
Pastor, Father Vasken A. Kouzouian
145 Brattle Street • Cambridge, MA 02138 • 617.354.0632 • www.htaac.org
SUNDAY, MARCH 22, 2015
Celebrant/Preacher: The Pastor
Morning Service: 9:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Readings of the Day:
Is. 66:1-24. Col. 2:8-3:17. Mt. 22:34-23:39.
We welcome those who are visiting our church. The Pastor and the Parish
Council would like to invite you to make the Holy Trinity Church your
spiritual home. You are cordially invited to take part in the Service and
activities of our church. If you would like to be placed on our mailing list,
please sign our Guest Book located in the Vestibule.
Today’s Bible reading is from the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to St.
Matthew, chapter 22, vs. 34-46 [page 616], and will be read by Ara Hollisian.
• Yesterday was the Feast of St. Gregory the Enlightener (Commitment
to the Pit).
• Today is the Sunday of Advent.
• Next Saturday, March 28, is the Feast of the Remembrance of the
Raising of Lazarus.
• Next Sunday, March 29, is Palm Sunday.
From Today’s Reading
Matthew 22:34-23:39 These verses feature many important themes and
teachings. Jesus summarizes the law in the two greatest commandments
(vv. 36-39) on which all the law and prophecies of the Old Testament are
based. In Chapter 23, there is an extended warning (the “seven woes”)
against the vanities and false pieties of the Pharisees. The reading
concludes with Jesus’ poignant lament for Jerusalem in which – in one of
the rare moments when a female metaphor for God is used – He yearns
to protect its people as a “mother bird gathers her young under her
wings.” Reflection: How does “loving God and loving others” sum up all that
is essential in our faith? Many of the “woes” involve ‘talking the talk but not
walking the walk.’ Does this describe anything about your faith?
Col 2:8-3:17 In a beautiful accompaniment for today’s Gospel, the epistle
writer urges us to depend on Christ rather than human tradition or
worldly principles. Through baptism we have died with Him and are raised
with Him into faith and a new way of living. That virtuous, good life is
eloquently described in vv. 3:12-17. Memorable verse, v. 3:17 “And
whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of Lord
Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Reflection: What
might it mean for you to set your mind on “things above?” (v. 3:2)
Isaiah 66:1-24 At the conclusion of his long message to the Jews who
have experienced exile, Isaiah conveys God’s promise of both restoration
and judgment. God’s children will thrive and be comforted in a new
Jerusalem. But those who persist in false worship and rebellion will be
harshly judged. Reflection: When have you found yourself focusing on the
forms of worship, missing out on the essence of what it’s all about?
Today is the Sunday of the Advent
On this sixth and last Sunday of Lent, the church looks to the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ, our eternal Lord and King. This Sunday is not only dedicated
to Christ’s return but also to His Incarnation; that is, God becoming Jesus,
fully God and fully human. As such we are reminded that, just as everything
once began with God, so too will everything one day be fulfilled in Him. He
will come again, this time not as a gentle and lowly Savior, but as a righteous
judge in the glory of His Father with a retinue of angels.
Department of Christian Education, Diocese of the Armenian Church (Eastern
Please use the Divine Liturgy books that are found in the pew racks. These
books contain the Armenian text as well as the English transliteration and
translation in the second section.
For your convenience, the applicable page number in the burgundy Divine
Liturgy book is located above both the right and left doors by the Altar
leading to the Vestry and Baptistry. When the light shows green, the
congregation stands; when the light shows red, the congregation kneels;
and when green and red lights are off, you may be seated. If assistance is
needed, please ask a member of the Parish Council.
Parishioners are also encouraged to sing with the Choir, whose real purpose
is to lead the congregation in singing the hymns. Also join in the recitation
of the Creed which is found on pages 18 and 19 of the second section.
Today's Altar candles are donated for the edification of our Altar by
Deacon Gregory and Carol Krikorian in recognition of yesterday's Feast of
St. Gregory the Enlightener (Commitment to the Pit).
Altar candles are also donated by Elise Harrison in memory of sister,
Victoria Harrrison Davidian, and nephew, Jake Davidian.
Your prayers are requested by Greg Sarkisian for Bob, Suren and Leon
Your prayers of good health are requested for all those who suffer from illness
in their own private way.
We have all been asked to pray during the Divine Liturgy for the souls of:
- Victor John Nahigian, 1st Anniversary: requested by Robin, Victor,
David, Andrea and Matthew Nahigian for son and brother; Robert, Donna,
Jesse and Kim Nahigian for nephew and cousin
- Jinev, Linda & Sarven Atinizian: From the Trust Fund established
by Kevork & Jacqueline Atinizian and Family
- Marie & Louis DeLena: requested by Charlene Callahan and Louis
M. DeLena for parents
- Charles Dermenjian, Sr., 30th Anniversary: requested by Charles
& Joyce Dermenjian and Diana & Carnig Ekizian, David and Michael for
father & grandfather
You are all welcome to join us in Johnson Hall following church services
for Fellowship Hour, hosted today by Charles & Joyce Dermenjian in
memory of Charles Dermenjian, Sr., and by the ACYOA Juniors.
YOUTH CHOIR; Sanctuary; 12-12:30pm
Throughout Lent:
• We do not receive or pass the Voghchooyn (Kiss of Peace).
• Holy Communion will not be administered during Lent. Those in need
of Holy Communion may see the Celebrant following the Badarak.
• Mahs is distributed to the faithful regularly.
• We do not approach the Celebrant at the conclusion of the Divine
Liturgy to kiss the Gospel.
The ACYOA of our church invite you and your family to their annual
ACYOA Palm Sunday Banquet on Sunday, March 29, in the Charles and
Nevart Talanian Cultural Hall immediately following church services.
Theme will be "Legacy of Our Martyrs: From Victims to Victors" with
guest speakers: Fr. Vasken; Rose Aznavorian, daughter of Genocide
Survivor; Gregory Ekchian, ACYOA Senior; and Kevork Atinizian,
ACYOA Junior.
Donation for a delicious kebab dinner is $16 for adults and $9 for ACYOA
Juniors and children under 10. Seating by advance paid reservation only.
There are five Holy Trinity Armenian Church Scholarships available for
the 2015-2016 academic year from the Gregory Archie and Rose Kolligian
Scholarship Fund; the Hollisian Family Scholarship Fund; the Gertrude
Nahigian Scholarship Fund; the Alice Ohanasian Scholarship Fund; and the
Major Robert Z. Zartarian Scholarship Fund.
For further information or an application, please call the church office,
617.354.0632, or email office@htaac.org. Applications and supporting
documentation must be received by Wednesday, April 1.
Our Diocese will be granting scholarships to qualified Armenian American
students attending accredited 4-year undergraduate university programs for
the academic year 2015-2016. Preference will be given to those who are
active in the life of the Armenian churches of the Eastern Diocese.
Application and reference forms must be submitted electronically no later
than May 5, 2015. Must be accompanied by a recommedndation from the
parish priest. Scholarship program open to U.S. citizens only.
Go to http://www.armenianchurch-ed.net/programming/scholarships/.
Important Notice for those planning to attend
the Ecumenical Prayer Service at the National Cathedral
in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, May 7
Waiting List Only - Due to limited seating capacity and the great
demand for tickets, all requests are currently being logged in the order
received and will be accommodated based on availability.
Admittance to the prayer service is free of charge. However, for reasons
of security, all attendees must register for the service in advance.
Parishioners of the Eastern Diocese wishing to attend this
Ecumenical Prayer Service must obtain tickets through the National
Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide Centennial Committee
by submitting the following information via email to
Name of each attendee, address, telephone and email.
Please note that a ticket MUST be issued for each person attending
the prayer service. Tickets are NOT transferable.
Tickets will be issued by the NCAGC committee on a first-come,
first-served basis. Tickets will NOT be available at the door.
Please plan on attending as we honor the memory of the one and a half million
Armenians who were killed and the countless others who were driven out of
their ancestral homeland in Turkey during the Armenian Genocide of 1915.
Following, all are welcome to attend:
A Commemoration at the Massachusetts State House from 1:15 - 1:45 p.m.
Two buses will leave our church at 12 noon for the State House.
At 2:00 p.m., there will be a Procession from the State House to Armenian
Heritage Park. Buses will be available for elderly and others to AHP. All
others will walk in the Procession.
From 2:30-3:00 p.m., there will be short program at the Park. Bus will depart
for our church at 3:15 p.m.
A Vigil will be held in the Park at 7:30 p.m., that evening. Two buses will
depart ACEC to AHP at 6:45 p.m., and at 10 p.m., will return to ACEC.
STEWARDSHIP 2015 “Celebrating the Gospel of Christ”
This year, we are focusing on Celebrating the Gospel of Christ through
Worship, Education, Service, Fellowship, and Witness as we reinforce our
encouragement and support of Fr. Vasken’s ministry on the 20th
anniversary of his ordination to the Holy Order of Priesthood.
We ask that you become a part of Stewardship 2015 as we journey together
in Christian fellowship and as an Armenian Church Family.
Check Out Our New Parish Website
We are excited to announce the launch of our new parish website,
www.htaac.org, with up-to-date information of current events, photos and
articles of past events, copies of Der Vasken’s sermons, Sunday Bulletins,
copies of the Dajar, and much, much more.
In addition to buses listed above, there will be buses leaving St. James and ACEC at
9:30 a.m., for our church for Badarak. Buses will also be available from St. James and
St. Stephen's for the State House departing at 12 noon, and from AHP at 3:15 p.m.,
back to their respective churches. All buses provided by Knights of Vartan.
All are also welcome to attend a Memorial Service on Thursday, April 23, 7:30 p.m.,
at Trinity Church in Copley Square, Boston. Presented by the Massachusetts Council
of Churches in cooperation with the Armenian Clergy of Massachusetts.
For more commemoration programs in the New England area,
please go to www. NERemembers1915.org.
For Your Information . . .
We have available personal receivers for the hearing impaired that will
enhance your hearing ability during the Badarak and sermon. For
assistance, please see a Parish Council member in the Vestibule.
• A Reminder - to access our handicap church entrance, follow the
Dorian walkway from either the parking lot or to the right of the main
doors of the church.
• If you know of someone ill or in need of a visit from our Pastor, please
contact the church office, 617.354.0632 or by email, office@htaac.org.
• There are copies of The Little Go lde n Bib le Sto ry b o o k , W he n I Go
to Churc h, and Bible story picture books available in the Vestibule for
the youngest members of our congregation to quietly enjoy during
church services. We kindly ask that you return them to the Vestibule at
the conclusion of church services.
• Save the Date :
- Friday, April 3 - Armenian Women’s Fellowship; Prayer and Worship
Service, hosted by First Armenian Church, Belmont; 10am-12noon; speaker,
Nancy Tutunjian Berger, “A New Thing: What to Hope for When Your World
is Shattered.” Fellowship and Refreshments
- Saturday, April 11 - Armenian Heritage Park; Reception to View the
2015 Reconfigured Abstract Sculpture; 2-3pm
- Sunday, April 12, 2pm - "Near East Relief and Its Legacy: A Century of
Service to Armenians and to Humanity," at the National Heritage Museum,
presented by NAASR and the Near East Foundation; His Excellency Zohrab
Mnatsakanyan, Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the United Nations,
will participate; free and open to the public
- Saturday, April 18 - Saintly Women's Day, hosted by the Women's Guild
of Sts. Sahag & Mesrob Armenian Church, Providence; beginning with 10am
registration; 11am Divine Liturgy followed by lunch and program; for
reservations, contact the Holy Trinity Church office, 617.354.0632; $35 donation;
reservations must be prepaid and received by Friday, April 10
- Sunday, April 26 - 100 Years We Remember - Armenian Genocide 19152015; Times Square, New York City; Plan to Be There
- The AGBU is offering the following internship program:
Musical Armenia Program (MAP), deadline, May 15; Perspective
applicants can find detailed information about the program including an
online application at http://agbuperformingarts.org/?p=136
Fr. Vasken invites you to join him in walking through the pages of the
Gospel as he leads our parish's 2nd pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Copies of the
flyer and itinerary are available in the Vestibule. Non-refundable deposit
of $300 per person is now due, made out to Holy Trinity Armenian
Church. Balance due April 25.
This is a must-see journey for every Christian,
especially Armenian Christians.
Sun, Mar 22
Tues, Mar 24
Wed, Mar 25
Sun, Mar 29
Tues, Mar 31
Thurs, Apr 2
Fri, Apr 3
Sat, Apr 4
Sun, Apr 5
Sun, Apr 19
Fri, Apr 24
Save the Date
Sat, May 16
Jul 5-15
Sunday School Parents' Forum Postponed to April 12
Youth Choir; Sanctuary; 12-12:30pm
Pre-Teen Sports Practice; 7-8:30pm
Women of Holy Trinity invite all parishioners to traditional
"Lenten Dinner and Vigil;" see flyer in this Sunday Bulletin
ACYOA Palm Sunday Banquet by paid reservation only
Pre-Teen Sports Practice; 7-8:30pm
Holy Thursday Divine Liturgy; 11am
“Washing of the Feet Service, 7:30pm, followed by
Commemoration of the Last Supper, 8:30pm
Good Friday, Order of the Crucifixion of Christ, 10:30am
Commemoration of the Burial of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
Holy Saturday, Easter Worship Service & Breakfast for
Sunday School and Armenian School students, 10:20am
Easter Eve Evening Service, 7pm
Divine Liturgy of Jurakalouytz, 7:30pm
Easter Sunday
Genocide Centennial Concert, “Lest We Forget;” Erevan
Choral Society, Sanctuary; 2:30pm
Badarak for Centennial Commemoration of the Armenian
Genocide; 10am; our Sanctuary; for all MA Armenian churches
Salsa Kef Night hosted by Holy Trinity ACYOA Seniors; an
evening of Live Salsa Music and Armenian Music for all ages.
Featuring Black Sea Salsa and Greg Krikorian and the AllStars; doors open at 7; Complimentary Salsa Dance Demonstration and Lesson; dance begins at 7:30pm; donation, $35,
and Under 21/students with current college ID, $25; call church
office or visit www.holytrinitysalsakef.eventbrite.com
2nd Parish Pilgrimage to Jerusalem
Also, follow us at www.htaac.org;
www.facebook.com/HolyTrinityArmenianChurch; and
Twitter: @FrVasken