Hnrs 125-001 syllabus F13


Hnrs 125-001 syllabus F13
HNRT 125, Section 001 and 002
Liberal Arts Approach to Calculus
Fall 2013
Patricia Granfield
Enterprise Hall, Room 303
Email: (preferred method of contact)
Office Hours:
Tuesday 9:30-11:00, Wednesday 3:00-4:30, or by appointment
Class Time and Location: MWF 10:30-11:20, Nguyen Engineering Bldg, Room 1109
Applied Calculus, 6th Edition, by Waner and Costenoble (either
eBook or print). You will need access to WebAssign, the text’s
online homework system. This can be purchased at the bookstore
or at .
I permit the use of small, non-graphing calculators on in-class
quizzes and tests. You may use any calculator you wish for
homework. Any calculator that you buy for the course should have
exponential and logarithmic functions and should be capable of
accuracy to at least 4 decimal places. It should not include the
capability of determining a derivative or integral.
Course Topics:
We will cover most of chapters 1-5. Specific topics include:
Linear, quadratic and other polynomial functions
Exponential and logarithmic functions
Functional models of growth and decay, with applications
from business, economics and biology and
including finding present and future values
Limits and continuity
Limit definition of the derivative
Derivative techniques
Applications of the derivative
Homework, both online and written, will be assigned regularly and
will be graded for correctness. I expect students to work all
assigned homework problems. I encourage students to work
together on homework, but any work that is graded must be a
student’s own work; I will not accept a group solution to a
problem. Assignments that are copied will result, at a minimum, in
a grade of a zero on the assignment for all participants.
Three midterm examinations will be given during the semester.
Tentative dates are September 23, October 23 and November 25.
Note: these dates are subject to change. It is the responsibility of
the student to be aware of any changes.
Make-up work:
Make-up exams will be allowed only if I am contacted prior to
the time of the exam and only with justification, such as serious
illness. In general, I will not give make-up quizzes or accept late
homework. Any homework that I agree to accept late will be
subject to a substantial (at least 15% per day) grade penalty.
There will be occasional quizzes, which will be announced in
class and on Blackboard (
Final Exam:
Wednesday, December 11, 10:30—1:15. The exam will be
Grades will be weighted as follows:
Tests (3):
½ of the final grade
Homework/ quizzes:
of the final grade
Final Exam:
⅓ of the final grade
The grading scale will be approximately: A: 90-100%; B: 80-89%;
C: 70-79%; D: 60-69%; F: 59% and below.
Important Dates:
Last day to add a class:
Last day to drop a class:
Columbus Day Recess:
September 3
September 27
October 14 (Monday classes meet on
Tuesday, October 15)
Selective withdrawal period: September 30-October 25
(Maximum of three W’s as an undergraduate)
Thanksgiving Recess:
November 27-December 1
Last day of classes:
December 6
Disability Services: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic
accommodations, please see me and contact the Office of
Disability Services. All academic accommodations must be
arranged through that office.
Office of Disability Services (ODS)
Student Union Building I (SUB I), Room 4205
Phone: 703.993.2474
Honor Code:
GMU is an Honor Code university; please see the
Office for Academic Integrity for a full description of the code and
the honor committee process. The principle of academic integrity
is taken very seriously and violations are treated gravely.