Bulletin - Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church


Bulletin - Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
May 31, 2015
8:30 AM
“The breezes at dawn have
Just to Stand at Your Doorway, Oh God
Steve Blons
secrets to tell you
Don't go back to sleep!
You must ask for what you
really want.
Don't go back to sleep!
People are going back and
across the doorsill where
the two worlds touch,
The door is round and open
I Am For You
Don't go back to sleep!”
avenue united methodist
511 groveland avenue
minneapolis, mn 55403 p h o n e 6 1 2 - 8 7 1 - 5 3 0 3
Your life is a Sacred Journey –
and it is about change,
growth, discovery,
movement, transformation,
continuously expanding your
vision of what is possible,
stretching your soul,
learning to see clearly & deeply,
listening to your intuition,
taking courageous risks,
embracing challenges
at every step along the way.
You are on the path –
exactly where
you’re meant to be right now...
and from here,
you can only go forward,
shaping your life story
into a magnificent tale of triumph,
of healing, of courage,
beauty, wisdom, power,
dignity & love.
– Caroline Joy Adams
Come, O Light, illumine our darkness
Come, O Life, revive us from death
Come, O Healer, hear our crying
Come, O Spirit, Come
Each day you invite us into the gift of becoming, God. As we
gather this day for worship, open us to your Spirit which is everpresent, filled with longing and wildness. Fill us with the breath
that enlivens and refreshes and help us to be your people for the
healing of the world. In your name we pray, Amen
John 3:1-4;7-8
The Thunder:Perfect Mind 1:5-9
Blowin’ in the Wind
Bob Dylan
How many roads must a man walk down
Before you call him a man?
Yes, ’n’ how many seas must a white dove sail
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, ’n’ how many times must the cannonballs fly
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
How many years can a mountain exist
Before it’s washed to the sea?
Yes, ’n’ how many years can some people exist
Before they’re allowed to be free?
Yes, ’n’ how many times can a man turn his head
Pretending he just doesn’t see?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Bryan Carter’s father,
Rev. Dick Carter
In Hospital
Kay Sommers
Courtney Ringheim
Marilyn Sly
Mary Wilcox
Marie Cross
Francis Glineberg
Richard Good
Care Centers
Beulah Johnson
Tom Ludlow
Joe Uemura
Arlene Williams
How many times must a man look up
Before he can see the sky?
Yes, ’n’ how many ears must one man have
Before he can hear people cry?
Yes, ’n’ how many deaths will it take till he knows
That too many people have died?
The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind
The answer is blowin’ in the wind
Prayer Requests
Skip Webster
Melissa Toavs
Pam Lazor, John Frick, & Rick Corbett:
Trinka Olson’s family & friends
Hold these prayers and make them your own, we pray. Hold these
people whose names we have spoken. Hold us in all your mercy.
Today, tomorrow and always. Amen
In Our Prayers This Week
Within Our Hearts Be Born
If you would like your name added
to this public prayer list, email
or call the church (612-871-5303)
and ask for the Pastoral Care line.
Your name will appear for four
Sundays. Please contact us if you
have another preference.
Every member of Hennepin Church.
Paula Colton, Youth & Families; Sally
Johnson, Worship & Spiritual
Formation; Jim McChesney, Pastoral
Care/Visitation; Kent Millard, Interim
Lead Pastor; Nate Melcher, Associate
Pastor; Richard Waggoner, Music Emeritus.
Program Staff
John Cole, Dignity Center; Kevin
Dahlen, Koinonia; Jack Fistler, Legacy
Giving; Liz Gagnon, Finance; Andrew
Hackett, Organist; Bryant Holmstrom,
Facilities; Mary Martin, Dignity Center;
William Mathis, Music & Fine Arts;
Jim McChesney, Pastoral Care/Visitation;
Dana Neuhauser, Children’s Ministries;
Mark Peterson, Koinonia; Jodi Standke,
Interim Administrator
Song of St. Patrick
Twin Cities District
Judy Zabel
Minnesota Area Bishop
Bruce Ough
Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church
511 Groveland Avenue
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Hennepin is a Reconciling
Congregation, welcoming the full
participation of all persons,
including the LGBT Community.
~ Worship Services ~
Sabbath Beginnings 8:00 AM
Rev. Nate Melcher
Sacred Journey 8:30 AM
Sally Howell Johnson
Traditional Worship 10:00 AM
Rev. Kent Millard, Interim
Many Voices 11:15 AM
Rev. Nate Melcher
Sundays at Five 5:00 PM
(Recovery) Leslie Ball
Ahhmen, Ahhwomen, Ahhchildren,
Ahhanimals, Ahhcreation, Ahhh!!
We Welcome You!
Welcome! If you’re a visitor, know that we’re glad you’re here, and that we’d
love to get to know you better. Please leave your contact information in the
Friendship Folder found in each pew. Hennepin Avenue United Methodist
Church has a place for you. If this is your first visit, welcome. If you are
returning, welcome back.
Do you have any questions about Hennepin? Just look for folks wearing a
Matchmaker badge! Our Matchmaker program exists to welcome you and
to help you connect and engage within this wonderful church. You can also
reach out by email: Matchmakers@HennepinChurch.org.
Welcome Bags are available at each entrance for guests to receive if you’d
like more information about Hennepin Church.
Nursery for infants – age 3 is available on Sundays until 12:30 PM in the
Longfellow Room off the SW corner of Carlson Hall. Any usher would be
delighted to help you find the nursery.
Coffee is available each Sunday in Carlson Hall. Our thanks to Jim Cone of
Coffee and Tea, Ltd. for supplying our Sunday coffee.
There are many ways to serve at
Hennepin Church. From one-time,
rollup-your-sleeves-get-somethingdone projects to ongoing groups
and committees, there is bound to
be a fit for your interests and gifts.
To find out how to volunteer,
please call 612-435-1337 or go to HennepinChurch.org/Get-Involved.
Want to get involved right away? Fill out the Get Involved Card found in the pew
rack (sanctuary) or as you enter other worship spaces. Then place the card in the
offering plate, or hand it to an usher.
➡ Adults are needed to lead and assist with Pray and Play which happens
the 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays of the month during 10 am Traditional
Worship. Pray and Play is for ages 3 through Kindergarten who are not
yet ready to sit through worship. A story, game, and craft is planned for
their time together. Anyone can help, and no special training is needed.
Please email paula.colton@hennepinchurch.org or call 612-435-1304.
May 31 – Today at Hennepin
8:00 - 8:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:00 - 12:30
8:30 - 9:30
9:30 - 10:30
10:00 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:00 - 12:00
11:15 - 12:00
4:45 - 6:30
5:00 - 6:00
Sabbath Beginnings (Communion)
Border Chapel
Mother’s Lounge
Room 101
Coffee Fellowship
Carlson Hall
Longfellow Room
Sacred Journey Worship (Creation Spirituality) Art Gallery
Seeds of Celebration
Harrison Room
Traditional Worship (Organ, Choir)
Sundays with Bishop Spong
Room 104
Young Adult Study: Animate
Conference Room
Many Voices Worship (Celtic Christianity) Border Chapel
Community Meal
Social Hall
Border Chapel
Sunday at Five (Recovery)
2015 Foundation Scholarships
Hennepin Foundation is delighted to recognize the 2015 Hennepin Foundation
Scholarship recipients (for 2015-2016 academic year.) Congratulations and best
wishes in your academic pursuits! We also gratefully acknowledge the gifts from
Hennepin members and friends whose outright and estate gifts make the annual
scholarships possible.
Brenna Baily
Emma Knighton
Whitman College, WA
Bastyr University, WA
Cecelia Barnes
Adrienne Manbeck
College of St. Benedict, MN
University of Minnesota
Metropolitan State University, MN
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, IL
Hamline University, MN
Metropolitan State University, MN
Yale University, CT
Marquette University, WI
University of Portland, OR
University of Minnesota
St. Mary’s College, CA
Seattle University WA
Julie Beckstrom
Adele Dahm
Audrey DeVaughn
Nathan DeVaughn
Alex Holden
Dana Neuhauser
Katherine Trinka Olson
Taylor Park
Cameron Tipping
William Tipping
Over the weeks of
summer, our choirs take a welldeserved break from regular
rehearsals and Sundays. It's YOUR
TURN to bring musical leadership to
the 10:00 service! Some members of
the Sanctuary Choir are always there,
so everybody is comfortable and
secure. Rehearsal is at 9:15 Sunday
morning. Participation can be weekly
or occasional, May 31-September 6.
Besides the joy and privilege of
leading worship, you become eligible
for free voice lessons during the week!
Call Bill Mathis for more information 612.435.1319.
Monday, June 1
4:30 PM Reach, Renew, Rejoice
Tuesday, June 2
9:00 AM Foundation Finance
7:00 PM Twin Cities Gay
Men’s Chorus
Wednesday, June 3
MNIC - Last Day of Class
9:30 AM Knotty Quilters
9:30 AM Senior Council
1:00 PM Recyclers
1:00 PM Engage Team
5:30 PM Kjerringsleppets
5:30 PM Open Yoga
6:30 PM D-3 Group
7:00 PM Susanna Wesley Circle
Friday, June 5
7:00 AM Men’s Fellowship
10:00 AM Al-Anon
Saturday, June 6
10:00 AM Sat. Women’s Group
11:00 AM Open Yoga
Please send calendar information
or room requests to
or call 612-871-5303.
Feeding the Hungry
Hunger Offering: 1 in 8 people worldwide goes to bed
hungry every night. Your gift to the Hennepin Hunger
Offering will help us to respond by supporting
ongoing programs that address hunger among those
who are poor and address global issues of
sustainability and appropriate technology.
Community Meals: As school ends, students are no
longer receiving free breakfast and lunch. Community
Meals, and other programs like it, fill a critical need for
Guest counts rise in the summer while
volunteer counts fall. Won’t you check your schedule
and sign up at http://hennepinchurch.org/communitymeals/
Gathering Together
Thursday Bible Study has adjourned for the summer.
Class will resume again in September.
Men’s Bible Fellowship: At 7:00 on Friday mornings a
group of men gather for Bible study, conversation and
fellowship (homemade cinnamon rolls included!). All
men are invited to attend this lively discussion.
Science and Religion Roundtable. May 28: Science
and Spirituality: Making Room for Faith by Michael
Kjerringsleppets, a women’s book group, meets the
1st Wednesday of the month from 5:30 - 7:00 PM in
the Longfellow Room, is open to women of all ages
and welcomes new people. Contact Sally at
612-435-1328 or Sally.Johnson@HennepinChurch.org.
June 3: Summer Party and future book selection. July
1: Her Honor: Rosalie Wahl and the Minnesota
Women's Movement by Lori Sturdevant.
Sunday Spire (Bulletin)
The deadline for the Sunday Spire
is 10:00 AM on Monday for the
coming Sunday. Please send to
Spire@HennepinChurch.org or
drop off at church, attn: Ben.
Suggested article size is about 50
words. All articles are subject to
editing for space and content.
Thanks for sharing your stories!
Koinonia Retreat Center
his adventure is for moms and dads, kids and
cousins, grandmas and grandpas, singles and
couples – in other words the Hennepin Avenue UMC
Family! There will be boat rides, canoe lessons,
swimming, fishing, games, movie night, campfires and
Koinonia’s famous cuisine. Your family won’t pay more
than $350 (the family max) for two nights and three
d a y s a t K o i n o n i a R e t re a t C e n t e r.
Go to
www.hennepinchurch.ort/register to sign up.
Please pray for staff, volunteers and ten of the Dignity
Center’s participants that will be on retreat at Koinonia
this week.
We are a Caring Community
Pastoral Care: Please notify the church
office if you, a family member or any other
church member are experiencing illness,
hospitalization, or are in need of pastoral
care. Please call 612-871-5303 and ask for
Pastoral Care, ext. 771 or email
Congregational Joys and Concerns are
posted each week in the Pastoral Care
area of the kiosk in Carlson Hall. Cards for
members in need of cheer are available to
sign at the reception desk.
Pacem Singers are available to sing to
Hennepin members and friends, bringing
comfort of favorite hymns and songs to
your surroundings.
Downtown Grief Support Group:
www.mplsgriefsupport.com This is a cooperative effort of downtown churches.
Please see their website for the most
current information.
Steeple People Thrift Store Contributions Top $1M
Steeple People Thrift Store recently contributed $30,000 to six local
charitable organizations. These help meet basic human needs. The latest six
cash grant recipients are the Dignity Center, Community Meals and Compass
180 (all community outreach services of Hennepin Church) Simpson Housing
Services, The Bridge for Youth and also Small Sums.
These continuing grants are the joyous outcome of many volunteer hours,
your donations of quality goods for resale and thrifty shoppers in the
Hennepin community and our neighborhood. WE THANK ALL OF YOU!!
The Steeple People Thrift Store is located on the Southwest corner of
Lyndale & Franklin (2004 Lyndale Ave.) in Minneapolis. It was founded in 1979
as an outreach ministry of HAUMC. Please come to shop, donate, or volunteer!
Seeking the Sacred Thread Primer
Sundays, June 14, 21, 28 & July 19 at 11:00 in Room 205
In anticipation of the three day event in August with
Barbara Brown Taylor and John Philip Newell (cohosted
by Hennepin Church and Wisdom Ways Center for
Spirituality), there will be four Sunday mornings to
become familiar with their work. Each Sunday will provide
a glimpse into these two deep wells of Christian
spirituality for the 21st century. Sally Johnson will lead the
conversation and there is no need to have read the books
June 14 - An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor
provides a way of seeing the world and our place in it
with sacred eyes that lead to sacred living.
June 21 - Christ of the Celts by John Philip Newell is a
lens into the early Celtic practices of living in the Way of
June 28 - Learning to Walk in the Dark by Barbara Brown
Taylor allows the reader into a way of seeing the places of
darkness in our lives not as frightening but as paths to
experience the Light.
July 19 - The Rebirthing of God by John Philip Newell
explores a new birth from deep within Christianity, a fresh
stirring of the Spirit.
Hennepin Reads: Jonathan Odell
Thursday, June 18 at 7 PM in the Art Gallery
Join author Jonathan Odell for an
evening of Hennepin Reads. These
experiences invite authors to read
from their work and reflect on how
writing has shaped their own spiritual
journey. Jonathan Odell is the best
selling author of The Healing and a
new rendering of his debut novel,
The View from Delphi, entitled Miss
Hazel and the Rosa Parks League. Mr.
Odell will share from this new look at his story set in preCivil Rights Mississippi. The story is of two young
mothers, Hazel and Vida, one wealthy and white and the
other poor and black, who have only two things in
common: the devastating loss of their children, and a
deep and abiding loathing for one another.
Jonathan Odell was born and raised in Mississippi,
growing up in the institutional segregation of a small
town. In college he sold The Ebony Pictorial History of
Black American door to door in black neighborhoods
across the south while the Klan tried to discourage him.
He now lives in Minnesota.
He will be joined by musicians, Steven Marking and
JoAnn Funk, who will be sharing songs of the south and
music of the river.
Thank you! Thank You! Thank you!
Several faith filled adults have given their time to be
Sunday School teachers this past school year. We are
grateful for their leadership and especially the time they
give the young learners at Hennepin Church. Our faith is
passed down through stories and those stories need to
be told. Today we say thank you to the following
dedicated individuals who shared the stories of faith this
past year.
Preschool (age 3)
Youth Sunday School
(Grades 8-12)
Michelle DeVaughn
Becky Maddaus
Kemi Ojelade
Confirmation (Grade 7)
Jim Barnes
Mike Demcisak
Mona Roach
Rachel Walker
Club 56 (Grades 5/6)
Heather Alden
Michelle DeVaughn
Maren Jensen
Curtis Johnson
John Kemper
Cory Dallas
Kim Jackson
Jan Russell
Becky Boland
Alison Forney-Gorman
Allison Kuznia
Shay Lunseth
Emily Thornton
1st/2nd Grades
Yvonne Butler
Deb Rash
Kim Zirnstein
3rd/4th Grades
Julie Dorn
Janet Jacobs
Steve Jackson
John Rash
Reconciling Ministries Social
Sunday, June 14 at 4 PM - 2535 38th Ave. S.; Minneapolis
LGBT, allied Hennepin attendees, and members are
invited to a fellowship and a short meeting regarding the
latest direction for Hennepin Reconciling. Pizza, salad,
pop and wine will be provided. There will also be yard
games if weather permits!
Please RSVP to Don Barton (bartonpiano@q.com) or
Supporting the Reconciling Ministries Network is crucial
as we attempt to reform the world wide UMC to be fully
inclusive. RMN is one of the groups working in Africa and
Asia to build the coalition for the 2016 and 2020 General
Conferences. Part of the work involves restructuring the
UMC into Regional Conferences. This is not just a LGBT
issue but includes African and Asian polygamy, finances
outside the US, etc.
UM Day at Target Field
Monday, June 8 at 7:10 pm
Join United Methodist's
from across the state at
Target Field. Cheer for
the Twins as they face off
against the Royals. Tickets
will be mailed to you after
payment is received. $31 per person per ticket. No
Tickets will be held without payment. To place your
ticket order go to www.hennepinchurch.org/register or
you can sign up at the welcome desk.
Contact paula.colton@hennepinchurch.org with questions.
Dana Neuhauser Thank You Cards
Today is Dana Neuhauser's last
Sunday as Director of Children's
Ministries at Hennepin. Dana has
served the children and families of
this congregation for six years. You
are invited to offer your thanks by
bringing a card to place in the
basket that will be available in
Carlson Hall. Children are invited to draw a picture to
help Dana remember a particular moment or experience
they have had with her. Please join Dana in the Carlson
Hall after the Traditional Service to say thank you and
goodbye.....there will be special treats!
UMW Semi-Annual Gathering
Sunday, June 7 at 11:30 AM in the Art Gallery
Why is the UMC organized the way it is?
Sunday, June 7 at 7 PM
Back in 1784, when the Methodist Episcopal
Church was formed in Baltimore (with some
early adjustments in the early 1800’s),
where did the organizational ideas come
from? First, we will explore this structure
and look at similar organizations. Second,
we will discuss whether these ideas are serving
us as effectively as they could in this day and
time. Bill Mate, a retired United Methodist minister in
our church will initiate this conversation.
Making Sense of the Bible:
A Study by Adam Hamilton
June 14 & July 19 at 11:00
In Making Sense of the Bible, Adam
Hamilton invites us into an honest
conversation about the Bible. He
addresses these often misunderstood
biblical themes leading readers to a
deeper appreciation of the Bible. This
class will meet sporadically during the
summer to give participants a taste of
this inspiring study and will continue into the fall.
Everyone is encouraged to join us.
Sundays With Bishop Spong
First Sundays of the month at 11:00 in Room 104
This group meets to read one of Bishop John Shelby
Spong’s weekly newsletters and have conversation. The
discussion is always lively, and there is n.o need to have
read anything before hand.
World Thank Offering Moves to June 7
Come learn what Hennepin’s United Methodist Women
have been up to. Join us as we discuss our plans for the
upcoming year, including project updates and a grant
program. Our keynote speaker, Laura Tompkins from
Joyce Preschool, one of the programs supported by
Hennepin UMW, will talk about how their programs
impact young lives every day. Refreshments will be
served. All are welcome.
The United Methodist Women's
annual World Thank Offering offers
the Hennepin congregation an
opportunity to support the health,
education, and welfare of women
and children around the globe. Your
gifts enable UMW to reach out to
local programs like Simpson Housing, Emma Norton
Services, Joyce Preschool, and more. This year, World
Thank Offering at Hennepin is moving to June 7. Please
know your support makes a real impact. Together we are
easing the heavy burdens of individuals near and far.
May the Lord bless the people with peace!