May 08 - Highland Secondary School


May 08 - Highland Secondary School
Friday, May 08/15
Day 1 (AB CD)
Variety Night –tonight at 7:00pm in the MP room. There will be amazing entertainment (skits, music,
singing, magic, etc.), as well as tasty treats. Tickets are $10/person or $20/family, and will be available at
the door.
Lost Keys – for a Volvo, blue bling key chain. Please notify office if you have seen them.
Mental Health Tip of the Day – Anxiety is normal and worry is too! Everyone experiences it from time to
time. Worry will show up and what we can do is not give it power or make it bigger. Anxiety will visit as
well – it can show up as fear of the future and all of those “what ifs?” Take a breath….live in the now….be
kind to yourself.
Ecoteamers who are going to Sointula need to get your permission slips from Ms. Peacocke today! They
are due by May 12.
Girls’ Soccer Team – please bring your fees to Mr. Bakker (room #213) ASAP!
Surfing in Tofino – want to do on an overnight surfing trip to Tofino next weekend, May 11 & 12? The
international program has some open spots left for this great trip. Included in the $180 price is a ride to
Tofino, hotel, three meals, and surf lessons. We will also see Cathedral Grove, do a rainforest walk, and
have plenty of time to hang in Tofino as well. Email to sign up.
Bake a Cake for Nepal – as you all know, the recent earthquake in Nepal has devastated the country and
the people. Do you wish you could do something to help? You can! All you need to be able to do is bake a
cake. If you’re interested in finding out more, come to a meeting in room #105 (the ILC room) on
Wednesday during lunch.
Looking for a student, strong in math skills, to tutor a grade 9 student for one lunch block a week. Please
come to the WEX office for more information.
Are you interested in helping with coaching 6 and 7 year olds playing T-ball at Highland? Please go to the
WEX office for more information.
If you are in grade 9, 10, or 11, and are interested in gaining 4 grade 12 credits over the summer (either with
your paid job or with volunteer work), get more information in the WEX office.
Minuet – practice at noon on Monday and at 8:00am on Wednesday.
Grad Transitions – please check the list on the WEX office window to see if you have completed your
grad transitions. THEY ARE DUE!!!
Guest List for After Grad Celebration - If you are planning to bring a guest to this event on
Mt. Washington, you need to sign up in the main office. Cost for a guest is $70. Deadline for requesting a
guest to be included is Friday, May 15.
Tuesday & Thursday – Pizza $2
Wednesday – Chili $4 Donuts $1
Friday – Chinese Food $5