A CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Current
A CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Current
922 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2007 A CMOS Low-Dropout Regulator With Current-Mode Feedback Buffer Amplifier Wonseok Oh, Member, IEEE, and Bertan Bakkaloglu, Member, IEEE Abstract—Current feedback amplifiers (CFAs) provide fast response and high slew rate with Class-AB operation. Fast response, low-dropout regulators (LDRs) are critical for supply regulation of deep-submicron analog baseband and RF system-on-chip designs. An LDR with an CFA-based second stage driving the regulation field-effect transistor is presented. The low dropout (LDO) Hz, and achieves an output noise spectral density of 67.7 nV PSR of 38 dB, both at 100 kHz. In comparison to an equivalent power consumption voltage feedback buffer LDO, the proposed CFA-based LDO settles 60% faster, achieving 0.6- s settling time for a 25-mA load step. The LDO with CFA buffer is designed and fabricated on a 0.25- m CMOS process with five layers of metal, occupying 0.23-mm2 silicon area. Index Terms—Current feedback amplifier (CFA), low-dropout regulators (LDRs), power supply rejection. I. INTRODUCTION A S DEMAND for low power operation products increases, power supply regulation circuitry starts playing a critical role in battery operated applications. The low-dropout linear regulator (LDR) is one of the most versatile power converters widely used in integrated power management systems and is also used as post regulators of switching converters. The main drawback of linear regulators is their reduced power efficiency, which is determined by dropout voltage of regulation FET. LDRs provide low output noise and high power efficiency with low dropout voltage of pass device, they shield sensitive blocks from high frequency fluctuations on the power supply and they offer high accuracy, fast response supply regulation [1]–[7]. There are several factors that have an effect on the response of a low dropout (LDO) to a load transient, such as external compensation of the LDO, output capacitance, and the parasitics of the output capacitor including electrical series resistance (ESR) and electrical series inductance (ESL). As shown in Fig. 1, the feedback loop of LDO, which consists of the output capacitor, feedback network, error amplifier, and regulation field-effect transistor (FET), determines the LDO’s frequency response. The unity gain frequency (UGF), slew rate and stability of the LDO circuit determine the overall transient response of the LDO. The output capacitance and its associated parasitic elements affect the transient response of the LDO circuit also. Although larger output capacitors decrease the amplitude of Manuscript received October 17, 2006; revised March 2, 2007. This work is supported by Connection One Research Center, National Science Foundation I/U CRC, and Texas Instruments Incorporated. This paper was recommended by Associate Editor E. Alarcon. W. Oh is with the RFMD Inc., Chandler, AZ 85266 USA (e-mail: wonseok. oh@rfmd.com). B. Bakkaloglu is with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 85287 USA (e-mail: bertan@asu.edu). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSII.2007.901621 Fig. 1. Block diagram of a typical LDO regulator. the transient settling, they also tend to increase the settling time. A typical LDO’s settling time is around 2–6 s. Recently dual-loop feedback techniques are shown to improve transient response [8]. Voltage operational amplifiers (VOAs) have a fixed gainbandwidth product and the amplifier slew rate is determined by the ratio of a quiescent current to the compensation capacitor or load capacitor. In this work, a dual feedback structure is adopted. A global voltage mode feedback achieves an accurate steady-state operation, and a secondary current feedback amplifier (CFA) is utilized to achieve fast transient response and high slew rate. This brief is organized as follows. Overview of settling time and stability of internally compensated LDO regulators under low quiescent current conditions is described in Section II. Section III presents the system and circuit level description of the proposed fast transient response LDO architecture. Section IV presents the silicon evaluation results. II. OVERVIEW OF SETTLING-TIME AND STABILITY OF LOW QUIESCENT CURRENT LDOS Fig. 1 shows a block diagram of a typical LDO regulator, which consists of an error amplifier, a pass device (regulation FET), high resistance feedback network, and an output capacitor . In order to achieve high efficiency, the error amplifier current is usually required to be less than 1%–2% of the nominal load current. This small quiescent current results in relatively narrow bandwidth for the LDO. Fig. 2 shows details of a typical LDO response to a load current step. The transient response time of an LDO to a load current step is a critical specification in analog and digital applications. The response of an LDO to a load current change is characterized in two sections; initial step response and , and settling time and . The step response represented by in Fig. 2 is a function of amplifier bandwidth and the large 1549-7747/$25.00 © 2007 IEEE OH AND BAKKALOGLU: A CMOS LOW-DROPOUT REGULATOR WITH CURRENT-MODE FEEDBACK BUFFER AMPLIFIER Fig. 2. Typical LDO transient response to load current step. 923 Fig. 3. Frequency response of a typical LDO. signal slew rate of the buffer amplifier driving the parasitic gate capacitor of the regulation FET. is given by [3] (1) is the closed-loop bandwidth of the system, is where the slew rate of the error amplifier, is the voltage variation at , and is the slew rate current of the buffer stage between , the rethe error amplifier and regulation FET. Similar to sponse time to a load current drop is also inversely proportional to the closed loop bandwidth of LDO. In order to minimize and , LDO requires a wide closed-loop bandwidth and a higher slew rate current. Using a small output capacitor, and could also be minimized. Due to their extended response time, the overall transient time of an LDO due to load variation is determined by and rather than and . Output transient voltages and strongly depend on voltage drop across the electrical series resistor and is defined by . To improve the accuracy of an LDO during load variations, transient voltage errors could be minimized by using small . Low quiescent current conditions might give rise to stability problems. For ac analysis of an LDO, we can break the feedback loop, as seen in Fig. 1, and calculate loop gain as follows: (2) where Fig. 4. Proposed LDO architecture using CFA based buffer amplifier. ESR and load capacitor should be designed such that overall LDO stability is guaranteed for all load and feedback conditions. The unity-gain frequency of a typical LDO is limited by the parasitic pole generated by the output impedance of the error amplifier and gate capacitance of the regulation FET. This pole can be pushed to a higher frequency by using a low output impedance voltage buffer between the error amplifier and the regulation FET [12]. LDO with voltage buffer to push the pole to higher frequencies can still take 2–6- s settling time with full-load transients [9]. In summary, increasing the quiescent current of an LDO can improve slew rate and achieve a wider bandwidth and faster settling time: however, LDO efficiency is reduced. On the other hand, decreasing the quiescent current results in a larger output capacitor and slow transient response; therefore, overcoming speed versus efficiency tradeoff is one of the most challenging LDO design problems. III. WIDEBAND LDO DESIGN (3) where and represent the transconductance and output resistance of the error amplifier and and represent the transconductance and resistance of the regulation FET, is the parasitic capacitor of the regulation FET, is the output capacitor and is the ESR of the load capacitor. As the amplifier quiescent current is reduced, the error amplifier transconductance decreases with a square-root dependency, and the output impedance of the error amplifier increases linearly with decreased quiescent current. Under low quiescent current conditions, moves closer to dc; however, stays at its nominal value as seen in Fig. 3. To achieve a wider bandwidth, should also move toward lower frequencies in order to reduce the effect of . The zero set by the capacitor The proposed architecture utilizes a low ac impedance feedback path to achieve fast response while maintaining low quiescent power consumption. The low ac impedance feedback path is constructed using a CFA based second-stage buffer. CFAs are known to provide fast response with minimum slew-rate limiting [10]. As shown in Fig. 4, the proposed LDO is composed of an OTA based voltage-feedback error amplifier (VFA) followed by a second-stage CFA, regulation FET and feedback network. The second-stage CFA minimizes the impact of slew rate, limiting the output settling time while achieving low quiescent current operation. A global voltage mode feedback is used for steady state accuracy. The Sections III-A and III-B provide details of the two building blocks of the second-stage amplifier. 924 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2007 The voltage mode loop gain of the secondary CFA is represented by (5) where Fig. 5. Top level schematic of the LDO with CFA for fast transient operation. A. VFB Error Amplifier and CFA Second Stage Fig. 5 shows the schematic of the proposed LDO. A folded cascode OTA is used as the first error amplifier. In order to minimize the impact of slew rate on settling time and improve the transient response of the LDO, a second-stage CFA with an asymmetrical input is used to drive the regulation FET [10], at the output of the folded cascode [11]. The error voltage error amplifier is connected to the gate input of the CFA, and is connected to the diode connected input feedback voltage transistor M14. This connection ensures that there is no dc current drawn from the primary folded cascode amplifier. The feedback current is set to a nominal value of 0.2 A. To understand the transient behavior of the CFA, we can consider two critical load transients. drops. In case of a load current increase, feedback voltage Unlike a voltage feedback amplifier, the diode connected M14 preserves its gate-source voltage, moving the source voltage of M13 lower. This reduction instantaneously increases the current through the common source amplifier formed by M13, responding with a fast decrease in node voltage . On the other hand, when load current is reduced, the diode connected transistor M14 pulls the source of M13 higher, responding with a fast increase in node voltage . This ensures a fast response in both transient conditions with minimum slew-rate limiting. Fig. 6 shows the small-sginal operation of the second-stage CFA. M14 acts as a level shifter and M13 is a source follower. Due to symmetry, the gate-source voltage of M13 and M14 are follows the voltage equal; therefore, the feedback voltage regardless of the feedback current . M15 and M16 act as a . Impedance seen by the current source ensuring feedback signal at the gate of the diode connected M14 is . Breaking the current feedback loop, the small-sginal gain to is close to unity and can be represented as from follows: The dominant pole frequency of the CFA stage is . The is designed to cancel out with an left second dominant pole by using local feedback capacitor half-plane (LHP) zero . The right half-plane (RHP) zero is located at higher frequency than unity gain frequency. To ensure stability of the dual feedback system, the open-loop bandwidth of CFA is designed to be wider than the error amplifier. For the CFA the lineup for ,.To achieve wider the bandwidths are bandwidth for the CFA, a smaller output capacitor value is utilized. The bandwidth of the error amplifier is determined by the transconductance of the input voltage mode amplifier and ca; therefore, it is not affected by the load current pacitance variation. If the stability of CFA is guaranteed in the worst case no load current condition, the stability of overall LDO is guaranteed. Since the CFA operates as a buffer, the unity gain frequency of this buffer should be wider than the error amplifier. The proposed LDO operates as a single pole system and always has more than 60 degree phase margin. Fig. 7 shows the simulated open loop ac response of the proposed LDO for load conditions. The LDO achieves a phase margin of 72 at no load and 83 at full-load conditions. Finally, transistors MN1 and MP1 form a buffer stage to push the parasitic pole to high frequencies. As discussed earlier, current-mode feedback connection from to enables fast transient response, and a wide CFA node bandwidth helps to achieve fast transient response. (4) (6) B. Supply Ripple Subtraction Stage In a conventional LDO design, the power supply ripple rejection is improved by a loop transmission . is the error amplifier open-loop gain and is term the feedback factor . Power supply ripple to output voltage transfer function for a conventional LDO can be approximated by [13] OH AND BAKKALOGLU: A CMOS LOW-DROPOUT REGULATOR WITH CURRENT-MODE FEEDBACK BUFFER AMPLIFIER 925 Fig. 6. Equivalent small-sginal model of CFA and regulation FET. where is the gain from power supply to the gate of the in Fig. 4), is the gain from to regulation FET (node the gate of regulation FET and defines the self-gain of the regulation FET. As seen from (6), in order to improve PSR, gain-bandwidth of the error amplifier and CFA should be increased. An alternative technique to improve PSR is to design the error amplifier such is close to unity for a wide frequency range. In this that design a supply ripple subtraction stage achieving close to unity gain driving the gate of the regulation FET is designed. This diode loaded buffer stage formed by MN1 and MP1 is inserted between the pass element and the CFA of the LDO, as shown Fig. 5. This stage feeds the supply noise directly into the feedback loop and modulates the pass element gate with respect to the source terminal. This would reduce the drain current variation from the pass PFET and allow the output node to be less sensitive to the supply noise. The supply gain of this diode loaded amplifier is given by Fig. 7. Simulated open loop ac response of error amplifier and CFA. (7) where and are the transconductance of MP1 and output conductance of MN1, respectively. is higher than , this amplifier yields a Since close to unity gain from its supply to output yielding a high PSR (8) Due to diode connected MP1, the quiescent current and speed of this stage is set by the (therefore load current) of the regulation FET. As load current increases, the bandwidth of the buffer amplifier increases, enabling improved PSRR at high load currents [13]. IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The LDO integrated circuit is designed and fabricated on a 0.25- m digital CMOS process with five layers of metal. A voltage follower based LDO with an equivalent quiescent current is also designed in order to compare the performance of both systems. The system was designed to source a nominal Fig. 8. Measured PSR of the proposed LDO. output current of 50 mA. The output noise spectral density is measured to be 4.3 V Hz at 10 kHz and 67.7 nV Hz at 100 kHz. Integrated noise from 1 to 100 kHz is measured to be 122 V . As shown in Fig. 8, the LDO achieves 43 dB PSR at 30-kHz offset, using a 50-nF load capacitor. As seen in Fig. 9, LDO with CFA stage achieves a settling time of 0.6 s, compared to a 2 s achieved by an equivalent voltage follower LDO. The proposed LDO has a load regulation of 2 mV/25 mA, as shown in Fig. 10. Table I compares the proposed LDO regulator with recently published linear regulators, and Fig. 11 shows the micrograph of the designed LDO. 926 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 54, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2007 TABLE I PERFORMANCE COMPARISON WITH RECENT PRIOR WORK V. CONCLUSION A fast transient response LDO utilizing a CFA based buffer is presented. The LDO achieves fast response under load transients with small output capacitance. The CFA buffer amplifier also has a supply ripple reduction stage, minimizing the impact of reduced load capacitance. REFERENCES Fig. 9. 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