- Healthwatch Bristol


- Healthwatch Bristol
May 2015 e-bulletin
Welcome to the Healthwatch Bristol e-bulletin. The content is a mixture of local,
regional information regarding health, wellbeing and social care services.
If you have any events or information that you would like us to include in our
e-bulletin please contact us at healthwatchbristol@thecareforum.org.uk
We need information for the next edition by 20 May.
If you have a group, event or organisation relating to health and wellbeing that you
would like to be listed for free please contact Well Aware T: 0808 808 5252
or E: infoservices@thecareforum.org.uk
Local Events
Local Information
Local Events
Local Events
Bristol Parent Carers’ monthly support
Wednesday 13 May 10.30am – 12.30pm,
Visually impaired running – beginners’
Phoenix Social Enterprise, 5 Russell Town
Avenue, Lawrence Hill, BS5 9LT
Sunday 10 May 10am, Ashton Court Estate,
Support group for parent carers offering
Long Ashton, Bristol, BS41 9JN
a safe, supportive place to talk freely
This taster session is for anyone aged 16+
and openly, an opportunity to learn about
who is visually impaired and wants to try
participation in Bristol Parent Carers and a
running. The taster session is linked to a
range of information from other organisations.
regular North Somerset Athletic Club family
Childcare and transport costs are reimbursed
running session which happens at Ashton
(please bring a ticket or receipt). Booking is
Court every Sunday morning. Under 16s
not needed.
are welcome providing a parent/guardian is
T: 0117 9396645 ext 204
present and able to participate. The taster
W: www.bristolparentcarers.org.uk
session is free and is for all fitness levels
and abilities. No previous experience is
Market engagement event: Bristol, North
needed. Guide runners will be present to
Somerset and South Gloucestershire
support you if required. Support to join a
children’s community health services relocal running group or club near you will
commissioning programme
also be provided. For more information and Thursday 14 May 9am-1pm, venue in central
to book a space contact Anna West.
Bristol (further details provided on RSVP)
T: 07718 394 516
Bristol, North Somerset and South
E: awest@englandathletics.org
Gloucestershire (BNSSG) Clinical
W: http://tinyurl.com/m37e4n5
Commissioning Groups (CCGs), along with
Link Age Stockwood Wellbeing Day
Wednesday 13 May 10am-2pm, South
Bristol Sports Centre, West Town Lane,
Link Age launches their programme of
Wellbeing Days across Bristol in Stockwood
this month. The Wellbeing days are aimed
at people over 55 and all feature several
taster sessions of different activities that
improve mental and/or physical wellbeing.
There will also be wellbeing advice and
community information. There is no need to
book, but for more information contact Gina
T: 0117 971 5873
W: http://tinyurl.com/oukhy2u
E: enquiries@linkagewestofengland.org.
Bristol City Council, South Gloucestershire
Council and NHS England, are recommissioning children’s community health
services across the BNSSG area. As part of
the engagement phase, and in preparation
for the formal procurement commencing in
2016, the commissioning partners are hosting
a market engagement event, details of which
are available through the contracts finder
portal at: http://tinyurl.com/kf38lud
The event will:
• raise awareness amongst the provider
market of the commissioners’ recommissioning intentions
• give organisations the opportunity to start
building the resources and relationships
required to bid successfully for the services
• allow the provider market to engage with
the commissioners at the specification
writing stage.
Local Events
The event is being held at a formative stage
of the re-commissioning programme, so
providers are encouraged to bring a range
of attendees, including with both corporate
and clinical skill-sets. The project team will
provide information on the commissioners’
general proposed approach, as well as
inviting attendees to participate in some
focused work on several key topics.
They do not offer a counselling or crisis
Bus fares will be refunded on presentation
of the ticket. Bus routes 75, 76 stop near
T: 0797 243 7586
E: bsn@bristolmind.org.uk
W: www.bristolsurvivorsnetwork.
What would your ideal local energy tariff
look like?
Monday 18 May 2-5pm, Watershed, 1
Canon’s Road, Harbourside, Bristol BS1 5TX
The Centre for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
is holding a half-day workshop which will
bring together stakeholders from across the
West of England to explore what an ideal
local energy tariff might look like and help
participants understand what new, locally
designed energy tariffs could realistically
deliver for local households, communities
and businesses. Discussions will be informed
by expert input from Ovo Communities about
the nature and scale of options available and
the likely tariff implications of the choices
being considered. Places are limited and
booking is essential. To register to attend,
please email your details to Simon Roberts,
Chief Executive, Centre for Sustainable
E: simone@cse.org.uk
Shared Space British Muslim and Jewish
Art Exhibition
21 - 24 May, The Old Foyer of The Colston
Hall, Colston Street, Bristol, BS1 5AR
This exhibition has been designed to create
a visual dialogue to provoke discussions that
raise awareness and understanding of the
cultural relationship between Muslims and
Jews. Shared Space will be accompanied
by a programme of workshops and
performances. The exhibition is open for four
days from 21 to 24 May. Please check the
website for opening hours and to view the
W: www.salaamshalom.org.uk
Bristol Survivors Network
Tuesday 19 May 12.30-2pm Windmill Hill
City Farm, St Philips Street, Bedminster,
Bristol Survivors Network is a group of
people who have lived experience of mental
health difficulties. They gather information
about what is going on in mental health
services and campaign to improve things.
Their social meetings are an opportunity to
find out about the group and a chance to talk
about your own concerns.
People in Health West of England
progress and practice in public
Wednesday 3 June 9.30am–3.30pm, Vassall
Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16
A free event which includes a progress
report and review of the work of the regional
public involvement group and examples of
involvement practice from across the region.
Booking is essential.
W: http://tinyurl.com/mwg4y65
Walking festival 2015
1-31 May
Britain’s largest urban walking festival returns
for a third year with over 150 walks.
W: http://tinyurl.com/p3epbr5
Local Information
Do15 in 15 campaign
Bristol 2015 launched its Do15 in 15
campaign, encouraging people across
the city to pledge their support for
Bristol’s year as Green Capital and
commit to do something to help make
Bristol a healthier, happier city for
W: http://tinyurl.com/pyv9omu
Spring into Summer at The Galleries
Advice day! Broadmead
9am - 5pm 27 May
Lots of advice agencies will be on hand
to put a spring in your step.
Local Information
Women’s Self Injury Support helpline,
text service and App development
Self Injury Support (SIS) provide
emotional support, listening and
signposting for women affected by self
injury. They provide a telephone help line
and text and email service. The helpline
is for women of all ages and is available
on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 7-9pm
and Thursdays 3-5pm. The text and
email service is for girls and women up
to age 24 and available Sunday – Friday
T: 0808 800 8088
Text: 0780 047 2908
W: http://tinyurl.com/msnvff8
SIS is looking for anyone of any age
affected by self harm to get involved
in the development of an app to help
people who use self harm.
W: http://tinyurl.com/o5nkrvc
The Princes Trust: Fairbridge
Fairbridge is for young people who
have fallen into the NEET (Not in Education,
Employment or Training) bracket and is
open to young people between the ages
of 16-25. To be eligible for this programme
young people need to be working less than
16 hours a week or in less than 14 hours
education/training. The course provides
personal development opportunities through
a week long Access course and programme
of follow on workshops. The Access course
helps to re-engage and motivate young
people through a mix of team building,
adventurous activities (such as rock climbing
and canoeing) and a two night residential.
The follow on calendar of workshops cover
topics including employability skills and
qualifications, life skills and confidence
boosting activities. The programme offers
young people more flexibility and choice
to lead their own personal development
alongside their Fairbridge staff mentor, who
they work with closely during additional
one-to-one sessions. For more information
contact Sarah Pritchard, Outreach Executive
at The Prince’s Trust.
E: Sarah.Pritchard@princes-trust.org.uk
T: 0117 943 4945
Project SEARCH
Project SEARCH is a work experience
programme for 18-25 year olds looking for
paid work who need extra support due to
additional learning needs or autism. The
course runs for one academic year between
September and July. The Project SEARCH
team match participants to suitable work
placements, including working alongside
members of staff in Bristol City Council
departments, give support to learn the
tasks of the job and help with seeking paid
employment at the end of the year.
To request an information pack contact
Tanya or Sarah.
E: project.search@bristol.gov.uk
T: 0117 9037450
Local Information
Bristol City Council Local Account
Bristol City Council has produced The
Local Account 2013/14, which is the first
annual report for adult social care in Bristol.
It represents an ongoing commitment to
inform people, and it explains how services
directly impact on citizens. It has also
replaced some of the previous frameworks
used to rate local authority services and is
a requirement of the ‘Towards Excellence
in Adult Social Care’ programme (TEASC)
and from the National Association of
Directors of Adult Social Care (ADASS).
The report also describes what Bristol City
Council is doing to prepare for the future
to ensure the long-term wellbeing of Bristol
residents. The Local Account includes:
• Significant achievements made by the
adult social care services
• Where public money has been spent
• The changes and challenges facing the
local authority
• Ambitions and plans for the future.
You can view the full report at:
W: www.bristol.gov.uk/localaccount
There are some very good services and
approaches in Bristol. Bristol City Council’s
ambition is be excellent in all aspects of
work. The Local Account will be reviewed
every year to help assess performance,
set priorities for improvement and gather
feedback on achievements.
Work is now underway on the 2014/15
report and your views are invited on format
and content. Please send these to
E: people.communications@bristol.gov.
Neighbourhood Budget small grants
Neighbourhood Partnerships bring public
sector decision making to a local level
where local residents can influence how
they would like to see their neighbourhood
improve. Neighbourhood Partnerships
can allocate some of their Neighbourhood
Budget to fund small grants for projects
which address local priorities.
W: http://goo.gl/U0C8zb
Avon North Mencap Information Service
Avon North Mencap, also known as The
Hive, provides information for anyone
with a Learning Disability and their family
or carers about all aspects of life. The
service is free to people living in Bristol or
South Gloucestershire. Their telephone
information service is open Mondays 1-4pm
and Fridays 10-1pm. Face-to-face advice is
provided at sessions at The Hive Drop-in at
Kingswood on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday
of each month from 7-9pm, and at outreach
drop-ins at various locations around Bristol,
details of drop-ins available upon request.
T: 0117 9675958
E: information@avonnorthmencap.org.
W: www.avonnorthmencap.org.uk
Healthwatch Bristol
Local people have been telling Healthwatch
Bristol their stories about health and social
care services in Bristol.
This month, a theme that is emerging from
their feedback is: Brook Sexual Health
centre provides a really useful walk-in
service for young people, where they are
given useful advice and the opportunity
to talk through issues affecting them in an
environment they find accessible and nonjudgemental.
What do you think? Have you or your family
or friends had any experiences, good or
bad, regarding walk-in services, or with any
other health and social care services?
We will take this information to the people
who commission the relevant services, so
they know what people think and can
plan improvements for the future.
Children and Young People’s Mental
Health and Wellbeing
Based on the feedback Healthwatch has
received from children and young people
and the current re-commissioning of
Children’s Community Health Services,
the Healthwatch Bristol Advisory
Group selected Children and Young
People’s Services as the main focus
of Healthwatch Bristol’s quarter 4 work
plan. From January to March 2015
Healthwatch Bristol collected feedback
from children, young people and families
about their mental health and wellbeing.
On 30 March, Healthwatch Bristol held
an open advisory group which was
attended by young people, parents,
carers and professionals. The event
included presentations from Healthwatch
Bristol, Healthwatch Young Champions,
Bristol City Council, Bristol Clinical
Commissioning Group, NHS England
Youth Forum, Barnardo’s, Contact A
Family, UWE Student Union and Bristol
City Youth Council. The meeting ended
with a question and answer session during
which young people asked commissioners
and services providers questions about
mental health services for children and
young people.
Tell us your story: Mental Health and
Healthwatch Bristol selects a topic
each quarter to theme our work around
(alongside continuing with all other
streams of work and issues and concerns
we receive). From April to June 2015,
the Healthwatch Bristol Quarter Topic
is Mental Health. We want to hear from
people about how they maintain their
‘wellbeing’ and the groups or
services that support them to
do so, and their experiences
of mental health services and/or reasons for
not engaging with mental health services.
Healthwatch Bristol is also working with Link
Age and Avon North Mencap / The Hive
to speak to people at health and wellbeing
themed days about their attitudes towards
mental health and the impacts that having a
physical illness and/or learning disability or
being social isolated may have on their mental
health and wellbeing.
4YP Training: ‘Effectively Engaging and
Communicating with Young People’
delivered by Loudmouth in Education.
13 May 2015, 9.15am – 12pm OR 12.45 –
3.30pm, Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie Road,
Barton Hill BS5 0AX
This incredibly well evaluated course has been
specifically designed to enable health care
professionals including nurses, GPs, school
nurses, sexual health clinicians and those
offering C-card to gain greater insight into
some of the issues affecting young people’s
sexual health. The training uses drama scenes
to create empathy and develop participants’
skills and confidence to communicate
effectively with young people. Participants are
not required to do any role play themselves.
Attendance at this session can be used as
evidence when completing the Young People
Friendly Toolkit.
W: http://tinyurl.com/pbpgfgu
Cancer Research UK’s ‘Talk Cancer’ cancer
awareness training
Talk Cancer training has been developed
for community-based health workers and
volunteers as a means to empower them with
the knowledge, skills and confidence to have
conversations about cancer with people in
their local area. Workshops are interactive
and discussion based, covering everything
from lifestyle and cancer, to dealing with
National Information
common misconceptions and barriers which
can lead to delayed diagnosis. Cancer
Research UK also run ‘Talk Cancer: Trainthe-Presenter’ workshops which prepare
trainees to be able to deliver confidently a
scripted cancer awareness presentation to
small groups.
W: www.cruk.org/talkcancer.
T: 020 3469 8381
E: leanne.crook@cancer.org.uk
National Autistic Society Teenage Life
Weekly sessions starting 3 June and ending
8 July, Barton Hill Settlement, 43 Ducie
Road, Bristol, BS5 0AX
Teenage Life is an informal course that runs
over six sessions and is free for any parent
of a child aged 9-18 years who is on the
autistic spectrum and who lives in Bristol.
The programme covers topics including:
understanding what autism is, self-esteem,
communication and social skills, education,
entitlements, benefits and accessing local
support, managing difficult behaviour and
relationships, puberty and sexuality.
To book a place or find out more, contact
Andrew Powell
T: 079 1925 8823
E: andrew.powell@nas.org.uk
and looking after yourself. Booking is
W: http://tinyurl.com/m5ac47z
T: 0117 958 9988
National Information
Mental Health Awareness Week 11-17 May
The theme for the week is mindfulness.
W: http://tinyurl.com/ce6otbm
The Health and Social Care (Safety and
Quality) Act 2015
The Health and Social Care (Safety and
Quality) Act 2015 has received Royal
Assent, and aims to improve safety and
quality of care. Among the measures
introduced by the act is a duty on health
and adult social care providers to share
information about a person’s care with
other health and care professionals. This
means that doctors and other professionals
providing a person’s care and treatment will
have the information they need so they can
treat patients more effectively.
W: http://tinyurl.com/o2o6f9u
Practical guides to engaging with local
commissioning bodies
Compact Voice has launched a series
of briefings designed to help voluntary
organisations to build strong partnerships
Caring with Confidence
with local commissioning bodies. The
5 week course, Thursdays 10.30ambriefings so far cover engaging with Health
12.30pm, starting on 4 June at Carers’
and Wellbeing Boards, CCGs and Police
Support Centre, Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue,
and Crime Commissioners, and working with
Fishponds, Bristol, BS162QQ
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). These
The Carers’ Support Centre provides training
briefings are based on the experiences of a
and workshops for carers to gain knowledge
range of voluntary organisations who have
and have fun whilst meeting other carers in a
established strong partnerships with local
relaxed and friendly atmosphere. For details
commissioning bodies. Their knowledge
of all their courses, see the website. The
and tips have been translated into a number
Caring with Confidence course is for anyone
of practical steps organisations can take to
who is caring and will help build knowledge
engage better with these groups.
and confidence in making decisions, working
W: http://tinyurl.com/qexktqr
with professionals, getting practical support
Contact Us...
Follow us on Twitter @HWBristol Find us on Facebook: Healthwatch Bristol
Now you can text us your issues - is the health or social care service that you
have received good or bad?
Text bris followed by your message to: 07860 021 603
Write to us at: Healthwatch Bristol, The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre
Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ.
T: 0117 965 4444 Fax 0117 965 0200 E: info@healthwatchbristol.co.uk
web: www.healthwatchbristol.co.uk TCF: www.thecareforum.org
For information and signposting visit www.wellaware.org.uk
If you would like to receive a paper copy of this e-bulletin please let us know.
This email message does not necessarily express the views of The Care Forum and
should be considered personal unless there is a specific statement to the contrary.
The Care Forum makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it uses
but cannot accept responsibility for personal security, any loss or damage which may
occur from use of the information. The Care Forum does not provide quality control
of external links; the inclusion of any company’s name within the pages should not be
construed as a recommendation of that organisation’s products and / or services. If you
find anything that causes concern, E: info@thecareforum.org.uk or T: 0117 965 4444 or
write to The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ.