Summer Drama Camp 2015 - William Henry Harrison High School
Summer Drama Camp 2015 - William Henry Harrison High School
Summer Drama Camp 2015 Dear Parents: The Harrison High School Drama Department is proud to present the fourth annual Summer Drama Camp! We have a great week lined up for your little theatrical actors! Kids from kindergarten to eighth grade are welcome to join us and learn what it takes to be a full-fledged drama member. We will be splitting the groups into two: Level 1: K-5 Level 2: 6-8 Dates: July 27-29, 2015 Performance: July 29 Cost: $50 Time: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Call Time: 6:00 p.m Performance starts: 6:30p.m. Location: Harrison High School Activity Center Auditorium If you have any questions please contact JamieLyn Johnson at: or Mike Morris at: Please complete a registration form for each student Cash ____ Check ____ Fee ____ Grade entering _____ Name ____________________________________________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________________ City _______________________________State ___________Zip_______________ Phone Number ___________________________________ Email ___________________________________________________________________________________ Shirt Size (Circle One) Youth Small Youth Medium Youth Large Adult Small Adult Medium Adult Large Checks should be made payable to: Harrison Drama Complete this form and mail it, along with payment to; JamieLyn Johnson 9860 West Road Harrison, Ohio 45030 Waiver Form I, the undersigned, release the Southwest Local School District and the directors of the drama department of liability for injuries which may be incurred as a result of my participation in the camp. Participant’s signature: _____________________________________________________________________ Parent’s signature: _________________________________________________________________________