coding - houstonisdwatch
coding - houstonisdwatch
# {J s?# rd rw*x"{*w74{3xwT &*w*** **&T rer*T Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center 4400 West '18th $treet I Hr:uston, TX 77092-8501 *"i From: Edwards, Jayne Sent: Wednesday, November L2,2014 3:20 PM To: Gregory, Nancy Subject: ldeas lmportance: High Hi Nancy, Hope this makes sense, if not, let me know and l'll stop by... Spoke with a couple of programmers and here's some ideas: 1.. Getting tweets from coders who are programming for some notable firms to tweet to our hashtag ...e.g. NASA coders!?l...Johnson Space Center, Mission Control, etc (Paula may be a lead on coders with this grouP) 2. How about hosting a Communities conference of teachers who are already teaching programming: arduino, or lava or .net convene at one HISD site and formalize the community to take advantage of the knowledge base that has already done a lot of valuable work: identify them by skill level by content by grade(HS/MS/ES)...developers like communities to talk about codlng: a. What do you need help with to do your job How can we give you what you need in a b. c. d. better way Are there any hindrances? Where do you imbed your programming work into your curriculum? 3. There are groups of coding societies in Houston 4. Get some footage of our own coders describing code that they are voice after another maybe..."l'm writing code that will tell the school bell to ring at a certain time; l'm writing the code that will send messages to the principals, etc....we have to really work with them (may not be the most animated folks) but some are really great and are convinced that there are TEACHERS out there that are very effective.... Coders talk to each other around the world discussing all types of technical listed below is a live Microsoft conference happening are some websites and maybe we can get them to tweet encouraging reasons to code or important reasons to code... a. h ttp s :l/www. o ra c I e. co m/j avqp n e/i b. http; hltp:/lch an nel9. rrsdn,com/[ome d. e. http:l1www.t'os.org1 c. f. nd ex. http:llwww, http:/lwww-eodeprojcet"coml What is CodeProject? CodeProject is a communitY of Software development and Design developers joined together with certain common goals: to learn, to teach and to have fun programming. Developers from all over the world come together to share source code, tutorials and knowledge for free to help their fellow programmers. It is our hope that you find CodeProject to be a wealth of information and a valuable resource. All we ask is that if you find CodeProject useful, then please share what source code or knowledge you can in order to give back to the communitY. Above and beyond articles and code snippets, CodeProject gives h tm I developers a voice. We have over 3.5 million people reading CodeProject each month, including those from companies such as Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, and more. CodeProject brings industry and the developer community together, <imageO01'Pn9tJ"yn" F. Edwards, M.Ed. lnformation Technology Project Manager, PMO 713-556-7593 (office) I 713-556- 6654 (fax) Hattie Mae White Educational Support Center 4400 West 18th Street I Houston, TX77092-8501 Keep up with the latest news from HISD: wu Follow HISD on Twitter: @HoustonlSD Li ke H S D on Facebook: vwvw. facebook. eomlHouslonlSD I
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