Application Form


Application Form
Engineering Day Camp for Secondary School Students 2015
Application Form
Notes to the applicants
Please read the application procedures as listed on the following website carefully
For application for the Engineering Day Camp for Secondary School Students 2015,
please submit the followings to the HKIE Secretariat by email or mail:
1) The completed Application Form;
2) Self-introduction in about 200 words;
3) Copies of recent academic report; and
4) A letter of recommendation by school (if applicable)
Deadline for submission: Friday, 30 January 2015
Should you have any enquiries, please contact the HKIE Secretariat
Telephone : 2895 4446
Address : 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong
Part I
Personal Particulars (To be completed by the applicant)
Name in Full (English)
Gender M/F*
Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY)
HKID (First 4 digits/ characters)
Correspondence Address
Contact Phone No.
Do you have any special health conditions that require our attention? (If yes, please specify)
Part II Self-Introduction (To be completed by the applicant)
Please briefly introduce yourself and your interest areas in engineering in
about 200 words on a separate A4 sheet.
Part III Principal/ Teacher* Endorsement (To be completed by school)
I recommend _______________________________(Name of student) of
___________ (Class) to attend the Engineering Day Camp for Secondary
School Students 2015 co-organised by the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers
and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.
Name of Principal/Teacher*
Signature of Principal/Teacher* with school chop
□ A letter of recommendation is attached.
□ No letter of recommendation is attached.
Please put a tick in the box as appropriate
* Please delete as appropriate
Engineering Day Camp for Secondary School Students 2015
Part IV Parent Consent (To be completed by the applicants’ parent/
I, __________________ (name in BLOCK LETTER), parent/guardian* of
____________________(name of the student) of _________________(name
of the school), hereby agree my son/daughter* to participate in the Engineering
Day Camp for Secondary School Students 2015 co-organised by the Hong
Kong Institution of Engineers and the Hong Kong University of Science and
Technology on 7 April 2015. I certify that the health condition of my
son/daughter* is suitable for the camp.
第四部份 家長/監護人同意書
本人 _________________(中文姓名以正楷填寫),為 _______________(學
校名稱)學生_____________________(學生姓名) 之家長/監護人*,同意及確定
中學生工程體驗日營 2015。
Name of Parent/Guardian
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Emergency Contact No.
*Please delete as appropriate
Part V Declaration (To be completed by the applicant)
1. I declare the information set out in this application or any attachment is, to
the best of my knowledge, accurate and complete.
2. I agree to the data provided in the application form will be used as a basis
for selection of applicants and for admission for the day camp; as evidence
for verification of the applicant’s identity, examination results, academic
records and other information by the HKIE or HKUST.
3. I give my consent to the use of my photos/images taken at the Camp for
promotional purpose of the organisers in the future.
Signature of Applicant
Data Usage: Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have a right to request
access to, and to request correction of, your personal data in relation to your application.
If you wish to exercise these rights, please contact the HKIE Secretariat at 2895 4446.