May 23 & 24 2015 Bulletin


May 23 & 24 2015 Bulletin
Saint Bernard
Alta Vista, IA
Our Lady of Lourdes
Lourdes, IA
Immaculate Conception
Elma, IA
Immaculate Conception
Riceville, IA
Saint Peter
New Haven, IA
Holy Rosary Cluster
Cluster Office at: 203 7th Street Elma, IA 50628-8391
Phone: 641-393-2520 | Website:
Rev. Steve M. Garner, Pastor
Nancy Theis, Secretary
Renee Burke, Secretary
Office Hours
The office this week will be closed Monday and staffed
Tuesday through Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Weekend Mass Schedule
St. Bernard - Alta Vista
Saturday – 5:00 p.m.
Our Lady of Lourdes - Lourdes
Saturday – 7:00 p.m.
Immaculate Conception - Elma
Sunday – 7:30 a.m.
Immaculate Conception - Riceville
Sunday – 9:00 a.m.
St. Peter - New Haven
Sunday 10:45 a.m.
Weekdays before Mass or by Appointment
First Friday 3:00 - 3:45 pm at St. Peter, New Haven
First Friday 4:00 - 4:45 pm at Immaculate Conception, Riceville
Saturday 4:00 - 4:40 pm at St. Bernard, Alta Vista on
weekends when Mass is scheduled.
When there is No Mass scheduled at Alta Vista, confessions will
be available at Our Lady of Lourdes on Saturday from
6:00 - 6:40 pm.
May 24, 2015
Holy Rosary Cluster
Bulletin Deadline
Please have items emailed,
mailed or called to the office by
Monday at noon. We will try to
put as many appropriate items
in the bulletin as possible.
Scripture Verse
Jesus said to his disciples:
"When the Advocate comes
whom I will send you from the
Father, the Spirit of truth that
proceeds from the Father, he
will testify to me." - Jn 15:26
Mass Intentions For the Week
Monday, May 25
St. Bede the Venerable/St. Gregory VII - Sir 17:20-24/Mk 10:17-27
No Mass - Please pray for vocations
Tuesday, May 26
St. Philip Neri - Sir 35:1-12/Mk 10:28-31
No Mass - Please pray for vocations
Wednesday, May 27
St. Augustine of Canterbury - Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17/Mk 10:32-45
No Mass - Please pray for vocations
Thursday, May 28
Weekday - Sir 42:15-25/Mk 10:46-52
8:00 AM (Elma) - Steve Murphy
Friday, May 29
Weekday - Sir 44:1, 9-13/Mk 11:11-26
8:00 AM (Elma) - Kenny & Betty Stevenson
Saturday, May 30
Vigil of the Most Holy Trinity - Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
5:00 PM (Alta Vista) - Harold Thiele
7:00 PM (Lourdes) - Joe Rouchka
Sunday, May 31
The Most Holy Trinity - Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20
7:30 AM (Elma) - Merle McGrane
9:00 AM (Riceville) - NO MASS
10:00 AM (Elma Colonial Manor/Word and Sacrament) - Francis Nibaur
10:45 AM (New Haven) - For the People
Liturgical Ministers - May 30th/31st
Alta Vista
Bernard Huegel (EM)
Todd/Diane Lentz (G)
Tom Frantzen (L)
Mixed Choir (M)
To Be Announced (S)
Leon Geerts (U)
Liz Geerts (U)
Keith Glaser (U)
Steve Gebel (U)
Gary/Pat Halvorson (VC)
Francis Nibaur (EM)
Peggy Nibaur (EM)
Marge Ludwig (EM)
Jim Marik (EM)
Clem Havlik (L)
Les Opat (L)
Bob/Bernie Voves (R/G)
Justin Nibaur (S)
Eric Shatek (S)
Emily Roberts (S)
Ron Valvoda (U)
Bill Zweibohmer (U)
Mike Bielefeld (U)
Dennis O’Brien (EM)
Ann O’Brien (EM)
Dawn Klein (EM)
Jerry/Donna Fitzgerald (G)
Russ Murphy (L)
Sue Miller (L)
Mary Heying (R)
Katlyn Burke (S)
Shane Burke (S)
Francis Zeimetz (U)
Linda Zeimetz (U)
Sam Kramer (U)
Scott O’Brien (U)
Gerald/Marian McGee (VC)
New Haven
Frank Theis (EM)
Nancy Theis (EM)
Dan Sullivan (EM)
Diane Sullivan (EM)
Ted Fox Family (G)
Scott Niess (L)
Karl Fox (L)
Sally Miller (R)
Kaylee Klaes (S)
Matthew Klaes (S)
Derek Fox (S)
Myrna Ballard, Leonard Barta, Gene Brinckes, Robert Chihak, Bud Counsell, Delores Felder, Joe Friedhoff, Msgr. Donald
Heineman, Millie Kolbet, Ed Kovarik, Linda Larson, Sue Lloyd, Ann Foxen Maas, Ellen Martell, Gladys McGrane, Kyler
Meyers, Joe Praska, Marilou Link Roberts, Avis Roethler, Floyd Roethler, Margaret Rouchka, and Bernard Wendel.
Cluster News
Memorial Day Services - Monday, May 25th__
Elma Area: The American Legion will hold Memorial
Day Services at the following cemeteries: St. Cecelia 8:00 am, Our Lady of Lourdes - 9:30 am, I.C. Elma 11:00 am.
Riceville Area: The American Legion and Auxiliary
will have Memorial Day services starting at the Lutheran Cemetery south of Riceville at 8:30 am. They
will proceed to the Calvary Cemetery around 8:40 am.
They will then proceed to the Saratoga Cemetery and
then back to Riceville for a 10:00 am service at Riverside Cemetery.
New Haven: A Rosary and Prayer Service will be held
in St. Peter’s Church at 8:00 am followed by a service
at the cemetery with Osage Post 278 Memorial
Cemetery News
Wreaths and flowers are allowed on individual graves
during the 10 day period starting the Friday before the
celebrated Memorial Day and ending on the Sunday
after Memorial Day. At other times flowers in containers are allowed if they are placed at the ends of the
monuments on the cement foundation and do not interfere with the mowing. Wreaths and flowers are allowed provided they are attached to the monument or
if they are mounted on a rod placed on either end of
the monument, not in front or back. If the flowers are
placed any place else, they will be removed.
Pastoral Council Election Results
Congratulations to the newly elected members of the
Pastoral Councils. We appreciate you taking the time
to serve on the councils. Thank you to all the outgoing
members. We appreciate your time and service.
St. Bernard, Alta Vista: Bernie Huegel, Pat
Halvorson and Chris Praska; Outgoing members Steve Gebel and Jim Geerts
Our Lady of Lourdes: Bob Shatek, Doris Anderson,
and Joe Thraenert; Outgoing members - Les Opat and
John Ludwig.
Immaculate Conception, Elma: Russ Murphy, Scott
O’Brien and Rick Burke; Outgoing member - Jason
Immaculate Conception, Riceville: Sandy Offen,
Leo Jordan and Travis Sprung; Outgoing members Kenny Marr and Al Novacek.
St. Peter, New Haven: Joe Miller, Greg Adams and
Scott Niess; Outgoing members - Jim Paulus, Tim
Sullivan and John Hartogh.
Pentecost Sunday
When you speak to men and women who have
served in the armed forces, one of the things that they
often value about their service is the camaraderie that
they shared. Those who have been in combat talk
about the trust they place in fellow members of their
unit, and how important it is to them that they know
that someone has always got their back. When that
trust breaks down, when another soldier doesn't think
that he or she can count on someone else, the ability
of the unit to get the job done is at risk. Commanding
officers recognize the importance of unit cohesion, as
they call it, and part of regular training is to develop
and maintain that spirit among those who serve. That
spirit, that sense of camaraderie, is always something
that many members of the service say they miss
when they return to civilian life.
On Pentecost we celebrate the outpouring of the
Holy Spirit upon the disciples, and upon us! This Spirit
of God fills us at our baptism, is confirmed in us at our
confirmation, and is nourished and renewed every
time we receive the body and blood of Christ in the
Eucharist. This Spirit energizes us for our work in the
world of spreading the good news of Christ. As Jesus
tells us in today's Gospel, we will testify because we
have been given the Spirit of truth that proceeds from
the Father.
The gift of the Holy Spirit is what develops our "unit
cohesion" as the body of Christ in this world. The
Spirit unites us with Christians everywhere in one
communion of love, so that we can complete our mission of bringing others to Christ. That task is so important and so demanding that we cannot do it alone.
The Spirit binds us together in a community of faith so
that we can be strong in this work. In the Spirit, we
can do it!
Holy Rosary Committee Meetings
Social Justice
The Social Justice meeting will be held on Tuesday,
May 26th at 7:00 pm in the I. C. Elma Church Basement. All are invited to attend.
Parish Life
The Cluster Parish Life meeting will be held on Thurs.,
June 11 at 7:00pm in I.C. Elma Church Basement.
+ St. Bernard +
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Delores Nehl
family. Delores’ Funeral Mass was held on Friday,
May 15th at St. Bernard in Alta Vista.
Also, we extend our deepest sympathy to the
Wilburta “Burta” Hentges family. Burta’s Funeral
Mass was held on Saturday, May 16th at St. Bernard.
+ Lourdes +
Steeple Day Activity - Visit to Stone City
Anyone interested in assisting with the Steeple
Day activity –A Visit to Stone City, please call or
email Julie Freidhof at or
+ Immaculate Conception-Elma +
We congratulate Kevin and Stacey O’Brien on the
occasion of the baptism of their daughter, Adalyn
Joy. Adalyn was baptized on May 16th. Please
welcome and pray for Adalyn Joy as she begins
her new life in the church.
We extend our deepest sympathy to the Fred
Gardner family. Fred’s Funeral Mass was held on
Monday, May 18th at Immaculate Conception in
Also, we extend our deepest sympathy to the
Helen Fair family. Helen’s Funeral Mass was held
on Tuesday, May 19th at Immaculate Conception
in Elma.
Thank You
Thank you to the Regina Gansen Family for the
Memorial given to the Immaculate Conception
Church. Your generous donation was used for the
Media Rack and the Faith Formation program.
Rosary Society News
1. I.C. Elma Rosary Society will have a meeting
Monday, June 1st at 6:30 pm in the church
basement. All members are invited to attend.
2. Please pay Rosary Society dues if you have not
already done so. Send to Sandi Burke or the
cluster office.
3. The Rosary Society would like ideas for the
church Fall Festival coming up September 13th.
Please attend June 1st meeting with any ideas or
suggestions or relay suggestions to an officer.
Your help is very much appreciated.
+ Immaculate Conception-Riceville +
Religious Education Teachers Needed
Teachers needed for the 2015-2016 CCD year for
3rd grade and combined 9th/10th. Contact
Debbie Oulman, DRE, 641-985-2791.
+ St. Patrick’s of St. Cecelia +
Thank You
The Friends of St. Patrick’s Chapel of St. Cecelia
Inc. would like to thank Joe and Donna
Zweibohmer for the flag donated to St. Patrick’s
Memorial Day
St. Patrick’s Chapel will be open on Monday, May
25th from 8:00am – 10:30am.
Calendar Events
+ Knights of Columbus +
Riceville/New Haven KC Breakfast
The Riceville/New Haven Knights
of Columbus will be hosting a
pancake breakfast on Sunday,
May 24th from 8:00am to 12
(noon) at Lake Hendricks in Riceville. Please join
us for good food and fellowship.
Stewardship Reflection
St. Paul reminds us today that all of our gifts have
their source in the Holy Spirit and that those gifts
are given “for the common good.” What gifts are
mine to share?
The Stewardship Committee
Weekly Collection
May 16/17
St. Bernard - Alta Vista
Act of Kindness
Budget Envelopes
Holy Day
Our Call to Share
Sacramental - Nehl/Hentges Funerals
Our Lady of Lourdes (No Mass)
Budget Envelopes
Holy Day
Our Call to Share
Immaculate Conception - Elma
Budget Envelopes
Holy Day
Sacramental - Gardner Funeral
Immaculate Conception - Riceville
Budget Envelopes
Holy Day
St. Peter - New Haven
Budget Envelopes
Holy Day
Our Call to Share
Out of Parish