(NUSS) & Local 2110 - Columbia University


(NUSS) & Local 2110 - Columbia University
2015 Guide to
What’s New for
Open Enrollment
Non-Union Support Staff
and Local 2110
Benefits Expos and Health Screenings
Please attend one of the Benefits Expos to meet with the benefit carriers and Columbia Benefits staff to ask questions about your benefits.
Dates and Times
Alfred Lerner Hall
Roone Arledge Auditorium
2920 Broadway (at 115th Street)
New York, NY 10027
Wednesday, November 5
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 13
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Preventive Health Screenings:
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on both dates
Flu Vaccines:
11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on both dates
Armand Hammer Health Sciences Center
Teaching and Learning Center (lower level)
701 West 168th Street (at Ft. Washington Ave.)
New York, NY 10032
Thursday, November 6
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12
11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Monell Building
61 Route 9W
Palisades, NY 10964
Monday, November 10
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Preventive Health Screenings, Lower Level Room 112,
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. on both dates
References and Resources
More reference materials are available on the Columbia Benefits website. Go to http://hr.columbia.edu/benefits to review informational materials,
including the Summary of Benefits & Coverage, annual legal notices, the Benefits FAQ, a glossary, and a short video regarding Support Staff 2015 Benefits.
Columbia Benefits Service Center
If you have any questions about your benefits and choices, please call the Columbia Benefits Service Center at 212-851-7000, Monday
through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. During the last week of Benefits Open Enrollment, November 17-21, the expanded hours of operation
will be from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.
About This Communication
This Guide to What’s New for Open Enrollment 2015 summarizes changes to the benefits programs that are available to Columbia University
Non-Union Support Staff and members of Local 2110. This communication is intended to be a Summary of Material Modifications (SMM)
to the Medical and Life Insurance Plans and other benefit programs. It explains the changes being made to these plans effective
January 1, 2015. Full details regarding coverage, eligibility and limitations can be found in the official Plan documents. If there are any
discrepancies between the information in this publication, verbal representations and the Plan documents, the Plan documents will always govern.
Columbia University reserves the right to change or terminate these Plans at any time. This publication is in no way intended to imply a contract
of employment. You are entitled to receive this SMM under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). You also have other
important rights and protections under ERISA. These are explained in more detail in the Summary Plan Descriptions. You can find them online at
Dear Colleague:
Welcome to Benefits Open Enrollment for 2015. November 3 to November 21, 2014 is your annual opportunity to review your
benefits coverage and make changes for the coming year.
As we wrote you earlier in the year, the University selected UnitedHealthcare (UHC) as the single health plan vendor for the medical
plans effective January 1, 2015. If you currently have Columbia-provided medical coverage, your current coverage will be rolled over
to a comparable UHC medical plan. If you declined coverage in 2014, you will continue in 2015 with no coverage.
Along with this change, there are some enhancements that we are pleased to share. First, the vision benefit that accompanies
the medical plans is being enhanced for 2015. Second, in response to feedback from many of you, we are changing the plan
administrator for the Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs). In 2015, the Healthcare and Dependent Care accounts will be administered
by UHC, enabling more streamlined account access and reimbursements for you.
Also of note for 2015 are some important changes mandated by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS). In-network out-of-pocket maximums are required to include prescription copays, and are thus increasing.
Aside from the medical plan updates, I’m pleased to let you know that Life Insurance costs for 2015 are going down. You’ll find
updates on this and other important benefits changes inside this guide. Please read it carefully and discuss with your family so that
you can make informed decisions about your benefits for next year.
If you have any questions about this guide or how to access the online enrollment tools, please call the Columbia Benefits
Service Center at 212-851-7000 or email us at hrbenefits@columbia.edu.
We look forward to seeing you at this year’s Benefits Expos where you can find out more about your benefits, meet with representatives
of our benefit partner companies, and obtain a free health screening.
Fiona McLennan
Assistant Vice President, Columbia Benefits
Table of Contents
What’s New in 2015
Medical Plan Election for 2015
UnitedHealthcare in 2015
Cost of Coverage: Your Contributions
Medical Plan Summary
Dental Plan Overview
Out-of-Pocket Maximums Include Prescription Drug Copays
Flexible Spending Account Administration Moving to UHC
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
Coverage for Autism
Life Insurance Costs Are Decreasing
Important Reminders
What’s New in 2015
UnitedHealthcare (UHC) Has Been Selected as Columbia’s Single Health Plan Vendor: Effective January 1, 2015,
the Cigna medical plan will no longer be available. See page 3 for information about finding a doctor in UHC’s network and Transition
of Care provisions for employees and their dependents with serious medical conditions.
The Medical Plan Has a New Name: The POS 100 is now called the Choice Plus 100.
Your Current Medical Plan Election Rolls Over to the Comparable UHC Medical Plan: If you currently have Columbiaprovided medical coverage, you and any enrolled dependents will automatically be enrolled in the comparable UHC medical plan for
2015. If you do not currently have medical coverage, you will continue with no coverage in 2015. Of course, you can change your
current coverage during this Open Enrollment period.
Out-Of-Pocket Maximums Include Prescription Drug Copays: As we informed you last year, beginning January 1,
2015, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires prescription drug copays to count toward the medical plans’ in-network out-of-pocket
maximums. As a result, the plans’ out-of-pocket maximums are being increased. See the Medical Plan Summary for details and see
page 10 for more information about how this works.
Coverage for Autism: Effective January 1, 2015, Columbia’s medical plans will cover physical therapy, speech therapy and
occupational therapy for dependents diagnosed with autism. See page 13 for details.
Healthcare and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Administration Moving to UHC: Effective
January 1, 2015, UnitedHealthcare will administer Columbia’s Healthcare and Dependent Care FSAs, replacing EBPA. See page 11
for details. EBPA will continue to administer the Transit and Parking Accounts.
Medical Plan Contributions Are Changing: Please see page 5 for a complete list of the 2015 Monthly Pre-Tax Contributions
for Medical Coverage.
Dental Coverage Remains the Same: There are no changes to the Columbia Dental Plans for 2015 and the plans continue to
be administered by Aetna and GHI (EmblemHealth). Employee contributions also remain the same and are summarized on page 5.
Your current dental election will continue in 2015 unless you make a change during this Open Enrollment period.
Transit and Parking Accounts: The Accounts continue to be administered by EBPA in 2015. As of now, the monthly limits for
2015 remain $130 for the Transit Account and $250 for the Parking Account. These limits are subject to change by the IRS.
Life Insurance Costs Are Decreasing: The costs for the Optional Term Life Insurance Plan are decreasing for 2015. If you
currently have coverage, you don’t need to do anything to take advantage of the lower rates. They will automatically be adjusted in
your first paycheck of 2015. See page 14 for details.
Vision Benefits Are Being Enhanced: Please see the Medical Plan Comparison Chart for details.
You Must File Cigna Claims Within One Year: If you are currently enrolled in the Cigna medical plan, you must file any medical
claims with Cigna by December 31, 2015 to receive reimbursement. After that date, claims will not be eligible for reimbursement.
Please note that it is your responsibility to file these claims.
Medical Plan Election for 2015
If you currently have Columbia-provided medical coverage, you and any enrolled dependents will automatically be enrolled in the
comparable UHC medical plan for 2015. You will not be able to change that election until next year’s annual Benefits
Open Enrollment, so it is important that you make your medical plan election now.
Employees who do not currently have Columbia-provided medical coverage and who do not want Columbia-provided medical
coverage in 2015 do not have to make an election. Your “No Coverage” election will continue in 2015.
All employees with medical coverage will receive new medical plan ID cards for 2015. UnitedHealthcare will mail your ID cards no
later than December 21 so that you will have them in advance of the January 1, 2015 effective date of your medical coverage. Even
if you are currently enrolled in a UHC plan, you will receive new ID cards for 2015.
Please discard your current medical plan ID cards at the end of 2014 because they will not be valid in 2015. Please note that,
if you are currently enrolled in a UnitedHealthcare medical plan, your ID number will not change in 2015, but you will get a new
Choice Plus ID card.
The first time you visit any medical provider in 2015, be sure to show them your new ID card so that they can correctly process
your claims.
Please note that Express Scripts will continue to administer Columbia’s prescription drug benefit in 2015. You will not receive a new
prescription drug ID card, so please continue to use your current Express Scripts ID card in 2015.
UnitedHealthcare in 2015
In 2015, the plan administered by Cigna will no longer be available to Columbia staff, and all of Columbia’s medical plans will be
administered by UnitedHealthcare. In addition, Columbia is changing the names of its medical plans. UnitedHealthcare is using their
“Choice” national network for Columbia’s plans, so using this network name will make it easier for your medical providers to identify
the plan in which you are enrolled.
The POS 100 is now called the Choice Plus 100.
Finding a Doctor
Nearly all medical providers who were in Cigna’s network are also in UnitedHealthcare’s network. You can review UHC’s network by
visiting http://columbia.welcometouhc.com/home. When you visit the link, check under “Find a Doctor/Hospital” to view
the provider network. This site also includes the listing of Columbia Doctors who provide in-network healthcare services via UHC to
Columbia’s faculty and staff and their dependents.
What if Your Provider Is Not in UHC’s Network?
If you or your covered dependents are currently being treated by a behavioral health provider, you’re pregnant or recently had major
surgery, or you’re in active treatment for cancer or a serious medical condition, you can request a Transition of Care benefit. With
Transition of Care, you can continue seeing your current out-of-network provider and receive the in-network level of benefits for up
to six months.
In order to receive a Transition of Care benefit, you must contact UHC as follows:
Complete a Transition of Care form (available online at http://hr.columbia.edu/forms-docs/forms#uhc) and submit it
to UHC.
Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder
Call Optum Behavioral Health Services (OBHS) at 800-232-9357.
In either case, you should contact UHC beginning December 1, 2014 and no later than January 31, 2015. After receiving and
approving your Transition of Care request, UHC will mail you written confirmation that you will receive the Transition of Care benefit. It
is important that you complete the Transition of Care request and receive approval from UHC. Otherwise, your
out-of-network claims will be paid at the out-of-network benefit level.
If you are not eligible for a Transition of Care benefit or the six-month Transition of Care period ends, you will need to receive services
from a medical provider in UHC’s network in order to receive in-network benefits. Of course, you always have the choice to see a
provider outside the network and receive out-of-network benefits.
Maximizing Your Medical Benefits
UnitedHealthcare offers tools and services to help you make the most of your healthcare benefits. The following two services are
provided to you at no cost.
This tool offers a full spectrum of healthcare support. Advocate4Me connects you with a single point of contact (an Advocate)
to address your various health needs and help you make the best healthcare decision. Through the tool’s exclusive Predictive
Personalization feature, data, analytics and technology are used to provide a uniquely personalized experience by predicting,
understanding and prioritizing your needs. You will be connected with an Advocate who is best suited for you. To ensure you
receive accurate answers to your benefits questions, Advocates have access to a broad team of experts specializing in clinical
care, emotional health, pharmacy, healthcare costs and medical plan benefits. To speak with an Advocate, call the toll-free number,
Health4Me is a mobile phone app that provides instant access to your and your family’s important health information. The app allows
you to search for physicians or facilities by location or specialty, view claims, view and share your health plan ID card information,
contact an experienced registered nurse 24/7 and more. Health4Me simplifies and streamlines access to your healthcare resources
in a secure, confidential way that fits your needs. The Health4Me app is available from the Apple iTunes App Store as a free download
for the iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad. It is also available as a free download in the Android marketplace for Android phones.
Mobile Contact List
Scan this code to view the benefit carrier contact list on your mobile device.
Cost of Coverage: Your Contributions
Contributions are the amount you pay toward the cost of your medical and prescription coverage through your payroll deductions.
Your healthcare contributions are deducted from your pay before any taxes are taken.
Your pre-tax contribution for medical and prescription coverage is based on two factors:
Which plan you select; and
Who you cover–Yourself Only, Yourself & Spouse/Same-Sex Domestic Partner, Yourself & Child(ren) or Family
Same-Sex Domestic Partner Tax Credit
Federal income tax rules require that your contributions toward the coverage of a same-sex domestic partner be deducted from
your pay on an after-tax basis. In addition, University contributions toward the total cost of coverage for your same-sex domestic
partner are taxable to you. To assist with this tax burden, if you elect same-sex domestic partner medical coverage,
Columbia will provide a credit of $38.46 per pay period, beginning the pay period following the effective date
of your election.
2015 Monthly Pre-Tax Contributions for Medical & Rx Coverage
2015 Monthly Medical Contributions
Yourself Only
Yourself & Spouse or
Domestic Partner
Yourself & Child(ren)
Choice Plus 100
Choice Plus 100
2015 Monthly Pre-Tax Contributions for Dental
2015 Monthly Dental Contributions
Yourself Only
You Plus One
*Dependent children can only be covered through the end of the calendar year in which they turn 19.
Medical Plan Summary
Important notes: UnitedHealthcare (UHC) has a national provider network and does not require a primary care physician or
referrals to see UHC specialists. UHC requires precertification for some services. If you use an in-network provider, your participating
network doctor or hospital generally handles the precertification process for you. However, it is your responsibility to confirm that
your provider has obtained the necessary authorizations from UHC. If you see a provider who is out-of-network, you are responsible
for obtaining precertification for most services except routine office visits. Check your Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
available online at http://hr.columbia.edu/benefits/spds.
Choice Plus 100
Annual Deductible (per person)
Coinsurance (% paid by CU)
60% after deductible
Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Individual)
Out-of-Pocket Maximum (Family)
Preventive Care
Not covered
Physician Office Visits
$30 copay
60% after deductible
Laboratory/Radiology Services
100% if non-hospital location; $150 copay if hospital**
60% after deductible
Inpatient Hospital Care
$500 copay per admission
60% after deductible; Precertification required
Outpatient Hospital Care
$150 copay (including lab and radiology)
60% after deductible; Precertification required
Mental Health and Substance Abuse –
Inpatient care
$500 copay per admission
60% after deductible; Precertification required
Mental Health and Substance Abuse –
Outpatient programs
$150 copay per admission for facility based care, including
intensive outpatient programs
70% after deductible for facility based care, including intensive
outpatient programs; Precertification required
Mental Health and Substance Abuse –
Outpatient Counseling
$30 copay
70% after deductible
Emergency Room
$150 copay
$150 copay
Basic and Comprehensive
Infertility Treatment
Advanced Infertility Treatment
Prescription Drug coverage
with Express Scripts
Unlimited benefit for diagnosis and basic medical treatment, including artificial insemination
$30,000 lifetime maximum for advanced treatments and Assisted Reproductive Technology including IVF, GIFT and ZIFT
Retail (30-days)
• Generic: $10 copay
• Single-source brand: $25 copay
• Multi-source brand: $45 copay
Mail-order (90-days)
• Generic: $15 copay
• Single-source brand: $50 copay
• Multi-source brand: $90 copay
*Out-of-Network coinsurance reimbursement is indexed to 190% of the Medical Maximum Allowance Charge (MAC).
**No copay for Lab and Radiology at certain designated NYP locations. See the list of NYP participating locations at www.hr.columbia.edu/benefits (under "Contacts").
Note: In the Choice Plus plans, medical and prescription copays accumulate toward the in-network out-ofpocket maximum.
The above chart represents highlights of the Plan provisons. Clinical medical management restrictions and other limits may apply.
See Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) at www.hr.columbia.edu/benefits for complete details.
Vision Coverage
All employees and their covered dependents who participate in any of Columbia’s medical plan options are covered by a vision
Vision Benefits
Choice Plus Plans
Benefits Apply Both In-Network and Out-of-Network
Routine Eye Exams
Adults: One exam every 12 months with a $10 copay
Children: One exam every 12 months with a $10 copay
Adults: Every 24 months, $20 allowance for single lenses, $30 for bifocal, $40 for trifocal and $75 for lenticular
Children: Lenses covered in full every 12 months (more frequently if medically necessary)
Adults: $30 allowance every 24 months.
Children: Up to $100 covered in full every 12 months (more frequently if medically necessary). Cost above $100 covered at 60%.
Contact Lenses
Adults: $75 allowance every 24 months
Children: Single purchase of a pair of contact lenses or 1 box of contact lenses
per eye covered at 100%
Child is defined as a member less than age 19.
Provider might require payment in full at the time of service. The patient then submits a claim to UnitedHealthcare for reimbursement.
For a listing of vision providers, please visit www.myuhc.com.
GHI (EmblemHealth) Dental
The GHI Preferred Dental Program covers preventive, basic, and major services. You may choose to use participating GHI Preferred
Program dentists or go to a nonparticipating dentist.
When you receive care from a nonparticipating dentist, you pay the provider up front, and then file a claim for reimbursement. You’ll
be reimbursed up to the allowance shown on the GHI Dental fee schedule for covered services, which is available from GHI. If you
use a participating dentist, no forms are required.
For a listing of GHI dentists, go to: http://www.emblemhealth.com/find-a-doctor/directory and select "Dental Preferred"
from the menu. For more information, call GHI at 212-501-4443.
If you use a nonparticipating dentist, you may have to pay the difference between the total cost and the amount the plan pays.
Plan Provisions
Preventive and
Diagnostic Services
Examinations, cleanings,
X-rays, flouride, treatments,
space maintainers, mouth
Covered 100%
Reimbursement is subject
to established plan schedule
Basic Services
Extractions, root canals,
gum disease, oral surgery,
anesthesia, pain relief, denture
repair, tests, and lab exams
Covered 100%
Reimbursement is subject
to established plan schedule
Major Services
Dentures, crowns
Covered 100%
Reimbursement is subject
to established plan schedule
Maximum Annual Benefit
Aetna Columbia Dental Plan Overview
The Aetna Columbia Dental Plan provides you with the flexibility to see Columbia University College of Dental Medicine faculty
and alumni, called the Columbia Preferred Dental Network, along with the national Aetna PPO network of dentists, all under one
comprehensive program. You may also see a dentist outside of the network, although your cost will be significantly higher whenever
you use out-of-network dentists.
Columbia Preferred
Dental Network
Aetna Dental
Preventive Care
Includes routine cleanings, routine exams and X-rays
Basic Restorative Care
Includes fillings and extractions
Major Restorative Care
Includes crowns, root canals, bridges and dentures
Orthodontia for Adults & Children
Annual Deductible (per person)
Annual Maximum Benefit (per person)
Orthodontic Lifetime Maximum (per person)
Important Information About Out-of-Network Reimbursement
*The percentage paid by Aetna Dental is limited to the network-negotiated fees. This means if you use an out-of-network dentist, your
reimbursement will be based on the network fees for the services provided. For example, if your dentist bills you $800 for a crown
but the network-negotiated fee is $400, you will be reimbursed for 50% of the $400 (the network-negotiated fee) totaling $200.
You are responsible for paying the balance of $600 to your out-of-network dentist.
For your monthly contributions toward Dental coverage, please see page 5.
Out-of-Pocket Maximums
Include Prescription Drug Copays
Beginning January 1, 2014, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) required that medical copays count toward the plan’s in-network outof-pocket maximum. Effective January 1, 2015, prescription drug copays must also count toward the in-network out-of-pocket
Because of this change, Columbia has increased the out-of-pocket maximums for the medical plan in 2015. See the Medical Plan
Comparison Chart for specific amounts.
If you reach the plan’s in-network out-of-pocket maximum in a calendar year, any additional eligible in-network expenses you incur
will be paid at 100%, including medical and prescription drug copays. In other words, once you’ve reached the annual maximum,
you will not be subject to any copays for in-network prescription drugs or medical services.
Flexible Spending Account
Administration Moving to UHC
Effective January 1, 2015, the Healthcare and Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) will be administered by
UnitedHealthcare (UHC) replacing EBPA.
If you elect an FSA, you will receive an enrollment package from UHC that provides information about managing your FSA funds,
arranging to pay your healthcare expenses directly with your FSA funds and electing direct deposit. Please read this information
carefully to take full advantage of the features UHC offers.
If you currently have an FSA, you will have until March 31, 2015 to file FSA claims incurred in 2014 with EBPA. It is imperative that
you promptly file claims by that deadline.
If you have a Healthcare FSA balance of up to $500 on March 31, 2015, EBPA will roll over those funds to your account at
UnitedHealthcare. Due to the processing time required for EBPA to close 2014 FSA accounts and transfer the rollover funds to UHC,
you will not have access to your 2014 rollover balance until May 1, 2015.
Please note that EBPA will continue to administer the Transit and Parking Accounts.
Healthcare Flexible Spending Account
Use myuhc.com to View Your Account Balance, View and Submit Claims and More
You will find everything you need on myuhc.com to manage your FSA. Select “Claims & Accounts” and you will see your account
balance and a list of all your claims. You can even submit claims online for reimbursement and much more.
1. Most expenses may be paid automatically.
Once your UHC Health Claim is processed, it will be electronically submitted to the UHC FSA department. Any out-of-pocket
amounts not charged on your Health Care Spending Card will generate an FSA payment. This auto-rollover of health claims
can be turned “off” or back “on” via myuhc.com.
2. Turn on direct deposit to get your money faster.
Don’t wait for a reimbursement check in the mail. With direct deposit, your money will be reimbursed directly
into your personal checking or savings account. See the UHC document “Your money could be in the bank” on
3. Submit your eligible expenses (claims) such as medical, dental, vision and dependent care, online at
Claims submitted online are processed in three days or less, which can mean faster reimbursement. You can even submit
multiple expenses and receipts for different members of the family all at once. See the UHC document “Online Claim
Submission” on www.hr.columbia.edu/forms-docs/forms#fsa. You may also mail or fax a form to receive
reimbursement from your FSA. For forms go to www.hr.columbia.edu/forms-docs/forms#fsa.
Estimate tax savings and look up eligible expenses.
Use the FSA Savings Calculator on myuhc.com to estimate your tax savings, and view a list of common eligible expenses.
Easily Manage your FSA with the UnitedHealthcare Health4Me mobile app.
Download Heath4Me to your smartphone or tablet and see how easy it is to view your FSA balance, find cost estimators and even
call Customer Care.
Coverage for Autism
Columbia’s medical plans currently cover up to 60 visits combined for Occupational and Physical Therapy, and have a 60 visit limit
for Speech Therapy.
Effective January 1, 2015, the medical plans will cover the cost of these therapies for individuals with the diagnosis of autism. The
annual limits will apply and the participant’s medical provider must submit claims with the appropriate diagnosis codes.
Please note that this coverage does not include Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA).
Life Insurance Costs Are Decreasing
If you are enrolled in the Optional Term Life Insurance plan, your costs will be decreasing in 2015. Employees who are already enrolled
may be eligible to increase their coverage during this Open Enrollment period. Employees who do not currently have coverage may
elect it at this time, but you must provide Evidence of Insurability and be approved by the insurance company.
Monthly Cost of Coverage
2014 Monthly Cost Per $1,000
2015 Monthly Cost Per $1,000
Less than 25
25 to 29
30 to 34
35 to 39
40 to 44
45 to 49
50 to 54
55 to 59
60 to 64
65 to 69
70 to 74
75 or older
Important Reminders
To participate in the following benefits for 2015, you must enroll during the Benefits Open Enrollment period:
Healthcare FSA
Dependent Care FSA
Transit Reimbursement Plan
Parking Reimbursement Plan
If you are enrolled in any of the above benefits in 2014 and you do not re-enroll for 2015, you will have no coverage under these
programs for the calendar year starting January 1, 2015 unless you experience a Qualified Life Status Change during the year.
Choose Your Coverage Carefully
Elections or changes you make during Benefits Open Enrollment will become effective on January 1, 2015 and will be in effect for
the 2015 calendar year. You will not have another opportunity to make changes to your benefits until the following year’s Benefits
Open Enrollment period, unless you experience a Qualified Life Status Change as defined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
which limits when you can add coverage for a dependent or make changes to your healthcare and FSA benefits during the year. For
more information, see page 16.
How to Enroll Online
Go to www.hr.columbia.edu/benefits.
Click on the CU Benefits Enrollment System, and log in using your UNI (University Network ID) and password.
Review the online enrollment tools.
Make your elections for Medical and Dental benefits, Life Insurance, Healthcare FSA, Dependent Care FSA and Transit/Parking
Reimbursement account.
Print your Confirmation Statement for your records.
If you have any questions, please contact the Columbia Benefits Service Center at 212-851-7000, Monday through Friday from
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Know Your Numbers – Free Preventive Health Screenings
We encourage you to take advantage of complimentary health screenings to check your blood pressure, cholesterol
and glucose levels. Results are available while you wait and certified health professionals will help you understand them.
If you register in advance, you can fast before your appointment to receive additional values of LDL cholesterol and
total triglycerides. Pre-register online at http://register.wellness-inc.com and enter a location code—at CUMC:
Co-107161-4, or at Morningside: Co-107159-4. Don’t take your health for granted—know your numbers!
Qualified Life Status Changes
The IRS restricts when you can add coverage for a dependent or make changes to your healthcare benefits and FSA elections during
the year.
After new hire initial enrollment, or after annual Benefits Open Enrollment, you will only be able to change most benefits for the
remainder of the calendar year if you experience a “Qualified Life Status Change.”
Examples of a Qualified Life Status Change include:
Marriage, divorce or the beginning or end of a same-sex domestic partnership;
Birth, adoption or placement for adoption or foster care;
Death of a dependent (spouse, same-sex domestic partner, child);
A dependent losing eligibility for coverage, such as a child reaching maximum age; or losing coverage under another plan, such
as a spouse/partner losing coverage from his or her employer;
A spouse or eligible dependent being called to military duty in the U.S. Armed Forces;
Job promotions and/or transfers that change the benefit offerings.
If you experience a Qualified Life Status Change, you must go to www.hr.columbia.edu/benefits and make your changes
within 31 days of the event. If you need assistance, please contact the Columbia Benefits Service Center at 212-851-7000
and a specialist will help you with your changes. Please remember that because these benefits must comply with IRS regulations, you
must provide proper documentation for your change, such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate or divorce decree. Your benefit
changes must be consistent with the nature of your Qualified Life Status Change. If you have Qualified Life Status Changes
after mid-November, you may not be able to make changes to certain benefits for the remainder of the current
calendar year.
Stressed Out? Financial Worries? Elder Care Issues?
These are just a few of the reasons to call the Employee Assistance Program (EAP). Free, confidential help and support is
available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Call 888-673-1153; TTY: 711
Or log on to: www.humana.com/eap
Username: Columbia Password: eap
L2110/NUSS OEG 2015
Cert no. SCS-COC-00891