FSCS Account Marking Process Modelling (BPM
FSCS Account Marking Process Modelling (BPM
FSCS Account Marking Process Modelling (BPM and DMN) March 2015 Contents Page 3 Background 4 FSCS Account Marking Business Process Model (BPM) 5 FSCS Account Marking Decision Requirements Graph (DRG) 6 Decision Requirements Graph (DRG) Key 7-10 Account Marking Decision Tables 2 Background This pack shows a Business Process Model (BPM) to determine how accounts should be ‘marked’ according to the recently recast EU Deposit Guarantee Scheme Directive (DGSD), and which deposits should be included on a Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) Single Customer View (SCV) file (other jurisdictions may implement SCV differently). Decision Model & Notation (DMN) is then used to specify how the decisions in this BPM are underpinned by a set of business rules and a network of dependencies. For an overview of impacts of the changes to the reporting process, please refer to the How Bank Work articles Impact of the Recast DGSD upon UK Banks Part 1 and Part 2, or the PRA’s CP20/14 Paper. It is worth noting that the models here focus only on the DGSD requirement to ‘mark accounts’, and do not expand on the directive’s other requirements. For more information on the benefits of using DMN to feed data into the requirements definition process, please refer to the article on How Banks Work. For more information on any of the content of this pack or the associated article please contact us on info@trippleconsulting.co.uk. 3 FSCS Account Marking Process Model (BPM) Start (deposit record) N Is the a/c FSCS eligible by deposit type? Y N Is the a/c FSCS eligible by depositor? Mark as ineligible for FSCS protection Mark as large corporate, not eligible by geography N Y Is the a/c FSCS eligible by geography? Is the depositor an SME/Natural Person? N N N Is the depositor an SME/Natural Person? Y Mark as Large Corporate on SCV Mark as SME/Natural Person on SCV Should the a/c be on the Exclusions file? Mark as SME/Natural Person not eligible by geography Y Y Y N Is it a beneficiary a/c? Y N Y Mark as SME/Natural Person on Exclusions Mark as a beneficiary a/c on Exclusions Calculate how much compensatable balance a/c holds Is the depositor an SME/Natural Person? Mark as Large Corporate on Exclusions * * This box represents the next stage of the process in order to comply with the complete set of DGSD requirements. It is not modelled in these slides. 4 FSCS Account Marking Decision Requirements Graph (DRG) 1 2 How should the account be marked? Marking Rules Is the depositor an SME/Natural Person? SME Criteria 3 4 7 Is the a/c FSCS eligible by depositor? Is it a beneficiary a/c? Exclusions Rules 5 Depositor Rules Should the a/c be on the Exclusions file? 6 Is the a/c FSCS eligible by deposit type? Is the a/c FSCS eligible by geography? Deposit-Type Rules Beneficiary a/c definition Geography Rules CP 20/14* Account Data *Note: The Knowledge Source for all the rules in this DRG is the PRA’s Consultation Paper CP 20/14. PRA 5 Decision Requirements Graph (DRG) Key Decision Business Knowledge Model Input Data Knowledge Source A decision denotes the act of determining an output from a number of inputs, using decision logic which may reference one or more business knowledge models. A business knowledge model denotes a function encapsulating business knowledge, e.g. as business rules, a decision table, or an analytic model. An input data element denotes information used as an input by one or more decisions. When enclosed within a knowledge model, it denotes the parameters to the knowledge model. A knowledge source denotes an authority for a business knowledge model or decision. Information requirement Knowledge requirement Authority requirement An information requirement denotes input data or a decision output being used as one of the inputs of a decision. A knowledge requirement denotes the invocation of a business knowledge model. An authority requirement denotes the dependence of a DRD element on a knowledge source, or the dependence of a knowledge source on input data. 6 1 How Should the Account be Marked? Marking Account Rules Any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 Eligible by Depositor? Eligible by DepositType? NO YES or NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES or NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES Conditions for Marking Eligible by Reason to include on Beneficiary Account? Geography? Exclusions File? YES or NO YES or NO NO NO YES YES YES YES YES YES or NO YES or NO YES or NO YES or NO YES YES YES NO NO YES or NO YES or NO YES or NO YES or NO NO NO YES NO NO Is the Depositor an SME/Natural Person? YES or NO YES or NO YES NO YES NO YES or NO YES NO Outcome Mark as Ineligible for FSCS Protection Mark as Ineligible for FSCS Protection Mark as SME Ineligible only by Geography Mark as Large Corporate Ineligible by Geography Mark as SME/Natural Person and Include on Exclusion File Mark as Large Corporate and Include on Exclusions File Mark as Beneficiary Account and Include on Exclusions File Mark as SME/Natural Person and Include on SCV Mark as Large Corporate and Include on SCV Is the Depositor an SME/Natural Person?* Is the Depositor an SME/Natural Person? SME/Natural Person Categorisation Rules Any Account Belonging to Turnover less than €50m Balance Sheet less than Natural Person? annually? €43m annually? 1 YES YES or NO YES or NO 2 NO YES YES 3 NO YES YES or NO 4 NO YES or NO YES 5 NO YES NO 6 NO NO YES 7 NO NO NO Less than 250 Employees? YES or NO Yes or NO YES YES NO NO YES Outcome Natural Person SME SME SME Large Corporate Large Corporate Large Corporate * The PRA have suggested conflicting definitions for an ‘SME’. This decision table is based on the definition which seems most plausible and is most consistent with the rest of the regulation but clarification from the PRA has been sought. 7 3 Should the Account be on the Exclusions File? Exclusions File Inclusion Rules Any 1 2 3 4 5 HMTS NO YES NO NO NO Reason for Inclusion LEGDIS LEGDOR NO YES or NO YES NO NO NO YES or NO Yes or NO YES NO BEN NO YES or NO YES or NO YES or NO YES Outcome Include on SCV Include on exclusions (flagged HMTS) Include on exclusions (flagged LEGDIS) Include on exclusions (flagged LEGDOR) Include on exclusions (flagged BEN) 8 Is the Account Eligible by Depositor? 4 Eligibgle for FSCS Protection by Depositor Rules Any 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Credit Institution? Financial Institution? NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO Is Deposit Deposited on Behalf of… Investment Firm? Insurer? NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO Public Authority? Credit Union? NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Yes Outcome Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Is the Account Eligible by Deposit-Type? 5 Eligibgle for FSCS Protection by Deposit-Type Rules Type of Deposit Any 1 2 3 4 5 6 Collective Investment Undertakings NO YES NO NO NO NO Pensions and Retirement Funds NO NO YES NO NO NO Laundered Money Unidentified Holder 'Own Funds' NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO YES Outcome Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit 9 6 Is the Account Eligible by Geography? Eligible for FSCS Protection by Geography? Geography Rules Any Placed Inside EEA Placed Outside EEA 1 YES NO 2 NO YES 7 Outcome Eligible Deposit Not Eligible Deposit Is it a Beneficiary Account? Is the Account a Beneficiary Account? Beneficiary Account Rules Any Account Flagged as BEN? 1 YES 2 NO Outcome Benficiary Account Not Beneficiary Account 10