FAQs on Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE)


FAQs on Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE)
FAQs on Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE)
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that are asked by SKE applicants.
Simply click the question below to find the answer:
Applying for and starting a programme
1. How do I apply for a HCUK SKE programme?
2. What do I need before I can apply for a HCUK SKE programme?
3. When does the next HCUK SKE programme start?
What your ITT provider needs to know
4. What does my ITT provider need to include in my ITT offer so that I can access SKE
and funding?
5. How does my ITT provider know if I need SKE?
6. How does my ITT provider know how long my SKE course should be?
How is my programme funded?
7. What programme funding is available?
8. How do I apply for bursary funding and when is the deadline?
9. Is there any cost to me or my provider in relation to the SKE course?
10. How can I tell if I meet the funding eligibility criteria?
11. When will bursary funding be paid?
HCUK course content and lengths
12.What subjects and programme lengths are available?
13. How long is a unit?
14. How long should I spend learning each week?
15. How personalised is the programme?
16. How is the course delivered?
17. How will I be assessed and supported?
18. What feedback will I receive and what will my ITT provider receive?
19. Can I fail the SKE course?
20. Can I do the SKE if I have no previous subject experience?
21. Can I overlap my SKE course with my ITT?
22. Can I suspend, defer or extended my SKE if I need/want to?
Applying for and starting a programme
1. How do I apply for a HCUK SKE programme?
You can apply for a place on a HCUK online SKE course by completing the course
information request form on the SKE page at www.HCUKonline.com. Once this form has
been submitted an enrolment advisor will contact you to check you meet the eligibility
criteria before issuing you with a link to the online application form.
Alternatively, you can call us on 0800 088 6126 to request an application form.
2. What do I need before I can apply for a HCUK SKE programme?
To apply for a funded SKE programme with HCUK you need to have:
Accepted a conditional offer of a place on a postgraduate secondary ITT
You’re ITT subject must match the SKE subject you are applying for
Been awarded an undergraduate degree of 2:2 classification (or equivalent) by
the time you start the SKE course*
Agreement from your ITT provider to nominate HCUK to receive the SKE course
and bursary funding from the NCTL. HCUK will then administer the funding and
pay you the training bursary as advised by the NCTL
You must complete the same SKE subject as the one that you are training to teach in,
with the exception of Modern Languages where you can choose another Modern
Language if required.
*If your degree class is lower than a 2:2 (or equivalent) you can still apply for an SKE course but you
will not be eligible for bursary funding. However, maths and physics trainees with a relevant degree
and at least a B at A-level in maths, further maths or physics may be eligible for a bursary. Please refer
to the ITT training bursary manual for further eligibility criteria and information.
3. When does the next HCUK programme start?
The remaining application deadlines and start dates are below.
Application Deadline
Programme Start Date
27 May 2015
8 June 2015
24 June 2015
6 July 2015
24 July 2015
3 August 2015
21 August 2015
31 August 2015 (RECENTLY ADDED)
18 September 2015
28 September 2015 (RECENTLY ADDED)
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
16 October 2015
26 October 2015 (RECENTLY ADDED)
To see what programme lengths are available for the above start dates please visit
our website, www.HCUKonline.com.
What your ITT provider needs to know
4. What does my ITT provider need to include in my ITT offer so that I can
access SKE and funding?
If you would like to complete a funded SKE course with HCUK you need to have a
conditional offer letter for a place on a postgraduate ITT programme (whether HEI,
SCITT or School Direct). As part of this conditional offer letter your ITT provider must
include a condition that states you need to undertake an SKE programme. Ideally, you
will have discussed this condition with your ITT provider and they will have suggested an
SKE programme length based on your existing level of knowledge.
If your ITT provider does not include the completion of an SKE course as part of your
conditional offer letter you cannot apply for a funded SKE course and HCUK cannot
access NCTL course funding or bursary funding for you.
If you have an offer of a place on an ITT programme and it does not include the SKE
course as part of the conditions - and you feel you need an SKE - you could talk to your
provider about updating your offer letter.
5. How does my ITT provider know if I need SKE?
Your ITT provider should identify and inform you if you need to complete an SKE course.
They will normally do this by reviewing your application form and discussing your
existing experience with you as part of the recruitment and selection process. If they are
still unsure they may ask you to complete a subject audit (or practice GCSE or A-level
papers) to help identify areas that you may need to work on.
If you are unsure whether you need to complete an SKE course we strongly suggest you
discuss this with your ITT provider.
6. How does my ITT provider know how long my SKE course should be?
We advise most applicants to undertake the longest course possible as it is good
preparation for ITT. Our SKE programmes enhance subject pedagogy as well as subject
knowledge so you will benefit from more than just topping up your subject knowledge.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
A short 8 week course is aimed at those ITT trainees who are relatively proficient in their
subject area but need to boost or refresh their knowledge and skill. A longer course
such as a 24 or 32 weeks is designed for ITT trainees that need to improve and develop
their existing KS3 and KS4 knowledge.
Your ITT provider should be able to advise you what the most appropriate length of SKE
programme is for your level of subject knowledge using the information collected during
the recruitment and selection process. If your provider is still unsure, please contact us
and we would be happy to suggest a programme length to you that you can then discuss
with your provider.
How is my programme funded?
7. What programme funding is available?
Course funding is available to you if you meet the eligibility criteria outlined in question
2. This funding covers the cost of a SKE course. HCUK will request course funding directly
from the NCTL to cover the cost of our SKE course. The amount of course funding is
based on your programme length.
Bursary funding is tax free and does not have to be paid back. It is available to you if you
meet the eligibility criteria outlined in question 2 and you have been awarded an
undergraduate degree of 2:2 classification (or equivalent) by the time you start the SKE
It is designed to support you while you undertake and complete your SKE programme.
The amount of bursary funding is based on the eligibility criteria set by the NCTL and the
SKE programme length you are enrolled on. HCUK will request the bursary funding from
the NCTL and we will pay the funding directly to you in monthly instalments as directed
by the NCTL.
*If your degree class is lower than a 2:2 (or equivalent) you can still apply for an SKE course but you will
not be eligible for bursary funding. However, maths and physics trainees with a relevant degree and at
least a B at A-level in maths, further maths or physics may be eligible for a bursary. Please refer to the ITT
training bursary manual for further eligibility criteria and information.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
8. How do I apply for bursary funding and when is the deadline?
As part of your SKE application HCUK will contact your provider to confirm that you
meet the eligibility criteria. Once your ITT provider has confirmed that you meet the
entry and eligibility criteria, HCUK will apply for the course fees and bursary funding
from the NCTL on your behalf. You do not need to apply for this separately.
To access course and bursary funding you must have enrolled and started an SKE
programme before 31st October 2015.
9. Is there any cost to me or my provider in relation to the SKE course?
No, if you meet the eligibility criteria there is no cost to you or your ITT provider. All
course fees are met by the National College for Teaching and Leadership (NCTL) via the
Department for Education.
If you do not meet the eligibility criteria you may choose to self-fund the SKE
programme. For more information contact HCUK to discuss self-funding and payment
10. How can I tell if I meet the funding eligibility criteria?
To be eligible for a funded place on an HCUK SKE programme you must meet the SKE
eligibility criteria outlined in question 2.
11. When will bursary funding be paid?
Bursary funding will be paid directly to you in monthly instalments for the duration of
the programme you have enrolled on. However, the first payment will not be received
until the second month of the course as the payment is made in arrears. HCUK will
contact you to arrange payment once the programme has started. Please note that
bursary payments can be withdrawn if you do not meet the minimum requirements of
the course.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
HCUK course content and lengths
12. What subjects and programme lengths are available?
HCUK’s SKE programmes are available in Chemistry, Computing, Maths, Modern
Languages (French, German or Spanish) or Physics. You must do the same SKE subject as
the one that you are training to teach in, with the exception of Modern Languages
where you can choose a language different to the one that you are training in.
Course lengths are available as follows:
Chemistry, Computing, Maths, Modern Languages and Physics
8 weeks
Chemistry, Computing, Maths, Modern Languages and Physics
12 weeks
Chemistry, Computing, Maths, Modern Languages and Physics
16 weeks
Chemistry, Maths, Modern Languages and Physics
20 weeks
Chemistry, Maths, Modern Languages and Physics
24 weeks
Chemistry, Maths and Physics
28 weeks
Chemistry, Maths and Physics
32 weeks
Modern Language SKEs are only available for up to 24 weeks. We’re hoping to expand
the Computing SKE course length to a maximum of 32 weeks in the near future, for
more information please contact us.
13. How long is a unit?
One unit of SKE will take approximately two weeks to complete. For example, a four unit
course will take eight weeks to complete.
14. How long should I spend learning each week?
HCUK recommend that you dedicate between 20-25 hours per week to your learning.
This amount will differ from trainee to trainee depending on your own learning speed
and the topic or assignment that you are completing. Since our SKE is delivered
completely online, it is designed to fit around any existing personal or professional
commitments and can be done during evenings and weekends.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
15.How personalised is the programme?
The course enables you to build your knowledge to GCSE level (there is some A-level
content) and will cover the core topics featured in the syllabus for your chosen subject.
You will complete a subject audit at the beginning of the course and your allocated
personal pathway tutor will help to tailor the programme to your individual needs based
on this audit. The pathway tutor can also make additional materials on a certain topic or
area for improvement accessible if available and enough notice is given.
16. How is the course delivered?
The programme is delivered 100% online and supported throughout by a personal
pathway tutor. Content will be delivered through a mix of live interactive sessions, audio
recordings, video content and presentations. Each session will have an associated end of
session task that you must complete. You will not be required to attend any-face to-face
sessions at any time during the course.
17. How will I be assessed and supported?
You will be continually assessed with a final summative assessment based on a portfolio
of tasks undertaken over the duration of the course. You will be continuously assessed
by your pathway tutor, who will review your work online, provide regular feedback and
answer subject knowledge queries, as well as monitoring Learning Diary entries and
other contributions.
These assignments take the form of practical tasks, the creation of mock lesson plans
and reflective learning pieces. They are designed to help you think about how you will
teach the knowledge that you are learning in a classroom environment.
18. What feedback will I receive and what will my ITT provider receive?
On completion of the SKE programme you and your ITT provider will receive a
comprehensive feedback report compiled by your SKE pathway tutor. The report will
highlight your strengths and areas for further development during your ITT programme.
If your ITT provider requires feedback on your progress at any other time during the SKE
programme they can request this by contacting us directly.
You will also receive a HCUK SKE course completion certificate once you have
successfully completed the programme.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
19. Can I fail the SKE course?
You will only fail the SKE course if you do not engage with the programme and fail to
complete any of the required tasks. If you are not engaging with the course your
pathway tutor will intervene and try to work with you to ensure you can catch up. The
admissions team will also try and assist you in any way they can. However, if you fail to
engage with the programme and you are at risk of failing we will contact your ITT
provider to notify them of our concerns.
20. Can I do the SKE if I have no previous subject experience?
No, it is not recommended. HCUK’s SKE programmes are not designed to teach the
subject from scratch but to improve your existing subject knowledge, experience and
skills. Our SKE programmes are aimed at pre-ITT trainees who need to boost their
subject knowledge within the context of teaching the relevant subject in a classroom
If you have no subject relevant qualifications or experience you will struggle to keep up
with the course and this is particularly prevalent in Modern Languages.
21. Can I overlap my SKE course with my ITT programme?
Yes, you can overlap or even complete your SKE course alongside your ITT programme.
Overlapping SKE with the first month of an ITT programme is reasonably common.
However, it is important to note the SKE course is equivalent to a full-time programme
and completing it alongside ITT for a long period of time is extremely demanding. If you
are considering overlapping your SKE with ITT we strongly recommend that you discuss
this with your ITT provider first.
If you choose to overlap SKE with ITT you must complete the SKE course before you can
be awarded QTS. In addition, any SKE bursary funding that you are eligible to receive for
SKE will stop as soon as you start the ITT programme. You can only receive one bursary
at a time and this is usually the higher amount (normally the ITT bursary).
22. Can I suspend, defer or extended my SKE if I need/want to?
A suspension or deferral would only be possible in exceptional circumstances as the
NCTL’s rules on funding and bursaries dictate that you must complete the course within
the time period set by the provider. If a suspension or deferral was requested it would
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.
need to be authorised by HCUK and your ITT provider. If you are receiving a bursary
funding for your SKE course this would be stopped at this point. A course extension
would be possible if you or your ITT provider is prepared to pay for the extra content as
HCUK can only request a set amount of course funding for you from the NCTL when you
start the SKE course.
Have a question that we haven’t answered?
If you have any questions that are not answered here please contact our enrolment
team on 0800 088 6126 or email info@HCUKonline.com.
A: 10 Greycoat Place, London SW1P 1SB, UK. E: info@HCUKonline.com. T: +44 (0) 207 960 6536
Correct at time of issue: May 2015. HCUK reserves the right to amend course information, cancel, suspend or modify the
course or change the entry requirements at any time.