Printable Form


Printable Form
2015 Summer Baseball/T-ball/softball
Mail Completed form (one per player) with payment to:
Highland Youth Recreation
3114 Sunny Lane, Louisville, KY. 40205
$60 per player
Player’s Name (first name as you want it to appear on medal):
Age as of 05/10/14___________
E-mail: _
Must be 5 to play,
no exceptions
Sex M F (Circle)
Phone: ______-______-_____________ One number per family please
Address _____________________________________Zip_______________
Division 1 – Co-ed T-ball 5-6 yrs.
Division 2 – Co-ed Coach pitch 6-7 yrs. Played with a soft baseball
Division 3 – Boys Coach-pitch Baseball 8-10yrs.
Division 4 – Girls Coach-pitch softball 8-10 yrs.
Division 5 – Co-ed Player-pitch softball 11-14 yrs.
List two weeknights you cannot practice:
First Name: ___________________ Last name: _____________________
I cannot practice on _________ or ____________
Does this player have other siblings playing in HYR?
Yes____ No______
Would you like their practice to be at the same time?
Yes____ No______
Sibling Name ____________________Division _______
Are there any request or special concerns or
needs that you would like our team builders and_______________________________________________________________________________
coaches to be aware of?(Health issues, etc.?)
Please check how you can help!
If you are coaching you may request the night & time of your practice below. Be sure to list a
second choice! Due to limited field space, we may not be able to honor your first choice.
Name __________________________ Email ____________________________
March 1st.
Assistant Coach
Home Phone ____________________ Work Phone ____________________
Cash Donation to HYR $________
Address __________________________________________________________
(only if different from player):
You’re fee covers only a portion of our total operating cost.
1 choice ______________ _ 2
choice ________________
Waiver of Liability: I, in consideration of and as a condition of this players participation in the HYR Sports Program, for myself, my heirs, executors, and administrators, do
waive and release any claims against HYR, its coaches, or administrators arising in any manner whatsoever as a result of this player traveling to and from or from any
participation by the player in the HYR Program. I will be responsible for myself and my child on and off the field. I am authorized by law to sign this waiver on behalf of the
player for whom this form is submitted.
Signature of Parent/Guardian _________________________________________________________ Date ___________________________