- Healthwatch


- Healthwatch
Helping You Get the Best out of Your Local Health and
Social Care
May 2015 e-bulletin
Welcome to our Healthwatch Somerset e-bulletin.
The content is a mixture of local, regional and national information regarding health,
wellbeing and social care services.
Our new Healthwatch Somerset website www.healthwatchsomerset.co.uk is
now live, rate and review your service.
If you have any events or information that you would like us to include please contact
E: healthwatchsomerset@thecareforum.org.uk
Healthwatch Update
Local Information
Local Events
National Information
Healthwatch Update
Healthwatch Somerset – Monthly
Local people have been telling
Healthwatch Somerset their stories
about health and social care services in
This month, a theme that has emerged
from their feedback is:
Long delays and poor communication
regarding timings of operations. Somerset
residents want to be kept informed and
for hospitals to be transparent and honest
about waiting times, including whether or
not these are meeting national targets or
whether patients can expect a longer wait.
What do you think? Have you or your
family or friends had any experiences,
good or bad, regarding operations, or any
other health and social care services?
We will take this information to the people
who commission the relevant services, so
they know what people think and can plan
improvements for the future.
Healthwatch themes from 2014/15
Healthwatch has launched a report which
discusses the major talking points shared
with us by patients and the public over the
last year.
The three major themes that people are
talking about are:
What happens when someone is
discharged from hospital?
What should GP services look like in the
future, and what do we expect from our
What kind of domiciliary care services do
people in Somerset expect to receive, and
how could these services work better?
At Healthwatch we are committed to
making sure that the views of local people
are used to maintain and improve the
quality of local services. As such, we will
work throughout this year to ensure that the
views shared with us make a difference.
Do you want to read the report? If so, we
can post you a copy - just get in touch with
us to request yours, or it can be accessed
on our website.
T: 01823 751403
E: info@healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
W: www.healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
Domiciliary Care Services Consultation Working in Partnership
The Executive Group of Healthwatch
Somerset has concluded planning
how we consult with people who receive
domiciliary care.
Representatives from the local authority
and other partners were given the chance
to help us shape the questions we will use
as part of this important piece of work.
We have now prepared the survey, which
will go live in the near future.
If you know or work with people who
receive domiciliary care, then please get in
touch with us as we would love to hear their
views on the care they receive.
T: 01823 751403
E: info@healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
W: www.healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
Healthwatch Network of Networks
Part of the role of Healthwatch is to
encourage the voluntary sector to have a
strong voice, particularly when systems and
services are changing or being redesigned.
The Network of Networks met on 5
May 2015 to discuss changes and
implications that are arising from the Care
Act. Healthwatch will ensure that the
discussions and feedback from the network
is used to improve the local implementation
of the Care Act.
If you represent a local network, and would
Local Information
like to find out more about the Network of
Networks, please get in touch and we will
be glad to discuss this with you.
Healthwatch and Quality Accounts Making a Difference
Healthwatch trains volunteers to make a
This month, we are scrutinising the quality
accounts of local orgnanisations, to make
sure that care provided to local people will
continue to work well into the future.
Healthwatch volunteers come from a variety
of backgrounds, and bring skills that enable
us to work effectively on behalf of the public
to champion your rights as consumers.
If you want to find out more about
volunteering with Healthwatch, then please
get in touch and we will be happy to meet
with you to talk about what we can offer.
Local Information
NHS England – appeal for your views on
children’s epilepsy surgery services
On 26 March 2015, NHS England launched
a public consultation on proposed changes
to its service specification for children’s
epilepsy surgery services. This specification
was first adopted in May 2013. The
consultation will run for three months,
closing on 18 June 2015.
An accompanying consultation guide has
been produced, containing additional
information about the rationale behind the
proposed changes, and is intended to help
those with an interest in these services
to make an informed contribution to the
W: http://tinyurl.com/knptwev
Healthy workplaces
Healthy workplaces help Somerset
employers to reduce sickness absence and
ill health costs, improve work performance,
productivity and morale by supporting
their employees and the communities their
businesses sustain to be happy and healthy.
To achieve this they provide free advice,
information, ideas and on-site services
to employers, employees and potential
W: http://tinyurl.com/mtohzlb
E: info@healthyworkplaces.co.uk
T: 01823 357258
Somerset Parent Carer Forum
The Somerset Parent Carer Forum began
in October 2012 with an independent group
of parent carers united by their experiences,
passion and commitment to ensuring that
parent carers are invited and empowered to
participate in decision-making about local
They work to invite parent carers to become
members of the forum and join together with
existing parent carers to share information,
and to discuss views and experiences of
children’s and young peoples’ services (0-25
yrs) that parent carers already use or would
like to use in the future.
They believe it is vital that all of us have
a say in how services for our children and
young people are shaped and delivered
locally. Their aim is to have a voice at a
decision making level of the local authority,
and in healthcare services across the whole
of Somerset.
This in turn will help other parent carers too.
W: http://tinyurl.com/mxbuymo
Local Events
Somerset Age UK – Ageing Well
Somerset Age UK regularly conducts free
or low-cost classes and groups which are
designed to support local people to stay
Groups include yoga, flexercise and
chair dancing, and are located across
Somerset-meaning that there is likely to be
something local to you.
T: 0845 643 4702
W: http://tinyurl.com/mec6ly2
Somerset Age UK – Information and
Advice Drop-in Sessions in Somerset
They provide information and advice on a
wide range of issues. They will provide you
with the facts, and you can make choices
and decisions knowing you have reliable
Find out about drop-in events taking place
near you.
W: http://tinyurl.com/mmrar3v
Regional Events
People in Health West of England
progress and practice in public
Wednesday 3 June 9.30am–3.30pm,
Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue, Fishponds,
Bristol BS16 2QQ. A free event which
includes a progress report and review of
the work of the regional public involvement
group and examples of involvement
practice from across the region. For more
information and to book
W: http://tinyurl.com/mwg4y65
Feel the Force day
This event is to raise awareness for World
Neurofibromatosis Day. The convention is
suitable for all ages and abilities offering
full access. Chris Bunn (a stormtrooper
from the original Star Wars films) will also
be supporting the event as a celebrity
guest! There will be face painting,
Balloonitude, a raffle with fabulous prizes
and numerous games all with a sci-fi
Angel Place, High Street, Bridgwater, TA6
16 May to 17 May
10am - 4pm
E: kaligilbert@hotmail.com
Dementia Care
A one day session to help carers
understand what constitutes a diagnosis of
dementia, how to recognise the symptoms,
dealing with memory loss issues, and
where to go for assistance and support.
22 May, 10am – 3pm
English Martyrs Parish Hall, Chard, TA20
T: 01823 255911
E: debbieo@compassdisability.org.uk
Recognising and Managing Health
This one day course gives carers a better
understanding of the signs and symptoms
of a range of health conditions and the
current treatments and medications
available. 5 June 2015, 10am – 3pm
English Martyrs Parish Hall, Chard, TA20
T: 01823 255911
E: debbieo@compassdisability.org.uk
Skills for Carers
Two sessions run a week apart, covering
a range of practical skills and information
designed to give carers valuable support
to help them carry out their role safely with
greater confidence.
8 and 15 May, 10am – 3pm
Community Hospital, Minehead, TA24 6DF
T: 01823 255911
E: debbieo@compassdisability.org.uk
Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)
This interactive workshop will be delivered
by Local Safeguarding Children Board
trainer Kate Greenwood and will cover:
Myth-busting CSE
Signs and Indicators of CSE
Impact of CSE on the young person and
CSE and Technology o Brief introduction to
the CSE Screening Tool Kit.
E: ejdunn@somerset.gov.uk
Petherton Room, Junction 24 Conference
Centre, Market Way, North Petherton TA6
6DF Thursday 14 May. 9.30 - 11.30 am
ACFA Advice Network Training Events
ACFA is the umbrella group representing
the interests of advice centres and likeminded organisations from within the
former county of Avon and its surrounding
The following training events are on offer
during May.
Introduction to Debt: 19 May
Writing Effective Charity and Grant
Applications for Clients: 20 May
Financial Statement Training: 26 May
T: 0117 954 3990
E: admin.swat@gmail.com
Somerset Youth Bank
Somerset Youth Bank offers individual
grants of up to £350 to enable
disadvantaged young people to access
positive activities. A ‘positive activity’ is
an activity taking place outside normal
education hours that helps young people
to gain new personal skills or develop
existing skills.
Applications are assessed by members of
the UK Youth Parliament Advisory Group.
W: http://tinyurl.com/pogkthb
T: Tel: 01823 349852
Rural Economic Regeneration Funding
Somerset is a predominantly rural county
with only a few large towns. The rural
economy is vulnerable and facing change
and uncertainty.
The local authority leads a number of
initiatives looking to address the issues
facing the rural economy.
Project funding that is available now
• EU funding for Local Action for Rural
Communities schemes in three areas of
• EU funding for farming and land-based
• The Levels and Moors Local Action for
Rural Communities (LARC) Scheme
E: Somerseteconomicdevelopment@
T: 0300 123 2224
Somerset Social Enterprise Fund
The Somerset Social Enterprise Fund
(SSEF) has been established with initial
funding from Somerset County Council
to provide loan finance to support new
and established social enterprises.
Whilst the SSEF is primarily a loan fund,
there is scope for an element of grant
E: justin.sargent@somersetcf.org.uk
W: http://tinyurl.com/lzbwhfs
South Somerset Community Funding
South Somerset Council has a number of
funding sources available to community
groups, town and parish councils and
volunteers in South Somerset. These
funding opportunities include small
grants, a community foundation and
grants available via comic relief and the
national lottery.
Grants range from £300 upwards.
W: http://tinyurl.com/ke248l9
Sedgemore Small Grants funding
Sedgemoor District Council’s Small
Grants scheme can offer funding in
certain instances for community projects.
Small grants up to £500 are available,
and projects can apply for up to £2500.
Small grants are aimed at funding
individuals to undertake projects such
as volunteering or learning new skills
that will be of benefit to their local
community. Individuals must be residents
of Sedgemoor.
Project grants are one-off grants aimed
at supporting voluntary, community and
not-for-profit organisations to undertake
projects that support people living in the
W: http://tinyurl.com/q72fhwb
National Information
The Health and Social Care (Safety and
Quality) Act 2015
The Health and Social Care (Safety and
Quality) Act 2015 has received Royal Assent,
and aims to improve safety and quality of
care. Among the measures introduced by
the act is a duty on health and adult social
care providers to share information about
a person’s care with other health and care
professionals. This means that doctors and
other professionals providing a person’s
care and treatment will have the information
they need so they can treat patients more
effectively. W: http://tinyurl.com/o2o6f9u
Practical guides to engaging with local
commissioning bodies
Compact Voice has launched a series
of briefings designed to help voluntary
organisations to build strong partnerships
with local commissioning bodies. The
briefings so far cover engaging with Health
and Wellbeing Boards, CCGs and Police
and Crime Commissioners, and working with
Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs). These
briefings are based on the experiences of a
range of voluntary organisations who have
established strong partnerships with local
commissioning bodies. Their knowledge
and tips have been translated into a number
of practical steps organisations can take to
engage better with these groups.
W: http://tinyurl.com/qexktqr
Local Healthwatch: progress and promise
This report examines the progress made in
the first 18-21 months of local Healthwatch.
National Information
New funding for children’s mental health
and maternal mental health services
On 18 March Nick Clegg announced £1.25
billion of new funding over a five year
period; the money will help treat 110,000
more children and provide rapid access to
mental health treatment for new mothers.
As part of the package, the first ever
access and waiting time standards for
children’s mental health will be introduced
and specialists in children’s talking therapy
will be available in every part of the country
by 2018. The funding will also extend
access to services for children under 5 and
those with autism and learning disabilities.
The funding will ensure increased support
and treatment for all women experiencing
mental health issues during pregnancy or
in the months after giving birth. This will
include rapid access to in-patient mother
and baby services close to home in cases
where the mother is very ill, as well as care
from specialist community perinatal mental
health teams and access to communitybased psychological therapy.
W: http://tinyurl.com/nbh5hdx
Newcastle University will take this work
forward, to empower patients and engage
communities in their own health and care.
The consortium will work collaboratively
with NHS England, the Coalition for
Collaborative Care and other stakeholders
to deliver this programme of work.
W: http://tinyurl.com/pmh56cf
Consultation for people with learning
disabilities, autism and mental health
‘No voice unheard, no right ignored – a
consultation for people with learning
disabilities, autism and mental health
conditions’ seeks views to strengthen rights
of people with learning disabilities, autism
and mental health issues to enable them to
live independently. The consultation closes
on Friday 29 May 11.45pm.
W: http://tinyurl.com/nq3mt78
New website for young carers
The Carers Trust has launched ‘Babble’,
a new online community and website for
young carers. Recent research conducted
by the Carers Trust shows that caring
for parents or siblings has a shocking
Realising the Value: a new relationship
effect on the wellbeing of young people.
with patients and communities
The research conducted with over 350
The Realising the Value programme has
unpaid young carers from groups around
been set up to develop some of the themes
the country, compares the findings with a
in the NHS Five Year Forward View,
YouGov poll of 457 non-carers aged 8 to
published in October 2014. This made a
15, revealing that young carers are less
specific commitment to do more to support
happy, more worried, sadder and more
people with long term conditions to manage
confused than their peers.
their own health.
W: https://babble.carers.org/
The Realising the Value programme will
help strengthen the case for change,
Research report on young men using
identify a set of evidence-based
support services
approaches and develop tools to support
Action for Children has published ‘Beyond
their wider implementation across the
Male Role Models’, a study which explores
NHS and local communities. A consortium
the role of gender in relationships between
led by Nesta and the Health Foundation
young men using support services and the
in partnership with Voluntary Voices,
adults who work with them.
the Behavioural Insights Team and
W: http://tinyurl.com/l2zlxwg
National NHS Diabetes initiative
Public Health England with NHS England and Diabetes UK has launched the first
National NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme. W: http://tinyurl.com/k9v24yb
New guide: what to expect when someone important to you is dying
This guide is intended to make the last hours and days of someone’s life less
distressing for all concerned, including friends, family members and carers. As well as
explaining the physical changes that someone may go through when they are dying
and what can be done to make them more comfortable, the guide sets out the kind of
care a dying person can expect to receive. It also details the support those close to the
person who is dying should be able to rely on and where to turn to for help if there are
concerns about the end of life care received. W: http://tinyurl.com/ladybj3
Shape of Caring published
‘Raising the Bar’, the final report from the Shape of Caring Review, was published on
12 March. Led by Lord Willis, it brings together findings and expertise from recent
major reports. It intends to promote good practice from across the country and provoke
debate on a number of high profile issues relating to the education and training of
care assistants and nurses. Health Education England and the Nursing Midwifery
Council will engage with a wide range of stakeholders before they agree to take
recommendations forward. W: http://tinyurl.com/q8wrttv
Adult autism strategy: statutory guidance
Statutory guidance for local authorities and NHS organisations to support
implementation of the autism strategy. W: http://tinyurl.com/q2crg9q
Contact us
Healthwatch Somerset c/o Somerset Rural Youth Project, Unit 2
Suprema Estate. Edington, Bridgwater TA7 9LF Tel 01278 264 405
Fax 0117 965 0200
E: info@healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
web: www.healthwatchsomerset.co.uk
Follow us on Twitter @Hwatchsomerset, Find us on Facebook: Healthwatch Somerset
For information and signposting visit: www.wellaware.org.uk
This email message does not necessarily express the views of The Care Forum and should be considered personal unless
there is a specific statement to the contrary.
The Care Forum makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information it uses but cannot accept responsibility
for personal security, any loss or damage which may occur from use of the information. The Care Forum does not provide
quality control of external links; the inclusion of any company’s name within the pages should not be construed as a
recommendation of that organisation’s products and / or services. If you find anything that causes concern, please email
us at info@thecareforum.org.uk or telephone 0117 965 4444 or write to The Care Forum, The Vassall Centre, Gill Avenue,
Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2QQ.