectives Assessment Strategies 1-7 3,4,5 1-7 3,4, 5 1-7 3, 4, 5 1-7 1, 4 1-7 4,5 1-7 4, 5 1-7 4,5 2.c. 4.c. Exhibit proper referencing secondary materials in APA format. Syllabus Page 7 College of Public Health University of South Florida Grading Scale and Criteria: Grading Policies: Total points Percent Letter grade 495-550 100 – 90 A 440-494 89.99 – 80 B 385-439 79.99 – 70 C 330-384 69.99 – 60 D Students will be graded individually on points earned divided by total number of points. There will be no curve and grades will not be rounded. Total Points Available: 550 This course does not allow the S / U grading option. To receive an incomplete, you must have completed half of the required assignments and have obtained a passing grade. Incomplete grades are given at the discretion of the instructor. Assessment of discussion board participation and the final memo assignment are graded by the instructor with the help of scoring rubrics, which may be reviewed on Canvas by all students. Quizzes are graded by Canvas. Each quiz question is worth 2 points. Refer to last section of the syllabus - titled Course Schedule. COURSE POLICIES Online Attendance & Participation: As this is an online class, attendance and participation is viewed as regular entry into the class within Canvas, timely submission of all assignments and completion of quizzes, and active participation in the online discussion board assignment. First Day Attendance: You must complete the syllabus quiz by Thursday at 11:59 pm. This will count as your first day attendance. Anyone who has not completed the syllabus quiz by this deadline will be dropped from the course. Late Assignments/Quizzes Policy Only with acceptable documentation of a valid and acceptable reason for missing the exam (doctor’s notes, receipt or invoice from service provider, et cetera) within 48 hours of the missed assignment, and the student will be able to take a missed quiz or submit a missed assignment and receive FULL CREDIT. The time by which the missed quiz or assignment should be completed will be arranged between the instructor and the student. Quizzes that are left untaken will be marked as a zero. NOTE: Any technical issues that prevent you from accessing or completing a quiz or submitting an assignment must be reported Syllabus Page 8 College of Public Health University of South Florida to ETA immediately. You can contact ETA by calling 813-9741666 during regular business hours, clicking the Tech Assistance link on the home page of the course or by navigating to this webpage: Permission to Use Lectures: Instructor Expectations: Incomplete Policy: See Institutional Policies section for Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity. All unauthorized recordings of class are prohibited. Recordings that accommodate individual student needs must be approved in advance and may be used for personal use during the semester only; redistribution is prohibited. • Students are expected to stay current on course readings and course content. It is critical that students listen to all course lectures. Information on quizzes may be included on audio recordings that are not included in PowerPoint notes alone. • Students are encouraged to participate in course discussion and ask questions to promote critical thinking and stay engaged in the course content. • Students are also expected to follow all guidelines as described in the Netiquette section. • Students in this course can expect to be treated fairly and respectfully by their instructor as well as their classmates. This course does not allow the S / U grading option. To receive an incomplete, you must have completed half of the required assignments and have obtained a passing grade. Incomplete grades are given at the discretion of the instructor. Field Trip Policy: COPH policy: N/A Schedule Change Policy: Changes to the syllabus or course schedule will be updated within Canvas and an announcement will be posted. Course Calendar COURSE MATERIALS ARE LINKED WITHIN Week Week 1 Jan 5 Jan 11 Syllabus Topic Readings/Activities Assignments Due Module 1: Introduction - Maternal and Child Health Overview Syllabus quiz Overview of Textbook MCH due by Chapters 1 and 2 Thursday, January 8th, Available online under Sample Materials tab 11:59 pm EST at 11590/ Self- Page 9 College of Public Health University of South Florida • Canvas MCH timeline ( Maternal and Child Health Bureau fact sheet introduction due by Sunday, January 11th, 11:59pm EST Mandatory Video(s) No mandatory videos this week. Week 2 Life Course Jan 12 – Perspective Jan 18 PowerPoint(s) • Course Overview • History of MCH • Contemporary MCH Issues and Trends Module 2: Life Course Perspective Textbook Chapter 4: pages 65 – 73 • Mandatory Video(s) Brain Hero – Center for the Developing Child Harvard University • “Changing Paradigms in Maternal and Child Health: Innovative Lessons from the Life Course” (90 min) by Dr. Cheri Pies – UAB ** Please watch from 5:10 – 21:57. The rest of the video is optional. • • • • • Syllabus Canvas Lu, M & Halfon, N. Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Birth Outcomes: A LifeCourse Perspective Module 1 & 2 Quiz due by Sunday, January 18th, 11:59pm EST Group Participation for Section 2 due by Sunday, January 18th, 11:59pm EST PowerPoint(s) Life Course Perspective Overview of Child Health Optional Videos and Resources “Federal Overview: MCHB’s Current and Future LifeCourse Activities” (24 minutes) Laura Kavanaugh, MPP–MCHB, HRSA (5/19/11) "Life Course Health Development: A Framework to Guide Research, Practice, and Health Reform" (91 min) Neal Halfon. CityMatCH Emerging Issues in MCH (EMCH) Webcast. Page 10 College of Public Health University of South Florida Week 3 Pregnancy Jan 19 – and Prenatal Jan 25 Care 2008. Module 3: Pregnancy and Childbirth Textbook Chapter 6: pages 119 – 126 Canvas No required readings this week. Mandatory Video(s) Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth visualized E70 **Please watch from 2.00 – 6.00 The rest is optional. This clip shows the development of the fetus from conception to birth. What Happens in the Womb: Conception to Birth E9b8 Video that shows how fetal development is affected by stress. • • • • • • Week 4 Childbirth Jan 26 – Feb 1 Optional Videos and Resources National Geographic – In the Womb 1 - 10 HHWU& list=PLA0D32F4B455EC0D5 **This is a series of videos from National Geographic’s In the Womb series Canvas Miesnick et al. (2007) “A review of issues surrounding medically elective cesarean delivery” (PDF) • Syllabus PowerPoint(s) Prenatal Care and Pregnancy; Pregnancy Terminology Textbook No required textbook reading this week. • • Topic Selection due by Sunday, January 25th, 11:59pm EST Mandatory Video(s) Video 1: Miracle of Birth 3D Medical Animation Cesarean Birth (Csection) Discussion # 1: Initial Post due by Wednesday, January 28th, 11:59pm EST Response: due by Sunday, February 1st, 11:59pm PowerPoint(s) Childbirth and Prenatal Education Page 11 College of Public Health University of South Florida • Labor and Birth process Optional Videos and Resources • Life's Greatest Miracle • Live Cesarean (c-section) Week 5 Feb 2 – Feb 8 Preterm Birth and Infant Mortality Textbook No required textbook reading this week. Canvas March of Dimes Fact sheet on preterm birth; MacDorman (2008) Recent trends in infant mortality (PDF) • • Mandatory Video(s) Low Birth Weight's Impact on the Health Care System The Mystery of Black-White Differences in Infant Mortality The Unspoken Truth: Infant Mortality + Low Birth Weight • • • Week 6 Feb 9 Feb 15 Infancy and ToddlerhoodPhysical and Cognitive Development PowerPoint(s) • Preterm Birth and Infant Mortality Module 4: Infant and Child Health Textbook Chapter 7 • • Week 7 Infancy and Feb 16 – ToddlerhoodFeb 22 Psychosocial Development • • Child Health • • • Syllabus Module 3 Quiz due by Sunday, February 8th, 11:59pm EST Mandatory Video(s) Developmental milestones PowerPoint(s) Infancy and Toddlerhood-Physical development Newborn Nutrition and Feeding Textbook Chapter 8 Canvas Skolnik, R. (2013). “Chapter 10-Child Health” (PDF) The Science of Neglect: The Persistent Absence of Responsive Care Disrupts the Developing Brain (PDF) Module 4 Quiz due by Sunday February 22nd, 11:59pm EST Mandatory Video(s) Learn the Signs - Act Early Psychosocial development Page 12 College of Public Health University of South Florida PowerPoint(s) Infancy and Toddlerhood – Psychosocial Development • Week 8 Writing Feb 23 – Memos Mar 1 Optional Videos and Resources Broken Child Textbook No required reading this week. • Canvas Memo Assignment Guidelines Purdue Online Writing Lab: Memos ( 590/1/) APATutorial APA Style Sheet APA Sample Reference Page Sample • • • • • • Week Mar 2Mar 7 Week 9 Mar 9 – Mar 15 SPRING BREAK Adolescent health; Physical and Cognitive development Child/ Adolescent Health: Focus on childhood obesity Week 10 Nutrition Mar 16- through a Mar 22 lifespan Syllabus Advocacy Opinion Post due by Sunday March 1st, 11:59pm EST Module 5: Adolescent Health Textbook Chapter 9 • Canvas Coleman et al “Engaging Families in the Fight against the Overweight epidemic among Children” (PDF) PowerPoint(s) • Adolescent Health • Childhood Obesity • Unintentional Injury Module 6: Reproductive Health Textbook Chapter 14 • • • Mandatory Video(s) Preconception Nutrition Pregnancy Nutrition Benefits of Breastfeeding • PowerPoint(s) Nutrition Through the Lifespan Module 5 Quiz due by Sunday March 15th, 11:59pm EST Optional Memo Assignment Draft due by Sunday, March 22nd 11:59pm EST Page 13 College of Public Health University of South Florida Week 11 Heredity Mar 23Mar 29 Textbook No required textbook reading this week. • • • • Week 12 PreMar 30- conception Apr 5 • PowerPoint(s) Nutritional genomics and Epigenetics Textbook No required textbook reading this week. Canvas Harelick et al.(2011) Preconception Health and low SES • Mandatory Video(s) Healthy Women Healthy Families: Planning for Your Pregnancy Week 13 Introduction to Apr 6Women’s Health Apr 12 PowerPoint(s) Preconception Health Module 7: Women’s Health Textbook Chapter 11 • Canvas Why Do People Postpone Parenthood • Mandatory Video(s) What is Feminism Today? • • • • Syllabus Mandatory Video(s) Chapter 1 Passing on Your DNA Epigenetics and Diet Nutrigenomics and Epigentics • • Week 14 Family Apr 13- Planning Apr 19 Canvas Early Experiences can alter gene expression and affect long-term development PowerPoint(s) Introduction to Women’s Health Women’s Sexuality Women’s Health Special Topics Textbook Chapter 5 Mandatory Video(s) Methods of Contraception Discussion # 2: Initial Post due by Wednesday, March 25, 11:59pm EST Response: due by Sunday, March 29th, 11:59pm EST Module 6 Quiz due by April 5th, 11:59pm EST ** Instructor provides feedback to students on Memo Assignment ** Module 7 Quiz due by Sunday, April 19th, 11:59pm EST Page 14 College of Public Health University of South Florida Group Participation for Module 7 due by Sunday, April 19th, 11:59pm EST Module 8: Maternal and Child Health Interventions: Policy and Practice Week 15 Policy and Memo Textbook Apr 20- Practice AssignmentChapter 20 Apr 24 Final due by Canvas Wednesday, • Knitzer et al. (2006). “Helping the April 22nd most vulnerable infants, toddlers, 11:59pm EST and their families” (PDF) • • PowerPoint(s) Family Planning (Contraception and Abortion)· Misra et al. (2003). “Integrated Perinatal Health Framework: A multiple determinants model with a life span approach”. (PDF) • Mandatory Video(s) Child maltreatment • • • PowerPoint(s) Policy and Practice of MCH Intimate Partner Violence The History of the HPV Vaccine Module 8 Quiz due by Friday, April 24th, 11:59pm EST Optional Videos and Resources International father involvement Pies et al. (2011) “Integrating the Life Course Perspective into a Local Maternal and Child Health Program.” • Textbook: Chapters 3 and 18 • • Syllabus • • • • • Websites of Interest Healthy Start Florida Hillsborough County Health Department Florida Department of Health - MCH March of Dimes Futures with Violence • • • • • Champions for Children MCH Bureau CDC Maternal and Child Health Association of Teachers of MCH Childbirth Connection Page 15 College of Public Health University of South Florida • • OpenCourseWare Coalition for Improving Maternity Health INSTITUTIONAL POLICIES & STUDENT RESOURCES Go to: Institutional Policies information & Student Resources or Syllabus Page 16