April 5, 2015 _Easter - Church of the Most Holy Trinity


April 5, 2015 _Easter - Church of the Most Holy Trinity
April 5, 2015
Church of the Most
Holy Trinity
1460 Ridge Road Webster, New York 14580
(585)265-1616 Fax 265-1627
(website) www.holytrinityweb.com
(email) wholytri@dor.org
Take a big nose full of air today. A long breath into your
nostrils. Notice anything? The air is still dead. It’s fresh
and clear but it’s dead. The hard winter has kept the
spring from coming to Western New York. The snow is
still melting in our parking lot. The only sure signs of
spring have been the geese
returning overhead and the
crocuses in their crazy purple and yellow. There is
no life in the air.
“Waking up again to all that happens---drought, wind
storms, insects, losing leaves, winter, ice storms. . . I just
don’t want anymore.” It’s hard coming to life again. It’s
easier to stay dead sometimes.
Friends, today we celebrate
the hope of what we call
Eternal Life. It is a life that
nature cannot produce and
for which this springtime is
only a glimmer. Eternal
Life can come only from
He who is eternal.
But that is all about to
change. An absolute revelation is about to happen.
The earth is about to come
to life. Green will cover
the ground everywhere.
Trees will bud, flowers of
all kinds will be everywhere. And, filling the air
will be this brand new
smell (I’ve forgotten just
how it smells - - - it’s been
almost five months). Life.
And, so God like a good
farmer, has sent His Son
into nature. And like a
seed Jesus entered the earth
to die (“Unless the grain of
wheat falls to the ground
and dies it remains just a
grain of wheat”).
Imagine, if we had to pay
our town government for
Spring 2015 . . . “Let’s see
now. . . it’ll be $5 mill for
the air conditioning, $19
mill for the flowers, and
$27 mill for the grass and
trees.” It’s all free!! You
see God has designed it to happen that way- - -so you
could have a garden and greet your neighbor and work on
your putting or just let your mind wonder at the beauty of
it all. New life.
I wonder if there is a tree or bush anywhere that says “no”
to this new life. “No, leave me alone, it’s to hard here.”
Having died and been buried in the earth, Jesus is
today raised from the
dead!! God has begun the
New Creation.
Now the question remains,
---- do you want this new
springtime? Do you want
to risk the uncertainties of life for the sake of the prize--Life on high with Jesus Christ? I do!
A Blessed Easter.
With Love, Fr. Tim
Our Mission
We are a Catholic faith community blessed with the joy of God’s love. Together we share this love with all
who hunger for God’s presence in their lives. We follow Christ who taught us to find God by giving our lives
in service to others and gathering to celebrate a Eucharist that welcomes everyone. Join us on this journey!
Page Two
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
SUNDAY MASS TIMES: Satur day (vigil) 5:00 pm., Sunday
8:30, and 10:30 am.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Call Mar y Haas, Dir ector of
Faith Formation at 265-4750.
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Satur days fr om 4:00 to 4:45
pm. or by appointment with a priest.
SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Ar r angements for mar riage for registered parishioners must be made at least 6 months
in advance through the Parish Office. Engaged Encounter or
Pre-Cana sessions are required, along with FOCCUS inventory.
SACRAMENT OF THE SICK: The Euchar ist and Sacr amental Anointing are available to the homebound and those in
need. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements.
HOSPITAL VISITS: Please call the Par ish Office in advance, if possible.
EUCHARISTIC ADORATION: Thur sday 7:00 - 8:00 pm.
April 5, 2015
Life Long Faith Formation
“LIVING OUR FAITH” Middle School Program (Grades
6-8) Tuesday evenings, 6:45 – 8:15. 8th Graders in the First
Year of Confirmation preparation meet in this group.
Senior High Youth Ministry (Grades 9-12) Sundays, 11:30
am. - 1:30 pm. in the Youth Room. High school students in
Confirmation preparation meet at this time.
***Upcoming Youth Events***
NEW MEMBERS: We welcome new member s! Please introduce yourself after Mass to the Pastor and stop by the Parish
Office to register. Members moving to another parish, changing address or phone numbers, please notify the Parish Office
Anthony! April 19: Leave Mur phy Hall 9:00 am.
Senior High Youth Retreat at Abbey of the Genesee
Take a road trip. Join other students who want to grow
closer to God in a beautiful location. And besides, there are
Spring Cleaning Time
Cost: $15 per youth/ $20 per family; Lunch will be provided.
Contact Anthony Klosterman for details.
Friday, April 10 , after the 9:00 Mass
Any help you can give to our Spring Cleaning would be greatly appreciated. Come one, come all, men or women. Many
hands make for light work. We need to get into the nooks and
crannies of our church. There will be plenty to do, even if you
can help for only an hour we can use your assistance. We will
have some cleaning supplies, but if you have your own feel
free to bring them.
Call the church office 265-1616 if you would like to volunteer,
or just drop in during the day.
Positive Preschool
Positive Preschool will have a Spring
Open House for the whole family on
Saturday, April 25 from 9:00 am 11:00 am. We ar e located behind Holy Tr inity Chur ch.
We have preschool programs for 2, 3, and 4 year old children.
Go to www.positivepreschool.com or positivepreschool63@
gmail.com, or contact Mrs. Siebert @265-2002 for more information.
Coffee Hour
Join us next weekend, April 12 after the 8:30 and
10:30 am. Masses in the Gathering Space for our
coffee hour. Enjoy good food and friendship.
Bereavement Ministry Meeting
All are cordially invited to attend our Four Parish
Bereavement Ministry Meeting on Monday, April
13, @7:30 pm. at Holy Trinity Church in the
Gathering Space (Ridge Road entrance).
Fr. John Mulligan will be our guest speaker. Please join us for
a special evening of sharing. Refreshments will follow. For
more information please contact the Parish Office @265-1616
or Mary Ann Penlon @265-9395.
All questions regarding Youth Ministry or Confirmation Preparation should be directed to Anthony Klosterman @ 2651616x311 or htwyouthministry@gmail.com
Holy Trinity Parish begins the formal preparation of children
and families to receive the sacraments of Penance and Eucharist
when children are 7 years old.
The preparation sessions begin in the fall of the
child’s Second Grade Year in school to receive
the Sacrament of Penance. Parents and children
come to the sessions together. The expectation is
that parents and children will walk this journey
The preparation sessions begin in the spring of the child’s Second Grade Year in school to receive the Sacrament of First Eucharist (First Communion). Parents and children attend these
classes together. Our parish celebrates First Eucharist for children by having the children receive as a group on a Saturday
morning in May.
Families must be registered as parishioners here at Holy Trinity
Parish. Children must have completed their First Grade Faith
Formation Class. Children whose families are parishioners
here, but go to Catholic School, are included in the preparation
and reception of sacraments at Holy Trinity Parish.
Call the Faith Formation Office @ 265+4750 or e-mail:
mhaas@dor.org OR pbell@dor.org if you have any questions.
Page Three
Holy Trinity Church, Webster, New York
Scripture Readings for the
2nd Sunday of Easter
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles 4:32-35
Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24
Second Reading: 1 John 5:1-6
Gospel: John 20:19-31
Please Remember in Prayer
Our Beloved Dead
Edmund Saetta; Blanche Kramer, mother of Patty Root; Louise
Gligora-Centola; aunt of A. Charles Ange; John Badura; Russell LeFrois; and those who mourn for them.
Altar Candles will burn this week for the following special
The Sanctuary Lamp will burn in loving memory of Mario
Gianforte, req. wife Sue.
Our Blessed Mother’s Altar Candle will bur n in loving
memory of Sue Rockford, 2nd Anniversary, req. Mom, Frieda.
St. Joseph’s Altar Candle will bur n in loving memor y of
Bob Hill, req. Denny and Pam Schultz.
If you would like a candle in memory of a loved one or for
special intentions, please call the parish office.
A REMINDER: If you need a devotional candle lit immediately for a loved one, a special occasion, or special intentions, you are invited to light the small votives that are on
the side altars of the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph. They
will burn for about 4-5 hours.
Parish Income
Last Week
Offertory Envelopes
Loose Collection
Children’s Envelopes
Thank you for your continued support!
Tithing: Stewardship in Motion
It is easy to make your financial contribution to Holy
Trinity Church by automatic withdrawal directly from
your bank account with no charge to you using our electronic Intentional Giving Program.
April 5, 2015
Easter Flowers
We thank the following people for their donations to the Holy
Trinity Easter Flower Fund. Your contributions have made our
church more beautiful this Paschal Season.
In Memory of:
Bruce Penlon & Deceased Priests, req. Mary Ann Penlon
Henry & Mary Kehrig; Bernard, Helen, Anne & Pat Driscoll,
req. John & Mary Ellen Kehrig
Mary & Frank Waytowich; Rev. Wm. Waytowich; Imogene &
Fred Tirraccine; David Terraccine, req. Helen Waytowich
Stephen Buchheit, req. parents
George, Mary & John Freundschuh, req. Bill & Chrissy
Louis & Mary Spagnuolo; Edward & Catherine Wilkonski, req.
Edward & Elena Wilkonski
Girvin & Lambert Families, req. Mike & Carol Girvin
Kemp & Adams families, req. Gene & Mary Kemp
Charles Forstbauer, req. Jean & family
Smith & Poh families, req. Gary & Lori Smith
Robert Beh, req. Judy Beh-Conrose
Bruce Connolly, req. Pat & family
Dean Vanzo & Betty Hoffend, req. Vanzo family
Fred & Jim Mason, req. Larry & Patty Ross & family
Theresa Meyer, req. Children
Ray Kummerow, req. family
Smith & Schultz families, req. Pam & Denny Schultz
Wolfe & Palmere families, req. Ed & Kathy Imes
Dorothy Ott, req. husband, Mel Ott
Jim, Mary Kay & Sue Hall, req. Frieda Hall
Wilbert & Orlauskas families
Kulik & Roth families, req. Kulik family
Sagan & Kostik families, req. Kostik family
Fritz Hutteman, William Schreiber, Gene Braselton, Kris Braselton, Duane Schreiber, req. Bud & Carol Schreiber
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Anderson & Michael Gaglio, req. Pat &
Jimmy Gaglio
Santo & Sarah Merulla, req. Marie Merulla
Fred & Jim Mason, req. Ann Mason
Wargo & Kazimer families, req. Bill & Mary Ann Kazimer
Shelby M. Anderson, John E. Gropp & Mary D. Gropp, req.
Don & Nancy Anderson
Jerry, Norma and Joe, req. Mary Read
Oliver and Stephen Krenzer, req. Darlene Krenzer & family
Suzanne Clemente and Clemente Family, req. Marianne and
Louis Clemente
Ellender & Youtt families, req. the Ellender family
Jason Grizzanto, req. Mom, Dad & family
Duffy & Peterson families, req. Mark, Kathi & girls
Matthew Leonardo, req. Chris, Carrie, Catherine & Marcie
Mario Gianforte, req. Susan Gianforte
Haas family, req. Carolyn Haas
Zawacki & Jaskolski families, req. Ronnie Zawacki
Tracey Jones, req. Ted & Bea Valcore
Joe & Louis Obbie, req. family
Joseph & Jane McMorrow, req. Schroeder family
Robert Wing, req. Peter Wing
Marilyn Pinkley & Rita Gefell, req. Ray & Rhonda Gefell
Fred & Frances Lockner, Chuck & Charlie Nagel, req. Kay
Betty & Richard Brogan, req. Eileen Schultz
DiPoala & O’Brien families, req. Dr. & Mrs. Joseph DiPoala,Sr.
Special Intentions of:
Andrew and Ena McKenna and family
Mr. and Mrs. David VanHanahem
Ron and Donna McNinch
Holy Trinity Parish Staff
Rev. Timothy E. Horan, Pastor………..………..265-1616x303
Rev. John Mulligan, (In Residence)…..………...265-1616x314
Linda Remis, Office Manager…...……...............265-1616x337
Anthony Klosterman, Pastoral Associate……….265-1616x311
Kasey Baker, Bookkeeper/Finance..…...……….265-1616x304
Mary Haas, Faith Formation Coordinator……………265-4750
Pat Bell, Faith Formation Assistant………..……… 265-4750
Pam Schultz, Parish Secretary………...………...265-1616x302
Joanne Mix, Receptionist……………...………..265-1616x301
Clare Schreiber, Music Ministry……………………..265-1616
Joan Sullivan, Multi-Parish Finance Director………..265-1616
Margery Morgan, Director of HOPE Ministry………265-6694
HOPE Ministry, Webster Outreach ………………….265-6694
1450 Ridge Road
Monday 6-8 pm.
Wednesday 3-5 pm.
Tuesday 10-12 Noon
Thursday 7-8:30 pm.
Legion of Mary: Monday 10:00 am. Mar ian Room. Prayer
Chain: Legion of Mary - J im Alessi………………..615-7913
or Traci Garippa…………………………………….. 265-0578
Corpus Christi: (Holy Communion to the Homebound)
Jean Wolf……………………………………...1-315-524-8940
Dove Ministry: Provides rides to appointments
Carol Ortis……………………………………………265-9409
Men’s Group Coordinator: Will Trout…………..315-333-1098
Meets the 4th Saturday of each month 9:00 - 10:30 am.
Parish Council - Judy Cass - Co-Chair
Mary Kramer - Co-Chair
Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am to Noon, and 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am to Noon,
and 1:00 - 4:30 pm, and
Friday, 9:00 am to 12:00 Noon
Mass Times: 5:00 Vigil (Sat.)
8:30 and 10:30 am. Sunday
Confessions: 4:00-4:45 pm on Sat.
If you wish to listen to the Sunday Homily, please visit
If you find that you are unable to attend daily Mass, you
may listen to 1460 AM on WHIC at 8:00 am.
Station of the Cross
Holy Trinity Church is now on FACEBOOK. You can
check out our page by typing
holytrinitywebster” into your internet
web browser. Already a FACEBOOK user? You can search
“Holy Trinity Church, Webster, NY” on FACEBOOK to find
us as well.
Victims Assistance Coordinator:
call Deborah Housel at 1-800-388-7177 ext: 1555
Mass Intentions: 2015
Week of April 6 - April 12
Monday within the Octave of Easter
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Jacqueline Chavoure, req. Madeline Blando
Tuesday within the Octave of Easter
6:30 Special Intentions of Dave and Bonnie Kiedrowski, req.
Joseph and Theresa
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
Wednesday within the Octave of Easter
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Samuel Colombo, req. Anthony and Annette Columbo
Thursday within the Octave of Easter
6:30 Todd Spanganberg, 1st Anniversary, req. Ron & Joanne
9:00 Morning Prayer/With Communion
Friday within the Octave of Easter
6:30 Morning Prayer/With Communion
9:00 Bill Kalamanka, req. Midge and Monte
Saturday 5:00 (VIGIL) For the People of Holy Trinity, Living and
8:30 Bernard Thomas, req. John, Traci and Family
10:30 Stephen Krenzer, req. Mother and Family
This Week At Holy Trinity
Monday, April 6
10:00 - 11:00 am. Legion of Mary - Marian Room
6:30 - 8:00 pm. Cadetts - Wing Room
7:00 - 9:00 pm. Scouts - Parish Hall
7:00 - 8:30 pm. Facilities Mtg. Marian Room
Tuesday, April 7
6:30: -8:30 pm. Faith Formation - Gathering Space
6:30 - 8:30 pm. First Eucharist Classes - Parish Hall
6:30 - 8:30 pm. First Eucharist Classes - Parish Hall
Wednesday, April 8
6:30 - 7:30 - Brownies - Peace/Unity Room
7:00 - 9:00 - Choir - Marian Room
Thursday, April 9
7:00 - 8:00 pm Adoration - Church
Friday, April 10
8:35 am - Rosary - Church
Saturday, April 11
6:00 - 11:00 pm. Bavarian Club - Murphy Hall
Sunday, April 12
9:30 - 10:30 am. Religious Education - All Rooms
Coffee hour after the 8:30 &10:30 am. Mass - Gathering Space
CRS Rice Bowl
We prayed, fasted and gave alms-and now we celebrate! Our
Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts,
where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lordand in the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and
all over the world! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice
Bowl at the Church Office, or in the collection baskets.
Thank you for your participation this Lenten Season.
Holy Trinity Church
Webster, New York
Pam Schultz