2015-16 higley spiritline contract


2015-16 higley spiritline contract
2015-2016 Higley Spiritline
Higley Spiritline Director: Brie Dragonetti briedragonetti@yahoo.com
Please read the following packet very carefully
The 2015-2016 Higley Spiritline will consist of talented cheerleaders and dancers. The spiritline team is made up of JV
Spiritline, Varsity Cheer and Varsity Pom. The JV Spiritline includes cheerleaders and dancers who will cheer and
perform at all home Freshmen and JV football games as well as Freshmen and JV basketball games. The Varsity Cheer
and Varsity Pom teams will be performing at all Varsity Football games as well as Varsity Basketball games. Our role as
leaders on campus is to promote school spirit, achieve a high team GPA and be mentors for others on campus. We will
demonstrate respect and responsibility through our actions and words on and off campus. The Higley Spiritline will be
attending as many sporting events as possible to help raise spirit at all functions. We will also participate in different
community work throughout the season. We look forward to representing Higley High School during the 2015-2016
school year.
Membership on the Higley Spiritline will require an extensive amount of time from the participants. Jobs, family
obligations, and social activities may often need to be rescheduled to provide for the responsibilities and obligations
connected to this organization. There will also be the unavoidable financial commitment that goes along with participating
as an athlete on the team. Please take time to read through the attached pages and discuss them with your daughter. If you
grant permission for your child to participate in the tryouts, please sign the last page of the contract and the parent consent
Contract Order:
Higley Spiritline Overview p.1
Higley Spiritline Teams and Requirements p.2
Practice Schedule p.3
Mandatory Dates p.4
Financial Obligations p.5
Spiritline Boosters P.6-7
Program Expectations p.8
Signature Page p.13
Parent Consent Page P.14
Scheduled Trips P.15
In addition to the last page of this contract, parent consent page and scheduled trips page, each interested spiritline
member is required to complete and turn in the Higley Spiritline tryout application, a recent head shot and provide
proper athletic clearance through Higley High School. You will not be allowed to tryout unless all documents are turned in
on time and you have the proper athletic clearance from the school. All of this is due prior to tryouts. The last day to get
all paperwork turned in for tryouts is April 2, 2015 at 12:00pm. This must be hand delivered to Coach Brie.
A mandatory parent/participant meeting will be held on March 23, 2015 at 5:00pm in the HHS Library. You must attend
this meeting in order to audition for any of the Higley Spiritline Teams.
Tryouts will be held at Higley High School the week of April 6-9, 2015 in the HHS Aux Gym.
If you have any questions regarding tryouts or the program please email Directot Brie Dragonetti.
Team Website: www.higleyspiritline.com
P. 1
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Higley Spiritline Teams and Requirements
Varsity Cheer
Varsity Pom
JV Spiritline
Freshmen through Seniors
Must have round off back handspring
Freshmen through Seniors
Freshmen through Juniors
Must have at least a double pirouette
Experience with stunting and dancing
Working on triples
Must have a standing back handspring
Must have turns in a la second
Must have strong jumps
Must have experience with stunting
Leg turn
Must pick up choreography quickly
Must be able to do jump sequences
Must have a double toe touch
Must execute sharp motions
Need strong and high jumps
Need strong and high jumps
Working on flexibility
Must pick up choreography quickly
Must pick up choreography quickly
Must be willing to be a team player
Must execute sharp motions
Must execute sharp motions
Must pick up choreography quickly
Must demonstrate proper form and
Must demonstrate proper form and
Must be flexible
Must be flexible
Must be willing to be a team player
Must be willing to be a team player
VARSITY CHEER: The Varsity Cheer team’s primary responsibility is cheering at games, stunting and tumbling. Varsity Cheer
members are required to learn all cheers and sideline dances for the year. The Varsity Cheer team will perform routines with stunts
and tumbling passes. A small dance section is included in the cheer routines as well. Routines for cheer are based on the AIA score
sheets for the year which have a main emphasis on stunting and tumbling. Varsity cheer is expected to have football buddies, help
decorate the football locker room on game days and decorate the field for home games.
VARSITY POM: The Varsity Pom team’s primary responsibility is cheering at games and performing pom, jazz and hip hop
routines. Varsity Pom members are required to learn all cheers and sideline dances for the year. The Varsity Pom team will perform
various styles throughout the season with a main focus on pom. A pommie dances with poms and competes with poms. Routines for
pom are based on the AIA score sheets for the year which have a main emphasis on sharp technique and complex visuals. Varsity
pom is expected to have football buddies, help decorate the football locker room on game days and decorate the field for home
VARSITY COMPETITION: The varsity competition team will consist of the following teams: cheer, pom and a 5man stunt group.
Just because you are on the varsity team does not guarantee you a spot on the competitive team. The competitive teams will be
selected based on technique, dedication, hard work and commitment to the sport. There will be no cross overs between pom and
cheer. The coaches have the final say on the competition squads. Being on a competitive squad will cost more money due to
competition fees, nationals and a competition top.
JV SPIRITLINE: The JV Spiritline team’s primary responsibility is cheering at Freshmen and JV games and executing tumbling,
stunting and dancing skills. The main purpose of the JV Spiritline team is to prepare the girls for varsity cheer or varisty pom. JV
Spiritline will have the opportunity to cheer at the Varsity Homecoming Game. JV Spiritline will not compete unless the coaches feel
the team is ready for this step. Competition is something that needs to be earned and competition will not be decided for JV until the
team is fully picked and has practiced for a few months. If the coaches choose to compete the team we will compete in the JV pom
and JV cheer divisions.
Just because a participant has their tumbling or turns does not guarantee them a spot on the varsity squad. This is just one aspect the
judges will be look at while judging the auditions.
It is imperative to understand that just because someone competed with varsity the previous year, it does not guarantee them a spot
on varsity or competition team the following year. Participants are required to audition every year for a spot on the team.
P. 2
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Practice Schedules
Varsity Cheer and Varsity Pom Schedule
A Hour will be spiritline class and count towards a PE Credit
Monday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Tuesday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Wednesday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Thursday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Friday ~
Saturday ~ 9:00am-1:00pm (once a month; will be announced at least a month in advance)
We may have two a days when competition gets closer if needed
Competitions and choreography sessions will be on Friday afternoons and Saturdays
Dates will be modified if there is a change in the school schedule
All members of the varsity team will cheer at all home varsity football and basketball games. Performances will also be
done during various school events and pep rallies.
Not all members of the varsity team will perform at all competitions and halftimes.
JV Spiritline Schedule
A Hour will be spiritline class and count towards a PE Credit
Monday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Tuesday ~ -6:30am-7:25am
Wednesday ~ 5:30am-7:25am
Thursday ~ 6:30am-7:25am
Friday ~
The coaches reserve the right to extend, cut, or change any and all practices including adding practice days when needed.
Not all members of the JV Spiritline will perform at all performances.
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Mandatory Dates
(Could change due to choreographer’s schedules, game changes or gym availability)
April 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 28, 29, 30: Practice for those attending camp. 5:30am-7:10am
July 7: Practice at HHS for camp (times TBD)
July 27: School starts and spiritline class starts
August 1: Varisty Cheer Competition choreography (COMPETITION TEAM ONLY)
August 14 & 15: Varsity Pom Competition choreography (COMPETITION TEAM ONLY)
September 28th and 29th, 2015: Fall break practice (mandatory for competition team)
October 2, 2015: Varsity football game (during fall break)
October 9, 2015: Varsity football game (during fall break)
October 7th and 8th, 2015: Fall break practice (mandatory for competition team)
November 7, 14, 21 & 27 2015: Tentative competition days
December 2015: Tentative USA Competition Dates
Schedule vacations after December 19, 2015
January 2016: AIA State, UDA/UCA Cactus Cup Competition and Jambrands competition
February 2016: Cheer for Charity Championship
March 2016: Jamfest, Arizona State Cheerleading/Pom Tournament and USA Spirit and Dance Nationals
Other competition dates will be added once competition schedule is available.
Fall Break: We will have football games during fall break that you will be required to cheer at. Please keep this in mind
when planning any vacations.
Winter Break: All vacations must be scheduled after December 19, 2015. You will have your entire winter break free
from practice.
Spring Break: If we attend nationals, the competition teams will be required to practice during spring break due to
nationals following our break.
You must be able to attend all of these important dates as well as all weekly practices, games, and rallies. Please remember
these are tentative dates and could be changed. Vacations are NOT allowed to be scheduled during practices and will not
be excused.
P. 4
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Estimated Financial Obligations
Varsity Cheer
Varsity Pom
JV Spiritline
Practice clothing $185
Practice clothing $185
Practice clothing $185
(required for everyone)
(required for everyone)
(required for everyone)
Game top $178.12
Game top $178.12
Warm Up’s $175
(required if new to varsity)
(required if new to varsity)
(required if new to program)
Game/competition skort $70.49
Game/competition skort $70.49
White cheer shoes (any brand)
(required if new to varsity)
(required if new to varsity)
(required for everyone)
Warm Up’s $175
Warm Up’s $175
Bow $15
(required if new to program)
(required if new to program)
(required for everyone)
White Cheer Shoes
Game Halter Top $100
(required if new)
$100 Athletic Fee
(required for everyone)
Bows $30 (get more than one)
Jazz Shoes $35
(required for everyone)
(required for everyone)- purchase
on your own
Backpack $25
(required if new)
Competition Top $200
(only if new to competition team)
White Game shoes (on your
Camp Fee $250 (estimate)
Bows $30 (get more than one)
(required for everyone)- purchase
on your own
(required for everyone)
(required for everyone)
(required for everyone)
$100 Athletic Fee
(required for everyone)
Competition Top $200
(only if new to competition team)
Camp Fee $250 (estimate)
(required for everyone)
Backpack $25
(required if new)
$100 Athletic Fee
(required for everyone)
Backpack $25
(required if new)
If making the Varsity Cheer Team or Varsity Pom Team, you will be required to pay for practice clothing, backpack and
$100 deposit towards camp. This date is Thursday, April 9, 2015.
If making the JV Spiritline Team, you will be required to pay for practice clothing and backpack the day you make the
team. This date is Thursday, April 9, 2015.
Camp Fee: camp fee is an estimate at this point. We have a few fundraisers that can help contribute to camp, but some
out of pocket expense will be required. Camp ranges from $500-$600 per girl and we need to fundraise in order to help
cut the cost down.
The competition team may have the chance to travel to Anaheim for Nationals. This can be around between $800$1,000). We will fundraise as much as possible to help cut costs. Payments will be scheduled for parents so not all money
is due at once.
P. 5
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Spiritline Boosters Information
What is HHS Spiritline Boosters?
The Higley High School Spiritline Boosters is an all-volunteer organization that is committed to supporting Spiritline coaches and
players in a positive way both on and off the field and court. The purpose of HHS Spiritline Boosters is to promote, develop,
encourage and support Higley High School and interscholastic cheer and pom. Our goal is to enhance a more integrated relationship
among the parents, administration, faculty, coaching staff, pommies and cheerleaders, as well as the Higley community. We want to
foster and promote a spirit of Uknighty and sportsmanship among its members.
What does HHS Spiritline Boosters do?
HHS Spiritline Boosters hosts and organizes the off-field, off-court activities that are associated with the Spiritline which include:
support to competitions, weekly team meals, concessions, merchandise sales (game night and team spirit gear), special game night
activities (senior night), fundraisers, end of the season banquet and much more.
Who should become an HHS Spiritline Boosters Member?
EVERY parent with an active Spiritline Member (JV, Pom, Varsity).
Why should I become an HHS Spiritline Boosters Member?
As a Member, you receive voting rights.
What will HHS Spiritline Boosters be voting on?
Executive Committee - This committee is responsible for decisions regarding ALL activities outside of coaching, like pre and post
game activities, fundraising, events, competition support, community outreach, etc.
Budget - HHS Spiritline Boosters vote on the operating budget of Spiritline. Although the budget is put together by coaches and
administrators based on the needs and requirements of the school, district and AIA, Boosters get to see the budget and have input as
to how to best meet budget needs.
Other events and decisions that need to be made on behalf of parents and coaches.
Are members required to attend meetings?
Absolutely not! Although the monthly meetings are informative and provide an opportunity to learn and give your opinion on things
Boosters are responsible for, Members do not HAVE to attend meetings.
Do you have to pay to become a member?
Yes and no. There is $25 dues to be a member each year, however you can choose to 'pay' for dues with an in-kind donation, like a
gift card, or product from your at home business, or anything you can get donated OR you can simply make a $25 donation
Why is it important to have members?
The more members we have, the easier it is to maximize fundraising efforts, which in turn helps EVERYONE with fees and costs
associated with Spiritline. It helps keep parents informed about all the events and activities outside of games and competition. It's a
great networking opportunity! It creates a positive support system for the program
If I become a member, do I have to volunteer?
No! Although we would love for you to get involved, you are not required to volunteer, but by becoming a member, you might learn
of an opportunity that may be of interest to you...it's a win, win!
How many members would Boosters like to have?
Our goal is that at least one parent of each Spiritline member becomes an active member! The more members we have, the easier it
is to raise money, which is the primary.
P. 6
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Boosters will be fundraising to help cover the following
- $10,000 towards UCA/UDA Camp. TOTAL FOR CAMP $19,000
$6,000 towards competition choreography. TOTAL FOR CHOREOGRAPHY $6,000
- $2,500 for new poms for all teams. TOTAL FOR POMS $2,500
- $1,000 towards competition poms. TOTAL FOR COMP POMS $1,000
- $300 towards cheer signs. TOTAL FOR SIGNS $300
ALL Competition fees ($1,000 per competition). TOTAL CAN ADD UP TO $10,000
- Part of Nationals. CAN ADD UP TO $30,000
- $1,000 Senior Knight
- $3,000 towards Banquet
- $2,000 towards Team parties
- Anything else we may need throughout the year
Please remember that in order to have Boosters help cover these costs we need parents provide service to our program in
order to help with all expenses throughout the year.
Fundraising/Service will be required if your daughter makes the Higley Spiritline as all funds go towards the items listed
above as well as other expenses throughout the year.
Boosters will also help our team get involved with the community and other activities in the Gilbert area.
If parents and participants do not do their service commitment to the team, parents will be responsible for covering costs
of items needed. The more help and service we receive from parents, families and friends, the less you have to pay!
*To become a member please go to www.higleyspiritline.com and fill out the Booster Application*
*Just because a parent becomes part of the Boosters program does not mean their child gets special treatment.
Joining Boosters is a commitment the parent chooses to engage in and does not play a role in which team your
daughter makes or their placement in formations*
P. 7
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Program Expectations
This is a competition squad and communication on this squad is 100% coach to student. Primary communication will be
conducted via e-mail with the students and the parents. Students are responsible for keeping track of dates, practices,
performances, and costuming. Also, the student is responsible for informing the coach of any dates she may be absent and
for checking them against performance schedules. Doctor appointments must be made in advance and the director must
know about the appointment at least one week in advance. Not informing the director at least one week in advance will
result in an unexcused absence and benched for the next performance. If a spiritline member is sick, she is responsible for
emailing the director the night before or the morning of practice. It is expected that the participant will email the director
directly unless she is extremely ill and unable to contact the director the parent may email the director. Emails or phone
calls need to be received before practice starts or it is considered an unexcused absence. This means the phone call, text
or email needs to be received before 5:30am in order for it to be excused.
All communication must go through Coach Brie. If you are sick, going to be absent, running late, have an emergency, etc.,
you are required to contact Coach Brie. Texting a teammate to let them know you’re running late or going to be absent
does not count. Coach Brie keeps track of all tardies and absences and it is crucial that you contact Coach Brie if you are
having an issue.
Spiritline is a class and will count as a grade.
All cell phones are put in lockers before practice starts.
Hair must be up when practice starts and remain up for the entire practice.
Hair color must be natural looking.
Participants are not allowed to have mohawks, shavings in their head, etc.
Hair needs to be able to be put in a bun and pony tail.
No jewelry is to be worn at practice (this includes but is not limited to earrings, all body jewelry, necklaces,
bracelets, and rings).
No nail polish is to be worn during the spiritline season and acrylic nails are not allowed.
Nails cannot extend over the fingertips. This is an AIA rule.
Students must be wearing the designated practice outfit to every practice (if you are not in the correct practice outfit
you will receive an “X” and lose participation points for the day).
Practice begins promptly at the time indicated by the coach – please be on time. If you are late you will receive an
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
You must have the following items with you at EVERY practice: practice poms, jazz shoes (pom), cheer shoes
(cheer), and correct practice uniform.
Practices are closed to the public and to family members. Only spiritline members, coaches and Higley personnel
are allowed in the gym during practice.
Participants can receive an “X” for being late to practice, not wearing the proper uniform or practice uniform,
wearing jewelry, not having poms, not having shoes, not having paperwork in on time, hair is not properly up, etc.
If a student does not come to practice until A hour starts and their practice start time was 5:30am they will receive
an X.
Three “X’s” will result in the student being benched at the next game/performance.
If you’re failing a class during a grade check you will be benched from performing until the grade is brought up.
Participants who are late to practice, not wearing the proper uniform or practice uniform, wearing jewelry, not
having poms, not having shoes, not having paperwork in on time, hair is not properly up, etc. will lose points in
class in addition to an X.
You can receive more than one X in one day if you violate more than one rule (coming late and not having correct
outfit, etc.).
Once a participant has received 9 X’s (3 benchings), she will be put on a behavioral contract. If the behavioral
contact is violated the participant will be removed from the team and class.
NO disrespect of authority or fellow squad members of any kind will be tolerated.
If this occurs, spiritline members will receive a benching.
Participants do not make the decisions for this team. The director makes all final decisions and arguing with the
coach is not tolerated and can result in removal from the team.
The use/possession of alcohol or drugs is against the HUSD Student Code of Conduct and against spiritline rules.
Anyone engaging in this type of activity will be removed immediately from the team/class. No exceptions.
The distribution/purchasing/sales of drugs or alcohol are against the HUSD Student Code of Conduct and against
spiritline rules. Anyone engaging in this type of activity will be removed immediately from the team/class. No
If any member on the spiritline gets arrested they will be removed from the team/class immediately.
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
If a spiritline member gets suspended at any time they will be put on a behavior contract. If they get suspended for
a second time or violate their contract they will be removed from the team and the class immediately.
It is expected that spiritline will take first priority as an activity.
If you are involved in another activity (for example band, color guard, sports teams, studios, or competitive gyms)
this is NOT an excuse to miss practice or a performance. The coaches WILL NOT work around your practice
schedule for another team.
If a participant misses for any of the reasons above she will be removed immediately.
College visits as well as severe medical emergencies, weddings, funerals and religious holy days, are excused upon
PRIOR director approval. The coach must know about any trips scheduled during the spiritline season.
Documentation must be provided for the absence to be excused.
Please be mindful of the important dates and practices when scheduling any out-of-town trips. It is important for all
team members to be at every practice and event. You are not allowed to attend vacations that are scheduled during
practice/performance days.
One unexcused absence will result in being benched for the next performance.
Three unexcused absences will result in the participant being put on an attendance contract.
If a student is put on an attendance contract and they violate it, they will be removed from the class/team.
If you are “kind of sick” or “not feeling well” you are still expected to be at practice. You may sit and watch if you
can’t participate. Exceptions are strep throat before 24 hours of antibiotics, a high fever, or the stomach flu.
It is not acceptable if you skip practice/class, but attend the rest of the school day. If you miss one you miss the
other. This also goes the other way around. You cannot attend practice and then skip school.
If a spiritline member misses practice or class the week of a competition they will be pulled. The week of a
competition is crucial and all members must be present.
Please attempt to make all doctor and dentist appointments after school.
Doctors notes are required if missing practice or coming late to practice.
You will not be allowed to take make up tests during morning practice times as practice is now a class and you are
expected to be there.
Please note that if you are injured you are still expected to come all practices, games and events. Injured
participants will be expected to watch practice and learn corrections and changes made to routines.
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Spiritline is not allowed to be taken away as a form of punishment from parents. This hurts the entire team and
becomes a team punishment rather than an individual punishment.
If choosing to participate in extra-circular activities (such as powder puff, going to concerts, doing plays, taking
classes outside of the team, etc), you are still required to be at all of your spiritline practices.
Attending outside events will not excuse you from practice the next day because you are tired.
If a Varsity member misses more than 2 practices in one week she will not be allowed to cheer at that week’s game.
If a JV member misses more than 2 practices in one week she will not be allowed to cheer at that week’s game.
Test make-up and tutoring should be done after school (not during A Hour).
Participants are excused only with a doctor’s note.
Students will not be permitted at practice if they do not have a pass from their doctor.
An unexcused tardy will result in a benching for the next game or performance.
Students are required to text or email Coach Brie if she is running late to practice or will be absent.
If Coach Brie does not hear from the student or parent directly, their tardy or absence will not be excused and will
result in a benching.
You will be required to rebuy any items that you lose during the season.
If any items are checked out with the equipment manager they must be returned on time.
If items are damaged or lost you are responsible for paying for these items. You will not be allowed to re-audition
for the team until outstanding balances are paid. This can also result in a point deduction for class.
Practice, performance and costume schedules for the week will be updated and emailed on a weekly bases.
No videos of any kind will be allowed to be posted on youtube, facebook, or any other website. Our routines are
strictly for Higley and are not allowed to be publically shared.
You are not allowed at any time to take inappropriate pictures while wearing anything saying Higley on your outfit
or post any inappropriate pictures. Doing so will result in immediate removal of the team/class.
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
You are not allowed to have any pictures posted online with “red cups” or at parties.
There will be no negative words exchanged on facebook, instagram, twitter, snapchat, etc. Engaging in this activity
will result in removal of the team/class immediately. Retweeting something inappropriate is also not allowed.
Everyone with a twitter or facebook account is required to follow Higley Spiritline and must allow Higley Spiritline
to follow them.
All of your social media sites should be blocked and private.
All social media badges sent out to members promoting spiritline events will be required to be posted on all of
your social media sites.
Participants will receive 10 points per day related to participation (5 points for wearing the correct practice uniform
and 5 points for practicing).
Participants will receive 20 points per game.
Participants will be required to attend all spiritline functions.
Participants will be required to engage in service activities to help promote the program and our school.
Participants will be required to work spiritline events (clinics, selling programs at games, etc.).
Participants will be required to write out cheers, sideline dances and competition routines for written work.
Participants will be required to help decorate the field and locker rooms for games as well as help take down all
decorations after games.
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Spiritline Program Guidelines Contract Agreement Page
If I do not like or disagree with the program, policy, schedule, or requirements, I am free to remove my daughter from the
HIGLEY SPIRITLINE at any time with the understanding that any monies paid is not refundable. If a student quits/removed at any
time they are still responsible for all payments listed on the payment page.
I understand that the coach will NOT negotiate the program with parents or students at any time.
I understand the coach will always be forthright and honest with squad members, especially regarding matters of
technique and squad ability. This means that there will be constructive criticism of technique and ability in order to push
the squad to its desired level.
I understand that this packet is in addition to the Higley handbook in which all rules and regulations must be adhered to by all
team members. Rules may be subject to change.
Parent~ PrintedName
Student ~ Printed Name
Parent ~ Signature
Year for 2015-2016 School Year:
Student Name:
Student E-mail:
Students Cell:
Parent Name:
Parent E-mail: ____________________________________
Parent Phone #:
P. 13
Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Higley Spiritline
Parent Consent Page
I, ____________________________________________________________________, parent/guardian of
____________________________________________________________________, give our permission for our
daughter to tryout to be a member of the Higley Spiritline Program.
We understand that our daughter is required to be in good physical condition and that the activities which she will be
asked and expected to participate in, are strenuous and require physical and athletic agility. It has been fully explained to
us that these activities include, but are not necessarily limited to, a variety of tumbling skills, including back handsprings,
back flips, aerials and round-offs and that there be a variety of stunts requiring the coordination of more than one
participant on the squad. We are aware that the dance choreography will include varied high level technique, skill, and
flexibility. It has also been explained to us that pom and cheer activities have a high risk of injury and any of the routines
involving the participation of my daughter could lead to serious injury. We understand that constructive criticism will be
given at practice for the betterment of our daughter.
We honestly state that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, our daughter has no physical, medical, or mental disability
or other limitations that would restrict her ability TO FULLY PARTICIPATE in tryouts for pom and cheer activities.
By signing this agreement, we acknowledge that we fully understand the risk of serious physical injury involved with the
athletic activity of cheerleading and accept responsibility for this decision by giving our consent for our daughter to
participate in the Higley High School Spiritline Program, including tryouts.
We do not hold the coaches, Higley High School, or chaperones liable for loss or damage of personal property or injuries
to our daughter.
In addition, if our daughter is chosen to be on the team, we understand and agree to honor the time and financial
commitment required to participate in the Higley Spiritline Program as outlined by the coaching staff.
It is understood that if our daughter makes the Higley Spiritline we will be required as parents to help with events
throughout the year. We understand that service towards at least three events per year will be required from us.
We understand that the program rules, guidelines and expectations are not negotiable. Parents do not have a say in
placement of teams, formations, practice schedule, etc. If a parent has a concern they must come to the director to discuss
the issue. Parents must speak with the director directly to resolve any issues or concerns.
Phone calls and text messages will not be answered by the coaches after 5:00pm on weekdays. Phone calls and texts will
not be answered on weekends. Please allow 24-48 hours when waiting for a response to an email.
Parent/Guardian Signature
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Higley Spiritline 2015-2016
Please fill in the boxes where you know you have something ALREADY planned for next year.
We need to confirm everyone’s availability before making the team. Any trips not listed on this
chart will not be considered excused absences if you miss practice for a trip.
JUNE 2015
JULY 2015
(varsity cheer and pom will be going to camp
July 8-11 and it is mandatory)
MARCH 2016
APRIL 2016
MAY 2016
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