Inside the issue: - Holy Family Catholic School and Sixth Form
Inside the issue: - Holy Family Catholic School and Sixth Form
20/03/15 Quotation of the week "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life.” John 3:16 National Recognition for the Achievements of the School We were delighted this week to receive notification from the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT) that Holy Family is to receive two awards for its academic achievements. Please see page 2 for an extract from the press release provided by the SSAT. Yr 8 Basketball Team Many congratulations to the boys of the Yr 8 basketball team and their coach Mr Cronin. Having won their London group in the National Basketball Cup, they have now moved into the last 8 in the London knockout round by beating Lister School in Newham in the round of 16 – that’s better than Arsenal managed this week! Sixth Form Interviews Next week students have their guidance interviews regarding their applications to the sixth form. The interviews allow us to discuss course choices and entry requirements with Yr 11 students and help us to ensure that each student is placed on the best combination of courses to help them to realise their ambitions. Inside the issue: -2— SSAT Award -2— Student Review -2— Things to do for Easter -3— The Grand Gala -3— Building Connections -3— Raising for WaterAid -3— Eye For Fashion -4— Sports Round– up -4— Glee Club -4— Math Club Twitter Us Click the logo to visit our Twitter page. You may need to sign up if you’re not a member. Or search: HFCSWaltham/twitter Non Uniform Day Thank you for your support of the non-uniform day to raise money for the new building fund. We raised almost £1800 on this occasion. Spring Table Top sale You can now donate using ParentPay once you have activated your account. The Website: A reminder that the Spring Table Top sale organised by the PTA takes place on Saturday 28th March from 10am to 1pm. Please support this event if you can and help us raise more money for the school. Parents’ Surgery http:// causes/holyfamilywaltham Parents’ surgery is every Tuesday 4pm to 5pm on the Walthamstow site. If ever I am not available a member of the senior team takes my place. Please continue to remember us in your prayers. Dr Andy Stone Headteacher Or donate for free: Scan here using your mobile phone: Holy Family Catholic School One of the Best in the Country Holy Family Catholic School One of the Best in the Country for Student Progress and Attainment at GCSE. Holy Family Catholic School has received national recognition for the value it adds to enable students’ high achievement at GCSE. The school has qualified for two SSAT Educational Outcomes Awards by being in the top 20% of schools nationally for progress made by pupils between key stage 2 results at primary school and GCSE results at age 16, and in the top 20% nationally for high attainment. Sue Williamson, Chief Executive of SSAT said: “Holy Family Catholic School should be congratulated for their exceptional achievement. They have proved themselves to be leading the field in improving GCSE outcomes for their students. There is so much good practice that this school could share, and I hope they will join us at the celebration evening for the chance to network and share strategies with award-winning schools.” ‘These results are testament to the commitment and hard work of the students, teachers and leadership team at Holy Family Catholic School, and show what can be achieved when skilled teachers have high expectations and ambition for every young person. I am proud that this school is a member of the SSAT network.’ Student Review On the 12th March 2015, Mr. Watts and Mr. Ravichandra took a group of Year 10 students to visit Cooley Solicitors on Old Broad Street. The trip was organised by ‘The Brokerage, Citylink’. Patrycja Kowalczyk reviews: “We spent the day completing a workshop based on interviewing skills, law and different possibilities after completing A-levels. We started the day by introducing ourselves to another school which also participated in the workshop. The workshop consisted of us evaluating our prospective jobs, as well as simulating an interview in order to enhance our skills. During the exercise I learnt crucial skills which I think will definitely help me in the future. To finish the workshop, we played a game that required decision making and quick thinking on the spot in order to make the most money on a simulated stock market. Overall, all of the participants bonded and acquired vital skills for the future. Personally, I found the trip greatly enjoyable and I am sure I will benefit from the skills I have learnt.” Top 10 Things to do in London over Easter As promised, here is the rest of the top 10 things to do in London countdown: 3. Feast on great food at Borough Market, it’s one of the oldest food markets in London, believed to date back to 1276. Look out for the great cheese and bread stalls. You should also be able to spot the Shard towering off in the distance. It’s just yards away from London Bridge 1. Walk down the Mall to have your photograph taken in front of Buckingham Palace. Or, get there in time to see the famous changing of station. the guard. Get out at either Green Park or St James’s Park tube stops 4. Learn about the porcelain (some of it once belonged to Queen and walk across the park on your way there. Marie-Antoinette) in the Wallace Collection. There are 28 rooms of interesting silks, furniture and famous paintings – including 'The 2. Admire the lions in Trafalgar Square before heading inside the Laughing Cavalier'. You’ll find this free-to-see collection, in Manchester National Portrait Gallery. Current free exhibitions include portraits of Square, within walking distance of Bond Street the real Tudor kings and queens and Grayson Perry’s Who Are You? Exhibition, until March 15. Nearest tube Charing Tube. 2 Dinner and Dance HCPT Group 161 proudly present : Raising money for local disabled and disadvantaged children to travel to Lourdes this Easter. Tickets £25 per person (Includes 3 course meal with coffee and cheese, live band, dancing, raffle and bar). Book your ticket(s) early to avoid missing out! The Grand Gala DINNER AND DANCE Tomorrow 21st March at For more information email: or call Holy Family School, Wiseman House Site, Shernhall Street, Walthamstow E17 9RT Dust off your ball gowns and polish those dancing shoes! 07976 419680 Reach Society Building Connections Patrons: Lord Herman Ouseley, professor Trevor Williams & John Budu-Aggrey Reach Society’s 4th Careers Conference In association with our Champion Supporter Lloyds Banking Group Partners: Alpha BSE Training, EDF Energy, Royal Navy ACES Youth Project, BFUWI, Excell3, 100 BMOL, RAFFA Thursday, 9th April 2015, 10.00am to 4.00pm Central Hall Westminster, London, SW1H 1NH A day when professional men from the Black community interact with young people, aged 14 plus, to inspire them; we welcome parents & carers Some key features: Discover pathways to success in higher education, financial services, medicine, law engineering, high technology, media services, civil and uniformed services, politics etc. Interact with and be inspired by around 40 professional Black male role models. Explore and understand the UCAS process, the added value of Raising for Water Aid 3 Russell Group universities, the internship head start into employment & more. Engage the leading community groups preparing our young people to become confident learners as they hone their talents. Discover what private sector firms have to offer students aged 16 plus and once they become university graduates. Perfect 10 Workshops– discover the essential success secrets! This careers Conference will be an extraordinary day for young people (All under 16’s must be accompanied by a responsible adult) Can your child afford to miss this FREE event? Venue: Central Hall Westminster, Storey’s Gate, London. SW1H 9NH Nearest tube station: Westminster We encourage all visitors to have a form of photo ID with them to gain admission To register your name in advance for this FREE event, just email us on: See our website: for further information. Further enquiries, please contact us on: 07949 431 992 Eye for Fashion Yesterday we had dedicated students raising money for the school’s chosen charity:- Water Aid. Year 9 fashion students have received their certificates congratulating them for taking part in the ‘Concept to Catwalk Mayor’s Challenge’. They have been designing new garments that reflect the 21st century and technology– led innovation in fashion. A fantastic crowd of sweet toothed pupils arrived at break time hoping to get a cake. The cakes were freshly made by Paula Price’s mum who runs a cake company called YMCakes. Remember to visit her website as the cakes are delicious. The students will be attending a fashion show next Tuesday to gather inspiration from A-level students. The next fashion show they have entered will be the ‘Liberate Your Style Competition’ finishing on the 10th April. Good Luck to the team. Sport’s Round Up Year 7 & 8 Netball teams did fantastically well at Waltham Forest netball rally. Both teams excelled and picked up silver medals. Year 7 made it through the pool rounds to meet Frederick Bremer in the semi-final. A very close game saw HF winning 6-5. A very strong Forest team were waiting in the final for us. Despite a spirited performance, HF lost to deserved winners Forest. Year 8 played consistent netball all afternoon and eventually finished joint 1st. They lost out on goal difference to take the silver medals. A fantastic afternoon of netball which saw both teams performing superbly well. Well done all (pictured). Year 8 Boys’ Basketball: Progressed in the Nationals beating Lister community school 21-42. Year 8 Boys’ Football: 1 v 2 Highams Park YR 7 NETBALL TEAM Year 9 Football: Have won their league unbeaten (pictured). Year 10 Football: 3 v 4 Walthamstow Academy YR 9 FOOTBALL TEAM 6th Form Football: 1 v 1 Highams Park. YR 8 NETBALL TEAM Strength in Numbers Glee Club Our Glee Club performed at the Mayor’s St Patrick’s day charity event on Wednesday evening. Holy Family were the only secondary school there and got a huge applause at the end. They performed Adieamus by Karl Jenkins and Gaelic Blessing by John Rutter. Mrs. Corlett announced “All are to be congratulated”. Holy Family Numeracy Club (NC) is held every Monday & Wednesday on the Walthamstow Site and every Tuesday & Thursday on the Wiseman Site at 3.10pm. This event is also open to parents and is proving to be very helpful for mirroring the teaching methods at home with children. There are also some light refreshments to keep the mind focused on the tasks. To support parents and pupils are Mrs. Pierre, Mrs. Thivya, Mrs. Shah, Ms. Watts, Mr Kiefer and Mr. Ravichandra. This is a great opportunity to be surrounded by excellent teachers and have a personalised approach to learning. Chaplain’s Corner As yesterday was St Joseph’s day we are respecting that Joseph was a father to Jesus, teaching him by example and his words to become the compassionate, honest and loving person we read about in the gospels. He was a carpenter and a builder; a patient, reliable man with unquestioning faith in God’s ways. He observed the Jewish law, accepted hardships, faithfully protected his family and worked hard to provide for them. The Church has recognised him as the perfect model for ordinary working people. Be assured of my prayers. Michael Georgiou (Lay School Chaplain) Who is St. Patrick? St. Patrick is the Patron Saint of Ireland and Nigeria. Although he is the Patron Saint of Ireland, he’s been the Patron Saint of Nigeria since 1961. St Patrick is indeed the patron saint of Nigeria alongside the Blessed Virgin Mary. One major reason is that the St. Patrick’s Missionary Society started working in Nigeria long before independence and is quite popular in terms of its achievements. What do Nigerian’s do to celebrate St. Patrick’s day? Technically, Saint Patrick is the secondary patron saint of Nigeria, next to the Virgin Mary, but the church there does celebrate his feast day this week. There are 20 million Roman Catholics in Nigeria which accounts for 14% of the population. Nigerian Catholics credit the spread of the faith there largely to Irish missionaries who began arriving in the early 1900’s. In fact many Nigerians received their education from the Irish priests. So in schools Saint Patrick’s Day is a ‘free day’ in Nigeria. A Special Prayer for Father’s God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to handle situations in a loving Publisher: 07466599448 @HFCSWaltham way. Amen 1 Shernhall Street London E17 3EA Tel: 020 8520 0482 4
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