Games Shows - Hollywood Hill Saddle Club


Games Shows - Hollywood Hill Saddle Club
Bit of News
Hollywood Hill Saddle Club – April 2015
PO Box 2973 Woodinville, WA 98072
Past President
Vice President
Julie Winkler
Karen Yuckert
Helen Lay
Jocelyn Williams
Andrea Langkow
Julie Wartes
Marilyn Vail
Jan Capps
Mitzi Tanis
Cheryl Kearny
Arena Rental
Julie Winkler
Tom Short
Doug Carl
Jenny Davidson
Jenny Davidson
Jenny Davidson
One Year Board Members: Roger Stark, David Austin
Two year Board Member: Jane Ward
Junior Board Members: Hope Langkow and Sarah Reynolds (co-chairs)
Our Arena is located at:15205 NE 172nd Street Woodinville, WA 98072
Google Maps is best for getting directions to the arena.
Happy April everyone,
It's been spring like weather sun, rain, hail, sun and so on. Hope everyone has been able to ride your
At our April meeting, the work party and all the improvement planned for 2015 was the main topic so
with this in mind the next work date is April 25th at the arena. We need more workers! The hours can
count toward your year end worker point for your divisions so come and help.
The Easter Egg hunt was a lot of fun thank you Hope Langkow and Sarah Reynolds for stuffing candy
into 900 eggs and arranging for help in hiding again 900 eggs. Great hunting was had for the kids.
New bleachers will be added this summer thanks Tom.
Jan Capps out with a broken leg so please keep her in your thoughts and prays.
Have a great month!
Helen Lay VP of HHSC
Work Party Coming Up!
We could really use your help at our work parties. They start
at 9am and end about 3ish. Located at the arena.
Next Work Party: April 25th
Hollywood Hill Saddle Club Show Calendar 2015
WORK PARTIES—We really need your help at our work parties!
Saturday, April 25, starts 9am
We’re hoping to offer a Jackpot Barrel show in 2015.
Stay tuned for details.
2 out of 3 shows qualifies for year end awards
 Saturday, May 23
 Saturday, August 15
 Saturday, September 26
2 out of 4 shows qualifies but the best 3 shows will count towards
Year End Awards
 Saturday, May 2 Trail/Equitation Clinic
 Saturday, May 9 (relaxed attire)
 Saturday, June 13
 Saturday, July 11
 Saturday, August 8—Pink Show/Cancer fundraiser
GAMES SHOWS (registration opens 8am)
4 out of 6 shows qualifies for year end awards
 Sunday, April 26
 Sunday, May 24
 Sunday, June 28
 Sunday, July 26
 Sunday, August 23
 Sunday, September 27
 Sunday, July 19—Show
November 22, 4pm to 7pm
Hunter/Jumper Update
I have two things for those of you who were looking forward to the benefit horse show on May 17.
First, I broke my leg (but not falling off a horse). That means we need to move the show to July 19. I
apologize for the inconvenience this causes to those who planned for the earlier date, but I will not be
able to walk on the earlier date.
Second, the charity has changed. The Mounted Patrol decided not to participate, but we are in
agreement that Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center should take its place. Little Bit is very excited
about the opportunity and is already being quite helpful. If you don’t know about this excellent
physical therapy for the disabled of all ages and various impairments, see their page at
I hope that you will still join us as we still intend to go forward with the same show, Judge Wade
Easley is available, and almost all of our sponsors have agreed to still contribute to the auction. Now
that I have more time I am looking to find some additional ones as well. Therefore, it will be the same
The registration form will go up on the Hollywood Hill Web page ( next
week. Some information that is up will be replaced with updated materials.
I want to thank so many sponsors there are too many to list here (so far we have approximately 35
auction items ranging from horse and person massages, to photos, to Oriental Carpets). So, I am
selecting a few of our sponsors for this newsletter, and will note a few more in the next one. Please
try to patronize them to show support.
Dr. Steve Latimer, DVM
Taryn Rathbone, DVM, CVA
Balanced Horse Veterinary Service, PLLC
Katherine Wade Easley
Sundance Equestrian Center
Riding Lessons and Training
18221 236th Avenue Northeast,
Woodinville, WA 98077
(425) 205-3775
Britta Brediger
Real Living Northwest Realtors
Barbara Breckenfeld
Movement in Balance
Heidi Davalos
John L. Scott, Realtors
Cell: (425)870-3334
Hollywood Hill Saddle Club Hunter/Jumper Benefit
For Little Bit Therapeutic Riding Center*
July, 19, 2015
Grand Prix Jumper Katherine Wade-Easley of Sundance
Equestrian will be our judge for this Hunter and Jumper
Show held at the Hollywood Hill Saddle Club arena in
Woodinville, with the following class divisions ($20.00/class
or $15 for HHSC members):
 Hunters (starts 8:00 am):
o Hunter, Equitation and Flat Equitation rounds at:
cross bars, 2’, 2’3”, 2’6”, 2’9” and 3’.
 Jumpers (starts 1:00 pm):
o Warm up, Jumper, and Stakes (return of entry
fee) at: cross bars, 2’, 2’3”, 2’6”, 2’9” and 3’.
(You may only ride in 3 consecutive height divisions,
e.g. 2’, 2’3” & 2’6”)
There will also be a non-profit silent auction (Please checks or cash only – no credit cards) with items from human and
horse massages to oriental rugs and photos.
Parking Is Free.
The Cook Shack Will Be Open For Lunch.
Visit LittleBit.Org to find out why we are donating the profits from the show, and the auction proceeds, to this non-profit
therapeutic riding center.
Like the Hollywood Hill Saddle Club Facebook page for more information.
The Registration Form is available on the web page, as well as information about
the show.
*Yes, this show is in place of the originally advertised one for the Seattle Mounted Patrol. The
show manager broke her leg and will not be walking on May, 17. We apologize for the
inconvenience of a new date, and hope you can still come and enjoy some good jumping rounds
with us.
English/Western Show Update
All the slots are filled for the participants at the May 2nd Clinic. It is going to be fun and educational. We
do have a few spots available for auditing either or both of the clinics. Be sure and contact Janice Goebel if you
are interested - (206) 949-2312. The fee for auditing is $20.00 for one clinic or $30.00 for both.
Mark your calendars for the May 9th Warm Up Show. The Premium is attached to the newsletter and
is also posted to the Web in now. Jill Hallin will be our Ring Judge and Kimberley Lance will be our Trail
Judge. This is a warm up show and Hunt Coats will not be required for English Classes, however appropriate
shirts, helmet, jodhpurs, and boots will be required. Western exhibitors must wear shirts, helmet (exhibitors
under 18) or hat, jeans and boots. Warm vests will be appropriate for both seats. Humane schooling tack will be
allowed at this show only. The requirement for helmet for western exhibitors competing in classes 13 & Under
and 14 - 17 will be enforced this year. Remember your helmet. Any approved helmet is acceptable. It does not
need to be a western helmet.
The June 13th, July 11th, and August 8th shows will be our regular Summer Series. No schooling
tack will be allowed and appropriate show clothing must be worn. Remember if you are competing in any
western class for age groups 13 & under,
14 - 17 you must wear your helmet to compete.
REMINDER - to qualify for Year End Awards you must:
1. Pay your dues - points only count starting the day you pay your dues.
2. Complete your 8 hours volunteer hours. Each exhibitor must complete 8 hours of volunteer work. Hours can be
completed by you or your parents and friends.
3. Compete in 2 of our 4 shows. Top three shows to count for Year End Awards
Are you interested in getting your volunteer hours done early this year? Work parties are scheduled for
Saturday April 11th and Saturday April 25th at the Arena. We can find jobs for all that show up from weed
eating, stacking branches, fencing the trail course, painting, cleaning…. the list is a mile long.
Volunteers are also needed to help run the shows on show day as well as division volunteers throughout
the year. Can you help with any of the below opportunities?
Announcer - 2 Shifts - English and Western (you have the best seat in the facility for watching the classes).
In Gate - 2 Shifts - English and Western.
Ring Master - 2 Shifts - English and Western.
Out Gate & Ribbons - 2 Shifts - English and Western for an adult for gate. Ribbons can be shorter shifts for young
Set Up Trail - 1 hour maximum in AM -- Counts for 2 hours.
Take Down Trail - 1 hour maximum in PM -- Counts for 2 hours.
Trail Judge Helper (10:00 - 2:00).
Runner - In gate to/from office - 2 hour shifts during the day. Total of 4 shifts per show.
Runner - Trail Judge to/from office - 2 hour shifts during the day. Total of 2 shifts per show.
Parking Supervisor - 2 hour shift in AM and 2 hour shift around noon.
Ribbon Manager - Job for the entire show season. Store and inventory ribbons. Bring ribbons to show and take
back and inventory those not distributed. This counts as all of your volunteer hours for the 2015 season.
Volunteer Coordinator - Job for the entire show season. Make sure that all volunteer positions are filled for each
show. This counts as all of your volunteer hours for the 2015 season.
13. Year End Awards Committee - 2 people needed. Counts as 4 hours. Work completed in October.
14. Donation Committee for August Pink Show - Hours vary with the amount of donations for Raffle and Auction
that are brought in. Work can be done now through first week in August.
If you see a job you want, contact either Marilyn (425-610-4133) or Janice (206)949-2312 and get your
volunteer position reserved.
Don’t Forget to: Watch the HHSC English/Western Division website for up to date show information, Clinic
registration, show premiums, volunteer opportunities and forms, rules, etc.
See you all in May. Marilyn, Janice, and Cindy.
Dressage Show Update
We are pleased to announce we are officially offering Western Dressage. We will continue to
offer Eventing dressage, along with our USDF Dressage tests. We are also including Western and
Eventing Dressage in our Year end awards to those who qualify. We will have our 2015 Year End
Awards Information sheets and entry forms posted shortly.
We are very excited that our first show of the season is right around the corner. We are also excited to offer
Western, Eventing and USDF Dressage tests. The May 23rd Dressage show entries open on April 23rd! Kim
Lacy from Hidden Falls farms, who has trained and competed through Grand Prix and received her USDF
bronze, silver, and gold medals, and is also a bronze and silver bar recipient. Kim has won numerous national
and regional awards training level through FEI on several different horses of many breeds, will be judging.
Dressage entry forms are available on our website.
Don’t forget to become a member! Membership forms and Dressage year-end awards form are also available
on the HHSC website. Being an HHSC member will save you $5 per test, as well as make you eligible to
qualify for year-end awards. Additional requirements for year-end awards include: become a member of HHSC
by the second dressage event of the current show season, attend two out of three shows, ride in at least four tests
within the category you wish to qualify during the current show season (top four scores are averaged for your
year-end ranking), and fulfill 8 hours of volunteer hours to benefit HHSC shows/events.
Looking to volunteer to qualify for year-end awards? Volunteer positions descriptions are now available on
the website. We cannot run our shows without awesome volunteers and are already looking to fill spots for our
May 23rd show.
2015 Dressage shows:
May 23rd with Judge Kim Lacey (Entries open April 23rd)
August 15th with Judge Andrea Lucianna (Entries open July 15th)
September 26th with Judge Jane Judson (Entries open August 26th)
Games Show Update
Only a week until the first game show of the season, I hope everyone has April 19th set on your
calendars. Hopefully the weather will cooperate and the sun will shine on us. I am looking forward to
a great gaming season. We will need lots of volunteers to keep the events running smoothly.
Remember that you need to work to get yearend awards. I want to thank those of you who have
volunteered to head up the specific jobs. Amy awards, Shari and Ruth registration, Collyn and Bob
ring crew, Sandi announcers, Lacey judges, Helen timers and James gate. I still need someone for
rakers. If you would like to head that position please let me know. We will need help for gate at the
first show because James will not be able to attend.
Also remember to bring a few extra dollars for raffle tickets. Amy and Melisa have gone out and
gotten some great raffle prices. We want to thank the Lake Stevens Co-op Supply, Nickerwraps and
Pepto Madera for their donations.
The events for the April game are Idaho figure 8, speed barrels, international flags, Texas rollback
and barrels. There will be ribbons to 5 places in each class, participation ribbons for lead line.
Highpoint awarded to 3 places in each age group if there is at least 10 in a group. If there is less than
10 awards will be place to 2 places.
So invite your family and friends and come enjoy a great day will fast horses and good company.
Please trailer pool if you can because parking is limited. See you all on the 19th.
April 26
May 24
June 28
July 26
August 23
Sept. 27
Idaho Figure 8
Speed Barrels
Texas Rollback
Int'l Flags
Stilly Figure 8
Polo Turn
½ Eight
Keg Race
Figure 8
Key Race
Stake Race
½ Eight
International Flags
2 Barrel Flags
Ball and Cone
Keg Race
Key race
Polo Turn
Straight Barrels
Gymkana Jig
Quadrangle Stake
Flying W
Stilly Figure 8
Stake Race
Speed Barrels
Facilities Update
We had 12 folks turning out for the work part on Saturday April 11. TJ and Bailey tackled the planters
at the entry, Patty cleaned the cook shack, Val and Andy gathered up all the br;ush and piled it, Julie,
Erica, Dave, Paulette, Caitlin, Bonnie, and Lisa tackled the Trail Course hill sides riding them of
blackberries, scotch broom and leaves. We totaled 50 hours and It looks great.
Work Party, April 25th 9 AM: We are now ready to install the new Trail Course fence,
clean announcers booth mow the lawn, do some painting and get ready for the Western Games on
the 26th. We have the tools, bring your gloves and join us.
Questions- call Tom 206-714-1163
A Lake Stevens family is in search of a partial lease on a pony for a 2.5 year old to ride and visit once
or twice a week. They'd prefer closer to home in Snohomish/Monroe/Lake Stevens. Please contact
Tiffany McCoy at (425) 941-7598