Families Newsletter â Spring 2015 - Home
Families Newsletter â Spring 2015 - Home
Newsletter for Home-Start Guildford Families Spring Issue 2015 HELLO! We were very pleased that the Families’ New Year Party in Guildford and the Family Group’s Christmas Party in Pirbright were well-attended and greatly enjoyed by all. We will be holding a family fun day in June at Stoke Park’s miniature steam train railway. We hope you will be able to come - we will post you the details nearer the time. We hope you have a very happy Easter. Please don’t hesitate to call the office if you have any queries. We are open as usual over Easter, except on the bank holidays. With best wishes Liz, Lorraine, Lea, Corrina, Diann & Harriet The Family Group in Pirbright There have been many fun and informative activities going on at the Family Group, including 'self confidence' sessions with Surrey Care Trust, making 'Elmer the Elephant' crafts, cooking with Alison and some special pampering for Valentine’s Day. Last term we had a visit from Nick from Pentatangle Aquatics and some brave families enjoyed 'cuddling' reptiles ! Other News We are very pleased that 9 new volunteers completed their training before Christmas and they are now all providing great support to Home-Start families. Here is a photo of them with Hugh Shanks, our new Chair. Families’ New Year Party in Guildford There was music, dancing, bubbles, and balloons at our New Year party. Kelly Sparkles kept all the children brilliantly entertained with games and magic tricks. The face painter Sarah impressed us all with her artistic skills. Thank you to all the volunteers who made delicious home-made sandwiches and cakes which were greatly enjoyed, and a big thank you to St Faith's trust for their donation for this event. We have just trained a further 11 volunteers who will be meeting their HS families shortly. A Huge Thank You to Jenny! A former HS mum, Jenny, decided to undertake a dramatic '71cm to 0cm' hair challenge "in the hope that I can help to raise money for another family to have the fabulous Home-start help.". Jenny has raised over £1,000 - amazing ! Children’s Centres – Contact Details Advice Links Ash Grange Children’s Centre Ash Grange Primary School, Ash Church Road, GU12 6LX Tel: 01252 3502250 www.ash-grange.surrey.sch.uk Family Information Service – Surrey www.surreycc.gov.uk/fis Tel: 0300 200 1004 Email: surrey.fis@surreycc.gov.uk Boxgrove Children’s Centre (incl areas Clandon & Ripley) Boxgrove Primary School, Boxgrove Lane, GU1 2TD; Tel: 01483 540818 www.boxgrovechildrenscentre.co.uk The Spinney Children’s Centre Guildford Grove, Southway, GU2 8YD Tel: 01483 510570 www.thespinneycc.org.uk Guildford Centre: 1) Hazel Avenue (Bellfields) GU1 1NR Tel: 01483 566589 admin@guildfordchildrenscentre.surrey.sch.uk 2) York Road (town centre site) GU1 4DU Tel: 01483 561652 info@guildfordchildrenscentre.surrey.sch.uk St Paul’s Children’s Centre (incl areas Tongham, Normandy & Wood Street) St Paul’s CofE Infant School, East Ring, The Cardinals, Tongham, GU10 1EF Tel: 01252 400222 www.stpaulstongham.com Brookwood Children’s Centre Brookwood Primary School, Connaught Road, Woking, GU24 0HF Tel: 01483 473315, www.brookwood.surrey.sch.uk Wellspring Children’s Centre (part of Leatherhead Trinity) Bookham Baptist Church, Lower Rd, Bookham, KT23 4DH Tel: 01372 459314, www.wellspringchildrenscentre.com Local activites websites www.guildford.gov.uk/holidayactivities www.surreycc.gov.uk/eventsforfamilies http://local.mumsnet.com/surrey Family HelpLine, Surrey Tel: 080 800 5678 (freephone) Parentline Plus Tel: 0808 800 2222 Family Voice Surrey (for Parents of Children with SEN & Disabilities) www.mugsy.org/fvs Financial - advice www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk www.familynest.co.uk NHS Surrey – health advice www.surreyhealth.nhs.uk www.nhs.uk/Change4Life (weekly menu plan) Government website on everything! www.Gov.uk Contact Us Astolat, Coniers Way, Burpham, GU4 7HL Phone: 01483 511181 Email: office@hsguildford.org.uk Administration: Harriet Rowe Scheme Manager: Liz Westwood Mobile: 07982 775690 E: seniororganiser@hsguildford.org.uk Co-ordinator: Lorraine Macdonald Mobile: 07900 358499 Email: organiser@hsguildford.org.uk Co-ordinator: Lea Newbery Email: coordinator2@hsguildford.org.uk Family Group Co-ordinator: Corrina Meyer Mobile: 07769 475184 E: familygroup@hsguildford.org.uk