IADVL NEWS - Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists


IADVL NEWS - Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists
Indian Association of Dermatologists,
Venereologists & Leprologists
The Official Bulletin of IADVL
Vol. 11 Issue 1
April 2015
Compiled, Edited & Published on behalf of IADVL by
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar
Honorary General Secretary
Professor, Dept of Dermatology & Venerelogy,
Ward No. 22/23 (Through Gate No. 3), Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok
Nayak Hospital, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002,
Email: iadvlsecretary2014@gmail.com
Mob.: 09818244340
1. Presidential Address DERMACON 2015........................................................................................................03
2. President’s Message...................................................................................................................................06
3. President Elect’s Message...........................................................................................................................07
4. Immediate Past President’s message...........................................................................................................08
5. Hon.General Secretary’s Report(2014-15)....................................................................................................09
6. Important Announcements..........................................................................................................................12
7. Important Dates to Remember.....................................................................................................................13
8. Report of 43rd DERMACON 2015................................................................................................................14
9. Conference Events Calendar........................................................................................................................16
10. Agenda at EC 2015 meeting.......................................................................................................................18
11. State Activities Report.................................................................................................................................19
12. Conference Announcements SARAD 2015 ....................................................................................................28
13a. Minutes Central Council and AGBM 2015 ...................................................................................................29
13b. Minutes of the Combined Central Council Meeting & Annual General Body Meeting for the Commencing Year 2015.. 50
14. Awards given during DERMACON 2015 & IADVL - WCD Scholarship Awardees.................................................63
15. IADVL Academy of Dermatology Report.........................................................................................................65
16. IADVL GSK Quiz 2015 results.....................................................................................................................69
17. State President and Secretaries....................................................................................................................70
18a.IADVL Training Fellowship Awardees............................................................................................................74
18b.IADVL Sister Society Program at 73rd Annual AAD and 23rd WCD..................................................................75
19. Sister Society Meeting of Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists at 23rd WCD, Vancouver..76
20. IADVL Budget for year 2015-16...................................................................................................................77
21. Election Circular.........................................................................................................................................78
22. Members of Various Committee for 2015......................................................................................................94
23. New Members PLM & LM...........................................................................................................................98
24. DVL Trust Application form.........................................................................................................................114
25. IADVL Membership form............................................................................................................................117
26. Recent International Achievements of Members............................................................................................121
27. Pictures Gallery........................................................................................................................................122
Presidential Address, DERMACON-2015
Dr Venkataram Mysore
Dr Venkataram Mysore
My first act as the president of IADVL is to remember with reverence and respect my Gurus and seek their blessings: my seniors,
elders , all past presidents, all past secretaries, friends, colleagues- in IADVL and in life. If we are able to see further, it is by
standing on their shoulders; if we are able to do more, it is because of their toils.
My second act is to thank and salute the outgoing president Deepak parikh and EC 2014 for an outstanding year. He has been
a valued friend- I am happy he will be there to guide me and help me over the next year.
I also welcome the new members of the highly motivated and capable EC 2015 Above all, permit me to acknowledge and thank
my wife and Superior half, Dr Jayashree for every thing in life.
Hon Member of Parliament Dr Preetam Munde, Hon Minister for Health govt of Karnataka Mr Khader, Dr Ganesh pai and Dr
Ramesh Bhat, members of EC , ladies and gentlemen
It is a privilege and honour to lead this august association- Our beloved association IADVL which has a glorious history- growing
progressively from strength to strength to be amongst top 5 largest associations in the world ; it has a dynamic presence as
it spreads, its wings across the globe, our members making their mark globally and our association organizing international
congresses;and a promising future as we bid for the world congress of dermatology 2019. This journey and its vision can be
best described by the a mantra from Rig veda;
Sangachadvam Samvadadvam sam vo manaamsi janatham|
Deva bhagam yatha poorve sanjananam upasathe||
Let us march together ----towards excellence, innovation and competence
Let us communicate—effectively, effusively-with one another, and with the community
Let us perform our duties and act together; with one intention, one notion, one goal- with commitment to the community
It is an exhortation ; magnificent in reach;Universal in appeal ;Noble in intension ;Relevant at all times
This exhortation, this Ghosha vakya embodies all that our association stands for – it is a vision statement for my presidencymy vision for IADVL is an IADVL which is influential and innovative; IADVL which is responsive and responsible; IADVL which is
reliant and reliable; IADVL which is communicative and competent; which is committed and credible.
These are exciting times, but these are challenging times: We dermatologists have never had it so good. Our speciality has
evolved from armchair dermatology in to dynamic and complex interventional dermatosciences . As our society changes , as
appearance and beauty assume greater importance, our role is evolving- just as our speciality is evolving. As an IADVL president
with a back ground of academics and also aesthetics- I represent the combination of a potion wala dermatologist in 1985 and
a plantation wala dermatologist in 2015. These changing profiles , and evolving scenarios, demand us, the dermatologists to
be competent and committed. And it is the goal of our association to achieve this:
a) DERMAGYAN: through a series of workshops and CME programs- digital and physical- organized by our IADVL academy lead
capably by Dr Manas and Ameet Valia-through special interest groups and in association with state branches: in fields such as
research methodology, dermatopathology, nursing, trichology, dermatosurgery, lasers and aesthetics and other subspecialities.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Our young residents and postgraduates need nurturing-I wish to plan an Online lecture series to be held by video conferencing/
webinars -I want to visualize a digital classroom where a professor will speak from his office and postgraduate students every
where in India, can sit and listen; and watch and learn
b) DERMAPRACTICE - The changing scenario also requires and demands our doctors to learn new skills- nondermatological
skills- from internet to human resources, from service tax to consumer act-and we will achieve this through a program called
DERMAPRACTICE by our practice management cell lead by Dr Narendra Patwardhan and Narendra Gokhale-through work shops
in skill development and in practice management. We will also work on a uniform clinical practice software for electronic medical
records( (called DERMACLINIC) for our members
Communication- DERMA APP : Communication is the key to success in todays world; with members, with patients, with the
government and the community at large.We have just launched a android app IADVL DERMA APP to deliver services to our
members. This app can be used to conduct survey, membership services, journals,deliver bulletins, and conference information
on the mobile – it has many future exciting possibilities
Commitment to Community: Dr Abdul kalam said in a speech : a doctor has several roles; physician, family man,
researcher,academician and above all community man. I believe it is true of our association too. As our association progresses,
we need to look around and look beyond; We need to move from asking what we can do for our selves to what we can do for our
community.We need to be relevant and responsive. Our association already has several programs for community- leprosy day,
vitiligo day,psoriasis day. Our association and members are involved in charitable work through camps and free clinics across
India . I applaud them and thank them . But we wish to do more; I draw your attention to such programs
a) “IADVL chala Gaon Ki ore”- one day in a year, entire IADVL- every branch, every member will engage in community activitycamps, free service, school surveys, prison surveys, procedure camps- to achieve skin health care; One day of commitment
to the community-every dermatologist, every member, every clinic, every where in India!!!
b) Swatch Tvacha Svasth Tvacha: Our govt has launched swatch Bharath campaign -our association would be happy to join this
campaign- with our motto
Swatch bharath Svasth Bharath
Swatch Tvacha Svasth Tvacha
And through this campaign, we will spread the message of cleanliness and hygine in prevention of infectious skin diseases and
Swatch tvacha and also create awareness for a swatch Bharat
c)Vitiligo mission; Vitiligo is a major social stigma; Omar Quyyam said “ A black spot on a white skin is a blessing; a white
spot on dark skin is a curse”-still unfortunately true in our society. We wish to start a vitiligo mission to coordinate all our efforts
in research , public awareness and education. We seek the help of Hon Member of parliament in getting the disease to be
recognised as a noncommunicable disease by WHO and union govt, and to get insurance cover for their treatment. We also
urge the hon Government to ensure that Phototherapy machines and other treatments are available at all district and taluk hospital
d) We are in the process of a strange epidemic; topical steroid abuse, caused by a fad for fairness and penchant for self use.
We will tackle this menace through a countrywide mass community program starting tomorrow; the right prescription, from the
right doctor,for the right patient, for the right amount of time- -at all levels;doctors,chemists, and the public at large. This would
need action at the governmental level too. We request the Hon member of parliament to act as our ambassador to take this issue
further with the governmental agencies in abolishing unwanted steroid combinations with antifungals and antibacterials
e)Derma sewa APP: Now I come to a novel and exciting project- some thing very close to my heart: We will design an app
called DERMASEWA or DERMASERVICE APP to serve patients in REMOTEST CORNERS. Under this , a general practitioner in a
remote area , be it a primary health centre or a NGO clinic, after installing the app, can log in to set up a case with images of
the skin lesions. This will be sent out as an alert to our dermatologists( ever so keen to do voluntary, charitable service who will
have preregistered on the app) in the nearby area – they will see the images, give a preliminary opinion, and send it back to the
primary care physician. This in my opinion would revolutionize the delivery of skin health care. I will request our general body
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
to approve this unique program which will bring access of skin care to the remotest areas of our country.
Yes,Ladies and Gentlemen—Yes! we will do all these and do more! We certainly will!!
But the times also demand from us responsibility;demand humility and introspection- it is up to us to make sure these are
responsible times too- The need to practice ethically, cleanly, scientifically is greater than ever before. Medicine is art and sciencewe should be weary, ever so weary, of commerce creeping in!
As patients turn in to clients, our specialty is being invaded by all and sundry, to cash in on the new found fascination for a
beautiful skin in our society. Quacks, commercial investors are seeking to start clinics and perform procedures which is generally
perceived as beyond their competence and out side of their domain. Poor training, exaggerated advertisements, hyped up results,
and disguised facts are emerging as banes for our speciality. We need to counter these by providing efficient, effective and
evidence based information to our patients and by pressing out authorities for appropriate legal action.
As I come to the end of my talk, I want to pay a tribute to the organizers- to the sagely and wise Dr ganesh pai , to the indefatigable
and irrepressible Ramesh Bhat, the dynamic industrious TEAM MANGALORE –This promises to be a glorious and historical
dermacon and it is the result of their long hours of toil – we thank them and congratulate them for their outstanding efforts.
So ladies and gentlemen, as we undertake this journey of commitment and service, let us pledge – let us pledge to make
dermatology our passion; let us make research our obsession; let us make service our mission. I invite each and every IADVL
member to join in transforming our Indian mission in to a global vision –
Thank you
Long live IADVL, Jai Hind
Dr Venkataram Mysore
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
President’s Message
Dr. Venkataram Mysore
Message from President IADVL Dr Venkataram Mysore
I begin my message with a tribute to EC 2014 lead by Dr Deepak Parikh for a purposeful and focused year of achievements and
IADVL year 2015 took off from where 2014 left off- with new goals, new programs. The new EC has a combination of great
experience and new talent and I deeply appreciate their abilities and contribution.
IADVL DERMA-APP was launched during Dermacon 2015 heralding a new era in communications in IADVL.ITA TSA program was
launched in a grand fashion by celebrity ambassador Diya Mirza ,during Dermacon. A breakfast meeting with industry was held
during dermacon to pave the way for smoother interaction with industry.
On march 8th all India trichology symposium was webcast- the first ever in IADVL history. This was greatly appreciated by
our members. A multicentre training program in dermatosurgery has been arranged between 5th-13th april by Larry Field in
Delhi,Mumbai, and Bangalore . This is a new type of program with excellent Coordination between SIG and states and are also
being webcast. These are part of the DERMAGYAN announced during presidential speech. Similar programs in other subspecialties
are on the way.
Enhancing membership benefits are our important objective- for the first time ever scholarships were announced for international
congresses- over 62 applications were received. And for the first time ever in IADVL, communications were sent out through sms
and emails to all members.
Practice management cell is releasing a bulletin- DERMAPRATICE. Other bulletins by other SIGs, academy are also due.An IADVL
promotional video is under preparation and will be released shortly.
Dermacon 2015 completed its accounts in a record time and with exemplary transparency- our complements to Dr Ramesh Bhat,
Dr Ganesh Pai and team.
I wish to recognize the contribution of members of EC: Our hardworking Hon. Gen Secretary Dr Rashmi Sarkar has continued
with her usual dynamism in conducting the affairs of the association. She organized successfully , for the first time ever, a sister
society session in AAD. Our treasurer Dr Somesh Gupta has been on the job of sorting out financial issues with his usual tenacity.
Sr Vice President Dr Rahunathh Reddy is pushing forward the preparation programs svatch tvacha and IADVL chala Gaon ki .
Vice President Dr Rajesh Buddadev is taking the e voting issue forward. Joint secretaries Dr Manish Gautham and Rohit Batra are
contributing greatly towards e groups, media cell, etc.
Lastly I wish to place on record my sincere thanks for the guidance and support I receive from Immediate past president Dr
Deepak Parikh and President elect Dr Devesh Mishra. Dr Deepak is carrying on from where he left last year and is conducting
research methodology workshops in Ahmedabad, Gauhati and Calicut. Dr Devesh Mishra has given excellent suggestions with
respect to journal and other issues.
I am sure this newsletter which is a labour of love for our Hon. Gen Secretary will give an over view of all activities to our members.
And through this I convey my best wishes and assurance that we will do our best to serve all our members
Long Live IADVL
Dr Venkatram Mysore
IADVL President
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Message from President Elect
Dr Devesh Mishra
Dear IADVL Patrons,
Namaskar. Research methodology workshops, Research grants, Resident’s forum were some of the
and shall continue .
highlights of last year’s EC
DERMACON ,Mangalore was a stupendous success. New EC is beginning its term under dynamic leadership of our President
Dr Venkatram Mysore . It has embarked on a multi pronged approach to diverse initiatives . We together will see that they are
successful and their benefits reach all members of IADVL. ITATSA ( initiative against misuse of topical steroids ), IADVL App that
has been launched are some of our ambitious projects . I sincerely hope that members fully cooperate and make these programs
a far reaching success.
We are working on resolving long pending financial issues with a very cohesive and learned EC colleagues. We are also focusing
on making DERMACONs organizationally and academically better. sWe are very positive that present EC will do useful work for
all members.
Dr Devesh Mishra
IADVL President Elect
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr Deepak Parikh
Immediate Past President
From the Desk of Past President
Dear IADVLites,
We had great DERMACON at Mangalore and organising committees deserves Kudos for excellent arrangements. I handed over
the charge of President during this meeting.
Many of my friends and colleagues asked how do u feel?
I am happy and satisfied that we achieved, what we had planned in last year. You also feel relaxed as u r not in firing line any
more. Yes that is the truth! As members except President to know and do everything. I am happy to hand over the charge to Dr.
Venkat who is very competent and has vision for IADVL. Now my job is to strengthen his hands in endeavour to bring in more
transparency and academic activities in IADVL.
I request all the IADVL members to join DVL trust and register for e-voting
With warm regards,
Dr Deepak Parikh
Immediate Past President - IADVL
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Hon. General Secretary’s Report 2014 - 2015
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar
Hon. General Secretary
IADVL EC 2014 took over on 4th December 2013 at ICD-42nd DERMACON,New Delhi.
IADVL Membership-April 2014 to January 2015:- LM’s-57 members, PLM’s: 440 members, ALM’s: 15 members, Converted
from PLM to LM-128
IADVL EC meeting 2014:Was held on April 12th -13th 2014 Hotel Novotel,Mumbai EC meeting briefs published in August
2014 IADVL Newsletter. Attended by EC members and invited members.
IADVL Meetings:
Constitution Committee meeting:- was held on 26th January 2014 in Mumbai where updatation of the Constitution was
discussed by the Constitution Committee meeting members, Dr. Deepak Parikh, Dr. Venkataram Mysore and Dr. Rashmi Sarkar.
MID-DERMACON Meeting:- A meeting between the MID-DERMACON organizers, Dr. Deepak Parikh, Dr. Rashmi Sarkar, IADVL
Academy Chair, Dr. Manas Chatterjee and convener Dr. Ameet Valia, was held on the morning of 16th Feb 2014 in Mumbai at
the time of Research Methodology Workshop.
IADVL Academy Meeting:-IADVL Academy Meeting:- For the first time in IADVL an IADVL Academy meeting was held on
3rd to 4th May 2014 in New Delhi during Research Methodology Workshop.The IADVL Ranbaxy- Galderma Research Grants
were finalized.
Outgoing and incoming EC meet on 11th Jan 2015 : A first of its kind meeting of outgoing and incoming EC 2014-15 was
chaired by Dr Deepak Parikh at New Delhi to apprise the new team of work done and forthcoming work
IADVL-L’OREAL Hair and Skin Research Grants Jury Meeting:-Jury meeting held in Amritsar on 29th November 2014.
• 27 applications from all over India.
• 8 were awarded- Dr V.K.Sharma,Dr Anupama YG(2 grants), Dr Iffat Hassan,Dr Narayan Rao Tirupati,Dr Saritha Mohanam,Dr
Jaydev Betkerur, Dr Nilendu Sarma
Observation of IADVL Days
Leprosy Day :- For Leprosy day on 30th January, IADVL organized Leprosy posters on Public Awareness by volunteers of IADVL
Resident Groups and IADVL e- groups and Website Committee.
VITILIGO DAY:-19th May was observed on 19th May all over India. Camp and CMEs were organized all over India. A patient
information poster in English and Hindi were distributed to all members(Courtesy:Alkem).
Venue Inspection DERMACON 2016,Coimbatore and SARAD 2015,Mysore:-Were done on 8th-9th February 2014 by
Inspection Team,Dr Deepak Parikh, Dr Suresh Talwar,Dr Venkataram Mysore and Dr Rashmi Sarkar.
IADVL Research Methodology Workshops started by Dr Deepak Parikh:-Were held in Mumbai on 15th to 16th Feb 2014,
22nd to 23rd February 2014 at Kolkata ,7th and 8th March 2014 at Bangalore and 3rd and 4th May in New Delhi. These were
organized by SIG Clinical trials and, IADVL Academy and the respective State Branches.
IADVL Resident’s Welfare Programme started by Dr. Rashmi Sarkar:-Hon. General Secretary IADVL on 25th January 2014.
• RESI-DREAM:- The Resident’s newsletters- By Residents, for the Residents, of the Residents, an e-newsletters by
Postgraduates of IADVL was launched on 25thJanuary 2014.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
• First editorial board formed from postgraduates: Dr Ishad Agrwal (Editor), Dr Zubin Mandlwala, Dr Jinish Bagadia, Dr Anupam
Das, Dr Saniyjal Deb, Dr Saloni Katoch, Dr Indrashis Poddar, Dr Anuj Tenani, Dr Sunit Gupta.
• 4 issues have been released online.
• An IADVL Residents Facebook group was also started for interaction between the postgraduates and teachers.
IADVL Residents’ Poster Contest:• First time ever by IADVL EC in 2014
• Theme: IADVL and Residents
• Winners:
• First Prize: Dr Amita Sharma,Burdwan Medical College,Burdwan
• Second: Dr Manmit Kaur Hora,IPGMER,Kolkata
• Third: Dr Shankila Mittal,MAMC,New Delhi
• Dr Sneha Gandhi, JJMC, Davangere
Applications for new SIGs were invited from IADVL member on 10th January 2014 for the first time in IADVL and based on the
applications reviewed by IADVL Academy Chair Person, Convener and IADVL EC and four new SIGs were formedDr Nilendu Sarma,Convener Pigmentary Disorders, Dr D.S.Krupashankar,Convener Contact Dermatitis and Occupational
Disorders,Dr V.V.Pai-Convener,Leprosy, Dr Nandakumar for Dermatopathology.
The first MOU (Memorandum of understanding):-In the history of IADVL was signed between the OC of DERMACON 2015,
Mangalore and the State Branches and the National EC.
• Other MoUs-MIDDERMACON 2014 Aurangabad,DERMACON 2016 Coimbatore,SARAD 2015
IADVL Website: With a new look was launched on 14th Feb 2014. It has few new features like the IADVL Academy section,
updatation of members details, Find a Dermatologist.
Two new Committees:-Practice management cell for implementation in practice under
Dr Venkataram Mysore Chair:Dr S.C.Rajendran,Convener: Dr Niteen Dhepe .
• IADVL Media cell were launched under the supervision of Dr. Venkataram Mysore, Chair: Dr Anil Abraham,Convener: Dr Rajib
NEW TASKFORCE-ITATSA: IADVL Taskforce against Topical Steroid Abuse-Under initiative of Dr Deepak Parikh,President and EC
• Chair:Dr Koushik Lahiri .
• Convener: Dr Abir Saraswat .
• Active Committee and State Representatives.
Applications for faculty for MID-DERMACON 2014 Aurangabad and DERMACON 2015 were invited for the first time in the
history of IADVL.
Sister Society meetings in International Conferences: IADVL held sister Society Meetings on 8th October 2013 at EADV in
Amsterdam Dr Suresh Talwar and Dr Venkat finalized the program which featured many Indian speakers.
Sister Society meetings in International Conferences: IADVL will hold sister Society Meeting on 8th June 2015 at 23rd WCD at
Vancouver Amsterdam.
• IADVL will hold first ever Sister Society Meeting at 73rd Annual AAD on 19th March for half a day.
WCD 2019 Bidding:-India will be bidding for WCD 2019.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
• Dr S.Sacchidanand is chair of the same.
ILDS:-IADVL renewed its membership
• IADVL delegates to ILDS Meetings will participate in voting at ILDS summits during 23rd WCD ,Vancouver.
• ILDS Certificate of Appreciation 2014 was awarded to Dr V.K.Sharma.
E-voting and DVL Trust: Dr Rajesh Verma, Vice President and E-voting Coordinator has got members as confirmed e-voters.
• E-voting registration also at MID DERMACON and DERMACON 2015.
• Dr Sanjeev Gupta worked with Dr Chetan Patel in earnest to increase DVL Trust Membership.
IADVL e-groups and Residents IADVL FB group: Dr Narendra Gokhale,Joint Secretary actively moderated IADVL yahoo,ACAD
and CC groups adding more than 100 members. New method of member details was introduced.
• Dr Krina Patel Joint Secretary moderated Residents IADVL FB group.More than 300 members.
ELECTIONS 2014: Good number of election candidates-9 for President and Vice Presidents
• Dr V.K.Sharma-Election Officer conducted Elections 2014 on 21.12.2014 with Adviser Dr S.Sacchidanand, Returning Officer
and Deputy Returning Officer,Dr Rashmi Sarkar and Dr Somesh Gupta and other associates.
DISSEMINATION OF IADVL NEWS: IADVL Announcements:Through Journals
• IADVL website-Announcements and Members only column.
• IADVL emails.
• IADVL News Bulletin and Residents’ e-bulletin-2 e-bulletins and 1 December issue Hard copy.
IADVL-GSK quizzes:-IADVL GSK-Quiz starts conducted successfully under Chair,Dr Vijay Zawar and Convener,Dr Biju Vasudevan
• Report published in IADVL December 2014 News Bulletin.
• We thank Quiz Masters: Dr Shyamanta Barua,Dr Manjyot Gautam,Dr Lalit Gupta,Dr Timir Mehta,Dr Suneil Gandhi,Dr Sudhir
Nayak,Dr Meghana Phiske,Dr Kiran Godse,Dr Bela Shah,Dr Brijesh Nair.
AAD-IADVL Reciprocal Scholarships 2015: Poster Awardees
• Dr Vinay Keshavmurthy
• Dr Govind Mittal
Registration Scholarships:
• Dr Soumya Jagadeesan
• Dr Pooja Agarwal
IADVL Training Fellowship Centres: New Centre applications were invited and older centres were re-evaluated. Out of 14
applied,9 were selected and applications for fellowships invited by 26th January 2015.
Dr Rashmi Sarkar
Hon. General Secretary - IADVL
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Announcement:IADVL Mentorship Programme
3. Applicants to apply by March for Mentors.Application form
will be sent and available on website.
IADVL EC is pleased to announce an IADVL Mentorship
Program aimed at Leadership in daily practice, which will be
taken forward this year by the new EC.Over the year
4. Mentees to choose by 31st Marchl as 1,2,3 choices.It will
be based on mutual comfort.
We will initially start with volunteers and simultaneous
request for mentor applications so that a mentor pool is built.
1. Long distance learning.
Broadly: Mentors will focus on soft skills ,not academics
1. Financial management in practice or IADVL State or
1. One who has completed PG.
2. Has to be LM .
2. Editorship,working on journal editorial teams or writing in
3. Age is not a bar so it can be a middle level dermatologist.
3. Young Faculty-Balancing professional with personal
Mentor Volunteers for Pilot Program:
4. Managing Organisations
1. Dr Deepak Parikh (West)
5. Public Presentations
2.Dr Venkataram Mysore (South)
6. Leadership in Practice daily
3.Dr Rashmi Sarkar (North)
7. Writing and Research in Academics and Private Practice
4.Dr Koushik Lahiri (East)
This is all on personal experience.
5.Dr Rajesh Verma (Armed Forces)
Mentee needs to apply by sending following details
to:iadvlsecretary2014@gmail.com by 31st March 2015.
a. Mentor applicants can give their areas of work expertise.
b. Commit time-3 hours a month or more on
phone,email,chat,Skype,Google hangout.
Application details
c. One or 2 face to face meetings mutually at a common
conference etc-say spend 1 to 2 hours or if there is a visit
to the city.
2. Age
1. Name
3. LM no (only LMs) eligible
c. Total 6 months.
4. Mentor Choice as 1, 2,3
d. Mentee to discuss situations and put in practice practically.
(Similarly mentor has a choice too based on areas of
interest etc)
e. The mentor must agree to maintain long term relationship
with Mentee.
5. Statement why he/she wants to be a mentee (250 words)
A feedback to be given by both.
6. Brief CV
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Important Dates to Remember this Year
31st March
Journal contribution should reach the Honorary General Secretary to entitle the members to receive the journal.
Central fund contribution of the membership must reach the Honorary General Secretary latest by this date for including the name
in the electoral roll.
Cut off date for receipt of Annual subscription and compilation of electoral roll.
30th June
The organizing secretary of DERMACON should send the brochure of the conference
To all valid members.
31st August
Last date for early registration of DERMACON without late registration charge.
28th January
IADVL Felicitation day
2nd day of DERMACON
Leprosy day
Vitiligo day
Bidding of DEMACON
DERMACON begins i.e. two and half years
before the actual conference.
Last date for filing nominations along with fee
Last date for withdrawal
Announcement of Valid candidates
Dates of dispatch of ballots by election officer
01-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
Closure of e-voting.
Last date for receiving filled ballots by election officer :
Counting of Ballots and e-votes
Filing of objections if any to election officer
21-12-2015 to 25-12-2015
Declaration of results on e-groups and website
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Report of DERMACON 2015 12-15th of Feb 2015, Mangalore
DERMACON 2015, the 43rd National Conference of Indian
Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists
was held at Mangalore from February 12-15, 2015. The
conference had an evocative theme “Dilemma in Dermatological
Diseases and Drugs – Are we in the right direction?”. “Scientific
concepts in Cosmetology” was the theme of the associated
CME and Workshop , which was much needed as cosmetology
has become the unpruned offshoot of Dermatology, which is
growing to a greater proportions day by day.
can easily seat 1800 delegates.
Day 1 started with the Workshop themed ‘Scientific concepts
in Cosmetology’ which had an attendance of around 2300.
The conference was inaugurated by Rev Fr Patrick Rodrigues,
director of Father Muller Charitable Institutions and Sri Ibrahim,
Deputy Commissioner of Dakshina Kannada District opened the
Trade Fair. The workshop with it’s live theatre and enthusiastic
discussions was a huge success. The delegates who could not
attend the Operation theatre had a very good close up view of
the OT happenings via live transmission to a packed hall.
The team: Organizing Chair man was Dr. Ganesh S. Pai,
veteran dermatologist and the former IADVL President.
Organizing secretary, Dr. Ramesh Bhat M, was the cornerstone
of the conference, who had a huge responsibility in planning
and culminating the conference to a grand success. Dr. Pramod
Kumar and Dr. Manjunath Shenoy were the joint organizing
secretaries, co-ordinators for the conference being Dr.
Nandakishore B and Dr. Maria Kuruvila, whereas co-ordinators
for the CME being Dr. Balachandran C and Dr. Narendra
Kamath K, President of IADVL Karnataka branch. Workshop
co-ordinators included Dr. Jacintha Martis, Dr. Vishal Amin,
Dr Gatha and Dr. Vindhya Pai. The Treasurer, Dr. Sukumar
D had a tough job which was ornately mediated, enabling
a huge savings to be donated to IADVL at the culmination of
the conference. The Scientific Committee chairman was Dr.B
Sathish Pai, who was aided by his team in Manipal comprising
of Dr. Shrutakirthi D Shenoi, Dr. Raghavendra Rao , Dr.
Smitha Prabhu and Dr Sudhir Nayak and the Mangalore team
comprising of Dr. Balasaraswathy, Dr. Jacintha Martis and Dr.
Sripathi H.
The conference was inaugurated by Dr. Pritam Gopinath
Munde, Member of parliament and Dermatologist, the
youngest chief guest ever in the history of DERMACONs and
assured the Deelegates about her support to various welfare
measues initiated by IADVL. Bollywood actress Diya Mirza,
initiated the IADVL campaign against the misuse of topical
The conference was attended by 3564 delegates, 1,200
co-delegates and was a scientific feast. The chief topics
covered in the conference included management of pediatric
psoriasis and vitiligo, discussion on less discussed aspects
of acne, including acne management, procedural gray
areas including mesotherapy and platelet rich plasma in
dermatology, infective dermatology. Other flaming topics like
hyaluronic acid face lift , procedural pearls in dermatosurgery,
cryolipolysis body contouring, antiageing also were
discussed. Dermatotherapeutics with emphasis on biologics,
photodermatology, immunobullous disorders and dermatology
in internal disease were other key areas discussed. A few
innovative sessions like patients who taught me, controversies
in dermatology, digital dermatology, setting up of dermatology
practice for newcomers, community dermatology and financial
aspects of dermatology were well appreciated.
The Organizing Chair Man in his welcome address suggested
that Mangalore, being a blessed with seven successful medical
colleges has spawned around 500 dermatologists as its
brand ambassadors.
Dr. Deepak Parikh the president of IADVL in his message
extolled that this conference is unique in several ways, as
in signing a MoU with central IADVL, being the first to give
an opportunity to all members, first to launch a mobile app
and also to provide a chartered flight exclusively meant for
conference delegates. Dr. Venkatram Mysore, President Elect,
and Dr. Rashmi Sarkar, Hon. General Secretary also supported
with encouraging messages. Dr Venkatram highlighted the
roadpath for IADVL during the next year with emphasis on
Research and Community activities.
The distinguished International faculty included Prof. Detlef
Zillikens (Germany), Dr.Inigo de Felipe (Spain), Dr. Marc
Roscher (South Africa), Dr.Girish Munavalli (U.S.A), Prof.
Philippe Humber (France), Dr. Anwar Al Hammadi (U.A.E) ,
Dr.Shernaz Walton (U.K.), Dr. Thomas Ruzicka (Germany)
and Dr. Robin Graham Brown (U.K.) . The DERMACON had a
good number of National faculty members who highlighted on
the present trends in the field of Dermatology , Venereology and
Leprosy in India.
TMA Pai International Convention Centre was the venue, which
is situated in the heart of Mangalore, and the main hall of which
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Prof Rui Fernandez was awarded with Prof Kandhari life time
April 2015
achievement award . Many senior Dermatologists and teachers
were also honoured during the conference. The residents
participated actively in IADVL GSK National quiz program for
Postgraduates and various awrd and free paper sessions.
Young Dermatologists were given an opportunity to present
during Young Turks session. Nearly 70 Pharmaceuticals,
Lasers. Surgical Instruments and Book companies participated
in this conference.
3. Skype session during the conference in association with
Teledermatology society of India.
4. Two Beach side evening get together.
5. Highest ever contribution to IADVL from the savings of
6. Charter Flight for the conference.
Following were the highlights of the conference.
7. Nearly 1000 scientific papers were presented by the
1. First DERMACON organized with IADVL MOU.
Compiled by Dr Smitha Prabhu and Dr Ramesh Bhat M
2. Conference during which Android App was introduced.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Importants Events 2015
Cuticons 2015
Renaissance Hotel, Mumbai, India
9th-10th May
Contact: Dr. K Feroz
4-6th SEPTEMBER 2015
SARCD 2015, Mysore
9th South Asian Regional Conference of
Dermatologists, Venereologist & Leprologist
Email:jbetkerur@gmail.com. sarcd2015@gmail.com
Mobile: +919448270612
CUTICON Tamil Nadu Branch
10-11 October 2015
Hotel Cenneys Gateways, Salem
Email: cuticontn2015@gmail.com
2-4 October, 2015
ISPD Annual Conference
30thoctober-1st November 2015
Contact :- K.A Setharam
28th-29th November, Davangere
phone- 9880399499
16-18th April 2015
Vienna - Austria
Hotel Maurya, Patna
Email: abhishekjha@gmail.com
1-4th MAY 2015
Lima - Peru, E-mail:-www.radlalima2015.org
11th -13th December, 2015
Contact: Dr Vijay Zawar
6-9th May 2015
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
DERMAZONE EAST 2015, Kolkata
18th, 19th, 20th of December 2015
Contact: drdasnilay@gmail.com, iadvlwb@gmail.com
8-13 JUNE 2015
Vancouver - Canadá
7-9th JULY 2015
Manchester Central – UK
21st June
Dermatoscopy Conclave
New Delhi
8-11th July
4th World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference
Stockholm Waterfront Congress Centre
20 - 23 AUGUST 2015
19th Annual Cosmetic Dermatology Society (India)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
9-12th July 2015
Boston, MA – USA
Copenhagen – Denmark
19-23th AUGUST 2015
19-23, New York, NY – USA
14-16th NOVEMBER 2015
Rio de Janeiro, RJ – Brazil
E-mail: contato@iacdRio2015.com.br,
www.iacdRio2015. com.br
8-11th OCTOBER 2015
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Agenda of EC 2015 meeting
Hotel Radisson Blu, New Delhi Dwarka
Date: 24th -26th April 2015
Editor’s Report
Journal postage issues
Can journal frequency be increased?
(Visits to Govt office ; Drug controllers etc)
(Saturday: 25th April 2015) 10:30 am
3:30-4:00 PM
ITATSA Dr.Koushik lahiri ,Dr.Abir Sarasvat
-Welcome Remark
-Presidential comments- Dr. Venkataram Mysore
-10:30-11:30 AM
-General issues of EC Hon.Gen.Secretary Report:
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar
-Release of newsletter
-Membership issues:- Dr.Rashmi Sarkar
-E voting—Dr.Rajesh Buddhadev
4:00-4:30 PM
Govt liason cell : MCI DNB issues- Dr. Vijay Garg, Dr. Binod
4:30-5:00 PM
International liason cell :- Dr. V.K Sharma
Scholarships, reciprocal programs with other societies
5.00-5:30 PM
Awards committee Dr. Ramesh Bhat
-Swatch Twacha program- Dr.Raghunatha R. Reddy
-IADVL Chala Gaon ki ore
-Communications in IADVL with states
Scholarship planning
CC meeting dates and program
Sunday 26th April 2015
8:30-10.00 AM
EC meeting proposals
10:00-10:30 AM
Media cell -Dr.Anil Abraham, Dr. Rajib Googoi
IADVL promotional video
Media cell bulletin
- Finance Committee Meeting
Treasurer’s Report:- Dr. Somesh Gupta
12 A issue
Service tax issues
Account for academy
Budget for swatch twacha and IADVL gaon ki ore
10:30-11: 00 AM
WCD bidding committee :-Dr.Sachcidanand S
11:00-11:30 AM
SARAD:- Dr.Jaydev Betkerur
1.00 PM-2.00 PM Lunch
- 2:00-3:00 PM
Academy Report by academy Chair/Convener- Dr. Manas
Chatterjee / Dr. Ameet Valia
Progress on books
New SIGs
Academy administration
DNB and fellowship issues
Surplus sharing issue
11:30AM -12:00 PM ADC -Dr Vinay Saraf
12:00-12:30 PM IDOJ Dr.Shyam Verma
12:30-1:00PM DERMACON 2016- Dr. Reena Rai
1.00-2:00 PM Lunch
2:00-2:30 PM PMC Clinic soft ware- Dr. Narendra Patwardhan/
Dr. Narendra Gokhale
2:30-3:00 PM Vitiligo mission- Dr. Davinder Parsad
3:00-3:30 PM
Editor IJDVL- Dr. M. Ramam
Closing remarks
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL State Branches Report - First quarter 2015
Membership drive
Dr.Haritha, Dr.Sushma and all other faculty members and
postgraduates participated.
10 new member applications were sent to Hon. Secretary
IADVL. Rs55000/- was contributed to CFC.
Many other Medical colleges recapitulated the Leprosy Day by
conducting departmental Seminars and clinical discussions
on leprosy.
5 PLMS were converted to LMs since January 2015
IADVL AP state Academy
Regional Branches
For the first time, IADVL AP Academy was formed with Dr
G .Raghuramarao as Chairman and Dr T.Narayanarao as
Convener. Eight members were included. They have started
working on preparing thesis topics, guiding the research
projects, planning to initiate postgraduate clinics and patient
information leaflets in TELUGU language.
Three regional branches, West Godavari Chapter of AP, IADVL;
Kurnool chapter of AP IADVL and Rajahmundry chapter of
AP IADVL were started. Vijayawada, Guntur, Visakhapatnam
chapters of AP IADVL are already existing. All the regional
chapters had a common program of conducting an academic
meeting every month/two months, and a school/community
health camp once in 3 months.
A personal drive by AP executive is being done to make all
IADVL AP members as E- members by submitting their emails
and mobile numbers. We could succeed only by 80% and we
are trying to achieve 100% by December. All communications
will be through emails/mobiles in future.
LEPROSY DAY – 30th January 2015
LEPROSY DAY was celebrated at different centres of Andhra
Prof I C Reddy organized an awareness
rally at
Kurnool,inagurated by DMHO(District Medical and Health
Officer), Kurnool. Later fruits were distributed to Leprosy
patients and a CME was conducted at Kurnool Medical college.
A full day CME on “Pediatric Dermatology” is being organized
at Visakhapatnam on 29th Mar 2015. AP Medical Council
has awarded TWO credit hours for this CME (APMC/
CME/89/2015). Dr T.Narayanarao is the organizing Chairman
and Dr G.Guruprasad is the organizing secretary for this CME.
Prof DVSB Ramamurthy from Katuri Medical College, Guntur
organized Leprosy Day by felicitating paramedical Leprosy
workers in that region, followed by a interactive program with
all undergraduates, house surgeons and faculty members from
other departments.
Another CME on “Community Dermatology” will be organized
in association with IMA at Rajahmundry, during last week of
MAY 2015. Dr G Raghuramarao is the organizing chairman
and Dr.A.Prasad Choudary is the organizing secretary for this.
Prof P.Ramanamurthy, president and Dr Parvathy, Secretary of
IADVL (Regional branch),Visakhapatnam along with Prof Anlia
S.nayar and Prof.T.Guruprasad from Andhra Medical College,
Visakhapatnam had conducted an interdepartmental CME,
which was well attended and had a long interactive session.
An essay competition about Leprosy was conducted among
undergraduates and winners were given prizes.
Research Grants
Members were made aware about IADVL Research Grants
by frequent E-Mail communications and encouraged
them to apply. Dr.T.Narayanarao and his team from MIMS
college,Vijayanagaram has got L’oreal grant for their project“A Clinicoepidemiological study of Facial Acanthosis nigricans
and its relation to metabolic syndrome”.
Prof B.V.Ramchandra had organized an awareness program
at ASRAM medical college, Eluru by organizing a CME on
Leprosy. He reiterated the work done by Mahatma Gandhi
towards leprosy. Prof D.subbarao had discussed the historical
aspects of Leprosy. Current scenario, immunology and newer
therapeutic options of Leprosy were discussed by other faculty
STATE EC Meeting
AP state EC meeting was held on 15th February between 4.006.30pm. Issues like Membership drive, Extending benefits to
Members by starting Best publication, Best Thesis and awards
to those who excelled and achieved significant contribution to
Prof R.Subbarao from NRI Medical College had organized
a departmental CME on Leprosy. Prof G.Venkateswararao,
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL. A preliminary discussion about DERMAZONE SOUTH
2015 was done.
A Public Awareness Rally held at KURNOOL on LEPROSY DAY
Dr A.Kavitha
LEPROSY DAY at AMC- Visakhapatnam, KMC-Guntur, ASRAMEluru and NRI-ChinaKakani in ANDHRA PRADESH
IADVL, Andhra Pradesh Branch
IADVL DSB 2015 – State Branch report (Delhi)
1. New memberships: 1 LM and 2 PLM were enrolled.
2. Scientific activities
The Academic calendar kicked off with the 1st Monthly Meet of
IADVL DSB held at AIIMS, New Delhi on 31st of January, 2015
and this was combined with “World Leprosy Day” celebrations.
Dr Atul Shah, Director, Novartis Comprehensive Leprosy Care
Association and Ex-Honorary Professor of Plastic Surgery,
Grant Medical College & Sir JJ Group of Hospitals graced the
occasion and gave a wonderful talk on “Disability prevention
and medical rehabilitation of leprosy patients - A holistic
approach”. This was followed with another talk on “Treatment
of leprosy in special situations” by Dr Vishal Gupta, AIIMS.
2nd Monthly meet at Safdarjung Hosptial & VMMC is scheduled
for 21st of March, 2015 and further the proposed academic
calendar for the year has been discussed with the Executive
committee at the 1st Executive Committee Meeting and tentative
dates for monthly meets have been given to all institutions and
discussed with their respective Head of Departments.
The date for the Mid Year Cuticon has been decided as the 17th
of May which will be peppered with talks and panel discussions
by authorities in the field of dermatology.
Dr Rajat Kandhari
IADVL Delhi Branch
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Report of IADVL Maharashtra state branch
Leprosy week academic activities:
a) Academic Meeting On “Drug Resistance In Leprosy: The
meeting was held on Sunday, 11-.01.2015 at District
Training Centre, Nanded by Dr P D Joshi Patodekar, Past
President IADVL - Maharashtra Branch and Consultant
Dermatologist, Nanded in collaboration with SIG Leprosy
Following activities were held in the state of Maharashtra in the
first quarter
Academic Activities
1. Trichology PRP workshop: On 1 Feb 2015, a trichology
PRP workshop was organized by Marathwada Chapter
of Maharashtra state IADVL in association with IADVL SIG
trichology at Aurangabad.
Dr V V Pai, Dr W S Bhatki Dr Sudarshan and Dr Mapare,
were faculty at the event.
b) A CME on “Leprosy Update” was also organized for General
Practitioners of Nanded and Parbhani districts and the role
of Private Practitioners in the National Leprosy Eradication
Programme was discussed.
The faculty for the event were: Dr. Rachita Dhurat, Dr. Prashant
K Palwade, Dr Ashish Deshmukh and Dr. Aniruddha Gulanikar
The workshop was attended by 45 dermatologists from the
region including senior and respected dermatologists like Dr.
P D Joshi Patodekar , Past President Maharashtra IADVL, Dr.
M Y Khedkar and Dr. Girish Saoji. There were lectures on PRP
including Platelet Biology , Indications of PRP and methodology
of PRP followed by a live workshop with demonstration by Dr.
Rachita Dhurat
Photographs of the event:
c. Academic meet at DR. D.Y.Patil Hospital, Nerul, Navi
Mumbai: How myriad manifestations of leprosy can be
perplexing and how clinical problems in leprosy patients
can be challenging given that leprosy is a great mimicker
of several dermatological diseases was the topic of
discussions at a Clinical meeting held on 4th February,
2015 at D Y Patil Medical College and Hospital Auditorium.
The scientific session began with Post Graduate Residents
presenting cases of clinical interest on the myriad aspects
of leprosy concerning pathogenesis, reaction management
and therapeutic dilemmas. This was followed by
presentations on how association between leprosy and HIV
presents clinically and the influence of Leprosy on HIV as
co morbidities present in those afflicted. Every presentation
was followed by a very erudite and in depth discussions
on varied aspects of leprosy with invaluable contributions
and insights by Dr S Udare, Dr N Nadkarni, Dr Pai and Dr K
Godse and Dr Sharmila Patil faculty from D Y Patil Medical
College and MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai.
Clinical case presentations were judged by Dr VV Pai, Dr
Kini an experienced Leprologist from Lok Seva Sangam
and Dr Mane, Executive Health Officer, Navi Mumbai
Municipal Corporation for the best clinical case presented.
Case presentation from MGM Hospital, Navi Mumbai was
awarded the prize for the best presentation.
d) Update on leprosy : Beyond the usual :at K.J.Somaiya
Medical College, Mumbai on 5th march 2015
Leprosy is a great mimicker and how clinical manifestations
of leprosy can be challenging and what could be the best
management in difficult clinical problems and rising trend of
leprosy amongst the children was the topic of discussions at
a Clinical meeting held on 5th February, 2015 at K J Somaiya
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Medical College and Hospital Auditorium. The meeting was
organized by Dept of Dermatology, K J Somaiya Medical
College and Hospital, IADVL Maharashtra Branch and Special
Interest Group (SIG) Leprosy, IADVL in collaboration with
Bombay Leprosy Project (BLP).
The scientific session began with Post Graduate Residents
presenting cases of clinical interest on the myriad aspects of
leprosy concerning pathogenesis, reaction management and
therapeutic dilemmas. This was followed by presentations on
childhood leprosy and in depth discussions on the need for
contact tracing and contact examination of all affected patients
with senior faculty , Dr U Khopkar, Dr Shital Poojary, Dr Pai ,Dr
Rachita Dhurat and Dr M Phiske
Photographs of the event
Dr. VV Pai
SIG Leprosy
welcoming the
PG Residents
interact with
the Experts and
Section of the
3. Clinical meeting at KEM Hospital: A plethora of interesting
cases were presented by residents of KEM Hospital on
27th February 2015, including leukemia cutis, langerhan
cell histiocytosis, Blue Rubber bleb nevus syndrome and
pigmentary genodermatoses followed by discussion with
senior teachers including Dr Uday Khopkar, Dr Maniar, Dr
Satish Wadhwa, Dr Chetan Oberoi and Dr Chitra Nayak .
Our senior teacher, Dr Rui Fernandez was felicitated at the
4. PGCON (Maharashtra): on 14th, 15th March 2015
a Dr D.Y.Patil Hospital: The exclusive conference for
Postgraduate residents with lectures on practical topics like
phototherapy, dermatoscopy, impact of HIV on STDs and
vice-versa amongst others. The conference also included
mock examination of cases of bullous disorders, STI,
leprosy and also discussion on histopathology slides
The faculty for the event included senior teachers from
Maharashtra as well as Gujarat and attended by PG
residents from Maharashtra as well as Gujarat, MP and
Andhra Pradesh.
Social and Community Events
On occasion of leprosy day, an event was held in Sion by
IADVL(Maharashtra) in association with Bombay leprosy
Project for patients of leprosy and their relatives hailing from
local urban slum areas where they were educated about
the various misconceptions about leprosy as well important
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
information about treatment of leprosy, care of hands and
feet and other aspects of leprosy. Dr Shital Poojary, Dr
V.V.Pai and volunteers from Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Guwahati. The scientific discussion that followed saw active
participation of the members. This was the second scientific
session undertaken by the new executive of Guwahati City
Chapter since it took charge in October 2014.
Others: Dr V.V.Pai, senior leprologist was felicitated by the
State health minister Mr Deepak Sawant for his contribution
in the field of leprosy
Conferences: Preparations are on for the ensuing MID-CUTICON
2015, Nagaon, Assam in June, and CUTICON 2015, Agartala,
Tripura scheduled for November. The GBM to be arranged at
these conferences will discuss in detail the process of aligning
the state executive on the lines of the National executive as
discussed at DERMACON 2015. The feasibility of the proposed
research methodology workshop and a dermatopathology
workshop will also be discussed.
Photograph of the event
Long live IADVL, long live NE States branch of IADVL.
Dr.Shital Poojary
IADVL Maharastra Branch
Report of IADVL North-East States branch
(updated until March 8, 2015)
Membership drive: A new life member and two provisional life
members have been added to the list of membersbringing up
the total number of life members to 90 and that of provisional
life members to 32. There are as yet 2 more applicants who are
yet to get their life membership and 4 who have not yet got their
provisional life membership.The application of a PLM who has
opted to shift to the branch of his native state is under scrutiny
and is expected to be completed by this month.
Dr. Nasiur Rahman,
IADVL North-East States branch,
Website: The website of the branch www.neiadvl.org is active
and regularly updated. It has been decided to upgrade the
member directory in a manner which will allow the members to
update their profile themselves.
Report of IADVL Karnataka State branch
Academic activity: The Guwahati city chapter organized a
CME on micronized isotretinoin in the management of acne.
The speaker was Dr. ChayanikaKalita, Assistant Professor,
Department of Dermatology, Gauhati Medical College Hospital,
Leprosy day was observed throughout the state on 30th
January 2015. All five zones of Karnataka participated
through respective medical colleges in the form of free camps,
distribution of brochures, posters, fruits and talks.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Leprosy Day- IADVL Karnataka
April 2015
SN Medical college Bagalkot : Anti Leprosy day was observed
at SN Medical college, Bagalkot on 30th January 2015.
was conducted to educate public of nearby villages. Education
leaflets were distributed to public. Poster exhibition was held
for one week. Free trophic ulcer care in the form of surgeries
were offered.
All leprosy patients were treated free of cost. Procedures like
Skin Biopsy and Slit Skin smear were done free for all leprosy
patients. Infact, SN Medical college has been doing these
free services for leprosy patiensts on a daily basis since its
Sapthagiri Medical College: On 30th January a quiz was
conducted for UG students on leprosy. Dr. Nagesh addressed
the audience regarding nerve involvement and the current
trend of leprosy. The Programme was attended by more than
250 undergraduate students and staff of all depts. Posters on
leprosy were put up in the department for a week.
Kannada leaflets about awareness on leprosy were distributed
on the anti leprosy day.
Staff of the dept of Dermatology went to a govt school and gave
awareness talk to children on leprosy.
Yenepoya Medical College : Awareness programmes
conducted in the out-patient department and outreach program
was held in Olavinahalli old age home for many leprosy
deformed patients. Medical camp was conducted and fruit
distribution was also done.
K.B.N.Institute of medical sciences, Gulbarga(kalaburgi):
K.B.N.Institute of medical sciences, Gulbarga(kalaburgi)
observing world Leprosy day in the form of distribution of pamplets
and display of educational material regarding Leprosy at OPD
complex. On 31st January the department of dermatology
had arranged a guest lecture on history and recent concepts
of treatment in Leprosy by Dr.K.Hanumanthayya, Prof & HOD,
department of DVL, Vydehi Institute of Medical sciences,
Benguluru. On that day we are inviting post graduates from MR
medical college and other dermatologists from city and also
other departmental faculties for the guest lecture.
Adichunchanagiri Institute of Medical Sciences: On the eve
of leprosy day and Martyr’s day on 30th January 2015,
Department of Dermatology conducted a ‘Free Skin Camp and
Leprosy Screening’, at Community Health Centre, Hirisave,
between 9am-3pm. One minute’s silence was observed at
11 am to pay our respect to Mahatma Gandhiji on his death
anniversary and all the Martyrs who laid down their lives for
our country. Dr. B.D.Sathyanarayana and Dr. T.M.Manohar
addressed the gathering and highlighted the importance of early
detection, treatment of leprosy and stressed on eliminating the
social stigma associated with the disease.
Mysore Dermatologist’s Society : Mysore dermatologists
society observed anti leprosy day at KR Hospital Mysore on
30th January 2015. Awareness talk on leprosy were given by
Dr YM Shivakumar, Dr KAK Surendra, Dr BL Nanjundaswamy
and Dr Puneetha on this occasion.
VIMS Bellary: Anti leprosy day was observed at VIMS,Bellary on
30th January 2015. Posters were exhibited in the waiting area
of the Out Patient Department. Leprosy patients and their family
members were counselled. Fruits and sweets were distributed
to the leprosy pts admitted in leprosy ward at VIMS,Bellary.
Staff of department of dermatology , VIMS, visited the leprosy
colony at Bellary cantonment and enlightened the patients and
their relatives living there about leprosy.
A. Membership drive:
Number of new members added from IADVL - Karnataka during
the past one quarter is 25 and Central Fund Contribution(CFC)
is Rs100,000/B. Academic activities:
DERMA ADVANCE 2015 (The exam-training CME for
the postgraduate students) Organized by Department of
Dermatology, Yenepoya Medical College on 10th& 11th
January 2015
St. John’s Medical College and Hospital: Anti leprosy day
was celebrated at St John’s Medical college Hospital on 30th
January,2015. A poster competition was organised during
the day. There were 4 posters put up for the competition apart
from the ones sent from IADVL. The Director of the academy,
Rev.Fr.Paul adjudged the 1st and 2nd prize. He was pretty
impressed with the quality of work being done to eradicate
and contain leprosy and awareness amongst other medical
fraternity about this.
Derma-Advance 2015 of Karnataka chapter of Indian
Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists
(IADVL), the CME for exam going postgraduate students was
organized by the Department of Dermatology, Yenepoya Medical
College, Yenepoya University on 10th & 11th of January 2015.
Organizing committee comprised Drs Manjunath Shenoy,
Vishal B, Malcolm Pinto and Sowmyashree and Postgraduates.
Rajarajeshwari Medical College: Leprosy awareness week
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
cases and were seeming to have benefited immensely by the
programme for their exam preparation.
It was inaugurated by the Hon. Vice Chancellor of Yenepoya
University Dr P Chandramohan. Inaugural session was
attended by president of IADVL Karnataka branch and guest
of honour Dr B H Sripathi Rao, principal, Yenepoya Dental
College. Renowned dermatologists from various institutions
including Dr Arun Inamadar, (Professor & HOD, Shri B M Patil
Medical College, Bijapur), Dr Sharath Kumar B C (Professor,
Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences, Bangalore),
Dr Reena Rai (Professor, PSG institute of medical Sciences,
Coimbatore), Dr Shrutikirti Shenoy (Professor, KMC Manipal),
Dr Ramesh Bhat (Professor & HOD, Father Muller Medical
College, Mangalore), Dr. Sanath Aithal (Professor, AJ Institute
of Medical Sciences, Mangalore),Dr Manjunath Shenoy
(Professor & HOD, Yenepoya Medical College) and Dr Girisha
B.S. (Professor & HOD, K S Hegde Medical College, Mangalore)
were the faculties. This programme was mainly designed so as
to simulate examination pattern for the benefit of exam going
postgraduate students and to confidently face the examination.
• IADVL Karnataka emergency EC meeting convened by
the president 12th November 2014, Bangalore, at Hotel
ITC Gardenia, Bangalore AT 12 noon. Twelve members
attended. Agenda: To discuss on CUTICON-KN 2015.
• IADVL KN EC meeting , DERMACON 2015, Mangalore.Date
: 14-02-2015, 7.30 am. About 30 members attended
the IADVL EC meeting held during DERMACON 2015
C. Any social service
Leprosy day
Leprosy day was observed throughout the state on 30th
January 2015. Kannada leaflets about awareness on leprosy
were distributed. Free skin camps for detection of leprosy, free
investigations and surgeries for deformities were done. A poster
competition was organized during the day. Education leaflets
were distributed to public. Poster exhibition was held for one
Total of 90 exam going postgraduate students from various
colleges of Karnataka and other states participated.
1. All students were divided into 4 groups mainly Andrews,
Bolognia, Fitzpatrick and Rooks
Rural camps:
Bangalore Dermatological Society (BDS) conducted rural
camps every month in a village called Kootgal adopted by BDS.
2. 5 cases including bullous, erythroderma, connective tissue
disease, leprosy and STD were presented by Postgraduate
students of various medical colleges and discussed
D. Members’ achievements:
Dr S. Sacchidanand was awarded Prof. Ratan Singh Award
2015 during DERMACON 2015. It is awarded to a senior
member of the Association for contribution to the national body
as a teacher, researcher, or patient care or for dedicated service
to the specialty.
3. Spotter session including dermatology, nail and hair
diseases were discussed in 2 sessions and participants
were involved with each spotters
4. Lecture on orientation, exam preparation, relaxation
technique were held
Dr A K Jaiswal- was awarded Dr J C Shroff memorial award
2015. It is given to a senior dermatologist, Venereologists
or Leprologists above the age of 58 years, whose lifetime
experience has benefited the specialty.
5. Dermatopathology session where students viewed the
slides and same view was discussed
6. For the first time pedagogy and lab session were held.
Instrument, Drugs, X-rays were also discussed
7. At the end of the each session group MCQ test was
conducted and winning group was awarded at the end
Dr.Ashok Kumar Nagore has been nominated as governing
council member under ministry of social justice and
empowerment NIMH New Delhi
8. Formal inauguration without stage programme that finished
in 10 minutes
Dr.Leelavathy: Editor, SKIN in HIV- An open access ebook from
SM Group, USA.
9. Session by session feedback was taken
10.Boarding facilities with travel for requested students were
given at a nominal charges
Dr. Umashankar. N
11.Breakfast, Tea, working lunch on both days were arranged
IADVL Karnataka Branch
Postgraduate students were thus exposed to wide varieties of
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
education seminar hall
Leprosy day celebrations and panel discussion on Common
Skin Diseases organized by IADVL TN at Coimbatore on 30th
January 2015 wherein 120 doctors have participated.
• Dr Pravin and Dr Thenmozhi presented interesting cases
and recent dermatosurgical procedures done at KCMCH
• 100 delegates participated in this meeting
• Leprosy Awareness Rally by Kavimani Desigavinayagam
Pillai School Children
• Seminar for Moderator Polytechnic students Nagercoil
Leprosy Day Celebration & CME by Stanley Medical College
on 30th January 2015
• Leprosy dept workers and the staff nurse were honored on
this occasion with mementos.
• Sweets & snacks were distributed to the patients.
PG MOCK EXAMS 2015 ON 25/02/2015 at Trinelveli Medical
• List of college’s attended - Coimbatore medical college,
PSG, Tanjore, Madurai, Tirunelveli, Chettinad from Chennai.
• Consists of spotters, short cases and long case
• Total PGs - MD-10 and DDVL – 4
World Leprosy Day observed at Kanyakumari Govt Medical
PG MOCK EXAMS 2015 on 18th, 19th and 20th of February
2015 at Madras Medical College
Chief guest the Dean Dr Vadivel Murgan, Medical Superintendent
Dr Rathakrishnan, Dr Rajagopal.
• List of colleges invited - Chengalpattu government Medical
College, Madras Medical College and government, General
Hospital, Chettinad Health City, Christian Medical College
and Hospital, Rajah Muthiah Medical College, Saveetha
Medical College and Hospital, Sree Balaji Medical
College and Hospital, Sri Ramachandra Medical College
and Research Institute, SRM Medical College Hospital &
Research Centre, Stanley Medical College.
Dr Narayana Srinivasan and DD Leprosy Dr Girija who financed
and coordinated the whole programme gave blankets and
Calipers to affected patients.
Tirunelveli Medical College TTK branch & Scientific Session
• Camp for 3 days ( 29.01.15 to 31.01.15) in the Op block
of skin dept. Four new cases – 1 LL, 1 BL and 2 BT- as well
as 1 dapsone drug reaction were detected in the camp.
• Around 60 PGs have participated.
• Prevention of deformity and stigma reduction was done
Model Clinical Exams 2015
• On 29th a drama show was arranged to visually enlighten
the public about the disease for better understanding among
• The model clinical exams for MD DVL and DDVL exam
going students was conducted on 04.03.2015 from 8 am
to 1 pm, as scheduled.
• Exhibition was arranged by the DDHS( L), TVL in op block
• 4 MD DVL and 2 DDVL students appeared for the mocks,
and the examiners were Dr Anandan V, Dr Ramesh A, Dr
Saradha K.P and Dr Senthilkumar V.
• Handbook was released by Vice-Principal and got by
hospital superintendent Dr M.R. Vairamuthu MD, Dr
Karkuzhali MS, DD delivered the ‘Anti leprosy day oath’
which was taken by all in audience whole heartedly.
Dr. Karthik Prabhu
IADVL Tamil Nadu Branch
• The information was published in all regional newspapers
and visual media.
Quarterly Meet of TTK Chapter was held Dec 28/12/2014 @
Kanyakumari Govt Medical College Asaripallam in Medical
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Conference Announcements SARAD 2015
9th South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatologists,
Venereologist & Leprologist
Contact :
IADVL and IADVL Karnataka branch welcomes you all to
SARCD 2015 to be held between 4th- 6th September,2015 at
JSS Medical College, Mysuru, Karnataka
Prof & HOD, Dept of Dermatology
Last date for early Registration
MG Road ,Mysuru-570004,Karanataka
Last date for abstract submission
Email:jbetkerur@gmail.com. sarcd2015@gmail.com
Organising Secretary,SARCD 2015
JSS Medical College and Hospital
Mobile: +919448270612
For Delegate fees and abstract details please visit: www.
Dr. S.Sachidananda
Organising Chairman
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr.Jayadev Betkerur
Dr. Jayadev Betkerur
Organising Secretary
April 2015
Minutes of the Combined Central Council Meeting & Annual General Body Meeting
for the Closing Year 2014
Date and Time: 12th February, 2015, 11.00 AM onwards
The annual general body meeting of IADVL for the closing
year 2015 was held at Hall B, TMA Pai convention centre,
Mangalore on 11 February, 2015 at 11 am. For lack of
quorum, the meeting was postponed by 30 minutes by the
president, Dr Deepak Parikh and reconvened again at same
place. It was attended by the following members.
Dr Koushik Lahiri wanted renewal of MIDERMACON. Dr VK
Sharma said that it should be as good as Aurangabad with due
prominence to CC. Dr Deepak Parikh agreed. He asked how
we should organize, combined with CC or separate. The house
felt it is worth trying merging the two once more. In 2015 there
will be no MIDERMACON and next one will be held in 2016
after following due procedure. After a lot of debate on whether
to hold on separate days or same days it was decided to hold
the two together with parallel CC and MIDERMACON at same
venue. It was also decided that MIDERMACON should not be
combined with any state activity like CUTICON. However the
application for MIDERMACON should be through state branch
executive. Dr Deepak Parikh suggested 25% share to the state
branch which was passed.
Dr. Deepak Parikh, Dr. Suresh Talwar, Dr. Venkataram Mysore,
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Rajesh Verma,
Dr. Narendra Gokhale, Dr. Krina Bharat Patel, Dr. Somesh
Gupta, Dr. Devesh Mishra, Dr. Raghunatha Reddy, Dr. Rajesh
Buddhadev, Dr. Manish V Gautam, Dr. Rohit Batra, Dr. Roopak
Saxena, Dr. Suresh Joshipura, Dr. Amarkant Jha Amar, dr.
Sukanta Chandra Malik, Dr. Koushik Lahiri, Dr. A.K Bajaj, Dr.
R.M Buddhadev, Dr. S.D.N. Guptha, Dr. Sudip Das, Dr. Alok
Kumar, Dr. Manabbrata Majumdar, Dr. Ameet Valia, Dr. Saumya
panda, Dr. DBN Murthy, Dr. B.N Reddy, Dr. K.A Seetharam, Dr.
Y.S Marfatia, Dr. Chetan N. Patel, Dr. Ajay parikh, Dr. Rajesh D.
Patel, Dr. Arijit Coondoo, Dr.Tanmay Padhi, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta,
Dr. A.K Ghoshal, Dr. S. Sacchidanand, Dr. Dinesh Mathur,
Dr. Manas Chatterjee, Dr. V.K Sharma, Dr. Kiran Godse, Dr. T.
Salm, Dr. Rajeev Sharma, Dr. K. Feroz, Dr. Raghunatha Reddy,
Dr. Ramam, Dr. Abhishek De, Dr. Manish Rathore.
4. To adopt annual report of the Honorary General Secretary
- Dr. Rashmi Sarkar for 2014 (Published on pages 9-11 in
this bulletin)
Hon.General secretary Dr Rashmi Sarkar gave IADVL activity
1) New LM – 57, PLM- 440, ALM -15 and PLM to LM
conversion – 120 till date and still going on
2) Report of EC meeting held at Mumbai and published
in April 2014 News Bulletin.
1. Condolences:- Condolences were paid to our IADVL members
on their sad demise: Dr. Y.N Sacchidanand (Karnataka),
Dr. K.H Basavaraj (Karnataka), Dr. B. Narasimha Rao
(Andhra Pradesh), Dr. S.P Omkar (Karnataka), Dr. Sanat
Kumar Mitra (West Bengal), Dr. Uma Agarwal (West
Bengal), Dr. Gopikrishnan – (Tamilnadu),Dr. B. Halder –
(WB),Sr. SK Mitra – (WB),Dr. SK Arora – (UP),Dr. RV Singh
–( UP),Dr. Devesh Mahendra –( UP),Dr. Antonio salafia
– (Maharashtra),Dr. Nitin Puniyarthi –( Maharashtra),Dr.
Deepak Jenam – (Orissa).
3) Report of CC meeting held at Aurangabad and
published in December 2014 NewsBulletin.
4) Report regarding MIDDERMACON
December 2014 NewsBulletin.
5) IADVL December 2014 news bulletin was released
6) Report of CC meeting at Mumbai – 26th January
2014 published in April 2014 News Bulletin.
7) MIDDERMACON meeting – held on 16th February
2015 at Mumbai
2. Welcome and Opening remarks were made by President,
Dr. Deepak Parikh
8) IADVL academy meeting – held on 2nd to 4th May
2014, New Delhi
3. Confirmation of minutes of CCM and AGBM held at
Delhi during December 2013, minutes of EGBM held at
Aurangabad and MIDDERMA CCM held at Aurangabad on
16-17th August 2014.
9) L’oreal Hair research grant Jury meet – 29th Nov
2014 – release of grant to 7 awardees published in
December 2014 NewsBulletin.
10) Various days celebration and activities by different
institutes – Leprosy day, vitiligo day, psoriasis day
11) Venue inspection for DERMACON 2015 and SARAD
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
2015 were done
30) GSK Quiz activity: Conducted successfully
31) AAD – IADVL reciprocal scholarship and it’s recipientsPublished in December 2014 News Bulletin
13) Resident welfare programme and bulletin ‘
RESIDREAM’ 4 issues have been successfully released.
32) Announcement regarding results of IADVL training
fellowships for coming year-Published in April 2015
News bulletin
12) Research methodology workshops
14) Facebook group activities dor RESDENTS IADVL are
15) Poster contest for residents and it’s prizes were
announced: 1st Prize: Dr Amita Sharma(BMC,Burdwan),
2nd Prize-Dr Manmit Kaur Hora (IPGMC,Kolkata),3rd
Prize-Dr Shankila Mittal(MAMC,Delhi) and Dr Sneha
5. Adopt resolution to bifurcate Old AP branch into IADVL
Telangana and IADVL AP branch. Passed by CC. Decision
of GB- Passed Dr. S. Joshipura suggested that constitution
for both branches should be signed at the earliest which
was passed by house.
16) IADVL mentorship program overview
6. To adopt the audited accounts for the year 2013-14
Decision of GB : Passed
Dr Koushik Lahiri suggested to give guidelines to
mentors regarding this new program
And unaudited balance sheet up to Feb. 2015 by the Hon.
Treasurer-Dr Somesh Gupta Decision of GB: Passed. Dr
Somesh Gupta informed the house that IADVL gross funds
are in excess of 10 crores thanks to contributions from ICD
2013, MIDERMACON and advance savings of 1.5 crore
from DERMACON 2015. Dr. Deepak Parikh informed the
house that all accounts related matters were displayed on
website and members were asked to raise any queries they
have but so far no queries have come across so IADVL
audited account was passed by house. Unaudited account
was also passed by house.
17) Reconstitution of 4 new SIGs and their conveners
Dermatopathology and Dermatosurgery
18) MOU between IADVL and conference organizers
which was signed for the first time for Mangalore
DERMACON and will be implemented in all subsequent
19) Updates regarding website
20) Two new committee – Practice management cell and
media cell under the leadership of president elect Dr. V.
To discuss and adopt audited accounts of
a) DERMACON 2012 held at Jaipur
21) ITASTA – new task force against topical steroid abuse
under leadership of Dr .K Lahiri
Dr. Parikh informed that account of DERMACON
2012 was audited by IADVL auditor and no financial
irregularities were found but there were some issues
regarding bearer cheques of large amounts given to
volunteers, inappropriate number of volunteers in
conference, one of the serviceprovider at conference
being one of organizer’s relative etc.
22) Invitation by MIDDERMACON and Manglore
DERMACON regarding faculty speakers at conference
– first time in IADVL
23) Sister society meetings at international conferencesFirst time ever a Sister Societ Meeting will be held at
b) DERMACON 2013 held at Ahmedabad
Dr Parikh here also informed house that no financial
irregularities were found on auditing of accounts of
Dermacon2013 by IADVL auditor but some procedural
lapses were found by IADVL fact finding committee.
24) WCD2019 bidding will be done by committee
25) ILDS – IADVL’s activity in ILDS payment has been made
for IADVL members
26) Updates regarding e-voting and DVL trust
EC and FC IADVL recommended – organizing chairperson,
organizing secretary and treasurer of both Dermacon 2012
and 2013 voluntarily shall not hold any post in IADVL for 2
years starting February 2015. Dr Dinesh Mathur Org Chair of
Dermacon2012 and Dr. RanjanRawal OS of Dermacon2013
27) Updates regarding e-groups and FB resident groups
28) IADVL elections: Proces were discussed
29) IADVL news – through journals, website and e-groups
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
accepted the same on behalf of all of their committee members.
Dr. Joshipura opposed and informed that he was not involved
in any financial matter, he has fully complied to committee sent
by IADVL and procedural lapses found were totally unintentional
so they should not be vindictized.
d) MIDDERMACON 2014 held at Aurangabad PASSED
Service tax liabilities to be clarified
7. To adopt the annual report of chief editor IJDVL and
audited accounts of IJDVL for the year 2013-2014.
Dr. Amit Valia suggested that conference work is done as
honorary and voluntary manner by our members and as
no financial lapses were found in these two conferences;
procedural lapses shall be reviewed whether organizers have
gained anything from these procedural lapses or not. Voluntarily
banning the person from holding any post may harm that
person’s reputation. He suggested that for procedural lapses
no actions should be taken. Dr. PN Rao, Dr. AK Jha, Dr. Chetan
Oberoi and other members also opined similarly. President Dr.
Parikh asked house’s on matter. Majority members voted in
favour of no penalty to organizers of these conferences. Dr.
Parikh concluded the matter by stating that house accepts
apology given by organizers and no action will be taken
against them.
Dr. Ramam informed that for last 2 years IADVL has not
transferred any journal fund to them and journal is need for
money. So their share should be released.
Dr. Parikh informed that resolution was done during Ahmedabad
DERMACON not to transfer money to journal account so the
same is not done.
Dr. Ramam gave overview of working of journal, manuscripts
received per day and acceptance rate for the same. He
mentioned that making it open access has helped boost the
image of the journal.
He also informed that recently there has been many complaints
regarding journal not reaching to members. He gave a broad
overview of how the journal is printed and distributed so that the
cause can be identified. Also payment is not done till franking
is done. If a journal is returned thrice it is not mailed again and
420 such members are not being sent.
Dr. Koushik Lahiri suggested that as IADVL is now signing
MOU for future conferences, and SOP are formed so future
policy regarding such matters should also be formed. Dr. Rajiv
Sharma also suggested that even for procedural lapses actions
should be taken. President Dr .Parikh informed that new policy
will be drafted regarding both financial and procedural matters
and penalty for violation will be defined.
He proposed the following solutions
1. Publicize inactive list
2. Enable address check
Dr. Mysore informed the house that as IADVL is keeping regular
watch on monthly and quarterly business of conference there is
little chance for any lapse.
3. Encourage prompt online address updates
4. Replace missing issues
Dr. VK Sharma informed that at present there is provision in
constitution for punishment to member only in case of bad
conduct which needs to be corrected.
Dr Parikh asked to inquire whether publication house prints
enough copies? And any post receipts check has been
maintained or not. Dr. Ramam informed that IJDVL editorial
office has not done any check on printer but if IADVL wish that
can be done. Dr. Talwar suggested to change postal vendor but
Dr. Ramam informed that contract for postal service is given
for 4 years.
Dr. Rajeev Sharma inquired regarding ST liability to which Dr.
Parikh informed that everything is settled now.
c) MIDDERMACON 2013 held at Patna
Decision of GB : Passed
Dr. Valia suggested that address change for member should
be simultaneously done at both places IADVL and IJDVL as
members are facing difficulty. To which Dr. Parikh informed that
website updates will solve this issue.
d) ICD-DERMACON 2013 held at Delhi
Dr. Joshipura raised the issue regarding conflict of
interest on part of IADVL in ICD-Dermacon 2014 as
IADVL treasurer held the post of treasurer of conference
and IADVL auditor worked as conference auditor;
which is against rules. To which Dr. Parikh informed
that finance matters were looked after by Dr .Suresh
Talwar for DERMACON -ICD
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr. Valia also suggested to give e-mail addresses of members
to publication house to check regarding journal receipts
Dr Tanmay Padhi suggested personalized copies while printing.
Dr. K Lahiri stated that Rs 3.5 crore fund of IJDVL lying with
IADVL is a procedural lapse on part of IADVL to which Dr
April 2015
Parikh informed that that will change soon once the deadline
of 2 years ends.
Service tax number
Dr Deepak Parikh informed that IADVL does not have
an office address to apply for ST number. Dr SDN
Guptha wanted the auditors address to be used which
was denied by Dr Somesh Gupta. Dr Venkatram
Mysore suggested that we ask companies to pay ST
. Dr Deepak Parikh concluded that we maintain status
quo on ST, ask auditors ST liability if ST number is
taken and ask pharma companies to pay ST.
Transfer of IJDVL money
Dr PN Rao said that IJDVL does not need money. Dr
VK Sharma suggested keeping separate ledger but no
need to transfer. Dr Deepak Parikh informed that 25%
share from DERMACON should be marked on ledger
as share of savings and surplus to be calculated after
giving away state share.
State share in MIDERMACON
Dr. K Lahiri also informed that journal not reaching members is
problem faced by all journals to an extent
He also informed that there were change of names of president
in January issue of journal.
Dr. RohitBatra suggested that journal can be posted to members
by registered post at least twice in a year, Dr. Marfatia suggested
of having e-audit system and check for journal dispatch, Dr. K
Lahiri also suggested for registered post dispatch. Dr. Chetan
Oberoi, Dr. Godse, Dr. A K Jha and other members gave various
Dr. Parikh concluded by suggestion that someone from Mumbai
will be appointed to look after print and dispatch of journal.
8. To adopt the annual report of editor IDOJ
Not presented (Presented in Opening AGBM)
Dr Prashant Palvade requested the house that the entire
team had worked hard for the event but the state did
not receive any share out of it. Dr AK Jha said that the
same was true for Patna too. The house agreed to their
request of transferring 25% of the surplus to the state
branch in future as well as for the last 2 MIDERMACON.
9. To adopt annual report and accounts of DVL trust
Dr. Chetan Patel was invited by secretary to give report on DVL
welfare trust. Dr. Chetan Patel gave overview of DVL welfare
activity so far. He informed that one active member from each
state shall be appointed to give due momentum to this activity.
Dr. AK Jha suggested to make it compulsory for all members,
Dr. Godse suggested to make it mandatory for EC members,
Dr. PN Rao suggested that members can not be forced to join
in this activity. Dr. Parikh requested all members to give their
maximum efforts to this project.
2. IADVL Academy of Dermatology by(Dr Manas Chatterjee/
Dr AmeetValia)
He projected academy report of last quarter, various SIG
activities and request GB to give permission regarding
dissolving of non-functioning SIGs or SIGs whose work has
been completed so far. SIGs – occupational and contact
dermatitis, Pemphigus, STD/HIV, Urticaria,Teledermatology
and were dissolved with permission from GB. Dr. Parikh
informed that whenever there will be any new avenue
coming up for these SIGs they may be revived with approval
of academy chairperson. SIG Trichology to be reconstituted.
10.To Consider report and recommendations of
1. IADVL Finance committee (by Dr RoopakSaxena)
12 A status
Dr RoopakSaxena informed the house that there is
some confusion with regard to 12 A status. Dr Deepak
Parikh informed that Dr A.K. Jha has the original and
he will help in reviving it. Dr VK Sharma did not want
it to be revived. Dr Amit Valia inquired whether the
registration lapses? Dr Deepak Parikh concluded that
since we have not complied with the norms, we should
wait for 6 months and submit the accounts of last 5
years at Patna.
Dr. Manas gave information on designation of academy
members He informed that IADVL training fellowship of
Rs .9000/- will be given to delegate as per demand by
institute instead of Rs 1500 decided previously. He also
recommended to give Rs 10000/- all fellowship receipients.
Dr. Parikh also raised a concern that all centres will in future
ask for raise in fees. Various suggestions were given by Dr.
Rao, Dr. Valia and other members. Finally it was concluded
by Dr. Parikh that IADVL will give maximum Rs 10000/- per
delegate to fellowship centre and Rs 10000/- will be given
to fellowship recipient as stipend. Passed
Separate PAN for IJDVL, Academy
It was decided to have a separate PAN for Academy
and IJDVL. DVL trust already has a separate PAN. The
aim it to transfer responsibility of managing funds so
that IADVL treasurer is not held responsible. Till 1 April,
academy to collect funds in the the state branch PAN.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. V. Mysore said that a book on recent advances will be
published by academy. All members on academy will be
invited to contribute and other non-academy members will
be also invited.
Postgraduate students studying in the specialty can be made
provisional life members. They will present to the Honorary
General Secretary a letter from the head of the specialty
department where they are studying, stating the date of
their joining the postgraduate course and the date of its due
completion, along with the application for membership. They
have to send their qualification certificate within 5 years of their
registration for the postgraduate course to the Honorary General
Secretary in order to become permanent life members. In case
they don’t do so, in the defined period, they will have to register
once again as a Life member after following the due procedure
through the state branch. The Provisional Life Membership
number will reflect their tenure of PLM membership. It shall
read as PLM/number/tenure of PLM membership (e.g. 201419)
Lastly it was suggested that as there are enough centres
with laser training at present, no new centers will be started
for now.
3. IADVL-GSK national quiz program (by Dr Vijay Zawar/Dr
Dr Vijay Zawar informed the house that there had been a few
instances in the last year when the quiz masters were not
treated well by CUTICON organizers. The following points
were agreed upon
CUTICON organizers to provide accommodation for
quiz masters at the same place as other faculty.
Continue for 1 year with GSK and the review
Registration to be complimentary for quiz winners
No quota for each state if teams from 2 states are
merged in one CUTICON
One college can send only one team
Proposal: PLM will only get access to online version of IJDVL.
PLM if wishes to apply as delegate for DERMACON will need
permission fromHead of Department or state branch secretary.
Or else he/she will be considered non-member.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Constitution committee
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
4. ITATSA ( by Dr Koushik Lahiri/Dr AbirSaraswat)
• Online copy of IJDVL will be continued to be given to
Dr. K Lahiri gave overview regarding IASTA movement of
IADVL. Dr. V Mysore requested all members to give their
valuable inputs and participate in this movement.
• 2nd part of proposal -ACCEPTED
Decision of GB : Passed
11. To consider various proposals from branches/office
bearers and members forwarded from CC MIDDERMAMEET
2014 at Aurangabad and to consider proposals from
branches/office bearers and members received during 2014
2. Proposal – Readmission of member
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC 2014.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Proposals from EC meeting 2014 which needed Constitution
Committee (CC) Opinion(carried over-CC opinion added
where they felt it was required)
It is constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
We need deterrent, to prevent misuse of office.
1.Proposal – Changes in the rules regarding PLM
1. He/she will have to pay again and
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC 2014
2. Seniority in IADVL will be lost. This will make very difficult
for such members to contest and hold office in future.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
If constitutional – It will modify the existing clause
It is constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
Give details of the clause – page no. and clause no.
It has been found that most of PLMs do not apply to convert
themselves to LM
A member whose membership has been terminated under Rule
8 (a) and (b) may apply for re-admission after expiry of 5
years from the date of action of termination of membership by
the Central Council. Any action decided will be taken only by
the Central Council and shall be passed by a majority of three-
If constitutional – it will modify existing rule.
Give details of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Clause 5 (b) Provisional Life Member (PLM)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
fourths of the members present. The member shall be informed
of the decision taken by registered post with acknowledgement
chain of clinics becomes redundant.
Decision of GB: Passed
Proposal: Add following line
4. Proposal – DERMACON Profit sharing with state branches
If readmitted he/she will have to pay prevailing membership fee
as new member.
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC 2014.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
to constitution committee
It is constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Currently there is confusion about what state branch will
contribute towards DERMACON and how much profit share they
will get. It should be proportionate to their contribution.
Decision and Status at EC meeting
Accepted as proposed
New LM number shall be given to members who are
readmitted after termination of membership-Accepted
If constitutional – It will modify the clause.
50% of seed money for the DERMACON shall be paid initially by
thestate branch hosting the event. However if the state branch
does not have sufficient funds national body after verification
will pay the entire amount (2013-Delhi)
Decision of GB: Passed
3. Proposal Disqualification of candidate
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC 2014
Proposal: State branch should get profit only if they contribute
for seed money.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
It is constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
Constitutional committee
Many of IADVL members either own or are partner in
pharmaceutical industry/cosmetic industry. There is conflict of
interest when such members contest for IADVL central or state
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
State branch shall receive 20% of profit of DERMACON
and 80% will go to central IADVL
If seed money is returned late – 10% interest will be
given by state on the same
If constitutional – It will modify rules of eligibility.
Give details of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Clause 27-Procedure for Election of Office Bearers
Decision of GB: To be taken up after state president secretary
meeting in opening GB
Proposal: Application of the candidate should be invalidated
for any post, if he/she is associated with any pharma co./
instrument supplier/dealer/ or cosmetic co. or chain of clinics
owned by non-dermatologists.
5. Proposal IADVL Members Directory
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC 2014
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
to constitutional committee.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
Current constitution mentions to print directory every three
It is constitutional relatedor how will it help IADVL?
• Application of the candidate should be invalidated for any
post if he/she is owner fully or partly/ partner with any
pharma company/ instrument dealer/ cosmetic co.
This is waste of money. We have updated version on web
If constitutional – It will replace existing clause
• This clause shall be added in eligibility criteria for candidate
who wish to apply for any post in IADVL
Give details of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Constitution Committee Opinion: Proposals 3 & 6 (refer
to proposal 6) – If proposal 3 is accepted, then that part of
proposal 6 pertaining to disclosure of any association with
pharma co./instrument supplier/dealer/ or cosmetic co. or
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
The IADVL members’ directory should be published every 3
Proposal: This clause needs to be removed
April 2015
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes,Constitutional committee
of any association with pharma co./instrument supplier/dealer/
or cosmetic co. or chain of clinics becomes redundant.
Decision and Status at EC meeting: Passed
Medical societies should include sister societies like IMA and
other societies
Decision of GB: Passed
Dr Ghoshal objected. Dr PN Rao wanted conflict of interest to
be published with CV.
6. Proposal: Declaration of conflict of interests
Name of proposer/s: Dr. Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
FINAL decision of GB
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
1. Employees to be debarred from contesting elections.
It is constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
2. Conflict of interest to be declared
Many of IADVL members are associated with pharmaceutical
industry/cosmetic industry in different capacities. There are
other members who hold positions in other associations. There
is conflict of interest when such members contest for IADVL
central or state EC. It is therefore important for members to
be aware of such associations while making a choice during
7. Proposal: Moral code of conduct,punishments,Election
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
It is constitutional related? Yes
If constitutional – it needs inclusion of clause
How will it help IADVL?
Give details of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Presently the rules governing punishment for break of code
of conduct are inadequate and this proposal seeks to fill that
Proposal: Any candidate while applying for an IADVL election
should declare , if he/she is associated with any pharma co./
instrument supplier/dealer/ or cosmetic co. or chain of clinics
owned by non-dermatologists/ holds positions in other
professional societies or associations. This should form part of
the application as below: The same should be included in the
newsletter/e-group announcement and uploaded along with
biodata on to e voting website.
If constitutional – It will add to existing regulations page 31-32.
Proposal: Add the following to regulations 27 (v) :
Any candidate breaking the code of conduct will be subject to
punishment as below:
I-------- here by wish to declare the following associations with
industry/other societies:
ii) The election officer may take any of below actions if
the complaint is found to be valid, and after giving
adequate opportunity to the candidate to explain :
I am a owner/advisor/( specify any other capacity) in the
following pharma/aesthetic companies:
a) Issue private warning letter if it is a first offence and in
the opinion of election officer a minor offence
I am an office bearer in the below mentioned capacities in the
following associations/societies:
b) Issue a public warning( announcements in e groups)
for a second offence or if it is a larger offence
I hereby confirm that the above statements are true and full
c) Disqualify the candidate for a third offence or a second
larger offence
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
to Constitutional committee
This procedure shall be completed within a period of ten
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
Passed with addition of word ‘medical societies’ in
original proposal instead of societies
iii) The disqualified candidate will have the right to appeal
to an arbitration committee against the decision of
election officer, which shall be constituted by the
president as per the provision of the constitution; The
Constitution Committee Opinion:Proposals 3 & 6 – If proposal 3
is accepted, then that part of proposal 6 pertaining to disclosure
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
The matter will be referred to as election officer ; this
may be done either by the returning officer or by a
candidate directly
April 2015
committee shall give its decision within one week
and that decision will be final.The candidate or any
member on his behalf cannot raise the issue with
general members in any of the e groups and should
raise this issue or any issue of dispute on through
returning officer.
• The issue of minimum experience criteria of the Treasurer
was discussed. Dr. Venkataram Mysore pointed out that
the job of the treasurer is getting bigger and bigger and he
needs to know the functioning of IADVL finances well. The
following criteria to be added for post of Treasurer. He/she
should have been a Jt. Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer, Vice
President or President at the state level or Jt. Secretary at the
National level.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
Constitution committee
• Proposal accepted at present but may change later on as
per need arises
Constitution Committee Opinion: Proposal 8 – If the proposal
is accepted, the new nomenclature of Secretary General has to
reflect not only in clause 16 but everywhere in the Constitution
where the term Honorary General Secretary has been used.
Decision of GB: Passed
Decision of GB: Passed
8. Proposal:Nomenclature of Gen Secretary and inclusion of
Immediate Past Gen Secretary in EC
9. Proposal: State Branch office bearers
Decision and Status:
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related? Yes, but only with respect to
implementation, not a modification.
Is it constitutional related? Yes
How will it help IADVL? The current nomenclature for Gen Secy
is Hon General Secretary. The international nomenclature is
Secretary General.
How will it help IADVL? Presently there is already a model
state branch office bearers laid out in the constitution page
50-51 as below. However many states are not following
this pattern leading to confusion at the time of election.
Also Immediate past Secy is at present not included in EC.
Except as an invited member. To ensure smooth administration,
it is proposed to include Immediate past Secy in EC.
State branch committees should consist of (a) The President
(b) The President Elect c) 2 Vice presidentsd)HonSecy e)
Treasurer f) 2 Jt secretaries
If constitutional-It will replace below sentence in existing clause
16 page 17
If constitutional – My proposal is that EC should send a letter
asking states to adopt this pattern within a time frame of one
year; The same message should go through CCM also. This
proposal is important if we have to implement the proposed
regulation regarding minimum qualification for treasurer and
also state representation in CCM which are proposed herewith.
(a) It shall consist of the President, President Elect, Immediate
Past President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary General Secretary,
Honorary Treasurer, and Joint Secretaries.
Proposal: Replace above with:
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
(a) It shall consist of the President, President Elect, Immediate
Past President, Vice-Presidents, Honorary General Secretary
(also called Secretary general), Immediate past Gen Secy,
Honorary Treasurer, and Joint Secretaries
In my opinion, since the matter is already laid out in constitution
and only needs to be implemented, EC is empowered to act.
However the matter may be referred to Constitution committee
if the members feel so.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
Constitution committee
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
• Accepted as it is
Decision and Status at EC Meeting:
Constitution Committee Opinion: Proposals 9 & 10 – There are
a few State Branches that have two year terms for their State
Executive Body and a President Elect is, therefore, elected every
alternate year.
• Term Honorary General Secretary will be replaced by
Secretary General
• Immediate past Secretary general will be Chairman of SOP
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
How will it help IADVL? Page 88 mentions application for best
branch award as follows which are inadequate and need to be
revised to include additional criteria
Decision of GB: Passed
10.Proposal:Pattern of IADVL sponsorship for CC members
from states to attend CCM
Criteria: Marks
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
1. Membership: 15
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related? Yes
(a) Strength of the branch on 31st December
How will it help IADVL? Presently there is already a regulation
on Page 64 (2) iii. for IADVL sponsoring for travel and
accommodation of 25% of members from state branches
President and secretary of branch is sponsored by state. CCM
is held in august of each year where as most CUTICONS and
elections for state branches are organized in October/November,
when a new president takes over. Therefore in order to felicitate
smooth flow of information and better establishment of rapport
and smooth administration , it is important that president elect
and SrJtsecy attends the CCM.
(b) Number of new members enrolled during the year
(c) Number of the members deleted during the year
(d) Percentage of increase of membership during the year
2. Payment of CFC: 10
(a Number of members for whom CFC is paid by 31st
(b) Dates of payments of CFC to the IADVL
3. Academic activities: 20
If constitutional – My proposal : 25% of State branch CC
members sponsored by IADVL should mandatorily include
president elect and senior joint secretary. This should come in
to force from 2016 CCM after allowing states time to implement
the IADVL pattern of office bearers as proposed in the next
(Scientific activities: CME, etc. under the banner of the branch)
Attach proof and give detailed information
Topics/Speakers Place Time/Date No. of Participants
(a) ...................
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?Yes,
the matter may be referred to Constitution committee.
(b) ...................
(c) ...................
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
4. Social/cultural activities for the members (attach proof): 10
Accepted with minor change – exclusion of Joint
They will be sponsored by either state or national body
(a) ...................
President elect from the state should be present at the
CC meeting
(b) ...................
Nature of activity Place Time/Date No. of Participants
(c) ...................
Constitution Committee Opinion: Proposals 9 & 10 – There are
a few State Branches that have two year terms for their State
Executive Body and a President Elect is, therefore, elected every
alternate year.
5. Community Service Projects (give details and attach proof)
(e.g. Leprosy Eradication Program, STD Control Program,
diagnostic camps, health education to the public, etc.): 15
Nature of Programs Place Time/Date
Decision of GB: Passed
(a) ...................
11. Proposal:State branches report
(b) ...................
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
(c) ...................
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
6. Response to the official letters/e-mails from the Honorary
General Secretary: 10
Is it constitutional related? Yes
Date of Receipt Date of Reply
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
(a) ...................
7. Participation in the National Conference of IADVL: 10
(b) ...................
Number of members who participated from the state branch
(c) ...................
I also propose that we give two best branch awards this yearone to a large branch and one to a small branch which is
stated already in the constitution. In addition we give special
awards for best performance in each category. Eg State
performing best community activity; state performing best in e
voting; state performing best in PLM conversion etc. This will
work as motivational factors for better performance.
7. Participation in the National Conference of IADVL: 10
Number of members who participated from the state branch
8. Calendar of activities of the state branch (including the
election of Office Bearers): 10
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes,Constitution committee
Whether activities had taken place as scheduled.
If yes, whether a detailed report was forwarded to the Honorary
General Secretary.
Decision and Status at EC Meeting:
If yes, mention date on which reported.
Remove clause number of members who participated from the
state branch
9. Any activity not covered above and that you think should be
Proposal for two best branch awards – Accepted
Extra certificates of appreciation for various activities will be
decided by Honorary General Secretary
If constitutional – My proposal: State branch report should
include the following in addition to what is mentioned on page
Dr Koushik Lahiri wanted work on ITATSA to be included in the
criteria. Agreed in principle Two awards to be given one for
large and one for small branch, the criteria to be less than or
more than 200 members.
a) Statistics regarding PLM –LM conversion ( include under 1)
b) Achievements in DVL Insurance membership ( 10 marks)
– to be no 9 in above list
Decision of GB: Passed
c) List of city and zonal branches in the state – their office
bearers( president/secretary with emails and telnos--- to be
no 11
12.Proposal: DERMAZONE committee
d) Updated Email and tel list of all members of the branch to
come under 11
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Name of proposer/s: Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
Is it constitutional related? Yes
e) Date of next CUTICON/DERMAZONE/ other important events(
calendar of events ) include under 3
f) Special/unique projects if any : include as 12
How will it help IADVL? Presently there are some sketchy
regulations for organizing DERMAZONE as below which are
g) Research projects if any – include under 3
If constitutional – It will replace existing clause page 29 C ; iv
h) Achievements in E voting.( 10 marks) to be no 10 in above
(a) Zonal states should be arranged in alphabetic order.
The following may be deleted
(b) State Presidents and Secretaries must be members of
the organizing committee; others may be included.
4. Social/cultural activities for the members (attach proof):
(c) The surplus income shall be divided between the
organizing state and the IADVL equally.
Nature of activity Place Time/Date No. of Participants
(d) The audited account should be submitted to the IADVL
within 6 months..
(a) ...................
(b) ...................
Proposal: Replace above with:
(c) ...................
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
(a) Zonal states should be arranged in alphabetic order.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
(b) State Presidents, President Elect and Secretaries of
the zone must be members of the central organizing
committee; From IADVL centre, any one of vice
president /president elect/Past president( preferably
hailing form that zone) will be the IADVL liason
officer.This committee will be constituted one year
before organizing the DERMAZONE. It shall be the
responsibility of Hon gen secy to do this and included
in the secretary report to CCM/AGM.
Is it constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
It has been found that some of CC members do not have email
ids. This acts as a hindrance in their communication with the
CC e-group of IADVL. Such members do not actively take part
in the discussions during CC meets as they are not aware of
the discussion that has already taken place in the egroups.It is
already a criteria for a state president and secretary.
If constitutional – It will not modify any rule but become an
eligibility criteria for being elected as a CC member.
c) IADVL liason officer will oversee signing of MOU
between IADVL and DERMAZONElocal organizing
committee. The MOU for this shall be on the lines
of DERMACON MOU and shall be prepared by SOP
committee. The liason officer will be responsible for
smooth conduct coordination and also submission of
accounts of DERMAZONE.
Give detail of the clause
Page17 Rule 12 states about the composition but not about the
necessity of CC members to have a working e mail ID.
Proposal: All the IADVL members who wish to become
members of the Central Council should compulsorily have a
working email ID.
(c) 15% of all registrations and 20% of industry stall
collection will be handed over to IADVL as IADVL
affiliation fee. This amount shall be divided equally as
follows between:
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes, Constitution committee
Status at EC meeting: Accepted
Decision of GB: Passed
the organizing state 33% ii) Other participating states
33% iii) and the IADVL 33%.
14. Proposal: Compulsory notification of the names,
telephone numbers and email ids of all state office bearers
to the National Executive.
(d) The audited account should be submitted to the IADVL
within 6 months and presented in next CCM or AGM
whichever is nearer and the same shall be subjected to
audit and finance committee opinion ( as applicable to
Name of proposer/s: Dr Narendra Gokhale and EC 2014
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related or how will it help IADVL?
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes, Constitution committee
Every year the state branches undergo changes. New office
bearers are elected and they replace the older team. However
this change is not informed to the National executive. As a
result the National executive is in the dark about the office
bearers of the states. The Hon. Gen Secretary has to repeatedly
ask for the same.
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
Accepted with changes as follows
b) Any one of vice president will be IADVL liason officer.
c) The liason officer will be responsible for smooth
conduct______ shall be corrected to The liason officer
will oversee smooth conduct_________
If constitutional – It will not modify any rule but become one of
the duties of the State secretary.
d) Organising state’s share will be 50%, other participating
states – 30% and IADVL’s share –20%
Give detail of the clause
Page13 -16 Rule 11 states about the duties and rights of the
state branches. The state secretary has to send the activity
report but there is no mention of sending the list of state office
Decision of GB: Not Passed, to be reviewed after state president
and sec meeting in opening GB
13. Proposal: Compulsory working email ids of CC members
Proposal: As soon as a new team takes over in a state branch,
it shall be the responsibility of the state secretary to send the
Name of proposer/s: Dr Narendra Gokhale and EC 2014
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
list of ALL office bearers of the state stating their post, their
telephone number and their email ids to the Honorary General
Secretary within 2 weeks of assuming office.
Constitution Committee Opinion: Proposal 1 – The IADVL
Working Committee is a superfluous term in the light of the fact
that all IADVL Committees other than the Standing Committees
are actually Working Committees formed for a specific task.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes, Constitution committee
Decision of GB: Passed
Status at EC meeting: Accepted
2. Proposal: Criteria for Vice President
Decision of GB: Passed
Proposals from Venkataram Mysore and EC IADVL
Proposals for AGBM Mangalore needing Constitutional
Committee Opinion
Name of proposer/s:Venkataram Mysore LM Kn 3211and EC
1. Proposal: Discontinue with a) Therapeutic Guidelines
committee and b) IADVL working committee
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Proposal from Venkataram Mysore and EC IADVL
How will it help IADVL? The present criteria for eligibility for VP
does not include position of Gen Secretary at State level and
this proposal seeks to correct this money.
It is constitutional related? Yes
Name of proposer/s: Venkataram Mysore LM Kn 3211and EC
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Proposal: The constitution on page 26 clause b.iv states as
It is constitutional related? Yes
How will it help IADVL? Smoothen functioning as explained
1.VP selection 26.b.iv
Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association
in an official capacity either at the central level as Honorary
General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer or Joint Secretary or at
the branch/combined branches level as President or a Central
Council Member from the branch for a minimum period of five
terms either continuous or with breaks.
a) The role of Therapeutic guidelines committee as a
standing committee has diminished after the initiation
of academy and SIG. Its continuance often leads to
duplication and confusion. It is therefore recommended
that TG committee be discontinued and its reference
omitted from the constitution (page 61 clause 6). In
such cases where there is need for guidelines in an
area outside of the purview of Academy and SIGs,a
specific taskforce may be constituted with approval of
AGM , with a duration of one year
I propose that the clause be amended as below to include the
position of Hon Gen Secy at state level
Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association
in an official capacity either at the central level as Honorary
General Secretary, Honorary Treasurer or Joint Secretary or at
the branch/combined branches level as President or secretary
or a Central Council Member from the branch for a minimum
period of five terms either continuous or with breaks.
b) Clause 5 page 61 envisages an IADVL working
committee as below
The committee will oversee the day-to-day functioning of the
Association. It will consist of the President, Honorary General
Secretary, Treasurer and one Vice-President. The committee
members should interact with one another and meet once
in May–June to review the implementation of the resolutions
passed in the CCM and AGBM.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
I feel this arrangement is redundant and irrelevant and has not
been followed regularly for the past few years. So I suggest that
we discontinue this working committee arrangement.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC - yes
Decision of GB: Passed
3. Proposal: Streamlining of proposals
Name of proposer/s: Drs
SureshTalwar, AnkurTalwar,
KshamaTalwar, RL Sah , Amit Madans
Is it constitutional related -yes
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.-It will streamline the
discussions on suggestion received from members
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? -yes
he desires to contest for PRESIDENT elect. However over the
period of time time it has been seen that many who organized
the conference could not win in succeeding elections. Therefore
it is just a myth. Presently the scientific part is being looked
after by IADVL academy and we have enforced good amount
of checks on financial dealings. If we remove the ban and the
OC desires to contest, this may prove as incentive to give a
good conference with good amount of savings. Organising
conference should never be a disincentive
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no. page no
42 clause 4
Members be asked to forward the proposal after the DERMACON
.These proposal be forwarded between 15 May to 15 June.
From 16th June to 15th July it will be discussed in EC, opinion
of various committees will be taken. Decision of the EC on
these proposals will be placed on CC e group and discussed
for 10 days. Discussion in e group should be treated official
.The approved proposal may be placed in the CC meeting
during Aug. This will save time of discussion during CC meet as
the matter has already been discussed. The approved version
after CC meet may be placed in Gen E group and web site
for discussion .Summaryof discussion/inference be placed on
the web .The same may be communicated during GBM .Query
if raised may be answered there only. Similar proposal may
be clubbed and 2 people with similar proposal may not be
allowed to take up separately.
Is is pertinent to point out that there is no such condition for
persons working on posts like Honrary sec , State president ,
Academy chairman if they wish to contest
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Please note that EC may decide to refer if it thinks it is necessary
–YES - constitution committee
Decision of GB: Passed
5. Proposal: Central Scientific Committee Members
Name of proposer/s: Deepak Parikh, Venkatram Mysore,
Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Col. Rajesh
Verma, NarendraGokhale and Krina Patel
This saves time and repetition
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Please note that EC may decide to refer if it thinks it is necessary
–YES - constitution committee
Is itconstitutional related (select one)
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
Decision of GB: Passed
4. Proposal:Removing disincentive of organising DERMACON
Currently central scientific committee has approximately 18
members. Many have actually advisory role.
Name of proposer/s: Drs Suresh Talwar, AnkurTalwar,
KshamaTalwar . RL Sah , Amit Madan
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Is any one of the proposer member of CC - Suresh Talwar
Annexure VI No. 1 Central scientific committee
Is it constitutional related -yes
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.-It will remove the
disincentive of organising DERMACON
Three “ex-officio” members be made “advisors”viz
1) Editor IJDVL 2) Past Hon Gen secretary and 3) Chairman
scientific committee of last DERMACON
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? -yes
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no. page
no 32 clause 26. Now modified to make organizing sec of
DERMACON being ineligible to contest for President elect for 2
years following DERMACON organizing.
Constitution Committee Opinion: The GB can also deliberate on
whether the advisory roles be restricted to one year after laying
down their office for which they were initially appointed.
Proposal –Remove the disincentive of organising DERMACON
by allowing the organizing sec to contest for the post of
President elect
Decision of GB: Passed
6. Proposal: Change of status from “Ex-officio” to “ Advisor”
It was presumed that organizing Secretary of DERMACON
may give favorsto few while organizing DERMACON in case
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Name of proposer/s: Drs Deepak Parikh, Venkatram Mysore,
Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Col. Rajesh
April 2015
Verma, Narendra Gokhale and Krina Patel
Is itconstitutional related (select one) OR
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
Is itconstitutional related (select one)
Currently IADVL sponsors all past president/secretary and
treasurer to attenCC_MIDDERMA MEET. There is hardly any
relevance of office bearers say from 1980/90’s. While we need
chairman of various committees to attend such meetings which
they may not be able to attend as they are sponsored neither
by centre nor by state. Thus we can save resources and spend
where it will help the most.
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
Currently all “ex-officio” members are member of concerned
committee. Actually they are in the committee more as in
advisory role. If we continue them as “ex-officio” then they are
entitled to attend all meetings. Eg.academy has 12 selected
members and more than 12 ex-officio members.
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
2. Meetings iii
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
All “ex-officio” members of various committees will be
“advisors” except President and Secretary. The decision to
invite advisor/s will be taken by chairman of the committee in
consultation with President.
The IADVL will sponsor Past presidents, secretaries and
treasurer for previous 10 years. Thus CCM meet for 2015
will have executives from 2005 onwards (including 2005).
IADVL will also sponsor chairman and convenor of following
committees – Finance, constitutional, SOP, awards, academy,
PMC and Media. In addition, President in consultation with
EC can invite any IADVL LM member whose presence in CCM
will be useful. Such invited members travel and stay will be
reimbursed by centre.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Yes constitutional committee
For office use:
Date when received: 26.10.2014
Dr Venkat had mentioned that chairman of various committees
can be called to CC meeting at the cost of IADVL if their presence
will help IADVL
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal?)
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Please note that EC may decide to refer if it thinks it is necessary
When was proposal placed before committee? EC/CC/AGM
Decision of GB: Passed with the cut off to be placed at the year
Date placed in EC along with remarks
Date placed in CC along with remarks
8. Proposal: DERMACON Bidding
Date placed in GB along with remarks
Name of proposer/s: Deepak Parikh, Venkatram Mysore,
Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Col. Rajesh
Verma, NarendraGokhale and Krina Patel
Status: passed/rejected
Constitution Committee Opinion: The GB can also deliberate on
whether the advisory roles be restricted to one year after laying
down their office for which they were initially appointed.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related (select one) OR
Decision of GB: Passed
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
7. Proposal: Composition of Central Council
Name of proposer/s: Deepak Parikh, Venkatram Mysore,
Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Col. Rajesh
Verma, Narendra Gokhale and Krina Patel
Currently application dates for DERMACON and other post is
different and this leads to confusion both for applicants and
executives. What if ONLY ONE application for DERMACON is
found not suitable by venue inspection team?
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Decision of GB: Not Passed
Proposal 10. Government Liason Cell
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore LM KN 3211,
Deepak Parikh, Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
Application for the DERMACON venue will be invited along with
all other applications and will have same time line. If there
is only one application for DERMACON, then existing team of
President, President-Elect, Past-President and Hon. Secretary
General will visit the venue and report to CCM which meets
in August. If by any chance venue is not found suitable for
DERMACON then CCM can discuss various options.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it administrative/policy/constitutional related (select one)
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
IADVL needs to become influential with different governmental
agencies such as MCI, national Board, ICMR, Department of
Health and family welfare, ICMR, national Academy of medical
sciences. This needs a separate committee
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Constitutional committee
If constitutional-will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Decision of GB: Passed
9. Proposal: Sponsoring of CCM Members from Various States
Name of proposer/s: Deepak Parikh, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh
Gupta, Sanjeev Gupta, Col. Rajesh Verma, Narendra Gokhale
and Krina Patel
A new standing committee be created called Government
Liason Committee.It s objectives will be to liase, lobby and
influence decision making in different governmental agencies
MCI, national Board, ICMR, Department of Health and family
welfare, ICMR, national Academy of medical sciences, topics
such as TSDF. Health is a subject on concurrent list and hence
we need tto do these both at centre and state levels.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related (select one) OR I/we are not able to
classify a
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
The contours of such a committee can be:
Currently lot of executives time is wasted in making/remaking
arrangements for state sponsored CCM members. Many
members have request to accommodate their spouses etc.
It will consist of members who have contacts at the corridors of
government – with ministers/MPs/MLAs/secretariat/ministry of
health, pharmaceuticals etc
We need to shift the responsibility to state
Their term of office will be 2-3 years to develop contacts as
this is a time consuming exercise.
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Modify the clause. Part-II Bye-laws 2 meeting A (ii)
Their role will be to serve as points of contact between IADVL
and the GOI/state govt agencies to high light issues of policy
. eg Leprosy elimination/cost of drugs/TSDF/ quackery /role of
beauty clinics etc
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
The respective states will make travel and stay arrangement of
their nominated members.
Tenure 1 year
IADVL centre will pay Rs.10000/- or the amount spend by
them whichever is less, each for State President and secretaries
accommodation (two days) and 25,000/- or amount spend by
them whichever is less, each for fully sponsored CCM members
(this will include travel and accommodation for two days). The
amount will be reimbursed only after the meeting provided such
members have fully attended meeting and produce relevant
It will have chairperson, a convener and 4-6 members
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Decision of GB: Passed
Proposal 11. Streamlining Communications
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore LM KN 3211,
Deepak Parikh, Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
Yes constitution committee
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Is it administrative/policy/constitutional related (select one)
NO, this is related to SOP
13. Proposal-Academy Members
Name of proposers: Dr Manas Chatterjee (LM/WB/2740) &
Dr AmeetValia (LM/M/833) (on behalf of IADVL Academy of
How will it help IADVL?
IADVL needs to communicate to members aboutvarius
announcements and IADVL activities as envisaged in the
constitution. Many members have often complained that they
do not get proper information in time. Sending SMS is one of
the quickest and most effective means of doing this. However
sending bulk sms through sms providers needs a contract
to be signed as per TRAI regulations which impose penalty
for commercial bulk sms. However, communicating IADVL
information is transactional and not commercial.
It is constitution related
How will it help IADVL?
Academy members, in a meeting on 4th May, 2014, had
suggested the following changes changes in the Constitution
related to SIGs (Points 1-3 have been incorporated in the IADVL
Academy SOP that was approved by the GBM in Aurangabad
on August 15, 2014):
1. Academy members should not be SIG members as they have
a supervisory role.
Proposal: AGBM recognises the right of members to receive
IADVL information and authorizes and directs the EC to send
such sms messages as necessary about varius IADVL activities
and sign such contracts as necessary.
2. One IADVL member should not be a member of more than
two SIGs to promote the participation of more IADVL members
in SIGs.
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? NO
Decision of GB: Passed
3. If any SIG member is inactive, the SIG coordinator can
request the President and EC through Chairman, Academy to
replace that member since SIG coordinators need to be given
the freedom to weed out inactive members.
Proposal 12: Proposal: Procedure for seeking info from IADVL
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore LM KN 3211
Deepak Parikh, Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
4. The tenure of all SIG members and coordinators should be for
two years to be on par with the tenure of Academy members
(the change will be prospective).
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it administrative/policy/constitutional related (select one)
NO, this is related to SOP
Also, it should not be obligatory that only CC members can be
SIG Coordinators and members since those best suited may
not be CC members.
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
Members need to seek information on varius aspects of IADVL.
Currently there is no laid out procedure for seeking such
information. Often all queries are sent to secretary, who intern
has to send to other officials, leading to delay Therefore a
procedure needs to be put in place for this purpose
It will modify the existing clause:
IADVL Special Interest Groups
Proposal: Procedure for seeking info from IADVL EC:
“Each SIG will have a coordinator (who should be a member
of the Central Council)and eight co-opted members, two from
each zone (at least two of whom should be members of the
council) (the highlighted parts need to be deleted-MC/AV).
.... Co-opted members ... should have done basic work or
research in that field and should be active academicians with 5
years of experience as a consultant dermatologist or a teacher
in a medical college...... The tenure of the team is 3 years to
ensure continuity of work.”
Member will write directly to specific email ids seeking specific
a)For all matters with respect to academy: academy@iadvl.org
b)For all matters of overall policy president@iadvl.org
c) For matters of practice pmc@iadvl.org
Further email ids as required will be designed as required and
communicated to members
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Decision of GB: Passed
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
This should be changed to (additions and changes highlighted):
When was proposal placed before committee. EC/CC/AGM
“Each SIG will have a coordinatorand eight co-opted members,
two from each zone. ... Co-opted members ... should have
done basic work or research in that field and should be active
academicians with 5 years of experience as a consultant
dermatologist or a teacher in a medical college. Preference
will be given to those who are not members of other SIGs.
IADVL Academy members should not be SIG members. One
IADVL member cannot be a member of more than two SIGs.
If any SIG member is inactive, the SIG coordinator can request
the President and EC through Chairman, Academy to replace
that member. …The tenure of the team is 2 years to ensure
continuity of work.”
Decision of GB: Passed after voting on the floor of the house
15. Name of proposer/s: Dr Narendra Patwardhan
Is it constitutional related (select one) OR
I/we are not able to classify and accept ECs view
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction – This suggestion,
if implemented will bring more transparency in the IADVL
electoral process.
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Give detail of the clause – page no 37 and clause no 27 (rand
Does this proposal need referral? Yes, to the Constitution
Proposal: The present electoral system is transparent and we
do have full faith in the team led by the election officer. This
proposal will make it more transparent.
Decision of GB: Passed
IADVL should collect all the ballot papers in one post box of
the general post office (GPO) of the city from where the election
officer is residing. All envelopes with ballot papers should
be collected immediately after the scheduled time of the last
date is over. He may be accompanied by two other senior
dermatologists from the same city appointed by the president.
This is basically to overcome the inadvertent manual error
which is likely to occur when the due date is over.
14. Proposal-Vitiligo Day
Name of proposer/s:DavinderParsad
Is it policy related
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
It will have more impact on Vitiligo day
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Does this proposal need referral? – Don’t know
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
For office use:
Proposal: (It should be properly worded/drafted)
Date when received:
Request for shifting IADVL vitiligo Day from May 19 to June
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
I submitted this proposal twice earlier but somehow it was
not taken up. As co-ordinator of SIG_PIG, we had extensive
discussion among members regarding changing the IADVL day
from May 19 to June 25th and consensus was reached that for
uniformity and to have more impact IADVL vitiligo Day should
be changed to World Vitiligo Day which is June 25th. As other
day like World Psoriasis day etc, we have one day and not
separate IADVL day.
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal)
When was proposal placed before committee. EC/CC/AGM
Decision of GB: Not Passed
16. Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh, Rashmi Sarkar,
Venkatram Mysore, Narendra Gokhle and Krina Patel
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Does this proposal need referral?
Is it constitutional related (select one) OR
For office use: 30th October 2014
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction. There is need for
clarity on various awards and orations.
Date when received:
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify? Modify
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
April 2015
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
Elect”. They should be provided five minutes each to
address CCM.Decision of GB: Passed
1. Currently it is mandatory to give oration from the application
received even if they score less than 50%. IADVL academy
has prepared scoring system and minimum score required
to be eligible for Oration needs to be fixed – 50 to 60%. In
case no applicant is found suitable then no. of oration in that
year should be reduced.
3. There is need to have central observer during counting of
votes. He/she should be past President/Secretary preferably
immediate past election officer.Decision of GB: Passed
4. The next EC is formed from the contestants for various
posts. Hence it will be very useful if they attend CCM. They
should be invited as observer (unless participating as per
the constitution). However, the have to pay for their travel
and stay.
Decision of GB: Passed
Decision of GB: Passed with minimum score of 60%
2. One member cannot apply or be nominated for more than
two awards in the same year.
Decision of GB: Passed
18. Proposal: Criteria to evaluate various awards/post/
scholarships/fellowships and immunity to judges
3. Member who has received award under any category cannot
applynext year.
Name of proposer/s: Dr Deepak Parikh and EC
Decision of GB: Passed but can apply in another category
after 1 year
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
itisconstitutional related
4. We have few awards related to publication. Most of the
publications are multi authored. We need clarity who can
apply for these awards –
How will it help IADVL?Brief introduction.
As you know, IADVL receives every year, since many years’,
applications for scholarship, fellowship and various awards.
These are evaluated by judges in most cases by scoring the
applicants, using their expertise and there are no formal set of
Our recommendation: First author or corresponding author after
obtaining “No Objection” certificate from first author.
Decision of GB: Passed
If constitutional – No New proposal
17. Name of proposer/s: DR Deepak Parikh, Dr venkatram
Mysore, Dr Rashmi Sarkar, Dr Narendra Gokhle and Dr
Krina Patel
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
1. We need to put in place criteria to evaluate various awards.
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it
(select one) OR
2. All our judges do voluntary work and their opinion needs to
be respected and be final. Individual judges’ scores should
not be questioned or asked to be declared or raised in
AGBM/CCM. Judges opinions if shared and if questioned
will lead to a situation where no one will want to be judge.
/constitutional related
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
There are certain gaps in election rules and there is need for
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes
Constitutional Committee
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
For office use:
Proposal: (It should be properly drafted)
Date when received:
If referred – when and to whom? Replay must come within one
1. When should e-voting be opened and closed?Decision of
GB: Passed that e voting will open at the same time as
postal but e voting will close 2 days before postal voting
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal?)
2. The post of President is very vital and hence it is important
to know views of candidates for the post of “President-
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
When was proposal placed before committee? EC/CC/AGM
April 2015
8. The list of awardees will be announced by the Hon. Gen.
Secretary during DERMACON.
Date placed in CC along with remarks
9. Awardees must give an undertaking to complete the
fellowship within the stipulated time, failing which they
may not be considered for future IADVL fellowships.
Date placed in GB along with remarks
Status: passed/rejected
Decision of GB: Passed
10. While the Fellowship will not carry a grant, a certificate
will be issued by the Hon Gen Secretary after successful
completion of the course and receipt by the IADVL Academy
of the Feedback forms (as for the existing IADVL Training
Fellowship) from the Fellowship Director and Trainee as
well as a brief report of their experience of the same.
19. Name of proposers: Dr Ameet Valia (LM/M/833) &
Dr Manas Chatterjee(LM/WB/2740)
It ispolicy related
How will it help IADVL?
Does this proposal need referral?
The IADVL Training Fellowships are “open to members or
provisional life members of the IADVL who are not working in
the same institution and who …(are).. aged less than 35 years
at the time of commencement of his or her fellowship.” This
excludes the vast majority of members, for whom updation of
skills is equally important. Practitioners possess some basic
skillsand may actually not need 4 weeks, as for the present
fellowship. They may also find it difficult to spare that much
time. Hence, the duration of the fellowship can be two weeks.
No financial support would be provided by the IADVL.
For office use:
Date when received:
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal)?
When was proposal placed before committee. EC/CC/AGM
Status: passed/rejected
Decision of GB: Passed
20. Name of proposers: Dr AmeetValia (LM/M/833) & Dr
Manas Chatterjee (LM/WB/2740)
1. The fellowship will be open to life members of the IADVL
who are not working in the same institution.
It is constitution related
2. Applicants must be aged 35 years or more at the time of
commencement of their fellowship.
How will it help IADVL?
3. The IADVL Academy of Dermatology will select the course
of training and institution based on the criteria used for the
existing IADVL Training Fellowship.
1. The present requirement of two members from each zone
leaves no scope for appointment of central members.
Thus, the number of members needs to be changed from
“8” members to “8-10” as was done for that of Academy
4. The duration of training will be 2 weeks.
5. Applicants must apply with their full biodata, including
their name, contact details, current affiliation and IADVL
life membership number. They must specify the course of
specialization and institution (not more than two in order of
preference) that they intend to undergo, and state whether
they have ever been awarded any IADVL Fellowship.
Decision of GB: Passed 10 members
2. The term “coopted” has not been used accurately since
it means to “appoint to membership of a committee
by invitation of the existing members” while presently
members are being selected by a committee consisting of
the President, President Elect, Academy Chairperson, Hon
Gen Secretary and SIG Coordinator. Hence, this term needs
to be deleted.
6. Awardees will be selected by the IADVL Academy of
Dermatology on the basis of merit and the possible utility of
the training in the discharge of their duties, with preference
being given to those who have never availed any IADVL
3. “The SIG may co-opt a maximum of three additional
members for special purposes with the approval of the
IADVL Academy “should be added since it would give
7. The host institution must be ready to accept the awardee.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
SIGs the freedom to co-opt additional members for specific
may be invited by the Coordinator to participate in meetings
(as invited members) or consulted (as consultants), without
having a fixed tenure.
Decision of GB: Passed to have maximum 3 additional
Does this proposal need referral?
It will modify the existing clause:
Yes, to the Constitution Committee.
For office use:
Date when received:
IADVL Special Interest Groups
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
Each SIG will have a coordinator (who should preferably be a
member of the Central Council) and eight co-opted members,
two from each zone (at least two of whom should be
members of the council). ...
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal)
When was proposal placed before committee. EC/CC/AGM
Co-opted members will be selected by the above committee
and the Coordinator of the particular SIG by a procedure of
nomination as well as by application (members will be invited
to apply for membership of SIGs with their bio-data). ..One
IADVL member cannot be a member of more than two SIGs.
Additional experts from fields other than dermatology may
be invited by the coordinator to participate in meetings (as
invited members) or consulted (as consultants), without
having a fixed tenure.”
Status: passed/rejected
The following judges were selected for ILDS appreciation award.
Dr Deepak Parikh, Dr Venkatram Mysore, Dr Suresh Talwar
Dr Raghunath Reddy proposed providing travelling allowance
to winners of life time achievement awards and Kandhari
award. Decision of GB: Passed
12. Announcement of the names of the awardees IADVL-AAD
Reciprocal Scholarships 2015 IADVL Training Fellowship
Awardees .
This should be changed to (changes and additions highlighted):
AAD IADVL Reciprocal Poster Awards: Dr Vinay Keshavmurthy,
Dr Govind Mittal
“Each SIG will have a coordinator (who should preferably be a
member of the Central Council) and eight-ten members, two
from each zone (at least two of whom should be members
of the council). ...
AAD Registration Awards: Dr Soumya Jagadeesan,Dr Pooja
13. Installation of new office bearers (page 49)
Members will be selected by the above committee and the
Coordinator of the particular SIG by a procedure of nomination
as well as by application (members will be invited to apply for
membership of SIGs with their bio-data).... One IADVL member
cannot be a member of more than two SIGs. “The SIG may
co-opt a maximum of three additional members for special
purposes with the approval of the IADVL Academy “ (to be
added).Additional experts from fields other than dermatology
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
14. Announcement of Various committees for the year 2015
–Published in April 2015 News Bulletin
15. Any other matter with the permission of chair (Not more
than two)
Dr Deepak Parikh thanked the members for attending the
Combined CC and AGBM.
April 2015
IADVL Election Results 2015
President Elect
1 Dr. Arun C Inamadar
2 Dr. Devesh Mishra
3 Dr. Devinder Mohan Thappa
4 Dr. Narendra G Patwardhan
1 Dr. P D Joshi Patodekar
2 Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R
3 Dr. Rajesh M Buddhadev
4 Dr. (Brig.) Sanjeev Vaishampayan
Vice President
5 Dr. Siddhartha Das
Joint Secretary Elected Unopposed
Dr Manish V Gautam
DR Rohit Batra
Venue of DERMACON 2017 Elected Unopposed
Kolkata by West Bengal Branch
Dr Rashmi Sarkar, Hony Sec retary, Dr Somesh Gupta, Treasurer to continue for second year of their term (no elections held)
Dr VK Sharma
Election Officer IADVL for EC 2015
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Minutes of the Combined Central Council Meeting & Annual General Body Meeting
for the Commencing Year 2015
Date and Time: 14th February 2015, 02.00 PM onwards
Venue: IADVL Hall, Mangalore
Attended by: Dr Venkataraman Mysore ( President IADVL)
Practice management cell. He also touched upon the IADVL
Mobile app and how we can take it forward. He mentioned
about the Government liason cell and the road ahead for the
path breaking ITATSA movement. E voting, an issue which
needs an impetus to go to the next level and DVL trust popularity
also found mention in his opening remarks.
Dr Deepak Parikh (Imm. Past President IADVL)
Dr Rashmi Sarkar ( Hon. Gen. Secretary IADVL)
Dr Somesh Gupta ( Hon. Treasurer IADVL)
Dr Raghunatha Reddy ( Vice- President IADVL)
He, then invited Dr Rashmi Sarkar, Hon. General Secretary to
continue the proceedings of the meeting.
Dr Rajesh Buddhadev ( Vice- President IADVL)
Dr Manish Gautam ( Joint Secretary IADVL)
Agenda 2 : Confirmation of the minutes of last CCM & AGBM
of the closing year 2014 held at Mangalore on 12th Feb.
Dr Rohit Batra ( Joint Secretary IADVL)
President Elect, Dr Devesh Mishra could not attend as he had
to leave due to ill health of his father.
Dr Rashmi Sarkar informed the House that petty expenses
pertaining to Committees ( Printing, Photocopying etc) will be
reimbursed by the Central IADVL.
IADVL Members who attended - Dr. B.N Reddy, Dr. G. Man
Mohan, Dr. K.A Seetharam, Dr. Imran Majid, Dr. Reena Rai,
Dr. Kumareson, Dr. Sarna Kumara, Dr. Sunil Dogra, Dr. Suresh
Joshipura, Dr. V.P Kuriyipe, Dr. C.R. Srinivas, Dr. SDN Gupta,
Dr. S.C Mallik, Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Col. Rajesh Verma,
Dr. Narendra Gokhale, Dr. V. Gowri, Dr. Siddhartha Das, Dr.
Arijit Coondoo, Dr. Saumya Panda, Dr. Manas Chatterjee, Dr.
Ameet Valia, Dr. Kiran Godse, Dr. Sanjeev Gupta, Dr. Prashant
K. Palwade, Dr. Biju Vasudevan, Dr. V.V. Pai, Dr. S. Barua,
Dr. Sudhir Nayak, Dr. Akshay jain, Dr. Shyam verma, Dr. Brig
Rajan Grewal, Dr.Vijay Zawar, Dr. Amarkant Jha Amar, Dr.Shital
Poojary, Dr. Roopax Saxena, Dr. S. Ravi, Dr. Koushik Lahiri ,
Dr. Krina Patel, Dr. Kamaljit Singh, Dr. Chetan N. Patel, Dr.
Y.S. Marfatia.,Dr. Kashinath Nayak A., Dr. Byravarathinam,
Dr. Manabbrata Mazumdar, Dr. G. D. Swarnakar, Dr. G. R.
Kanthraj, Dr. Ashique K. T. Dr Vishalakshi V
The President then announced the names of IDOJ Editor
Select – Dr Sunil Dogra and Editor, Digital lecture Series – Dr
Vishalakshi V.
The President announced the names of the 3 jury members
for L’oreal Skin and Hair Research Awards. He said that unlike
previous years, President, Immediate Past President and
President Elect will not be the Jury. According to Dr Parikh, the
Jury needed to be more academically oriented. The President
felt that Academy should be more autonomous. The selected
names are 1) Dr Manas Chatterjee 2) Dr Saumya Panda 3)
Dr Arun Inamadar. He informed the House that these members
will continue for 3 years for better co-ordination with L’oreal.The
fourth member would be the president
Dr PN Rao raised a doubt that if the next President wants to
change the jury next year. Dr Mysore said that this could not
be done as it would go on for 3 years. To this, Dr Rao said
that these are selected members and not elected. The President
accepted this and finally proposed that there will be applications
invited for Jury next year and this Jury will continue for this
year. The House unanimously accepted this.
The President summoned the meeting at 2.00 pm but was
postponed by 15 minutes due to lack of quorum. The meeting
commenced at 02.15 pm once the quorum was complete.
Agenda 1 : Welcome by President
Dr Venkataraman Mysore, President IADVL started the meeting
by introducing the newly inducted EC of 2015 and welcoming
all members present for the AGBM.
12. Proposal: DERMAZONE committee
His opening remarks highlighted the plan for the academic year
2015 with emphasis on the issues related to Academy, and
SIGs, Community issues like IADVL chala Gaon ki ore, Vitiligo
day ,Swatch tvacha campaign and role of Media cell and
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore and EC 2014
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related? Yes
April 2015
How will it help IADVL? Presently there are some sketchy
regulations for organizing DERMAZONE as below which are
b) Any one of vice president will be IADVL liason officer.
c) The liason officer will be responsible for smooth
conduct______ shall be corrected to The liason officer will
oversee smooth conduct_________
If constitutional-It will replace existing clause page 29 C ; iv
c) Organising state’s share will be 50%, other participating
states – 30% and IADVL’s share –20%
(a) Zonal states should be arranged in alphabetic order.
(b) State Presidents and Secretaries must be members of the
organizing committee; others may be included.
The President informed the House that this formula of
DERMAZONE sharing ( Organising State – 50%, Other states
in Zone -30% and IADVL -20%) was discussed in State
Presidents and Secretaries meeting and was acceptable to
(c) The surplus income shall be divided between the organizing
state and the IADVL equally.
(d) The audited account should be submitted to the IADVL
within 6 months..
Passed unanimously.
After this, the minutes of Closing Year GBM
Proposal: Replace above with:
(a) Zonal states should be arranged in alphabetic order.
were passed
Adminstrative Proposal
(b) State Presidents, President Elect and Secretaries of the zone
must be members of the central organizing committee;
From IADVL centre, any one of vice president /president
elect/Past president( preferably hailing form that zone)
will be the IADVL liason officer. This committee will be
constituted one year before organizing the DERMAZONE. It
shall be the responsibility of Hon gen secy to do this and
included in the secretary report to CCM/AGM.
1. Proposal: Derma Sewa awards
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore LM KN 3211,
Deepak Parikh, Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related /administrative/policy? Administrative
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
c) IADVL liason officer will oversee signing of MOU between
IADVL and DERMAZONE local organizing committee. The
MOU for this shall be on the lines of DERMACON MOU and
shall be prepared by SOP committee. The liason officer will
be responsible for smooth conduct coordination and also
submission of accounts of DERMAZONE.
Derma Sewa awards
It is important that community work by our members gets
recognition as it contributes to wellbeing of community and
also enhances prestige of our speciality
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify? NO
(c) 15% of all registrations and 20% of industry stall collection
will be handed over to IADVL as IADVL affiliation fee. This
amount shall be divided equally as follows between:
i) the organizing state 33% ii) Other participating states
33% iii) and the IADVL 33%.
The aim is to reward innovative community projects which offer
benefits to patients/people in the areas of prevention, quality
of life, access to care and social inclusion with respect to
dermatological diseases. This national award will bring to the
forefront three projects in different sates around the country and
will encourage the awardees to continue their work to improve
the quality of life of their patients.
(d) The audited account should be submitted to the IADVL
within 6 months and presented in next CCM or AGM
whichever is nearer and the same shall be subjected to
audit and finance committee opinion ( as applicable to
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? Yes,
Constitution committee
Exclusions: This award is aimed at all voluntary initiatives,
coming from individuals, associations or hospital or
Decision and Status at EC meeting:
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Accepted with changes as follows
April 2015
organizations and providing a real benefit to dermatological
patients, independent from their routine treatment. The project
must fall specifically within the scope of a community project:
a social project, focused on the patient, with the aim to improve
his personal well-being, and his integration. Projects providing
benefit to individual patients by virtue of a medical treatment
will not be considered.
• Originality/Innovation: criteria determining the specific
nature of the project,
• Scope: number of towns, regions affected, number of
patients benefitting...,
• Project Lifespan: the projects must still be active and
current; they must have been put into place over the
course of the last 4 years and have been active and
running for at least 2 years.
1. FIVE MAIN FIELDS are identified:
• Patient benefits:
- Access to care: new patients being treated with
assistance from the project
• Prevention and education: any initiative favoring the
prevention of dermatological illnesses, and education
therapy for patients and their support network relating to
their pathology, together with information and promotion
of dermatology for the general public (e.g. consultations/
patient – family information workshops, screening
campaigns, camps, information campaigns…)
- Individual acceptance of the disease and treatment:
recovery becomes the patient’s personal project,
- Patient well-being: attention to the comfort and state of
mind of the patient,
- Self-esteem,
• Quality of life and comfort: projects favoring improvements
in quality of life for patients, whether this be physical
or psychological (e.g. supporting and accompanying
patients, help in accepting their conditions, advice on
environmental factors and healthy living …)
- Adherence to treatment: the patient is more inclined to
follow therapeutic advice
- Patient social insertion: development of the patient’s
ability to follow team projects or to create external
• Access to care and coverage: projects aimed at
facilitating public access to care (e.g. free screening,
travelling doctors, mobile clinics, …)
• Social inclusion: initiatives leading to improved social
integration for patients by reducing stigma attached to
their diseases (e.g. vitiligo patients, leprosy patients,
HIV patients, behavior therapy,…)
Applicants are invited to complete the attached application form
with all relevant documents to allow a detailed assessment of
the project.
• Training for health professionals: activities leading to an
improvement in dermatology teaching and knowledge
dissemination (e.g. dermatology training of healthcare
workers, nurses, doctors who are not specialized in
dermatology, dermatology residents and other health
professionals) in view to improve patient care.
A committee consisting of three presidents and secretary,
immediate past secretary will choose the award winner
Closing date for applications is July 30
The award will consist of a shawl, scroll, and sriphal.
The winners will then be asked to:
• Publish a scientific article of 6000 words, to appear
in newsletter, share their experience with other doctors
during the course of scientific conferences and meetings
• Present his paper in a session DERMACON
• Community nature: The project must fall within one of
the five fields described above
Dr Suresh Talwar suggested that one of the Lifetime
achievement Awards be given as Derma Sewa award for
service to Community. It was accepted and the proposal was
passed unanimously.
• Diversity: population targeted, actions put into place,
principal actors.
• Relevance: benefits of the initiative within its context,
relevance of the actions or means put into place in
terms of the subjects addressed, supports used or the
population targeted,
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
2. Proposal: Streamlining Communications
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore, Deepak Parikh,
April 2015
Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
c) For matters of practice pmc@iadvl.org
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
d)Further email ids as required will be designed as
required and communicated to members
Is it constitutional related (select one)? NO, this is related to
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? NO
How will it help IADVL?
The proposal was unanimously passed by the house.
4. Proposal: Streamlining AGBM discussions
• IADVL needs to communicate to members about various
announcements and IADVL activities as envisaged in
the constitution. Many members have often complained
that they do not get proper information in time. Sending
SMS is one of the quickest and most effective means
of doing this. However sending bulk SMS through SMS
providers needs a contract to be signed as per TRAI
regulations which impose penalty for commercial bulk
SMS. However, communicating IADVL information is
transactional and not commercial.
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related (select one)? Administrative-SOP
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
Proposal for streamlining AGBM discussions
Procedures for submission of proposals for IADVL AGBM/CCM
have been streamlined. There is need to further stream line the
procedure for AGBM discussions so that discussion can be
done in a meaningful and fruitful manner.
• Proposal: AGBM recognises the right of members to
receive IADVL information and authorizes and directs
the EC to send such SMS messages as necessary about
various IADVL activities and sign such contracts as
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify? Not
related to constitution- related to SOP
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee?
All proposals would be announced on e groups, members area
of website, 4 weeks before AGBM/CCM. Members would be
invited to go over the proposals and submit their comments
through email to secretary. Any member desirous of speaking
to explain the point would submit his request to the secretary
along with the comment. The last date of receipt of such
comments would be two weeks before AGBM. During the AGBM,
these members who have served notice to speak would be first
given an opportunity to speak. Others from the floor would be
allowed to speak at the discretion of the chair, only if there are
opinions different from those already expressed. If there are
differing points of view, up to a maximum of four members,
generally two opposing and two supporting, would be allowed
to talk on a given point, provided they have an independent
and different opinion( in special situations, more members
may be allowed as per wish of members). Members speaking
to repeat the same point would not be permitted to speak. After
the members speak, the proposal would be decided either by
voice vote or show of hands as decided by the chair.
The proposal was unanimously passed by the house.
3. Proposal: Streamlining Communications- Procedure for
seeking info from IADVL EC
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore, Deepak Parikh,
Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related (select one)? NO, this is related to
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
Members need to seek information on various aspects of
IADVL. Currently there is no laid out procedure for seeking such
information. Often all queries are sent to secretary, who intern
has to send to other officials, leading to delay. Therefore a
procedure needs to be put in place for this purpose
Proposal: Procedure for seeking info from IADVL EC:
Member will write directly to specific email ids seeking specific
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? No
a)For all matters with respect to academy: academy@
The proposal was unanimously passed by the house.
b)For all matters of overall policy president@iadvl.org
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
5. Proposal: For IADVL office
April 2015
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
9. How often does secy/other office bearers visit the premises?
Is it constitutional related (select one)? Administrative
10. Does the premises have a meeting hall? If so how often is
it used?
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
IADVL does not have an office leading to multitude of problems
which are well known. The need for an office has been felt for
long. This proposal addresses this issue.
11. Do you possess Audiovisuals? Yes/NO
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify? Not
related to constitution- related to SOP
13. Do you have Auditor? Are you satisfied with his services?
What are his current fees?
Proposal: It is proposed that applications be invited from state
branches who possess already an office and where IADVL can
share that space. The application would be submitted as per
below form. After receiving such applications, a committee of
three presidents and Gen Secy will inspect the premises, make
an assessment and submit their recommendations for further
action by EC/CC and AGBM.
14. Do you have Website person? Are you satisfied with his
services? What are his current fees?
12. Office equipment: Computers/printer/telephone/internet/
storage space
15. Do you have a legal advisor?
16. Who are your bankers?
17. Mention current monthly expenses of electricity/water/
housekeeping/staff / Tax for corporation/telephone/internet
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? No
Offer for IADVL
Application for hosting IADVL office
1. How much space can be made available for IADVL?
Details of Branch:
2. How long?
City where office is located:
3. Will you be willing to employ additional staff for IADVL?
Connectivity to other major cities:
4. What would be the rental for IADVL? DO you want sharing
of advance amount also? How much of above office
expense sharing would you want from IADVL?
Details of building/other infrastructure
1. What is the Ownership/lease/partnership pattern?
5. Would you be sharing expenses with any other association
other than IADVL?
a)Do you own the building? If so since when?
2. a)If lease, since when?
6. Does your application have approval from city/ state EC/
b)With whom? Who is the owner?
c) For how many years is the agreement valid?
d) When is the lease ending?
7. If IADVL agrees to have its office, who will manage IADVL
affairs? Who will lias with IADVL?
e) What is the notice to be given while vacating?
8. What would be the approximate salary for that person?
f) What is the current rent? How much is the advance paid?
9. Will your branch be willing to accept responsibility for
staff/data/files etc
g)Does your current agreement allow sharing of premises
with IADVL?
10. Confirm that your offer has the support of state EC/AGBM
3. Location; Distance form bus stand/air port
Signature of Secretary
4. Connectivity from other parts of city
5. Parking space: how many cars?
Dr. Suresh Talwar and Dr. Suresh Joshipura added that it would
be better if the premises can have an option of staying for the
members visiting the office. Dr PN Rao raised a query whether
it is only for branches with ownership office or even rental
premises will do. The President brought to his notice that all the
criteria are mentioned in the application and the applications
will be invited shortly and the dates will be communicated
6. Area in sq ft or sq mtrs
7. Present interiors-chambers, board room; include a plan
8. Current Staff; number,
employment, salary
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
their position/duration of
April 2015
and positions if any
The House passed the proposal unanimously.
Number of publications in indexed journals:
6. Proposal: ILDS appreciation award and ILDS directorship
Editorial Positions:
Have you applied /Are you being recommended in any other
society for this position?
Name of proposer/s: Dr Venkataram Mysore, Deepak Parikh,
Suresh Talwar, Rashmi Sarkar, Somesh Gupta
Have you applied in the past for this post either from IADVL or
any other society? If so when? Were you recommended from
IADVL? If so which position?
Is any one of the proposer member of CC? Yes
Is it constitutional related (select one)? NO, this is related to
Please elaborate on your vision for your role as ILDS director
in 100 words:
How will it help IADVL?
Elaborate on how you will promote the cause of IADVL in ILDS
in 100 words
ILDS asks for nominations every year for ILDS appreciation
award and every four years for ILDS directorships. At present no
procedure exists in SOPs for this purpose. Therefore a system
needs to be achieved for establishing transparency and fair
opportunities for all members.
Mention your associations/conflicts with pharma companies,
if any.
Proposal: Once the information is received from ILDS, an
announcement will be made in all official IADVL media inviting
members to apply as per the attached forms. A committee
of three presidents will decide the final selection. The current
presidents can also apply- however, if they apply, they will
recluse from the selection committee and a committee of three
other presidents, who have not applied for the post and have
achieved previous experience in international positions and are
familiar with the functioning of international societies will be
constituted. The decision of the committee will be final.
Application for ILDS appreciation award
Please attach a separate sheet where needed
Membership since:
Please attach a detailed CV, mentioning all academic/
community/ administrative/ organizational/editorial positions,
achievements and activities, publications in indexed journals
with their citation index( list your top five publications), books/
chapters written, research projects
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? NO
In a separate para ( not exceeding 100 words), high light
those activities/positions/achievements which have impacted
the community at large, in particular has received international
recognition or can impact international community.
Application for ILDS Board member application
Pl. Attach a detailed CV, mentioning all academic/community/
administrative/ organizational/editorial positions, achievements
and activities, publications in indexed journals with their citation
index( list your top five publications), books/chapters written,
research projects with emphasis on international contributions
of membership
Administrative post held in IADVL
Are you member of any other dermatological society from
Are you holding any executive post in that association/society?
Are you member of any international society?
Do you hold any post in International societies?
Academic positions in IADVL
Have u applied in the past for this award earlier? If so when?
Are you being recommended for this award by any other
Mention your associations/conflicts with pharma companies,
if any.
Membership no and date
Mention your order of preference: International director/Regional
Administrative post held in IADVL ( at all levels)
Academic positions in IADVL
Are you member of any other dermatological society from
India? Specify societies and positions
Are you member of any international society? Specify societies
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
East Zone
Do you think this needs referral to any specific committee? No.
Dr. Soumya Panda
The President announced that the the name of Dr C R Srinivas
for the ILDS Appreciation Award 2015 from IADVL. The proposal
was passed unanimously .
Armed Forces
Dr. Rajesh Verma
Dr Reena welcomed all to Coimbatore for DERMACON 2016
from Jan 21-24, 2016. Dr CR Srinivas and Dr Reena assured
the House that the venue and accommodation is not a problem.
Agenda 3 : Proposed Budget for the year 2015
Dr Somesh Gupta, Treasurer, IADVL presented the proposed
budget for the year 2015. Dr P. Narasimha Rao felt that the
EC meeting expenses shown around 12,00,000/- ( 12 lacs)
is very high and should be looked into.. Dr Talwar felt that
the budget for medals and mementoes was on higher side.
President,Dr Mysore assured the house that this was only a
proposed budget and actual expenses will be much lesser
The proposed budget was passed unanimously after this
Dr Manas Chaterjee raised a point that he and few others
had to pay extra money for hotel stay at Mangalore inspite of
booking through the Organisers. Dr Rajesh Verma and Dr Rohit
Batra had a similar experience. Dr Manas pointed out that he
was directed to Getz Hospitality (event co-ordinator) when he
approached the Organisers for accommodation and the event
people charged 2000/- per day more than what the hotel was
charging. It was felt that the Event Co-ordinators are taking the
Organisers for a ride.
Agenda 4: Appointment of Auditor
Dr Parikh felt that it would be appropriate to discuss this once
we can clarify the matter with Dr Ramesh Bhat. ( Later in the
day, Dr Ramesh Bhat assured the House that he will look into
this matter as it has come to light just now. The President
requested him to resolve this issue with the Event co-ordinators
before final settlement of bills)
Dr Somesh Gupta, Treasurer IADVL proposed the continuation
of Mr Sanjay Labh as Auditor for 2015 in view of his satisfactory
report in the last year as Auditor. The proposal was passed and
Mr Sanjay Labh will continue as Auditor for the year 2015.
Agenda 6 : Issues with respect to Dermacon 2016 Coimbatoreconfirmation of venue, office bearers and appointment of
central scientific committee members.
Meanwhile, Dr PN Rao said that the organizers face this due
to lack of funds to block hotels in advance. He proposed that
IADVL give more seed money to the Organisers for this purpose.
The President asked how much would be enough because it
may amount to even 50 lacs if all hotels need to be blocked.
The following names were proposed for the scientific committee.
Central Scientific Committee
1.Dr.Sudhir Nayak
2. Dr. Brijesh Nair
3. Dr. Abhay Mani Martin
Dr CR Srinivas felt that it was a good idea to increase the seed
money and should be put up as a formal proposal for next
year. Dr Venkataraman Mysore agreed and urged the members
to come up with a proposal to resolve this issue.
South Zone
Dr CR Srinivas then gave an outline of the Scientific program
which included unusual topics and procedures less followed.
He also stressed on fewer number of halls as empty halls were
not a welcome sight.
1. Dr. Manmohan
North Zone
Dr. Imran Majid and Dr. V.K.Sharma’s name was proposed.
Dr Joshipura brought the fact to the notice of the executive
that as per the Constitution, no one can be Central Scientific
Committee member more than 2 times and that Dr. V.K.Sharma
has been a central committee member for the Agra and Chennai
conferences. In view of the facts , Dr. V.K Sharma withdrew his
nomination and Dr. Imran Majid was given the responsibility to
represent the north zone.
Dr. V.K Sharma proposed that the 5th hall for free papers
should be continued in DERMACON to encourage residents
and as per the MCI norms. Dr. C.R Srinivas assured that the
organizers will consider increasing the free paper sessions as
per the number of entries received.
Dr Talwar raised the point about the food at Mangalore that
North Indian food was not served at all and the quality and
hygiene was not up to the mark. He requested organizers at
Coimbatore to consider Pan -India delegates when the menu
West Zone
Dr. Narendra Patwardhan
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
is decided.
Dr. Deepak Parikh told the house that he was never given any
dates on repeated requests to Dr. Hema Jerajani. Dr. Deepak
told the house that even he doesn’t know about the dates of
Agenda 7: Issues with respect to International conferences:
a) Bidding for World Congress of Dermatology – Dr
Dr. Arijit Coondoo said that Dermacon 2017 will be held in
Kolkatta and hence ADC should be shifted to a far off date
otherwise it would be difficult for both the organisers to garner
sponsorships from the pharma industry.
Dr. Sachidanand asked the permission of the house to send
the e-book version of the IADVL textbook of Dermatology to
ILDS members with regard to the India’ bid for the WCD. Many
members felt that the print version can be sent directly to these
ILDS members but the logistics were not feasible and therefore
the idea was dropped. Dr Sachidanand also proposed a cheese
and wine reception for these 300 ILDS members to interact
with them and thereby increase the chances of our winning the
bid. The budget for the same was partly given by Karnataka
State branch and BDS. It was approved by the House.
Dr. Deepak told the house that he asked the ADA to open the
conference as Dr. Hema Jerajani was unwell and would be
unable to organise herself. But ADA wanted the Conference to
be in Mumbai as it was in their records that venue is Mumbai.
Dr Soumya Panda proposed to shift the conference dates.
Dr. Suresh Joshipura assured the house that there will not
be any problems as far as the sponsorship is concerned and
organisers should go on with their respective plans.
b) SAARC Dermatology Congress Mysore- Dr Jaidev Betkerur
Dr Jaidev Betkerur gave an overview of the SARAD Conference to
be held in Mysore from 4-6 September 2015. He informed the
House that they had decided on 3-4 international speakers and
Complimentary registration and accommodation will be offered
to them. In addition, they would also offer free accommodation
and registration to 1 Post graduate student from each SARAD
Dr. Koushik told the house that as per the precedence whenever
an international conference is held, DERMACONs are dropped
from the calender. He suggested that DERMACON Kolkata
would be a flop show if ADC is held in Mumbai too near to
Dr. Deepak Parikh told that due to rains and festivals it would
not be possible to change the dates of ADC.
Dr VK Sharma felt that there should be more foreign speakers
for the Conference to attract more delegates. He again felt that
the food should cater to Pan- India delegates.
Dr. C. R Srinivas proposed that the IADVL should surrender the
ADC bid if its not possible to organise the conference .
Dr. Venkat opposed the proposal that this would bring bad
reputation to IADVL .
c) Asian Dermatology Congress Mumbai-Dr Hema Jerajani /
Dr Vinay Saraf
Dr. Talwar said that it would give a bad name to IADVL and
will show indecisiveness on our part before the international
Dr Vinay Saraf, Organising Chairman of ADC gave a brief
outline of the ADC to be held in Mumbai in November 2016.
Dr. V.K Sharma Said that the ADA had given the ADC to Dr Hema
Jerajani to which Dr Deepak Parikh objected and told the house
that as per the new norms the ADC has been given to the IADVL
Maharashtra Branch and Asian Dermatology Association(ADA)
has asked to keep the venue – Mumbai.
Dr. Vinay Saraf pointed the fact that doing such a thing might
affect INDIA’ WCD bid.
Dr venkat then put this to voteThe House by voice vote decided to go on with the conference.
Dr. Soumya Panda asked about the tentative dates of the ADC
as they were never published in newsletters.
ADC and DERMACON Kolkata were asked to come up with
mutually agreeable dates wherein ADC can be preponed to
October and DERMACON postponed to February.
Dr. Koushik Lahiri told that ADC was given to INDIA and not
The President closed the matter on this assurance from both
Dr. Suresh Talwar clarified that ADC was given to Mumbai and
not Maharashtra or INDIA.
Agenda 8: Nomination of the Election Officer for the conduct
of 2015 elections
Dr. P N Rao told the house that Dr. Hema decided on dates as
she was the incharge of ADC and he needed to check whether
the dates were discussed in any earlier meetings.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
The house unanimously passed the names of Dr. SDN Gupta for
April 2015
the post of Election officer and Dr. V.K Sharma as the national
observer for the IADVL Elections 2016.
probably kept good images from being uploaded.
Justification: All e-projects actually face a similar problem.
Many good contributors may not be net savvy. Uploading
images with description takes valuable time. Good quality
images are sent to journals for publication. It is therefore felt
that good quality images will only come to a print atlas- where
proper credits will be given. In view of all the above, converting
the online atlas into a print atlas is a good idea.
Agenda 9: To elect Direct Central Branch members
representatives to the Central Council.
Maj Gen A K Patra, Col. Rajesh Verma and Col. Rajan Grewal
were nominated and elected.
Agenda 5 : Presidential Issues
The IADVL atlas will have to be of real good quality and
therefore has to be a collaborative effort of all major institutions,
academicians and members alike. One chief editor will be
appointed who can in turn nominate assistant editors to help
him in the endeavour. An invite in the form of an announcement
would be sent to all members and departments to contribute
images. In addition, academy members and premium
institutions would be specially invited and involved in the
contribution. There would be a specific deadline of four months
by which images are to be submitted with a brief 2 to 3 line
explanation. After this, the editor shall analyse the output and
if further images are required, contact IJDVL and authors for
permission. This would enable editor to compete collection by
6 months & printing by 1 year.
A) Academy and SIGs
Dr Manas Chatterjee informed the House that there will be 2
Academy Newsletters and gave an overview of the various
Dr Mysore put forth an important issue about continuation of
SIG Trichology. Though, it was discontinued in the last AGBM at
Delhi, the members had a feeling that this is an important SIG
and it should be revived. He proposed that SIG Trichology be
continued with DR B S Chandrashekhar as SIG Convenor. This
proposal was passed unanimously.
Proposal No. 7: Dermatology Online Atlas to be converted
Name of proposer/s: Biju Vasudevan, Manas Chatterjee,
Venkatram Mysore
It is therefore proposed that the online dermatology atlas project
be converted into a printed atlas project with contributions
expected from all concerned to produce a real quality product.
Type: Administrative
How will it help IADVL? By converting it into a printed atlas,
everybody, including IADVL, stand to benefit. It will be a good
academic venture not undertaken before by IADVL. It will be
a ready reckoner for Residents and Dermatologists alike
as reference material when they are faced with dilemmas
in clinical diagnosis. The authors and contributors will get
authorship credits in print alongside the images. It will add on
to the already existing successful academic ventures like IADVL
textbook and its concise form for undergraduates. Finally it will
also generate royalty and income to IADVL.
Proposal: It is proposed that the project of Dermatology Online
Atlas be converted into a printed atlas project.
Introduction and Background: The Dermatology Online Atlas
project by IADVL has not met its logical conclusion of producing
an online atlas with good quality images. Initially, lot of issues
with the website portal similar to that experienced by the surgical
registry was faced. The portal was not stable, it had provided
long passwords and after 2 minutes or so the website would go
back to home page, not saving all uploads. Then there were
issues with the uploading. The images would get uploaded,
but all the descriptions of the image were not matching up.
Once the portal issues were sorted out, images were uploaded
by very few of the registering users. Probably the credit for the
uploader, not being there in print, led to disinterest in uploading
images. But what negated the originating idea was the quality
of images uploaded. Most of the uploaded images were of poor
quality and not worthy of use. There was also the problem of
copyright of images. Whether images from published articles of
Indian journals can be used and whether the images uploaded
by the users will be used by online hacking by somebody else,
were also some other issues which were raised. These also
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr Manas informed the House that this was a Presidential
project and the online version initiated earlier did not work,
therefore it is to be launched as a print version.
Dr P Narsimha Rao asked about the expenses to IADVL to
which the President replied that there won’t be any expenses as
this will be published by a publisher and we will get Royalty
instead. It was passed by the House.
Dr Venkataraman Mysore told the House that the 4 Institutes
for International Dermatopathology Fellowship have been
generous enough and waived off the registration fees for
our Fellows. Now, IADVL needs to do its bit and therefore he
April 2015
proposed a grant of Rs 50000/- from IADVL for International
Dermatopathology Fellowship. It was passed unanimously.
apply, He put forth to the House to decide.
Dr Rajan Grewal said that there should be a limit for number of
scholarships per person and a person receiving a scholarship
(National/International) once should not be eligible again.
Presidential Issues - continued
Dermatologic Nursing : Dr Venkataraman Mysore proposed to
have CD recordings which will serve as special training for
Clinic staff in Dermatologic Nursing and also for Receptionists
for better communication skills. These CDs will then be sent to
all members and will prove useful to educate their staff.
Dr PN Rao also suggested that the scholarship should be
given only after the candidate has presented the paper at the
Conference and has proof of the same. Status –Passed
Multicentric studies: (Vitiligo, Pulse therapy, therapy of SJS/TEN
etc) – These will be IADVL Academy directed and funded from
existing grants. Dr Saumya Panda commented that DGCI has
taken a very rigid stand in approving studies. Dr Grewal said
that it would be difficult to go on with the studies and to be
sorted out before starting these studies. The President said that
he will discuss with the Academy separately. Dr Godse said
that epidemiological studies will not be affected.
Dr CR Srinivas expressed his opinion that Dermatologic Nursing
is fine but training for receptionists be better avoided as the
requirements would vary in various clinics.
Hair CMEs ( Digital) : Four digital CMEs were proposed based
on Trichology, 1) Trichoanalysis and Diagnosis 2) Medical
Manangement of Hair disorders 3) Platelet Rich Plasma(PRP)
4) Surgical Management of Hair disorders. Dr PN Rao said
that PRP was a controversial topic as the results are not
documented enough and IADVL should not endorse this. Dr
Venkat Mysore proposed that we add a disclaimer that ‘IADVL
does not endorse these workshops and member discretion is
needed’. Passed unanimously.
Dr Manas Chaterjee proposed the budget for the Academy and
it was passed unanimously.
Administrative Proposal
8. Proposal: Funding for Media Advertisements
Dermatology Online Lecture Series: The President proposed
that we will have Online lecture series and can be telecast from
one site and will be available to teaching in states all over the
country. He added that the cost will be around 8 lacs and in all
probability, there will be no financial burden on IADVL. Passed
Name of proposer/s: Dr KIRAN GODSE
I/we are not able to classify and accept ECs view
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction.
IADVL needs separate fund for Media Advertisement or IADVL
can take sponsorship from pharma companies for the same.
Dermatopathology Virtual Microscopy course: Dr Mysore
informed the members about this unique course in
Dermatopathology comprising of 25 lectures of 30 minutes
each through DVDs.
IADVL can post an advertisement to general public in major
newspapers regarding IADVL and qualified dermatologist in
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify? NO
The cost to IADVL would be 1.25 lacs. Passed
Give detail of the clause – page no. and clause no.
Workshop on Lasers and Aesthetics: 10 workshops on lasers
and aesthetics either alone or with Dermatosurgery were
proposed. Industry support will be present. Passed.
Proposal: (It should be properly worded/drafted)
IADVL needs separate fund for advertisement in major
newspapers of India.
Research Methodology Workshops: Co-ordinator-Dr Deepak
Parikh. 4 workshops in 4 cities in this year, preferably nonmetros with sizeable number of Post-graduates to be selected.
Practice management WS:
IADVL can take sponsorship from Pharma companies to release
Pilot project can be done in major metros.
8-10 workshops proposed.
(example is by Dr .Reddy’s lab about hair fall and role of
Scholarships for Members : The president proposed
scholarships for members to attend National and International
Conferences, based on application to IADVL Academy. There
will not be Age bar. Even members above 35 years of age can
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Does this proposal need referral? No
The proposal was unanimously rejected by the house.
April 2015
electoral process.
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?Yes
9.Proposal: Reaching out to members for e-voting
Give detail of the clause – page no 37 and clause no 27 (rand
Name of proposer/s: Dr Narendra G Patwardhan
Is it administrative ? Yes
Proposal: The present electoral system is transparent and we
do have full faith in the team led by the election officer. This
proposal will make it more transparent.
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction. – This is to reach
many more members to enrol for e voting
IADVL should collect all the ballot papers in one post box
of the general post office (GPO) of the city from where the
election officer is residing. All envelopes with ballot papers
should be collected immediately after the scheduled time of the
last date is over. He may be accompanied by two other senior
dermatologists from the same city appointed by the president.
This is basically to overcome the inadvertent manual error
which is likely to occur when the due date is over.
If constitutional – will it replace existing clause? Or modify?No
Give detail of the clause – page no- 34-37 and clause no –
nil..... e voting
Proposal: In spite of mammoth efforts from IADVL and E
voting in charge, we have not been able to enrol more than
500 members. This is because we are not able to reach them
through IADVL Yahoo groups. I propose to reach many more
members with the help of few pharma companies with a slip
to be filled in by the members who are willing to join e voting.
The paper slip will have columns like Name, LM number, Date
of birth and working e mail id and cell number. We should not
have any financial or commercial commitment with the pharma
companies. We should aim to enrol at least 2000 members in
the coming year with this effort. Also e voting should android
Does this proposal need referral? – Don’t know
For office use:
Date when received:
If referred – when and to whom? Reply must come within one
What is the conclusion of the referring committee (to be
included with the proposal)
Does this proposal need referral? No
Dr. P N Rao said that most members do not want to go for e
When was proposal placed before committee. EC/CC/AGM
Dr Mysore said that we can now use the Mobile App for this
The President assured that the EC will look into this possibility.
Status: passed/rejected
Moreover the house was against using the resources of any
pharma company to collect data. The privacy of members need
to be respected. A vote was taken, House voted against and the
proposal was rejected unanimously.
Presidential Issues (continued) - Practice management cell
Dr. Narendra Gokhale told the house about the new initiatives
of the Practice Management Cells.
On similar lines, Dr Rashmi Sarkar asked the House whether
IADVL database can be given to some agents for promotional
purpose. The members felt that Pharma companies might not
misuse our data but other agents might do so, therefore should
not be shared unless they are organizing an IADVL program.
A new software is under construction for the IADVL members.
The prescription software will be a cloud based software . It
would cost IADVL Rs250/- per member for the basic plan. It
would be an online software with a one month offline storage
facility. The software would be legally compliant, safe and
secure . It would be available in English with an option to
incorporate local languages. A trial would be conducted in near
future before making the software available to the members.
Proposal No. 15, Page 135 IADVL Elections
Name of proposer/s: Dr Narendra Patwardhan
Is it constitutional related (select one) OR
Dr Deepak Parikh expressed concern over the safety of the Data
on Cloud. The President said that it will be initially tried as a
trial version and later considered for a larger scale.
I/we are not able to classify and accept ECs view
How will it help IADVL? Brief introduction – This suggestion,
if implemented will bring more transparency in the IADVL
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr C R Srinivas said that DERMACON Coimbatore is considering
paying Honorarium to the faculty but Registration fees waiver
would be confusing and impractical. Dr Rohit Batra suggested
we keep early bird fees at all times for faculty. Dr Srinivas felt
this would again create confusion and honorarium would be
Community Projects - IADVL Chala gaon Ki Ore & Swach
Tvacha, Swasth Tvacha.
The President informed the House that the State branches had
participated in a survey and finalized a date in 3rd/ 4th week of
September for IADVL Chala gaon ki Ore.
For Swach Tvacha, Swasth Tvacha – posters will be prepared
and displayed in the Clinics. Dr Raghunatha Reddy also
suggested we add Waste Management to the project.
He also felt that honorarium could be given easily according to
the categories like Speaker, Panelist Chairperson etc.
The President summed up the issue and put forth a suggestion
that Dr Reena and Dr CR Srinivas decide on the number of
faculty and what best can be done accordingly. This issue will
be further discussed in CC meeting.
With this, the President informed the House that all proposals
were done and any proposals with the permission of the Chair
will be taken up.
He then invited Dr Shyam Verma as promised earlier regarding
the issue he had raised earlier but Dr Verma did not want to
continue further. However, he asked for some time to present
a short overview of IDOJ. He was granted the same by the
President. He spoke about IDOJ since its inception and the
milestones it had achieved. He also welcomed Dr Sunil Dogra
as IDOJ Editor Select and expressed complete faith in his
B) Dr Raghunatha Reddy brought to the notice of the House
that half of EC members are sponsored for DERMACON
whereas both Vice – Presidents and Joint sec retaries are
not sponsored. He also put forth the fact that Vice-Presidents
and Joint Secretaries are no longer inactive, thanks to
Presidents, Dr Parikh & Dr Mysore. Therefore, he proposed
that all EC members be treated equally and the rest of the
EC be also sponsored for DERMACON.
Any other matter, not exceeding two subject, allowed by the
president. Any other matters with the permission of the chair
(not more than two items permitted).
Dr C R Srinivas said that it was at the discretion of the
DERMACON organisers whether even the President will be
sponsored or not. Dr Reddy said that he was not expecting it
from the DERMACON organisers but it could be done from the
IADVL share of the profit.
Dr Raghunatha Reddy, Vice- President IADVL came up with two
proposals with the permission of the Chair.
Dr Venkataraman Mysore also felt that the Academy Convenor
and Chairman should also be considered.
A) As is true with most associations, Faculty at DERMACON
should be appreciated for the efforts put in by them for
the Conference. Therefore, he proposed that Faculty at
DERMACON should be given waiver of the Registration
The President assured the members that this will be placed
before the CC in the CC meeting and if feasible, it will be
With all proposal and Agenda addressed, The President
thanked the organizers for providing the space for the meeting
and for their hospitality.
Dr Parikh said that this point has been raised in the past
but Faculty at DERMACON, if an IADVL member is doing his
bit for his own association and therefore was not given any
special benefits. If an invited faculty, it is taken care of. He also
raised the point as to who all come in the purview of Faculty –
Speakers, panelists, moderators, chairpersons, etc.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Hon. General Secretary Dr Rashmi Sarkar thanked all the
members and declared the meeting closed.
April 2015
IADVL Election Results 2015
President Elect
1 Dr. Arun C Inamadar
2 Dr. Devesh Mishra
3 Dr. Devinder Mohan Thappa
4 Dr. Narendra G Patwardhan
1 Dr. P D Joshi Patodekar
2 Dr. Raghunatha Reddy R
3 Dr. Rajesh M Buddhadev
4 Dr. (Brig.) Sanjeev Vaishampayan
Vice President
5 Dr. Siddhartha Das
Joint Secretary Elected Unopposed
Dr Manish V Gautam
DR Rohit Batra
Venue of DERMACON 2017 Elected Unopposed
Kolkata by West Bengal Branch
Dr Rashmi Sarkar, Hony Sec retary, Dr Somesh Gupta, Treasurer to continue for second year of their term (no elections held)
Dr VK Sharma
Election Officer IADVL for EC 2015
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Orations & Award 2015
IADVL-Dr B.M.Ambady Oration
Dr Sanjeev Mulekar
For DVL Trust
Dr Chetan Patel
IADVL Oration
Dr Arijit Coondoo
Dr Prashant Palwade
IADVL-Systopic Oration
Dr Nina Madnani
For IADVL Quiz Committee
Dr Vijay Zawar
Dr Vineet Relhan/Dr Rahul
For IADVL Website Development
Dr. J. C. Shroff Memorial Award
Dr. A. K. Jaiswal
Prof. Ratan Singh Award
Dr. S. Sacchidanand
Prof. K. C. Kandhari Award
Dr. R J. Fernandez
Prof. L. K. Bhutani Award
Dr. Sanjeev Handa
Prof. V. N. Sehgal Award
Dr. C Balachandran
IADVL Awards Recipients 2015
IJDVL and IDOJ Awards
Bishnupriya Devi Award for best original article
A new occlusive patch test system comparable to IQ and Finn
Shaziya Z Sajun Merchant, Ashlesha D Vaidya, Anjali Salvi,
Rajiv S Joshi, Rashmikant B Mohile
Prof. Ganapati Panja Memorial Award Dr. Vijay K Garg
Prof. G. Senthalmil Selvi Award
Dr. Vinay Keshavamurthy
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:291-5.
Vinay K, Chandrasegaran A, Kanwar AJ, Saikia UN, Kaur H,
Shivaprakash MR, Dogra S. Primary cutaneous mucormycosis
presenting as a giant plaque: Uncommon presentation of a rare
mycosis. Mycopathologia. 2014;178:97-101.
Indubala Memorial Award for best article on occupational
contact dermatitis/contact dermatitis
Occupational contact dermatitis among construction workers:
Results of a pilot study
Dr Sethuraman Gomathy
Prof. S. Premalatha Award
Vikas Sharma, Vikram K Mahajan, Karaninder S Mehta,
Pushpinder S Chauhan
G. Sethuraman, V. Sreenivas, V.K. Yenamandra, N. Gupta,
V.K. Sharma, R.K. Marwaha, N. Bhari, M. Irshad, M. Kabra,
Sanjay Thulkar. Threshold levels of 25(OH)D and parathyroid
hormone for impaired bone health in children with congenital
Ichthyosis in type IV and V skin. Br J Dermatol 2014
Dr. L. N. Sinha memorial Award
Best Teachers Awards
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:159-61.
Best Case Report
Dr. Shyamanta Barua
Lyme disease in Haryana, India
North - Dr. A J Kanwar
West - Dr. Yogesh Marfatia
South - Dr. V Govri
East - Dr. Pijush K Datta
AFMC – Col. Sanjay Vaishampaiyam
Vijayeeta Jairath, Manu Sehrawat, Nidhi Jindal, VK Jain, Parul
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:320-3
Best Image in Clinical Practice
Pediatric tuberous xanthomas
IADVL Life Time Achievement Award Dr. Kalyan Banerjee
Fellowship of IADVL
Dr. A. K. Bajaj
Yugal K Sharma, Aayush Gupta, Nitin D Chaudhari
Dr. T. Gopinathan
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:335.
Dr Parimalan Kumar
Best Letters to Editor (2 prizes)
1 Multibacillary leprosy: Follow up observations on 19 patients
treated with 12 monthly doses of rifampicin, ofloxacin and
minocycline therapy in Agra
Dr B.V.Sathyanarayanan IADVL Thesis Award
Dr. Kavita Bisherwal
Comparison of percentage proportion of anal and cervical
dysplasia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive and
High Risk Negative women
Anil Kumar, Bhavneswar Kumar Girdhar
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:156-9.
2 ‘Swiss cheese’ appearance of dilated follicular infundibula in
IADVL President’s Appreciation Awards 2014
For IADVL Research Methodology Workshops
Rajiv Joshi
Dr Saumya Panda
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. 2014; 80:257-8.
Case Report
Sarkar S, Roychoudhury S, Shrimal A, Das K. Cerebriform
intradermal nevus presenting as cutis verticis gyrata with
multiple cellular blue nevus over the body: A rare occurrence.
Indian Dermatol Online J 2014;5:34-7
Letter to editor
Gole P, Madke B, Khopkar U, Kumar P, Noronha V, Yadav
M. Side effects of Sorafenib and sunitinib: A new concern
for dermatologist and oncologist. Indian Dermatol Online J
Original Article
Mahajan BB, Singla M. Evaluation of intralesional
plaque psoriasis. Indian Dermatol Online J 2014;5:287-90
IADVL Scholarship Awardees for 23rd WCD 2015
LM above 35 years
1. Dr Imran Majid
2. Dr K.T.Ashique
3. Dr Nina Madnani
4. Dr Arijit Coondoo & Dr Feroze Kaliyadan
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
LM below 35 years
1. Dr Geeti Khullar
2. Dr Sidharth Sonthalia
3. Dr Dinesh Kumar
4. Dr M.A.Sandeep
1. Dr Riti Bhatia
2. Dr Anupam Das
3. Dr Akshita R.Shetty
4. Dr Teena Ramesh M
April 2015
IADVL Academy Report, November 2014-February 2015
IADVL Academy of Dermatology Members and SIG Coordinators
12. Dr. Vishalakshi Vishwanath (2014-15)
The following are the IADVL Academy of Dermatology
members and SIG Coordinators for 2015:
IADVL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and their Coordinators
1. Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reaction (2013-15): Dr. Lalit
Chairperson: Col. Dr. Manas Chatterjee (2014-15)
Convener/Chairperson Designate: Dr. Ameet Valia (2014-15)
Convener Designate: Dr. K A Seetharam (2015)
2. Dermatology Clinical Trial (2013-15): Dr. Saumya
3. Dermatology Nursing (2013-15): Dr. Vineet Kaur
4. Dermatopathology (2013-15): Dr. Nandakumar
Dr. Deepak Parikh (Immediate Past President) (2015)
Dr Devesh Mishra (President Elect) (2015)
5. Dermatosurgery (2014-16): Dr T Salim
Dr Somesh Gupta (Hon. Treasurer) (2014-15)
6. Genodermatoses (2013-15): Dr. Archana Singal
Dr Arun C. Inamadar (Imm. Past Academy Chairperson)
7. Lasers & Aesthetic Dermatology (2013-15): Dr. Sanjeev
Dr Shyamanta Barua (Imm. Past Academy Convener) (201415)
8. Leprosy (2014-16): Dr V V Pai
Dr. P. Narasimha Rao (Imm. Past Hon. General Secretary)
9. Pediatric Dermatology (2013-15): Dr. Manish Shah
Dr D. B. N. Murthy (Imm. Past Hon. Treasurer) (2014-15)
11. Psoriasis (2015-16): Dr. Murlidhar Rajagopalan
Dr M. Ramam (Editor, IJDVL) (2014-16)
12. Trichology (2015-16): Dr. BS Chandrashekhar
Dr Shyam Verma (Editor, IDOJ) (2013-15)
As approved by the GB, Academy members have been given
designations, with independent responsibilities for different
activities of the Academy:
10. Pigmentary Dermatoses (2014-16): Dr Nilendu Sarma
Ex-Officio Members
Dr Venkatram Mysore (President) (2015)
1. IADVL Online Lecture Series Coordinators: Dr. Manjunath
Shenoy/Dr. DA Satish
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar (Hon. General Secretary) (2014-15)
2. IADVL Training Fellowships Coordinators: Dr KM Ajith
Tharakan/Dr Bikash Ranjan Kar
1. Dr. Sandipan Dhar (2014-15)
3. IADVL SIG Coordinators: Dr Sunil Dogra/Dr Iffat Hassan
2. Dr. Sunil Dogra (2014-15)
4. IADVL Academy Publications Coordinators: Dr Vishalakshi
Vishwanath/Dr Krina Patel
3. Dr Iffat Hassan (2015-16)
4. Dr A J Kanwar (2015-16)
5. IADVL Research Grants Coordinators: Dr. Tanmay Padhi/
Dr Biju Vasudevan
5. Dr Bikash Ranjan Kar (2015-16)
6. IADVL Research Coordinators: Dr. Sandipan Dhar/Dr A J
6. Dr. Tanmay Padhi (2014-15)
7. Dr Krina Patel (2015-16)
8. Dr D A Satish (2015-16)
Reconstitution of IADVL SIGs
9. Dr. Manjunath Shenoy (2014-15)
The tenure of several SIGs ended this year (SIGs on
Curriculum Development & Training, Leg Ulcers, Psoriasis and
Psychodermatology), while some others were prematurely
terminated (ones on Occupational & Environmental
10. Dr. Ajith Tharakan (2014-15)
11. Dr Biju Vasudevan (2015-16)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dermatology, Pemphigus, STIs & HIV, Teledermatology,
Therapeutic Guidelines, Trichology and Urticaria). Applications
were invited for membership of SIGs on Trichology and
Scientific Program of 43rd DERMACON, Mangalore, 2015
For the first time, an IADVL Research Grant session was held in
a DERMACON. Six recipients of IADVL research grants (IADVLL’Oreal Hair and Skin Research Grant-2013 and IADVL SIG
Research Grant-2013) were selected.
The General Body approved an increase in the number of SIG
members to 10, in addition to three members who could be
IADVL Training Fellowships
To promote research in dermatology, the IADVL in collaboration
with Galderma and Ranbaxy has initiated grants of Rs 15 lakhs
and Rs 14 lakhs respectively. Applications for these grants
have been invited.
Nine centres for IADVL Training Fellowships were approved,
as per criteria approved by the IADVL Central Council at its
meeting in Aurangabad on August 16, 2014.
Sixty two candidates applied for these fellowships, with each
one being given up to choices:
IADVL SIG Research Grant-2015
To promote research in dermatology, the IADVL has invited
applications for grants of Rs 10 lakhs from SIGs.
1. Dr Renu George, CMC, Vellore: Paediatric Dermatology
2. Dr Renu George, CMC: Dermatopathology (8)
IADVL SIG Activities
3. Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Pune: Dermatopathology (5)
IADVL SIG Cutaneous Adverse Drug Reactions
4. Dr DG Saple, Mumbai, HIV and AIDS (4)
A 90-min scientific session on Adverse Cutaneous Drug
Reaction (ACDR) and Severe Cutaneous Adverse reaction
(SCAR) was organized at DERMAZONE East and 6th Annual
Conference of IADVL Jharkhand Branch held on 19th-21st Dec
2014 at Jamshedpur.
5. Dr Kiran Godse, DY Patil Medical College, Urticaria (5)
6. Dr Laxmisha Chandrashekhar, JIPMER: Dermoscopy (6)
7. Dr H V Nataraj, BMCRI: Trichology (25)
A patient information sheet in English and Hindi on CADRs has
been prepared and will be uploaded on the SIG/Academy page
of the IADVL website.
8. Dr Subrata Malakar, Rita Skin Foundation, Kolkata:
Dermatosurgery (25)
9. Dr Suresh Talwar, Lucknow: Laser and Aesthetics (23)
A one hour session, comprising of 4 diadactic lectures and
a panel discussion, was successfully conducted at the 43rd
DERMACON, Mangalore to comprehensively cover the topic of
In response to the number of applications, the centres and
the IADVL EC approved 4 fellowships of 4 weeks each per
centre. 33 recipients of fellowships were selected by Academy
members and the list was announced during DERMACON. The
General Body approved the payment of up to Rs 10,000 per
candidate as administrative fees to centres, which is in addition
to the fellowship amount of Rs 10,000 to a candidate.
-Lalit Kumar Gupta, Coordinator, SIG-CADR
IADVL SIG Dermatology Clinical Trials
The SIG has been busy with processing the respective
regulatory requirements for the timolol project with the
respective Institutional Ethics Committees and the DCGI Office
at New Delhi.
IADVL Training Fellowship Centre Applications
Applications are being invited from centres for recognition as
IADVL Training Fellowship Centres, with an updated form.
-Dr Saumya Panda, Coordinator
IADVL Academy Memberships
IADVL SIG Dermatology Nursing
For the first time, the EC decided to invite applications for
Academy memberships from IADVL members. An application
form was drafted by the Academy and six members were
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
The process of trying to get colleagues to look at the uploaded
orientation pack for nurses was initiated. As is to be expected,
it will be a while before it is used and and feedback received.
In the meanwhile, colleagues from the SIG team have been
April 2015
requested to continue the process of one day workshops for
nurses in their respective settings. The next step is to help every
team member choose an area of nursing expertise e.g. Lasers,
cutaneous surgery etc. Whose SIGs they will liaise with and
produce a position statement on the minimum training required
for nurses in that field.
IADVL SIG Leg Ulcers
The IADVL SIG Research Grant-2012 multi-centric study on
‘Detection of contact allergens in chronic venous ulcers’ was
completed and its results presented by Dr.Manjunath Shenoy in
the IADVL Research Projects session in the 43rd DERMACON
in Mangalore.
Dr Ranjan Raval had taken a lecture for 150 nursing students
on the anatomy of the skin, and common bacterial, fungal,
viral and parasitic infections of the skin in Ahmedabad.
-Dr Reena Rai, Coordinator
An academic meeting on “Drug resistance in leprosy” was held
on Sunday, 11-.01.2015 at District Training Centre, Nanded
by SIG Leprosy in collaboration with Dr P D Joshi Patodekar,
Past President IADVL Maharashtra Branch and Consultant
Dermatologist, Nanded who was the Convener of the meeting.
- Dr Vineet Kaur, Coordinator
IADVL SIG Dermatosurgery
A workshop was conducted at Aurangabad on December 7,
2014 in association with the IADVL Maharashtra branch and
the IADVL Marathawada chapter.
A Questionnaire was designed after several rounds of
discussions and suggestions from IADVL Academy and SIG
members to collect basic information and data pertaining to the
number of patients and type of patients, reactions and facilities
available for management of the disease in private practice
and the same has been sent to the members for their feedback.
This will hopefully help to understand the prevalence in the
private domain and impress upon the Govt of India to get a
near realistic status of leprosy in the country.
Six patient education leaflets in dermatosurgery were prepared.
Dr T Salim, Coordinator
IADVL SIG Genodermatoses
Dr Atul Kochhar, IADVL Delhi State Branch President and
Member, SIGGD, organized a session (on request of members
DSB) during the IADVL Delhi State CUTICON on December 7,
2014 titled ‘Genetic counseling: Myths and realities’.
The IADVL SIG Leprosy will be associated as an official partner
for the IAL Midterm Conference on April 11 and 12 in Hyderabad.
-Dr. Archana Singal, Coordinator
-Dr V V Pai, Coordinator
IADVL SIG Lasers and Aesthetics
A 3-hour workshop was conducted on December 19, 2014
during IADVL Maharashtra branch CUTICON-2014 by SIGLA
coordinator Dr Sanjeev Aurangabadkar, Convener Dr Shehnaz
Arsiwala and core member Dr Swapnil Shah, Advisor Dr
Niteen Dhepe and Dr GK Shah. Over 200 delegates were
treated to didactic lectures on various wavelengths and clinical
applications of lasers, followed by demonstrations of multiple
laser systems on a large number and extensive variety of
indications on patients. The subsequent panel discussion for
applications of lasers on various cases in clinical scenario
moderated by Dr. Sanjeev drew great inputs from all the
panelists and evoked enthusiastic participation from delegates.
The SIGLA team congratulates and thanks the team CUTICON
2014 Maharashtra, Dr Vibhavari Nigale, Dr Manish Gautam,
Dr Sharmila Patil, Dr Uday Khopkar and Dr Deepak Kulkarni for
great support and success.
IADVL SIG Pediatric Dermatology
‘Pediatric Dermatology Pulse’ newsletter will be submitted to
the Academy by 4th January 2015 for E-circulation.
An ambitious project of patient information leaflets in multiple
languages is under way.
-Dr. Manish K. Shah, Co-ordinator
IADVL SIG Pemphigus
A patient information leaflet has been prepared. Once approved
by the IADVL Academy, all attempts shall be made to translate
it to the local language and distribute it across the country to
all dermatologists.
Guidelines for the management of pemphigus were submitted
to IDOJ for publication.
-Dr Raghavendra Rao, Coordinator
A one hour session was conducted in the 43rd DERMACON at
IADVLSIG Pigmentary Disorders
A Dermatoscopy workshop was held on Jan 4, 2015 at
-Dr Sanjeev Aurangabadkar, Coordinator & Dr Shehnaz
Arsiwala, Convener
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
An. E-Newsletter with a special focus on Dermatoscopy was
published in February 2015.
IADVL SIG Trichology
It was decided to start a 1-year fellowship in trichology at LTM
Medical College & Hospital, Mumbai.
-Dr Nilendu Sarma, Coordinator
A patient information sheet for Androgenetic alopecia was
prepared by Dr Sukesh & Dr Rachita Dhurat and one on
Follicular hair transplantation, by Dr Sunil Mishra & Dr Rachita
IADVL SIG Psychodermatology
In CUTICON Maharashtra a one and half hour sensitization
program was conducted and well appreciated.
-Dr. Abdul Latheef EN, Coordinator
A workshop on ‘Hair raising techniques’, with a live
demonstration on preparation of Platelet rich plasma, was
conducted in association with the IADVl Marathwada chapter
at Aurangabad on February 1, 2015.
Patient information leaflets on vaginal discharge, scabies,
pediculosis pubis, PID, herpes, balanoposthitis, epididymoorchitis were prepared.
-Dr Rachita Dhurat, Coordinator
IADVL SIG Urticaria
-Dr Nitin Walia, Coordinator
A Pediatric Dermatology CME in November 2014 and one on
Aestheic Dermatology in December 2014 were jointly organised
by the INSTED and the IADVL CCC, and web casted.
A symposium on Urticaria was conceptualised and conducted
by Dr Zawar at CUTICON Maharashtra 2014 at Mumbai in
December, 2014. Titled “Breakfast with Urticarians”, the
speakers were Dr C R Srinivas, Dr Col Verma, Dr Zawar and
Dr Saoji.
A one hour session was conducted in the 43rd DERMACON at
-Dr Parimalam Kumar, Coordinator
The IADVL SIG Urticaria Newsletter was prepared by Dr Col
Verma and his student Dr Neelam with expert inputs from Dr
Zawar, Dr Godse and Dr Saraswat.
IADVL SIG Teledermatology
-Dr Vijay Zawar, Coordinator
IADVL SIG Therapeutic Guidelines
A one hour session was conducted in DERMACON 2015
at Mangalore. Guidelines on the management of infantile
hemangiomas, keloids and methotrexate in psoriasis were
presented. They will now be finalized and sent to IDOJ for peer
review as per decision of the GBM.
Dr Manas Chatterjee
Dr Ameet Valia
IADVL Academy of Dermatology (2014-15)
The SIG was requested to write on Guidelines on how to
prepare guidelines. This is being finalized and will be presented
to the Academy members so that it can benefit all the SIGs for
preparation of guidelines.
IADVL Academy of Dermatology (2014-15)
-Dr Niti Khunger, Coordinator
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL-GSK National Quiz Program for Postgraduates: IGNQPP: 2014-15
IGNQPP was held across different states of India. A quiz was conducted at each state annual conference
i.e Cuticon by the chosen quiz masters, allocated to respective states. All the finalist teams at various
Cuticons were invited to appear for the prelims conducted at the Dermacon 2015 held at Mangalore. The
prelims were conducted by Dr Rajesh Kumar and Dr Akshay Jain on 11th February, 2015. 14 teams
appeared for the written quiz prelims. Four finalists were further selected for the Megafinals. This included:
1. Dr Sonali Bhat and Dr Anuradha from PGI, Chandigarh
2. Dr Ankan Gupta and Dr Dipty Agarwal from BJMC, Ahmedabad
3. Dr Anirban Das and Dr Anupam Das from Calcutta Medical College, Kolkata
4. DR S M Kutty and Dr Febin Ashraf from Calicut Medical College, Calicut.
Being one of the most exciting program of Dermacon, it was highly attended on 14th February, 2015 morning. The megafinal quiz
masters were Dr Vijay Zawar and Dr Biju Vasudevan. A powerpoint presentation of various rounds including eight usual rounds
and one rapid fire round. The delegates found two rounds done as buzzer rounds the most exciting of all the rounds.
Dr Sonali Bhat and Dr Anuradha from the PGI Chadigarh were the winners of this year’s megafinals.
Feedbacks were gathered from each Cuticon quiz master regarding the conduct of quiz and the quality of support of local
IGNQPP is one of the most popular of IADVL having high utility for the postgraduate students across India. As a chairperson of
the quiz committee, it was a huge responsibility on me to coordinate the program throughout the year and it was a great pleasure
to be a quiz master for the megafinals.
This was only possible due to cooperation and guidance by Dr Deepak Parikh and Dr Rashmi Sarkar and the committee members
comprising of Dr Biju Vasudevan, Dr Tarang Goyal, Dr Suneil Gandhi, Dr Rajesh Kumar and Dr Akshay jain.
I must profusely thank Dr Deepak Parikh and Dr Rashmi Sarkar for giving me this opportunity. My sincere acknowledgement is
also due for the GSK pharma for supporting the program.
Thank you.
Dr Vijay Zawar, MD; DNB; DVD; FAAD
Consultant Dermatologist
Nashik, Maharashtra.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
State Presidents and Secretaries 2015
Dr. K A Seetharam
Email: seetharamka@gmail.com
Dr.Mukesh Girdhar
Mob.: 09810078198
Email: mukeshgirdhar@hotmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. A. Kavitha
Mob.:Email: drattotakavitha@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Rajat Khandari
Mob.: 9811603070
Email: secretaryiadvldsb@gmail.com
Dr. Devesh Sinha
Mob. :- 09939970691
E-mail : iadvlpresidentbihar@gmail.com
Dr. Kamaljit Singh
GF, Rachna flats, Bhaleras Tekri,
Kharivav Road, Raopura, Vadodara
Gujarat 390001
Mob.: 09825363003
Email: drkamaljit68@yahoo.in
Dr. Abhishek Kumar Jha
A.K. Jha Amar Skin & Laser Institute
Prafulla Plaza, Makhania Kuan
Patna - 800 004, Bihar
Mob. : 9955545555, 9473420990
E-mail : abhishekjha@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Chirayu Bardoliwala
12-A, Amit Nagar society,
VIP Road, Vadodara
Gujarat 390022
Mob.: 9825353978
Email:- drchirayub@hotmail.com
Dr. Alok Dixit
Skin Specialist,
‘Ashirwad’ Padmanabhpur,
Mobile: 788-40120058
Email: dralokdixit@yahoo.in
Dr. V.B Nagpal
H.No. 286, Subhash nagar,
Mobile: 09896091632
Email: dhvn25@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Deepak Sarkar
Skin Care, Tikrapara Bilaspur-495001
Mobile: 0775-2402991
Email: deepaksarkar@rediffmail.com
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Sanjeev Goel
Goyal Skin & VD Clinic,
Dabwali Road,
Sirsa – 125055, Haryana
Mobile: 09812130222
Email: drsanjeevgoel26@gmail.com
April 2015
Dr. S.K. Ravi
Vikram enterprises,
Sector- 1c, East of ram Mandir,
Bokaro Steel city.
Mobile: 09431322777
Email: dr.skravi@gmail.com
Dr. K. Narendra Kamath,
Anugraha’ Hill Grove Chilmbi,
Mangalore 575006
Mob.:- 9845744368
E-mail:- narenkamathk@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Umashankar. N
Dr. Umashankars’ DERMAVISION, #794,
15th main, 2nd Stage, BTM Layout,
Bangalore 560076
Mob.; 9448151468
Email: usdermavision@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Prabhat Kumar
MIG (B) 68, Housing Colony,
Dhanbad 826001 Jharkhand
Mobile: 9431107279
Email: drprabhat.kumar@rediffmail.com
Dr. Karam Lokendro Singh
Dewlahland, Stadium road,
Imphal, Manipur- 795001
Mob.: 9862009701
Email: lokendro56@yahoo.com
Dr. Vipin Gupta
# 66, Rehari Chungi, Jammu-180005
J &K.
Mob.: 9419182105
Email: drviping@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Y. Lokendra Singh
Uripok, yambem, Imphal,
Mob.: 9436022929
Email: drloken_un@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Devraj Dogra
R/O 5-A Chatter Singh Garden
Govindpura Satwari 10029, Jammu.
Mob.: 9419193337
Email: devrajdogra123@yahoo.co.in
Dr.Vijay Zawar
Mob:- 09890160807
Email:- vzawar@gmail.com
Dr. M.S. Sadeep
Harivasam” Doctor’s Garde, Gandhinagar
Kottayam 686 008
Ph: 0481-259803, Mob: 9447230559
Mob.: 9447230559
Hon. Secretary
Dr.Shital Poojary
Mob.: 9820601511
Email: spoojary2004@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Baby Stephen
Ganapathi Plackel
Perumbaikkadu P.O., Kottayam 686 028
Mob.: 9446367907
Email: drbabysg68@gmail.com, dmhk@rediffmail.com
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr. C.M Gupta
Mob.: 09329716182
Email:- drcmgupta@gmail.com
April 2015
Hon. Secretary
Dr.Anurag Tiwari
Mob.: 9826023923
Email: tiwarianuragdr@rediffmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr.M. L Gambhir
Mob.: 919814211159
Email: drmlgambhir@yahoo.com
Dr.S.K Bhattacharjee
Mob.: 9435071078
Email : drskbderma@yahoo.com
Dr. Vinod Kumar Jain
lll/3 MDM Hospital campus,
Shastri Nagar,
Mob.: 9414129139
Email: drvinodjainjodhpur@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Nasiur Rahman
Mob.: 9864030877
Email:- nasiur.rahman@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Ashish Batra
D-34 Shastri Nagar
Mob.: 9414863758
Email: asheeshbatra@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Jayshree Mohnty
Mob.: 09437228377
Email: drjayashreemohanty@gmail.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr.Rajendra Panigrahi
Mob.: 09437217718
Email : rajendrapanigrahy.63@gmail.com
Dr. AJS Praveen
Mob.: 9443105516
Dr. K Karthikeyan
Dept of Dermatology,
Manakula Vinayagan medical College,
Mob.: 9443268208
Email: karthikderm@yahoo.co.in
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Karthik Prabhu
101/67, Karunanidhi Nagar,
Trichy Road, Behind Sungum,
Mob.: 9443256147
Email: karthickprabhu_2000@yahoo.com
Hon. Secretary
Dr. C. Udayashankar
Associate professor,
Government medical college,
Email: udayderm@yahoo.com
Dr B. N. Reddy
Mob.: 9849032331
Email: brneddy53@yahoo.com
Dr G. Manmohan
Mob: 9246539527
Email: manmohanderma@gmail.com
Dr. Rakesh Bharti
Mob.: 919814044213
Email: -rakesh.bharti1@gmail.com
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Satyendra Nath Chowdhury
#101/1/B, Tollygunge Road,
Kolkata-700026 West Bengal
Mob.: 9433883407
Email:-doc.s.n.chowdhury@gmail.com, iadvlwb@gmail.com
Dr.Neeraj Singhal
Nirmal clinic 37, South Civil lines
Mahavir Chowk Muzaffarnagar,
U. P Pin Code-251001
Mob.: 09837160110
Email: neerajdr25@yahoo.co.in
Hon. Secretary
Dr. D.K Sharma
41/88, Maid Road-2 Sadar
Bazar Muzaffarnagar-251001
Mob.: 09837218318
Email. drdksharma_82@yahoo.co.in
Air Cmde (Dr). AK Patra
Skin centre ,Command Hospital,
Air Force ,
Airport Road
Bangalore - 560007
Mob.: 9999715996
Dr. Asok Kumar Ghoshal
11,Nepal bhattacharjee st,
kolkata-700026 West Bengal
Hon. Secretary
Dr. Rajesh Verma MD, DNB, MNAMS
Classified Specialist (Derm),
Command Hospital (southern Command),
Mob.: 09823536603
Email: rajeshverma40@yahoo.co.in
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Training Fellowship Awards-2015
Dr Renu George, Pediatric Dermatology
Dr Pradeep Mahajan, Dermatopathology
Dr Mrinal Gupta
Dr Meeta Mantri
Dr Parul Thakur
Dr Priyanka Patil
Dr Shikhar Ganjoo
Dr Pratyusha Yakkala
Dr Y. G Anupama
Dr Shashikant Malkud
Dr Renu George, Dermatopathology
Dr Laxmisha Chandrashekhar, Dermoscopy
Dr Savitha A S
Dr Manoj Agarwal
Dr Rashmi Sriram
Dr Amrita A Hongal
Dr Jigna Mistry (Padhiyar)
Dr Avina Jain
Dr Puspanjuli Sahu
Dr Boby Krishna
Dr Suresh Talwar, Laser and Aesthetics
Dr Kiran Godse, Urticaria
Dr Govind Mittal
Dr Hetal Pathak
Dr Rajat Gupta
Dr Shailee Patel
Dr Tulika Rai
Dr DG Saple, HIV and AIDS
Dr Himanshu Gupta
Dr Ram R Tainwala
Dr Subrata Malakar, Dermatosurgery
Dr Gaurang Gupta
Dr Dipti Das
Dr Anuradha Bhide
Dr Shivani Bansal
Dr H V Nataraj, Trichology
Dr Shikha Arora
Dr Nikita Lodha
Dr Saumya Shetty
Dr Ekta Sahu
Dr Yasha Upendra
Dr Mayur Bhobe
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Sister Society Meeting 2015 at 73rd Annual AAD 19th March 2015
Meeting Date
Meeting Start Time
Meeting End Time
Meeting Venue
March 19, 2015
The Moscone Center
747 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94103
Meeting Room: West Building, Room #2002, Second Level
Moscone Centre, SFO
Scientific Program
1.30-1.40 PM
1.40-1.50 PM
1.40-2.10 PM
Introduction and Welcome
Dermatological Diseases-Special Focus India
Hair and Nails-Indian Scenario
Dr Venkataram Mysore
Dr Rashmi Sarkar
Chairs: Dr Venkat,Dr Rashmi Sarkar
1.40-1.55 PM
1.55-2.10 PM
2.10-2.15 PM
2.15-2.50 PM
Alopecia areata and Contact Immunotherapy
Nail Bed injections of Methotrexate in nail psoriasis
Q and A
Usual suspects-Psoriasis and Acne
Dr Soumya Jagadeesan
Dr Chander Grover
Chairs: Dr V.K.Sharma,Dr Manish Shah
2.15-2.30 PM
2.30-2.45 PM
2.45-2.50 PM
2.50-3.25 PM
Understanding genetics of Psoriasis
Acne minickers
Q and A
Pemphigus and Malignant Melanoma-Special Focus
Chairs: Dr Koushik Lahiri, Dr Soumya
2.50-3.05 PM Clinical and pathologoical spectrum of malignant melanoma
3.05-3.20 PM
Rituximab in Pemphigus
3.20-3.25 Pm Q and A
3.25-4.00 PM Pediatric Dermatology and Others
3.25-3.40 PM Phototherapy in Indian children
3.40-3.55 PM PRP- Indications in Dermatology
3.55-4.10 PM Childhood SLE
4.00 PM
Q and A
4.00 PM
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr Trilokraj Tejasvi
Dr Koushik Lahiri
Dr Geeti Khullar
Dr Vinay Keshavamurthy
Dr Manish Shah
Dr Kiran Godse
Dr Govind Mittal
April 2015
Sister Society Meeting of Indian Association of
Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists at 23rd WCD, Vancouver
Meeting Date
Meeting Start Time
Meeting End Time
Meeting Venue
Meeting Room
June 8, 2015
East 18
Theme: Showcasing Indian Dermatology
09.00-09.10 AM Introduction and Welcome President IADVL
Dr Venkataram Mysore
Session 1: Cutaneous Infections
Chairs: Dr Deepak Parikh
09.10-09.30 AM Three decades of who multi-drug treatment for leprosy the paths traversed and obstacles ahead
Dr Aarti Sarda
09.30-09.50 AM Utility OF Diphenylcyclopropenone DPCP in treatment of multiple warts
Dr Meghana Phiske
09.50-10.10 AM From scratch to rash - 22 year experience of H.I.V. / A.I.D.S. in Punjab.”
Dr Ravi Saini
10.10-10.20 AM
Q and A
Session 2: Disorders of Pigmentation-1
Chair: Dr Venkataram Mysore,Dr Suresh Joshipura
10.20-10.40 AM Lichen Planus pigmentosus
Dr Ramesh Bhat
10.40-11.00 AM Post-burn depigmentation
Dr Manas Chatterjee
11.00-11.30 AM- TEA BREAK.
Session 3: Pearls from General Dermatology in India
Chairs: Dr V.K.Sharma,Dr Rekha Sheth
11.30-11.50 AM Vasculitis in systemic diseases
Dr Asit Mittal
11.50 AM-12.10 PM Hair Loss: What to do in Young Adults. Dr Pankaj Kumar Tiwary
12.10-12.30 PM Psychocutaneous disorder
Dr Smita Ghate
12.30-12.50 PM Treatment of pyogenic granuloma in resource poor settings: A study of 176 cases
Dr Manas Ranjan Puhan
12.50-01.00 PM Q and A Sessions 2 and 3
01.00-02.00 PM BREAK
Session 4: Disorders of Pigmentation -2
Chairs: Dr Jayakar Thomas,Dr Rashmi Sarkar
02.00-02.20 PM Clinical profile of hyperpigmentation at Delhi
02.20-02.40 PM Targeted Phototherapy in vitiligo: Recent advances
02.40-03.00 PM Treatment of Lichen Planus Pigmentosus
03.00-03.10 PM
Q and A
03.10-03.30 PM TEA BREAK
Dr V.K.Sharma
Dr Imran Majid
Dr Sidharth Sonthalia
Session 5: Pearls from practice
Chairs: Dr Arijit Coondoo,Dr Koushik Lahiri
03.30-03.50 PM Pearls for Publishing Papers from Private Practice
Dr K.T.Ashique
03.50-04.10 PM Autoimune bullous diseases: Recent Advances in diagnosis and treatment
Dr Abhishek De
04.10-04.30 PM Unusual cases of vitiligo
Dr Bhavesh Swarnakar
04.30-04.40 PM Q and A and Conclusions
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Budget for the Year 2015-2016
Amount Particulars
2500000 Printing & Postage
Interest on FDs
7000000 Medals, Shields Mementos
43 & 44 Dermacon, SARAD
and ACD savings/Affiliation Fee
Royalty of IADVL Text books
10000000 Office Furniture
82500 Office Expenses
State Share of Dermacon savings/Affiliation
Internet, Phone
Election Expenses
Seed Money to 45TH DERMACON and ADC
Incoming President’s initiatives (Video
EC Meeting
CC Meeting
Official Travel
Auditors Fees
IADVL Fellowship stipend
Meeting of Committees
International Conf bidding
ILDS membership
IADVL UG/PG Text Book/ monographs
IADVL Academy
Legal Retainer
Website development charges
Academy expenses
Renewal of IADVL Registration
Income Tax
19582500 Total
(Dr. Somesh Gupta)
Hon. Treasurer
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists
National Election Circular 2015
Election of IADVL Office Bearers for 2016, Venue: DERMACON 2018 and MIDDERMACON 2016
Election Officer
Dr S.D.N.Guptha,
53/1, S B Road, V V Puram,
OPP Arya Samaj,
Bangalore -560004
PH: 9845824744
Returning officer
Dr Rashmi Sarkar
Honorary General Secretary IADVL,
Professor, Dept of Dermatology &Venerelogy,
Ward No. 22/23 (Through Gate No. 3),
Maulana Azad Medical College and LokNayak Hospital,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110002,
Mobile: 09818244340
Dear IADVL member,
We are happy to inform you thatnominations are being called for the election of national IADVL executive for the year 2016, as
well as Selection of Venue for DERMACON 2018 and MID-DERMACON 2016.
Part- I
Nominations are invited for the following posts of National Executive of IADVL for the year 2016
President Elect
Vice President
Hon.General Secretary & Hon.Treasurer
Hon Joint General Secretary
1 Post
2 Post
1 Post
2 Posts
Nomination filing fee for contesting election: As per the decision of AGBM held at Jaipur DERMACON it was resolved that
nomination fee would be applicable for all the candidates choosing to contest for the post of IADVL executive committee. Proposed
nomination fee is for all members who wish to contest elections for IADVL is to cover the increasing election expenses. Life
membersof IADVL proposing to contest should pay a prescribed nomination fee by a DD in favor of “ IADVL” payable at New Delhi
and send it along with the completed nomination form with enclosures to Hon. Gen. Secretary. A duplicate set of nomination
papers should be sent to election officer Dr S.D.N. Guptha simultaneously. Nomination fee for contesting elections: For President
elect post: Rs. 15,000, For Vice president post: Rs. 10,000, Hon. Gen. Secretary and Hon.Treasurer’s post: Rs 20,000(Rs
10,000/ each), and for Hon Joint secretary post: Rs. 5,000. Of the nomination fee, 50% fee will be refunded if nomination is
withdrawn before the withdrawal date. After that date, no refund will be allowed in any circumstances.
Important Dates in Connection with the Election
Last date for filing nominations along with fee
Last date for bidding for DERMACON /MIDDERMACON
Last date for withdrawal
Announcement of Valid candidates
Dates of dispatch of ballots by election officer
Last date for receiving filled ballots by election officer
Opening of e-voting
Closure of e-voting
Counting of Ballots and e-votes
Filing of objections if any to election officer
Declaration of results on e-groups and website
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
-01-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
-21-12-2014 to 25-12-2014
April 2015
(i) The tenure of office of the Office-bearers unless otherwise mentioned, shall continue with the Association year.
(i) The tenure of office of the Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer shall be 2 years, with eligibility to contest for
a second term of two years. They cannot file their nomination for any post before the end of their tenure. The tenure of these
positions should be complete at the time of application.
(ii) Shall be a member of the Association in good standing for the previous TEN YEARS during which period he/she must
have no outstanding indebtedness to the Association.
(iii) Shall have a minimum experience of 15 years in the specialty of Dermatology, Venereology, and / or Leprology, after
having taken his/her post-graduate qualification in the specialty.
(iv) Shall be exclusively engaged in the practice, teaching and/or Research of these specialties of Dermatology, Venereology
and/or Leprology.
(v) Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central level as VicePresident, Honorary General Secretary or Honorary Treasurer or at the Branch/Combined Branches level as President. The
tenure of these positions should be complete at the time of application.
(vi) The candidate must declare any conflict of interest.
(i) Shall be a member of the Association in good standing for the previous SEVEN YEARS during which period he/she must
have had no outstanding indebtedness to the Association.
(ii) Shall have a minimum experience of 10 years in the specialty of Dermatology, Venereology and/or Leprology after having
taken his/her post-graduate qualifications in the specialty.
(iii) Shall be exclusively engaged in the practice, teaching and/or research of the specialties of Dermatology, Venereology
and/or Leprology.
(iv) Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central level as
Honorary General Secretary, or Honorary Treasurer or Joint Secretary or at the Branch / Combined Branches level
as President or Secretary ; or a Central Council Member from the Branch for a minimum period of five terms either
continuous or with breaks. The tenure of these positions should be complete at the time of application.
(v) The candidate must declare any conflict of interest.
C. Honorary General Secretary and Honorary Treasurer:
(i) Shall be member of the Association in good standing for the previous five years during which he/she must have no
outstanding indebtedness to the Association.
(ii) Shall have a minimum experience of 10 years in the specialty of Dermatology, Venereology and/or Leprology after having
taken his/her postgraduate qualification in the specialty.
(iii) Shall be exclusively engaged in the practice, teaching and/or research of the specialties of Dermatology, Venereology
and/or Leprology.
(iv) For Secretary: Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central
level as joint secretary or treasurer or at the Branch / Combined Branch level as president/secretary/treasurer
(v) For treasurer; Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central
level as joint secretary or at the Branch / Combined Branch level as president/secretary/treasurer/joint secretary. Must
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central level as joint
secretary or treasurer or at the Branch / Combined Branch level as president/secretary/treasurer
(vi) The Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer must be proposed from the same state and same area in
this particular context.The tenure of these positions should be complete at the time of application.
(vii) The candidates must declare any conflict of interest.
(i) Shall be member of the Association in good standing for the previous five years during which he/she must have no
outstanding indebtedness to the Association.
(ii) Shall have a minimum experience of five years in the specialty of Dermatology, Venereology and / or Leprology, after
having taken his / her post-graduate qualification in the specialty.
(iii) Shall be exclusively engaged in the practice, teaching and/or research of these specialties of Dermatology, Venereology
and / or Leprology.
(iv) Must have been actively involved in the affairs of the Association in an official capacity either at the Central level or at the
Branch / Combined Branch level or a Central Council Member from a Branch for a minimum period of TWO YEARS either
continuous or with breaks.The tenure of these positions should be complete at the time of application.
(v) The candidate must declare any conflict of interest.
III. Procedure for elections of office bearers
The Electoral Roll will consist of all direct life members of the Association and members through a state branch or
combined state branch and on whose behalf CFC has been received at the office of the Honorary General Secretary by
31st March of the Association year, and who have no outstanding indebtedness to the Association.
The candidates proposed for various posts shall confirm to the requirements laid down under Rule26 and should also
pay the nomination fees mentioned above.
iii. They shall be duly proposed and seconded by members in good standing who have no outstanding dues to the
Association. The application should bear the candidates’ willingness and signature.
iv. The last date for withdrawal of nominations will be 15th July 2015.This shall be indicated in the information sent by the
Honorary General Secretary to the nominated member. Non-receipt of a letter of withdrawal from the candidate by the
Honorary General Secretary shall be considered as acceptance of the nomination by the member.
The Honorary General Secretary shall send a list of nominated members to the Election Officer by 15thJuly 2015. The
Honorary General Secretary shall also inform all the valid candidates by that date.
vi. In case more than one candidate is found nominated for the President Elect’s post, more than one candidate for the
Honorary General Secretary and the Honorary Treasurer, and more than two candidates each for the post of VicePresidents and Joint General Secretaries, a secret ballot must be undertaken to elect the office bearers concerned.
vii. The members opting for e-voting would not receive the printed ballots and shall cast their votes through web.Briefbiodata
of contestants will be displayed on e - portal before a member finally casts his vote electronically
viii. For the members who intend to cast their votes through conventional printed ballot, the election officer shall send to every
eligible number on the electoral roll a printed ballot paper containing the name of the valid candidates and having the
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
seal of the IADVL, between the 1st and 31st October of the year. Ballot paper would be sent by Registered post.
ix. No duplicate ballot paper will be issued under any circumstances.
Individual members cannot use IADVL central or branch organs like e-groups, web forums, etc., for canvassing. They
should not seek endorsement by state or zonal branches.
xi. Canvassing by any state branch or branches or by any group of IADVL members individually or collectively for any
candidate shall not be permitted. Candidates indulging in such practices will be disqualified for that election and also
debarred from contesting the election for the next two years.
xii. Each one’s bio-data, not exceeding 200 words, along with his/her photograph, will be sent along with posted election
materials and displayed on e-portal before member casts his vote.Complete list of e voters and postal ballot voters will
be provided to the contestants. Undelivered ballots will not be sent again.
xiii. If any data in the bio data of a contestant printed is proved to be false, that candidate’s election will be declared null
and void. In that event, the candidate who had secured the next highest number of votes will be declared elected. In case
there is no contest for the post, the election will be carried in the concluding AGBM of the year.
xiv. Disciplinary action was approved last agm- pl. include it here
xv. The ballot paper must be returned to reach the Election Officer in the stamped special cover on or before 19th December
2015. After that date it will be not be valid. No hand deliveries of ballots.
xvi. Last date for casting E vote by those who register and opt for it is 16th December 2015.
xvii. On 20th December 2015, the ballot papers will be scrutinized and counted. The election officer may take the help of a
member of IADVL co-opted to assist him for every 200 ballots, up to 8 such members, who must not have proposed or
seconded any of the contestants.
xviii.The official declaration of the election results will be after 4 days of counting the ballots by the Election Officer on e-groups
and same will be available on website as well. The number of votes polled by various contestants shall be announced
and subsequently published in IADVL NEWS . It should also be conveyed to the contestants,various state branch
secretaries and Editor of IJDVL and IDOJ.
xix. Posts for which no nomination has been received or remain unfilled for any reason shall be filled by election on the floor
of the first AGBM held at DERMACON.
xx. All disputes arising with regard to the election of office bearers or any dispute among the member of the Association
shall be referred to the Arbitration Committee to be nominated by the Central Council and further approved by the General
Body. Five Immediate Past Presidents will constitute the Arbitration Committee. Its verdict shall be final and binding on
all parties.
New Delhi
DATE :02-04-2015
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Form of Nomination and Consent for the Post of ______________________(Office-Bearers) of IADVL
for 2016
(Please fill the form in duplicate (two sets) by print or writing in block letters and send one completed copy to Election Officer Dr.
S.D.N.Guptha,Bengaluru and another copy along with DD towards nomination fee to Honorary General Secretary, Dr Rashmi
Sarkar,New Delhi at the addresses given below so as to reach on or before 15th June 2015)
I Dr._________________________________________________________________ (LM. No.________________________)
a member of ___________________________________________________________branch / direct member with the following
Phone no :_________________________________________________E-Mail:______________________________________
do hereby propose Dr.____________________________________________ (LM. No. ______________________________)
Phone no :______________________________________________E-Mail:____________________________________
I Dr.________________________________________________________________ (LM. No.________________________)
Phone no :_________________________________________________E-Mail:_____________________________________
He/she is a member in good standing as per the Rules and by-laws of IADVL for the post of ______ __________________of the
Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists for the Year 2016.
He/she is not a owner/employee/advisor/( specify any other capacity) in the following pharma/aesthetic companies/ pharma co./
instrument supplier/dealer/ or cosmetic co. or chain of clinics.
We, the proposer and seconder of the above nomination are members in good standing as per Rule 27 of the Constitution of IADVL
(Procedure of Election of the Office bearers).
Signature of the proposer
Signature of the seconder
Date: _____/____/_________
Date: _____/____/_________
Place: __________________
Place: __________________
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
DECLARATION by Candidate of Fulfilment of the Eligiblity Condition for the _______________________
I ____________________________________(LM/ OM No_________________) proposed for the post of _________________
_______________________do solemnly declare that I fulfill the conditions of eligibility duly required as per our constitution for
the post enclosing here with for which I am nominated under the Rules and Bye laws of the Constitution of IADVL.
I have read the IADVL Constitution and will abide by Rules and Regulations.
I-------- here by wish to declare the following associations with industry/other societies:
I am /am not a owner/employee/advisor/( specify any other capacity) in the following pharma/aesthetic companies/ pharma co./
instrument supplier/dealer/ or cosmetic co. or chain of clinics
I am an office bearer in the below mentioned capacities in the following medical associations/societies: __________________
I hereby confirm that the above statements are true and full disclosures are made.
Name and Address:
Phone no: (Residence):
Mobile no:
Email id: (compulsory):
Enclosures to be Attached:
1. Brief CV (200 words)
2. Photograph
3. DD for Nomination fee: amount: _________ DD Number:____________ Date:_________
(DD in favor of “IADVL” Payable at Delhi
Date: _____/____/_________
Signature of the Nominee
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Kindly post one copy with enclosures to:
Election officer IADVL
Dr. S.D.N.Guptha,
Election officer, IADVL
53/1, S B Road, V V Puram,
OPP Arya Samaj,
Bangalore -560004
PH: 9845824744
Returning Officer IADVL
Dr Rashmi Sarkar
Honorary General Secretary IADVL,
Dept of Dermatology &Venerelogy,
Ward No. 22/23 (Through Gate No. 3),
Maulana Azad Medical College and
Lok Nayak Hospital,
Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi-110003
Mobile: 09818244340
Part - II
IADVL invites bids for selecting venue for DERMACON 2018, MID-DERMACON 2016
Bid are invited to host MID_DERMACON 2016 and DERMACON in 2018 from IADVL state Branches
When to Hold: Ideally in January 2018
National IADVL invites Bids from State Branches of IADVL to host DERMACON 2018 in one of their cities. The application for Bids
to hold DERMACON 2018 should reach IADVL secretary by 15th June 2015. The bid should be forwarded by the state secretary
as per the present guidelines to the honorary secretary, IADVL. The invitation should be accompanied by all the relevant details as
per present bidding Performa However the bidder must also attach the minutes of the state general body / EC of State which has
passed the proposal for hosting of national conference. The Organizing Secretary from the conference venue should also send a
500 words write up about the proposed venue along with 4 images. The write up will be posted in IADVL official web site and also
in IADVL news letter along with the images. Video or slide show presentation may also be attached along with bidding Performa.
The Organising Secretary may host a web page about the venue and send the URL of the same for displaying at the IADVL website.
The resolution must mention names of Chairman, secretary and treasurer of organizing committee and must be accompanied by
properly signed MoU (copy attached) by organizing team and state branch president and secretary.
NB: The withdrawal can be allowed within 15 days of applying for the bid by a resolution passed by state GBM. However, if
there is no time to get a resolution passed by state GBM then the EC of the state branch of IADVL may permit the withdrawal but
subsequently get the decision ratified during next state AGBM.
Details to be furnished with the bid:
Name of Proposed City
Name of Bidding State
Name of OrganisingChairman/Secretary/Treasurer
Name of Chairman Scientific Committee
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Annexure VIII: Proforma for Application for DERMACON
(Note: Please fill the proforma in the space provided on the right side)
a) City/town proposed for holding DERMACON (please give the map).
b) Exact location address of DERMACON.
c) Is the conference venue is a permanent structure or a temporary built one, like a pandal?
d) Distance from the city center.
e) Connectivity of the city or town by (a) train (b) air (c) roads.
(please give the details in a separate sheet).
Transport facilities within the city/town.
g) Was the IADVL National Conference held earlier in the same city/town? If yes, when?
h) Were other conferences held earlier? If yes, please give their attendance figures.
Please give the figurative diagram of the conference venue according to scale.
(a) Hall for the inaugural function/plenary session
(i) Capacity to seat at least 2000-2500 people
(ii) Size of the podium
(iii) Airconditioned or non-airconditioned(iv) Acoustics
(iv) Audiovisual facilities
(b) Halls, 2-3, for the concurrent sessions
(i) Capacity to seat at least 600-700 people
(ii) Airconditioned or non-airconditioned(ii) Acoustics
(iii) Audiovisual facilities
(iv) Distance from the main hall
(c) Lobby space outside the main hall
(d) Space for poster presentationsAdequate space
(e) Toilet for all conference spaces
(f) Four smaller halls or spaces
(i) Registration area
(ii) Conference secretariat
(iii) Communication room
(iv) Preview room adjacent to the main hall
(a) Adequate for 60-70 stalls (3m × 3m)
(b) Three to four bigger stalls (10m × 10m)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
(c) Space to move around within the area
(d) Adequate toilet/sanitation facilities (no. of toilets)
(a) Food spaces
(b) To serve at least 750 persons at a time
(c) Resting area, size and facilities
(d) “May I help you” counter
(e) Travel agent’s stall
(f) Arrangement for safekeeping of delegates’ and accompanying persons’ belongings
(g) Transport arrangements from conference venue to hotels and banquet venue
(h) Accommodation: Please send the brochures of the tourist department or of the previous conference held
No. of rooms
Inclusive/Exclusive of breakfast
a) Management of the conference entrusted to an event management company: Yes/No
b) Food arrangements contracted to whom? Private contractor/hotel
c) Drinking water (should be supplied in individual cups/small sealed bottles)
d) Safety precautions
(i) Emergency exits
(ii) Adequate and proper firefighting facilities
(iii) Sanctions, if required, by local authorities should be obtained
(e) Adequate manpower
(i) Event management staff
(ii) Residents/medical staff/students (please tick)
6. The IADVL (……… state branch) has passed a resolution by a majority
vote at its GBM held on….. that it wants to host DERMACON…. . The Organizing Secretary will be …… (name, city and
membership number) and the Chairperson of the local Scientific Committee will be ... (name and membership number).
UNDERTAKING: We,office bearers of Organising Committee of DERMACON 2018 have read the IADVL Constitution and will
abide by its Rules and Regulations.We will also sign MoU with IADVL if this conference is allotted to ______________ Branch
of IADVL______________ State Branch.It will be signed by Organising Chairperson/,Organising, Secretary/Treasurer.If you want
copy of MoU,please contact Secretary IADVL or download from website.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Part - III
IADVL invites bids for hosting 4thMID-DERMACON 2016
Bid are invited to host 4th MID-DERMACON in 2016 from smaller cities of IADVL state Branches. The 4th MIDDERMACON 2016may be to be organized along with the midyear Central Council (CC) meeting of IADVL.
Preference in the Bids would be given to smaller cities of India to host 4th MID-DERMACON 2016. However if no suitable bid
is received it can be allotted to any city.
When to Hold: Ideally in August 2016
How to bid for MID-DERMACON: Application of Bids to hold 4th MID-DERMACON 2016 should reach IADVL secretary by 31st July
2015. The eligible bids would be included in the election ballot paper for nationwide voting for deciding the venue.
The bid should mention the venue, names of organizing secretary, chairman and scientific chairman. Each bid should be
endorsed by executive of the IADVL state branch. Preference will be given to any zone other than West zone this time as MIDDERMACON 2014 was held at Aurangabad,Maharashtra of west zone. In case no bid is received till 31st July 2015, the venue
would be decided in the AGB meeting at Coimbatore in January 2016.
Guidelines of conduct of MID-DERMACON: Duration: Two days, on a Saturday and Sunday.
Saturday first day CME – topics of Clinical Dermatology/ involve SIG group/parallel workshop can be organised. Sunday – Second
day of conference. For scientific programme, local scientific team will be the main planner. IADVL Academy of Dermatology and
Special Interest Groups(SIG) would coordinate and help the local scientific team in its implementation.
Business meetings of various committees of IADVL and a part of Central council (CC) meeting would run parallel to the conference
on first day. The remaining part of CC meeting would be conducted on second day. The arrangements will have to be made
by local org committee of MID-DERMACON. The secretary IADVL will actively coordinate in hosting the CC meet with the local
On winning the bid the organizers of the Mid-DERMACONshould sign a memorandum of understanding with the national IADVL
to accept rules in financial matters and conduct ofMID-DERMACON.
Winner of the bid would be announced / decided during the opening year AGBM at DERMACON 2016.
Details to be furnished with the bid
Name of Proposed City
Name of Bidding State
Name of Organising Secretary
Name of Chairman Scientific Committee
Endorsement by state IADVL for hosting the MID-DERMACON
UNDERTAKING: We,office bearers of Organising Committee of MID DERMACON 2016 have read the IADVL Constitution and will abide
by its Rules and Regulations.We will also sign MoU with IADVL if this conference is allotted to Branch of IADVL______________
State Branch.It will be signed by Organising Chairperson,Organising Secretary/Treasurer.
(All applicants should refer to SOP on DERMACON available on our website and in IADVL Constitution book.)
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
MoU with reference to IADVL Conferences - DERMACON
DERMACON. Once the accounts are audited the surplus
is to be sent to IADVL as per constitution and the amount
already sent will be adjusted in that.
This MoU will have to be signed by President and Branch
Secretary of IADVL State Branch which is hosting the conference
along with President/Chairperson of organising committee,
organising secretary and treasurer of the conference. This
undertaking will besubmitted to Hon. General Secretary of
IADVL, before central team comes for inspection of the venue.
7) We will maintain books of account as per law and get
accounts audited as per the schedule mentioned in clause
12. They will be submitted simultaneously to both central
and State EC.
President/Chairperson of the organising committee along with
organising secretary and treasurer will be held responsible for
all aspects of the conference and this rule is binding to them
It states
8) We will obtain separate PAN card and pay all local, state
and central government taxes.
9) We will make all payments by cheque. We will get
approval of organising committee where expenditure is
more than 10 lakhs under any head. Similarly money
will be accepted by cheque only, except during spot
registration and sale of food coupons.Valid vouchers and
receipts must be maintained for all payment except small
cash amount where cash voucher should be used.
1) We will open only one bank accountin a Scheduled bank.
This account should be opened after the resolution is
passed for the same in organising committee.
2) We will send bank statement every month to IADVL
treasurer and chairperson of finance committee.
3) We will send to national IADVL treasurerand chairperson
of finance committee Copies of all the agreement that we
enter into for the said conference within 10 days of signing
the contract. Any conflict of interests in this regard will be
disclosed. The event managers will preferably not be in
any way related to any of the organizers, if so, the same
shall be declared.
10) We understand that failure to adhere to these MoU will lead
to disciplinary action.
11) We and our auditors are agreeable for second audit by any
other agency appointed by central IADVL. Separate letter
from auditors to this effect will be required. The cost of
travel, stay and auditors fee for the second audit will be
borne by organising committee.
4) We will abide by all the rules and regulation of IADVL
constitution and SOPs related to it.
12) Time lines for submitting accounts.
5) Neither the organisers nor anybody acting on their behalf
shall block hotel rooms for the conference dates en masses
in the host city. However, organisers will be allowed to
book hotel rooms sufficient enough to accommodate:
A preliminary unaudited report will be submitted at CCM
with following specific information:
A) Number of delegates registered (all categories) and
accrued amount; specifically mention spot registrations
a) IADVL officials who are constitutionally entitled free
b) No of stalls and income accrued from them (received
and receivables to be shown separately)
b) Offer rooms at discounted rates to members who seek
accommodation directly from the organizers and
c) Income from other sources
d) Expenditure: under different heads (paid and payables)
c) Invited faculty members to whom the organising
committee might have committed free accommodation
either in the venue – if the venue happens to be a
hotel, or suitable hotels in the city.
e) Statement of accounts from bank 31 October is the last
date for presenting the audited accounts of DERMACON.
There will be a grace period of 4 weeks in case of an
overwhelming reason for not getting the accounts ready.
If that period also lapses then after due procedural
actions and placing the details to the GBM the members
of the OC would be temporarily suspended from the
association. If even after 6 months of suspension, the
accounts arenot presented, then those members will
be suspended from the associationand in such cases
6) We will return seed money received from IADVL within 10
days from last date of registration along with 7% simple
interest till date. State branch will contribute 25% and
centre will provide 75% of seed money.15% of share of
registration and 20% of share from pharma companies,
and other exhibitors will be send to IADVL before the
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
____________ State branch _____________ State Branch
appropriate LEGAL action shall be initiated against the
erring officials at their cost, risk and consequences
apart from penal interest and other penalty as may be
decided by CC/GBM of IADVL.
From IADVL centre
Hon. General Secretary
13) Presence of Organizers in CC/GB meetings: The organizing
chairperson, secretary and Treasurer of the conference
must be mandatorily present during the CC and GB meeting
when the audited account shall be taken for discussion.
The Treasurer of DERMACON shall read out the accounts in
both of these two meetings in presence of the Organizing
Secretary. If the Treasurer or Organizing Secretary can‘t
attend any of these two meetings due to some genuine
problem, he/she must be represented by someone duly
authorized by the absentee and the representative shall
have to perform the same duties in the meeting including
answering questions raised by CC/GB members.
This Memorandum of Understanding is entered on this ____
day of January 2014 BETWEEN IADVL hereinafter known as
FIRST PARTY and _________ s/o _______ r/o__________
hereinafter known as SECOND PARTY to do fallowing acts
amongst others as may be agreed between the parties so to do
further with a written memo of competent person.
1) That the FIRST PARTY is a body constituted vide registered
society vide registration no._______ dated having
its registered office at ________ and bearing PAN
14) In case of natural calamities which disrupt the DERMACON
the amount will be reimbursed by IADVL.
2) That vide resolution dated of IADVL Mr._______ the
secretary / president is authorised to sign the MOU for and
on behalf of IADVL which shall be binding upon IADVL and
IADVL ratifies the same.
15) If anIT claims arises after the surplus has been transferred
the amount will be borne by IADVL. The financial liability
in case of future IT claims to be borne equally by National
IADVL and the concerned state branch. All the above
criteria stand only if the organizers have followed all the
terms and conditions and submitted audited accounts
in time. Dispute if any will be decided by the arbitration
committee. As this MoU will be implemented for the first
time, there may be some short comings/lacunae. This
should be discussed by the concerned members and try to
settle to mutual satisfaction.
3) That the FIRST PARTY organises various events from time
to time at various places in INDIA and outside India for the
purpose contained in the objective clause of Constitution of
the society and in furtherance to the same hereby empowers
/ International conferences at ________ from _______ to
4) That the President/Chairperson of the organising committee
along with organising secretary and treasurer will be
wholly responsible for all aspects of the conference and
this rule is binding to them which are tabulated hereunder :
Organising Chairperson
President Organising
a) That the SECOND PARTY shall open only one bank
accountin a Schedule bank. This account should be
opened after the resolution is passed for the same in
organising committee.
In the presence of ___________ IADVL state branch
b) That the SECOND PARTY shall send bank statement every
month to IADVL treasurer and chairperson of finance
President OF
c) That the SECOND PARTY shall send to national IADVL
treasurerand chairperson of finance committee Copies of
all the agreement that we enter into for the said conference
within 10 days of signing the contract. Any conflict
of interests in this regard will be disclosed. The event
managers will preferably not be in any way related to any
Hon. General
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
of the organizers, if so, the same shall be declared.
d) That the SECOND PARTY shall abide by all the rules and
regulation of IADVL constitution and SOPs related to it.
12) That the limitation for submitting accounts shall be 31st
October is the last date for presenting the audited accounts
of DERMACON. There will be a grace period of 4 weeks
in case of an overwhelming reason for not getting the
accounts ready. If that period also lapses then after due
procedural actions and placing the details to the GBM the
members of the OC would be temporarily suspended from
the association. If even after 6 months of suspension,
the accounts are not presented, then those members will
be suspended from the association and in such cases
appropriate LEGAL action shall be initiated against the
erring officials at their cost, risk and consequences apart
from penal interest and other penalty as may be decided
by Managing Committee of IADVL.
e) That neither the organisers / SECOND PARTY nor anybody
acting on their behalf shall block hotel rooms for the
conference dates en masses in the host city. However,
organisers / SECOND PARTY will be allowed to book
hotel rooms just sufficient enough to accommodate
IADVL officials who are constitutionally entitled free
accommodation and invited faculty members to whom
the organising committee might have committed free
accommodation either in the venue – if the venue happens
to be a hotel, or suitable hotels in the city.
6) That the SECOND PARTY shall return seed money received
from IADVL within 10 days from last date of registration.
15% of share of registration and 20% of share from
pharma companies to IADVL before the DERMACON. Once
the accounts are audited the surplus is to be sent to IADVL
as per constitution and the amount already sent will be
adjusted in that.
13) That the CORUM of the meetings shall be as under :
Presence of Organizers in CC/GB meetings: The organizing
secretary and Treasurer must be mandatorily present
during the CC and GB meeting when the audited account
shall be taken for discussion. The Treasurer of DERMACON
shall read out the accounts in both of these two meetings
in presence of the Organizing Secretary. If the Treasurer
or Organizing Secretary can‘t attend any of these two
meetings due to some genuine problem, he/she must be
represented by someone duly authorized by the absentee
and the representative shall have to perform the same
duties in the meeting including answering questions raised
by CC/GB members.
7) That the SECOND PARTY shall maintain books of
account as per law and get accounts audited as per the
schedule mentioned in clause 12. They will be submitted
simultaneously to both central and State EC.
8) That the SECOND PARTY shall obtain separate PAN card
and pay all local, state and central government taxes.
9) That the SECOND PARTY shall make all payments by
cheque and shall get approval of organising committee
where expenditure is more than 10 lakhs under any head.
Similarly money will be accepted by cheque only, except
during spot registration and sale of food coupons. Valid
vouchers and receipts must be maintained for all payment
except small cash amount where cash voucher should be
14) That in case of natural calamities which may disrupt the
DERMACON the amount will be reimbursed by IADVL. In
case IT claim arises after the surplus has been transferred
the amount will be borne by IADVL. The financial liability
in case of future IT claims to be borne equally by National
IADVL and the concerned state branch. All the above criteria
stand only if the organizers have followed all the terms and
conditions and submitted audited accounts in time. The
matter is to be decided by the arbitration committee.
10)That the failure to adhere to the terms of MoU will lead to
disciplinary action and debar the SECOND PARTY to act
for such further period as may be deemed fit and proper
by the disciplinary committee constituted by FIRST PARTY
on consideration of the facts and circumstances of the
particular case and its finding shall be binding upon the
second party.
(Signed & put the seal on JANUARY ___, 2014 in presence of
AND witnesses as under)
11) That the FIRST PARTY and its auditors are agreeable for
second audit by any other agency appointed by central
IADVL. Separate letter from auditors to this effect will be
required. The cost of travel, stay and auditors fee for the
second audit will be borne by organising committee.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Organising Chairperson
President Organising
April 2015
In the presence of ___________ IADVL state branch
From IADVL centre ( FIRST PARTY )
Hon. General Secretary
President OF
Hon. General
____________ State branch _____________ State Branch
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
This MoU will have to be signed by President and Branch
Secretary of IADVL State Branch which is hosting the conference
along with President/Chairperson of organising committee,
organising secretary and treasurer of the conference. This
undertaking will besubmitted to Hon. General Secretary of
7) We will maintain books of account as per law and get
accounts audited as per the schedule mentioned in clause
13. They will be submitted simultaneously to both central
and State EC.
President/Chairperson of the organising committee along with
organising secretary and treasurer will be held responsible for
all aspects of the conference and this rule is binding to them
9) We will make all payments by cheque. We will get
approval of organising committee where expenditure is
more than 10 lakhs under any head. Similarly money
will be accepted by cheque only, except during spot
registration and sale of food coupons. Valid vouchers and
receipts must be maintained for all payment except small
cash amount where cash voucher should be used.
8) We will obtain separate PAN card and pay all local, state
and central government taxes.
It states
1) We will open only one bank accountin a Scheduled bank.
This account should be opened after the resolution is
passed for the same in organising committee.
10) We understand that failure to adhere to these MoU will lead
to disciplinary action.
2) We will send bank statement every month to IADVL
treasurer and to chairperson of finance committee.
11) We and our auditors are agreeable for second audit by any
other agency appointed by central IADVL. Separate letter
from auditors to this effect will be required. The cost of
travel, stay and auditors fee for the second audit will be
borne by organising committee.
3) We will send to national IADVL treasurerand chairperson
of finance committee Copies of all the agreement that we
enter into for the said conference within 10 days of signing
the contract. Any conflict of interests in this regard will be
disclosed. The event managers will preferably not be in
any way related to any of the organizers, if so, the same
shall be declared.
12) Time lines for submitting accounts.
A preliminary unaudited report will be submitted at CCM
with following specific information:
4) We will abide by all the rules and regulation of IADVL
constitution and SOPs related to it.
a) Number of delegates registered (all categories)
and accrued amount; specifically mention spot
5) Neither the organisers nor anybody acting on their behalf
shall block hotel rooms for the conference dates en masses
in the host city. However, organisers will be allowed to
book hotel rooms sufficient enough to accommodate:
b) No of stalls and income accrued from them (received
and receivables to be shown separately)
a) IADVL officials who are constitutionally entitled free
c) Income from other sources
d) Expenditure: under different heads (paid and
b) Offer rooms at discounted rates to members who seek
accommodation directly from the organizers and
e) Statement of accounts from bank
c) Invited faculty members to whom the organising committee
might have committed free accommodation either in the
venue – if the venue happens to be a hotel, or suitable
hotels in the city.
31 January 2017 is the last date for presenting the audited
accounts of MIDDERMACON. There will be a grace period of
4 weeks in case of an overwhelming reason for not getting
the accounts ready. If that period also lapses then after due
procedural actions and placing the details to the GBM the
members of the OC would be temporarily suspended from
the association. If even after 6 months of suspension,
the accounts are not presented, then those members will
be suspended from the association, and in such cases
appropriate LEGAL action shall be initiated against the
6) We will return seed money received from IADVL within
10 days from last date of registration. 15% of share of
registration and 20% of share from pharma companies,
and other exhibitors, will be sent to IADVL before the
conference. Once the accounts are audited the surplus will
be sent to IADVL.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
erring officials at their cost, risk and consequences apart
from penal interest and other penalty as may be decided
be some short comings/lacunae. This should be discussed by
the concerned members and try to settle to mutual satisfaction.
13) Presence of Organizers in CC/GB meetings: The organizing
chairperson, secretary and Treasurer of the conference
must be mandatorily present during the CC and GB meeting
when the audited account shall be taken for discussion.
The Treasurer of DERMACON shall read out the accounts in
both of these two meetings in presence of the Organizing
Secretary. If the Treasurer or Organizing Secretary can‘t
attend any of these two meetings due to some genuine
problem, he/she must be represented by someone duly
authorized by the absentee and the representative shall
have to perform the same duties in the meeting including
answering questions raised by CC/GB members.
Organising Chairperson
In the presence of ___________ IADVL state branch
President OF state____
Hon. General Secretary
14) In case of natural calamities which disrupt the
MIDDERMACON the amount will be reimbursed by IADVL.
____________ State branch
State Branch
15)If anIT claims arises after the surplus has been transferred
the amount will be borne by IADVL. The financial liability
in case of future IT claims will be borne by National IADVL.
All the above criteria stand only if the organizers have
followed all the terms and conditions and submitted
audited accounts in time. Dispute if any will be decided by
the arbitration committee.
From IADVL centre
Hon. General Secretary
As this MoU will be implemented for the first time, there may
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
IADVL Committees 2015
IADVL Central Finance Committee
SOP Committee
Dr. Roopak Saxena
Dr Suresh Talwar
Dr. Somesh Gupta
Dr. Rajesh Verma
Dr. DBN Murthy,,.
Dr.PN Narasimha Rao,
Dr. Jayadev Betkerur,
Dr.Narendra Kamath
Dr. Arijit Coondoo,
Dr.Vijay Zawar,
Dr. Suresh Talwar,
Dr.Atul Kochar
Dr. Chetan Patel,
Dr. Brig Vaishampayan
Dr Rajib Gogoi,
Dr,Chetan Patel
Ex officio:
Dr VK Sharma,
IADVL Archiving project taskforce:
Dr. Karthik Pradhu ( TN)
Suresh Joshipura
Dr. Venkataram Mysore,
Dr.Rajeev Sharma,
Dr. Deepak Parikh,
Dr. P Narasimha Rao,
Dr Devesh Mishra
Dr.Koushik Lahiri,
Dr. Rashmi Sarkar,
Dr.Ramesh bhat
Dr. M.Ramam
Dr. Roopak Saxena,
Dr. P.N. Rao
Dr.DBN Murty,
Constitution Committee
Dr.Jaidev Betkerur,
Dr. Arijit Coondoo
Dr. Arijit Coondoo
Dr. Rajeev Sharma
EC Coordinator: Dr.Devesh Mishra
Other members may be coopted by coordinator for his
assistance as he deems fit
Dr. Ramesh Bhat,
Dr. Shyamanta Barua,
Quiz Committee
Dr Putta Sreenivas,
Dr KHS Rao
Dr.Narendra Kamath
IADVL Awards Review Committee
Dr Ramesh BHat
EC coordinator:
Dr.Deepak parikh
Dr Manmohan
Dr. Manjunath Shenoy
Dr. Suniel Gandhi
Expert advisor:
Anil Abraham
Vijay Zawar
Dr.Nirmal ,
Dr.Tarang Goyal,
Dr.Sunil Gandhi,
Dr. Koushik Lahiri
Dr.Manjiyot Gautam
Dr S Das
Dr.Kingshuk Bannerjeee,
Dr AJS Pravin
Dr.Prashanth Palwade
Dr Tarun Mittal
EC coordinator Raghunath Reddy
Dr Gurvinder Banga
Dr Satyadarshii Patnaik
Software applications (E-group, app and Web-site Development)
Dr Aarti Sarda
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr.Rashmi Sarkar
April 2015
Dr.Deepak Parikh,
Shashi Kumar
Website Convener:Dr Vineet Relhan
Dr.Jayadev Betkerur
E groups:
Manish gautham ( Moderator)
Raghunath Redy
Dr.Rashmi Sarkar,
Narendra Ghokhale
Dr.Feroz Kaliyadan
Dr.H R Jerajani,
Dr. Ankur Talwar,
Dr. Kantharaj R,
Dr Jayakar Thomas,
Dr. Rahul Arora,
Dr AJ Kanwar
Dr Bhavesh Swarnakar,
Dr T Salim,Davinder,
Dr Shilpa Garg,
Dr Prasad,
Dr Vinay Keshavmurthy
Dr.Somesh Gupta,
Dr Abhijeet Jha,
Dr.CR sreenivas
Dr.Sumeeth Sethi
Textbook Advisory committee
Sanjeev Aurangabadkar
Dr. Bell Eapan
Dr Sacchidanand S
Ethics Committee
Dr U Sengupta
Dr Uday Khopkar
Dr Suresh Talwar
Dr D M Thappa
Dr.DN Barua
Govt Liason Cell
Dr.R G Torsekar
Dr Ganesh Pai
Brig Vaishampayan
Dr Sacchidanand
Dr.V K Garg
Dr Binod Khaitan
Dr. VK Sharma,
Dr. V K Jain,
Thesis evaluation committee
Dr.Sanjeev Handa
Dr. Asit Mittal
Dr. Anandan,
Dr.Sacchidanand S
Dr.Putta Sreenivas
Arun Inamdar
Dr.Arun Inamdar,
Dr.Renu George
Dr. Ramesh Bhat
Dr. Vinay Shankar
Dr. P K Dutta
EC coordinator
Dr K.J.P.S.Puri
Dr.Rakesh Bharati,
WCD bidding committee
Local Org Secy:
Chandrashekhar BS
Dr.Yogesh Marfatia,
Dr. AJS Praveen,
Dr. Sinha PK
Dr.Venkataram Mysore,
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Dr. Raghunath Reddy
Dr.Sanjeev Gupta,
Dr. Neeti Khunger
Dr.S Sacchidanand
Dr. Pritam Munde
IADVL Chala gaon Ki Ore( Community Dermatology) Project
Dr Balachandran,
Dr Jayakar Thomas
Dr. Pankaj Tiwari
April 2015
Dr.RP Thakur,
EC coordinator:
Dr.Dilip Kacchawa
Dr.Jagadish Sakhiya
Dr. SC Rajendran
Dr.PD Joshi
Dr.Akshay Jain
ITASTA Same team continues from 2014
Dr.Rathnam Attili
Media Cell
Dr.HV nataraj
Dr.Anil Abraham
Dr.Sudeep Das
Dr. Rajib Gogoi
Dr.Santhosh rathod,
Dr.Rajesh Kumar All state presidents. secretaries
Advisor :
Dr. Rajesh Buddadev
Amar Kanth Jha, PK Roy
Judges for best branch award
Dr.Akshay Jain
Dr.Rashmi Sarkar,Dr.P N Rao,Dr.Ramesh Bhatt
Dr.Apratim Goel
Arbitration committee
Dr.Kiran Godse
Dr. SDN Gupta
Dr. Atul Kateed,
Dr. H R Jerajani
Dr Prabhat Kumar
Dr. V K Sharma
Dr.Bell Eapen
Dr. Suresh Talwar
Dr.Rekha Seth
Dr.C R Srinivas
Vitiligo Mission
Election Officer: Dr. SDN Gupta
Dr Davinder Parsad
IADVL Working Committee
Dr Umashankar
Dr.Subrata Malakar,
Dr Venkataram Mysore
Dr.Rashmi Sarkar
Dr.T Salim
Dr.Somesh Gupta
Dr.Koushik lahiri
Dr Raghunath Reddy
Dr. Imran Majid,
IADVL Practice Management Cell
Dr.Binod Khaitan
Dr. Narendra Patwardhan
Dr. PD Joshi
Dr. Narendra Gokhale
Dr.Narendra Kamath
Dr Siddartha Das,
Dr. Rajesh Gokhale
Dr. Dinesh( news bulletin)
International members :Prof Torello Lotti,
Dr. Siddarth Sonthalia (news bulletin)
Dr Yan Valle
Dr. Manjunath R (Medicolegal issues),
Dr Mauro Picardo
Dr.B.S.Chandrashekhar( workshops)
International Liason Cell Chairman Dr. VK Sharma
Dr.NiteenDhepe, Dr. Ankur Talwar
Dr.Hema Jerajani
Dr Ashok Ghoshal
Dr.Chetan Oberai
Dr. Pradyumna Vaidya (Software)
Dr.Jayakar Thomas
Dr. Rajitha (Womens issues)
Dr.AK Kanwar,
Dr. Jaishree Sharad
Dr.Shyam Verma
Dr. Richa Sharma
Dr.Koushik Lahiri
Dr. Shriharsha, Dr Anil Ganjoo
Dr.Suresh Joshipura
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr.Rekha Seth
Ex officio:
Dr. Devesh Mishra
Dr. Sacchidanand S,
Residents welfare group
Sunil Dogra
Dr Ishad Agarwal
Dr.Jaishree Sharad,
EC coordinator:
Dr.Rashmi Sarkar
Dr.Salim T,Ramam M,
Dr Samujjala Deb(East),
Dr. Kiran Godse,
Dr Saloni Katoch(South)
DD Banodkar
Dr Sumit Gupta (North)
Dr Rashmi Sarkar,
Dr Zubin Mandlewala(West)
Dr. Somesh Gupta,
Dr Anupam Das(East)
Dr Indrashis Patdar
Dr. Deepak Parikh
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
New IADVL Members from December to March 2015
Dr. Karumanchi Prasad
H.No 5-264, Miyapur Westlity
JP Nagar
Andhra Pradesh
Dr. R. Sreenivasulu Naik
D. No.5-6-98/15 lakshmi Puram
hindupuram Anantpura, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Pujari Srinivas Naik
Door No. 12-4-52 Vidyut Nagar
Anantpuram, Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Ranjana beniwal
Madurupaniyon ki Dhani
Village Panawara Dist Barmer
(Raj) Barmer Rajasthan
Dr. Manish Jain
Om Prakask suresh Chand jain
Mandi Wale kung Gali Phagi
Jaipur 303005 Rajasthan
Dr. Urvashi Goyal
Dadu panthi Math Hospital Road Baran
(Rajasthan) Pin-325205 Rajasthan
Dr. Soniya Meena
Meena colony lata House ganga
pur city Dist. Sawaimadhopur
Rajasthan Rajasthan
Dr. Chesta Agrawal
36-37, Agrasen Nagar udiapole
Udaipur (Rajasthan) Rajasthan
Dr. Ankita Srivastava
J-16, HWP Colony P.O Bhabhanagar
Rawat Bhata Via-Kota (Rajasthan)
323307 323307 Rajasthan
Dr. Vaishali Masatkar
Super D-547, MPPGCL Colony
Sarni Dist. Betul M.P Rajasthan
Dr. Astha Sharma
B1/92, Chitrakoot Yojna, Jaipur
302021 (Rajasthan) Rajasthan
Dr. Rajni Goyal Khare
271, Sector-20 Huda (Part1) Sirsa Haryana Haryana
Dr. Poonam Verma
H.No. 54/2, Adarsh Colony
Hisar Haryana Haryana
Dr. Prashant Murade
House No. 1855/1, Vishwshanti
Buddha Vihar Indira Nagar Chandrapur
Room No. 176, Dr. S Hostel , CBlock, PGIMS Rohtak Haryana
Dr. Shuchi Verma
720, Sector-15A, Hisar Haryana
125001 Hisar Haryana
Dr. Akshay Dalsukh Bhai Patel
8,Vrundavan Row House CS
Road Adajan Surat Gujarat
395009 395009 Haryana
Dr. Ishita Dua
C-153, Dayanand Colony Lajpat NagarIV New Delhi-110024 110024 Haryana
Dr. Ashish Amrani
Amar Kutir Near Netaji hotel, Kotora
Talab, Raipur, Room No. 108,
Doctor House PGIMS, Rohtak
Haryana Roshtak Haryana
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Anirudh Jindal
House No.1, Sec-1, Jail Land
Ambala City Haryana- 134003
Ambala 134003 Haryana
Dr. Ravi Shankar Jangra
House No. 2, Sector -1, Jail Land
Ambala City Ambala Haryana
Dr. Nidhi Rana
257, Nimrz Colony Ashok Vihar PhaseIV, Delhhi-110053 110053 Haryana
Dr. Chirag Maheshwari
Maheshwari Nurshing Home 100,
Feet Road Bathinda Punjab151001 151001 Haryana
Dr. Anup Goyal
Dr. P.D Gupta TFD Cure 1-2, Friends
Colony Ambala City. Haryana
Dr. Rajnesh Kumar Chakrawarty
19,H Rajiv Gandhi Ward Bodhghat
Colony Jagdalpur Chhatisgarh
Dr. Mrityunjay Kumar Singh
In Front Feigodown Meera Bhawan
Shukul Pur Pratap garh U.P 230001
Raipur 492001 Chhatisgarh
Dr. Pankti Jariwala
401/B, Dhiraj Kunj 4A Bajaj Road Vile Parle
(w) Mumbai-400056 400056 Gujarat
Dr. Maitreyi J. Patel
II, Pathik Society Near Saadar patel
Colony Naranpura Ahmedabad-13
Ahmedabad 13 Gujarat
Dr. Karam Vir Singh
16, Mayur Apartments Vishav Nagar,
Agra 282001 Agra 282001 Gujarat
Dr. Neeharika Manchanda
A-778, First floor, weavers colony
Asshok vihar, Phase-4, New
Delhi New Delhi New Delhi
Dr. Prashansa Jaiswal
Shree Bhawan Bakergunj Laheri Asarai
Darbhanga Bihar F-33 Balinagar New
Delhi New Delhi 110015 New Delhi
Dr. Malarvizhi. K
9B-2, Praveen illam, Sundarar street-3,
Rathinapuri, Coimbatore-641027
New Delhi 110049 New Delhi
Dr. Priyanka
House No. 64-DJD Block Pitam pura
Delhi-110034 110034 New Delhi
Dr. Gaurav Nakra
D-234, Vivek Vihar-Phase
-1 Delhi-95 New Delhi
Dr. Dipak Gogoi
House No.45, ward-4, Simaluguri
Sivasagar North state
Dr. Debashree Roy
H.No 4 P.O-Lalganesh
Adagudam North state
Dr. Krunal Bharat Kumar Tralsawala
A-6, Hari Darshan Duplex
Nr. Manan Park waqhodi
Adabhoi Ring Road Gujarat
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Sonal Mahesh Tibrewal
33, Trishala Vatika B/H Sun
Villa Bunglow Hebatpur
Road Thaltej Ahmedabad-59
Ahmedabad 59 Gujarat
Dr. Patel sonalben Arvindbhai
759, someshwar society sector-27,
Gandhinagar 27 Gujarat
Dr. Minal Gajanan Jogi
Flat No.802, wing A1, Manikbaug Orchid,
Pimpri Pune-411018 411018 Gujarat
Dr. Shreya Agarwal
Baburam jaidayal Gola Bazar
srinagar Garh Pauri U.P Gujarat
Dr. Bhavna Baghela
14/2, Nehru Nagar Nanakhera Ujjain
M.P Skin OPD R. No. 139, Civil Hospital
Ahmedabad Ahmedabad Gujarat
Dr. Chhatraliya Nitin
AT & Post-Jasali Ta-Deodar
Banaskantha, Gujarat Gujarat
Dr. Gandhi Jeet Bharat
A-1 Nita Park Aatabhai Road Hilldrive
Bhavna Nagar Gujarat E-48, PG
Hostel civil Hospital Majura Gate,
Surat Surat 395001 Gujarat
Dr. Rathva Hemant
B-16, Raju Flats BH Vishwakarma
Mandir Majura Gate surat A-305,
Surya Flats Near Jain Vadianand
Mahal road Surat Surat Gujarat
Dr. Trusha Pravinbhai Gajjar
B-2/46, Madhuvrund Society Ghai Lodia
Ahmedabad 61 Ahmedabad 61 Gujarat
Dr. Kambariya Hamir Devanand
To. Ranjitpur, Ta-Kalyanpur DiDevbhumi Dwarka Devbhumi Gujarat
Dr. Sagarika Chatterjee
D-61/11, Sidhgiri bagh Varanasi :Pin221010 Varanasi 221010 Jharkhand
Dr. Anu Garg
Balwinder Garg Sector-9, Near Vinay
Vatika Hanuman Nagar junction
Rajasthan Rajasthan 335512 Jharkhand
Dr. Raj Kishor
Pratap Pur P.O. Patna
City Ps-Mehandigunj
patna-8 Bihar Patna 8 Bihar
Dr. Shrenik Balegar
No.93, Shruti Nilaya Nijalingappa
Layout Davanagere karnataka
Dr. Akhilesh Shukla
A-19, Green Orchid Avani Vihar
Raipur Chhattisgarh Sgarh 492007
B-96, Fourth Floor Mansarovar
Garden new Delhi-110015
New Delhi 110015 New Delhi
Dr. Mehak Singh
Room No.322, PG Girls Hostel
No.6 GMCH Guwahati North East
Dr. Ananya Kalita
C/0 Dr. Shyamal Kalita K.R.C Road
Bhara Lumukh, Guwahati 781009
guwahati 781009 North East
Dr. Rashmi Agarwal
C/o Arun Agarwal S.P.Marketing R.K
Saraogi Market, T.R Phookan road,
Fancy Bazar, Guwahati-781001
guwahati 781001 North East
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Sonal Agarwala
C/o G.N Agarwala OPP.
Central Dairy Gate G.S Road
Khanapara Guwahati-781022
guwahati 781022 North East
Dr. Jitender Taneja
H.No. 133, Sec-5, Part-III
Gurgaon gurgoan New Delhi
Dr. Gottemukkala Harish
Spl-1231-D MD Quarters P.V
Colony Manuguru-507125
Manuguru 507125 Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Dinkar Sadana
30, Ragubir Marg Opp. Children
Memorial school Patiala
147001 147001 Punjab
Dr. Shiti Bose
C/o Dr. Thomas Boswal Thirun Alloor
House Nalukody Chan Canacherry
kerala 686548 kerala 686548 Punjab
Dr. SK MD Amanur Rahaman
Flat -4B/D-1 L Dream park sonarpur
station road lkolkata-700103 M.D
H. No-137, PGIMER Chandigarh
160012 Chandigarh 160012 Punjab
Dr. Nidhi Gupta
C/o Durgesh Agarwal Behera Pandit
Santar Morar Gwaliar M.P -474006
Dept of Dermatology Venereology &
leprosy Medical college kolkata,88
college street, kolkatta-700073
Kolkata 700073 West Bengal
Dr. Karan Sancheti
12, D Umakant Sen lane
Trivenienclave kolkata-700030
Kolkata 700073 West Bengal
Dr. Samiksha Pradhan
Dept of Dermatology Venereology &
leprosy Medical college kolkata,88
college street, kolkatta-700073
Kolkata 700073 West Bengal
Dr. Somodyuti Chandra
31, Shib Narayan Das lane, Kolkata
700006 Kolkata 700006 West Bengal
Dr. Sushila Hansda
Flat- A4, Ashray, Apartments 36/10,
C.N.Roy Road, Kolkata-700039
Kolkata 700039 West Bengal
Dr. Subhamoy Neogi
65/15, Firingidanga Road,
Mallicpara, Seramporf,
Hooghly Kolkata West Bengal
Dr. Mohd.Mohtasim
H.No. 41330, New Colony Zohra
Bagh Dodhpur Aligarh Aligarh U.P
Dr. Guncha Arora
KF-16, Kavi Nagar Ghaziabad
U.P Ghaziabad U.P
Dr. Garima Singh
B-19, Takshila Colony, Garh
Road Meerut meerut U.P
Dr. Radha Singh
O-8, Lawyer’s Colony Bye Pass Road
Agra U.P- 282005 Agra 282005 U.P
Dr. Tushyata Arora
B-20, Saket Meerut U.P
250003 meerut 250003 U.P
Dr. Prabhakaran N
95, Cement Road Veema
Nagar Puducherry-605009
605009 Puducheery
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Ajay Goyal
H.No.455, Old Grain Market
Hisar Haryana- 125001 Room.
No. 323, Harvey House-II
JIPMER, Campus, Puducheery
605001 605001 Puducheery
Dr. Saranya M
24-II, Cross Chozhan Nagar, Ovzhandhaikee
Rapalayah Puducheery Puducheery
Dr. Sandra Prem Kumar
Lucky cottage Nedunganda P.O Varkala
Vilabnagom Trivandrum 695407
Trivandrum 695407 Puducheery
Dr. Tejaswi Cherukuri
26, Maraica Industries, Bazz
Avenue Palavakkame C.R.
Chennai-41 chennai 41 Puducheery
Dr. Nagakeerthana S
2/416, 2nd Main Road A.G.S.
Colony Kottiyakkam Chennai-41
chennai 41 Puducheery
Dr. Devan Prakash
Manjusha Secular Nagar H.No. 28,
Kilikollur East P.O Kollam-691004
Kerala kollam 691004 kerala
Dr. Mohamed Rafeek. M
150, Big Bazar, Street
Kumbakonam 612001
kumbakonam 612001 Puducheery
Dr. Sajana Krishna
242, Hill 4th Gate, Gardens Kuttanellur
Trishur 680014 Trishur 680014 kerala
Dr. Sindhura Manne
29-12-36, Sai Krishnaent
Hospital Suryaraopet Vijayawada
A.P- 520002 520002 kerala
Dr. Anila Shanmughan
Ponath house, Sowparnika Vemballur
P.O Trichur kerala Trichur kerala
Dr. Keerthi Gopina Than Nambiar
Thejus Nayaran Balamvypin Ernakulam
kerala 682509 682509 kerala
Dr. Deepthi Benny
Konnayil House Kuttapuzha P.O
Thiruvalla 689103 Dept of deermatology
ACM Pariyaram 689103 kerala
Dr. Rashmi K
C/o, Dr. K. Janardhanan
Karatthodi Hsshoranur Palakkad
kerala palakkad 679121 kerala
Dr. Zarina Usman
Zerin No.26, Lesly Villas
Karaparamba Calicut kerala-673010
Calicut 673010 kerala
Dr. Amrutha MP
W/0 Dr. Rajesh P.K Amoolya
Kalambadi Nalappuram kerala
Dr. Amit Ranjan
S/o, Ashok PD Musallahpur Kisan cold
Storage Lane Patna-6 patna 6 Bihar
Dr. Niraj Tiwari
Kohranh kukuar patte partap
garh Hostel NO-2, room No.1.
NMCH Patna patna bihar
Dr. Chakravarthi Narukurthi
8-1050, Vagbhata Hospital,
Ravulapalem, east Godavari District,
A.P 533238 Godavari 533238 A.P
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Bharath Kumar Juturu
H.No. 28/212A, Edigapeta Noonepalli
Nandyal, Kurnool A.P- Kurnool A.P
Dr. Vasudha Varada
Room No.2, P.G Medical Hospital Opp.
Govt Gen Hospital kakinada Kakinada A.P
Dr. Anusha Pilla
Room No. 222, PG Medical
Hostel Opp. Govt Gen Hospital
kakinada Kakinada A.P
Dr. Aishwarya Reddy N.
6-1-68/2, No.201, Sai Nivas Apts.
Sai Fabad Hyderabad-500004 Qtr No.
164, New MLA Quarters Adarsh Nagar
Hyderabad-500004 500004 A.P
Dr. Sunitha N
#105, 7th Main Road Srirampuram
Bangalore-560020 Tamilnadu
Dr. Elaya kumar. S.T
No.15, kvt Nagar Vandavast
Thiruvanamala Thiruvanamalai
Thiruvanamalai 604408 Tamilnadu
Dr. Savita Arya
Pratiksha-11A, Tarangar-B, Khirani
Fatak Jhotwara Jaipur-302012
Jaipur 302012 Tamilnadu
Dr. Priyadarshini
1758, Sankara Nagar, No. 1 Toll Gate
Trichy-621216 Trichy 621216 Tamilnadu
Dr. Annie Flora.G
New No. 34, Thulasingam
Street Pudupet Chennai-600002
chennai 600002 Tamilnadu
Dr. Rupika Singh
1/12, Vikram Khand Gomti Nagar
Lucknow-226010 226010 Karnataka
Dr. Teena Mary Joseph
Challi Rickal house Mekozhoor P.O
Pathanamthitta Kerala Karnataka
Dr. Prajna B
Prajna house 76 Badagabettu bailur
school Road Udupi 576101 Karnataka
Dr. Joshika Bhandary D
2-49/1, Shalini laya, Bmroad
Behind Canara Bank Kushal Nagar
571234 571234 Karnataka
Dr. Chandan M D
#1215 & 1242, 3rd floor Magadi
main road, AD halli MC layout,
Vijaynagar Bangalore-560079
vijayanagar 560079 Karnataka
Dr. Harsha S
#745 Harihara Krupa 3rd stage, 4th
Block Basave shwaranagar Bangalore-79
Shwaranagar 79 Karnataka
Dr. Sushma Rajgopal
No.135, Shreyas, 4th Cross, G.K.W
Layout, Vijayanagar, Bangalore-40
vijayanagar 40 Karnataka
Dr. Nazia Iqbal
Soja Gardens Pothujanam
Lane Kumarapuram TVM11 Kerala 11 Karnataka
Dr. Shalini HJ
461-I Block III Stage Basveshwar
Nagar Bangalore-560079
Bangalore 560079 Karnataka
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Amina Asfiyam Iqbal
#24 Ist Main 4th Cross
Talacauve R4 Nagar Basav
Anagar Bangalore-560037
Bangalore 560037 Karnataka
Dr. Veena Andanappanavar
Veena Andanap panavar, Basaveshwar
Nagar, Gajendragad-582114
Gajendragad 582114 Karnataka
Dr. Linda Robert
Panakkal House Bharati Vihar Chitti
Lappilly P.O. Thrissur 680551
kerala Thrissur 680551 Karnataka
Dr. Maheshwari N S
#13 ‘D’ Block, 20th Main 2nd
Stage J P Nagar Mysore 570008
Mysore 570008 Karnataka
Dr. Nagaratna C
H.No.2-907/32, 32/5 Basava
Nilaya Pragay, Colony Gulbarga
585105 Gulbarga 585105 Karnataka
Dr. Kavya K
No.21/1, Nandanuana street Halasuru
Bangalore Bangalore Karnataka
Dr. Pramod D
S/o Dharmappamanasa, Divine
Doornumber 23 Dasarakoipalu
Main Road Bogadi Mysore-26
Mysore 26 Karnataka
Dr. Priyanka Agarwal
128/119, A K Block, Kidwai Nagar, Kanpur
208011 U.P Kanpur 208011 Karnataka
Dr. Manas Jain
# 5 3rd Main yadavgiri Mysosre-570020
Mysore 570020 Karnataka
Dr. Reshmi Subramaniah
“Marathakam, 5/2980, D
Puthiyara P.O Calicut-673004
Calicut 673004 Karnataka
Dr. Prathibha S
Prathibha. S W/o, Rangegowda, Pan
Chajanya, Near Park 10th Cross, TP
Kailasam Road Sapthagiri extension
Tunkur-572102 Tunkur 572102 Karnataka
Dr. Lakki Reddygari Sujana
9-5-346/1, Plot No.16, Rajireddy
Nagar R Colony Champapet Hyderabad
500079 Hyderabad 500079 Karnataka
Dr. Vishnu.M Moodalgiri
L-3, Vishweshwaraiah road
somwarpet N. Kodago-571236
571236 Karnataka
Dr. Supraja C
1-12-160/3, FR-1, Jaya
Residency JJ Nagar Colony Alwal,
Secunderabad Telangana 500100
Telangana 500100 Karnataka
Dr. Shruti Manvi
VIR Viila Keshwapur Kusugal
Road Hubli Karnataka
Dr. Divya Vupperla
Flat No. 203, A-Block RG- Paradise
Kaviraj Nagar Khammam-507002
Telangana 507002 Karnataka
Dr. Ankit Mohan
308, Jhokan Bagh Civil Lines
Jhansi (U.P) Jhansi Karnataka
Dr. Bala Ganpathy R
12 B, Williams Road Cantonment
Trichy 620001 Tamilnadu Karnataka
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Laxmi Horatti
Shri Adaveshwar Sadan
Vemon Road Hubli 580020
Hubli 580020 Karnataka
Dr. G.V. Vijaya Bhaskar
#602, 17th A Cross Bhuvaneshwari
Nagar Near Hebbal Bangalore
560024 Bangalore 560024 Karnataka
Dr. Sneha Gandhi
# 56/1, Gulaboudi Opp. Nishty
Heart Centre Gulbarga-585103
Gulbarga 585103 Karnataka
Dr. Swathi G
D/O BN Gurumurthy Lecturer
Vidhya Nagar Kadur-577548
Kadur 577548 Karnataka
Dr. Chandan K.S
#148, First Main road
Seshadripuram Bangalore-560020
Bangalore 560020 Karnataka
Dr. Sandeep M
42, M Block 2nd Stage Kuvempu
Nagar Mysore Mysore Karnataka
Dr. Rashmi A B
C/o, Dr. Suresh S R, # 1946/7,
Vidhyanagar Davangere 577005
Davangere 577005 Karnataka
Dr. Ravipate Haritha
Door No. 2-20/1/1, Madh Avnagar,
Kakinada 533003, A.P 533003 Karnataka
Dr. Shweta Manchanda
Flat No.9, Dev Doot Apartments, Vikas
Puri, New Delhi Vikas puri Karnataka
Dr. Shashi kiran AR
No.41, 4th Cross, 2nd main
Sarvabhuvmanagar Bile kahalli,
11m-13 Post Bangalore-560076
560076 Karnataka
Dr. Dilip Kumar N.R
#134, 2nd, ‘C’ Main Road, Talacavery
Layout, Bangalore 560092
Bangalore 560092 Karnataka
Dr. Ajay Agarwal
D-69, Vijaya Puram Colony Sipat
Road Bilaspur Chattisgarh 495001
Chhatishgarh 495001 Karnataka
Dr. Byre Gowda
Byraweshwara Nilaya Balaji layout
Bagalur Road Sarjapura Bangalore
562125 Bangalore 562125 Karnataka
Dr. Lakshmikanth E
No.100, Thagyamma Extn
Channarayapatna Pin-573116
Bangalore 573116 Karnataka
Dr. Prabhakar Meti
S M Meti Vidhyanagar Muddebihal
Bijapvr 586212 586212 Karnataka
Dr. Gourishetty Saipriya
5-8-85/4, Gudwal compund
Nampall Y.S T Road HyderabadAP 500001 Karnataka
Dr. Rallapalli Alekhya
H. No-12-3, Kanch Arlapalem,
Tenali, Guntur A.P 522202
Guntur 522202 Karnataka
Dr. Lakshmikanth Malladi
35, Padmavathi Garden
Phase 3, Penamaluru
Vijayawada AP Vijayvada AP
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Archit Aggarwal
5D/85 N.I.T Faridabad
Haryana-121001 703, Boys Hostel
HIMS Hasan 57004 57004 Karnataka
Dr. yashovardhana D.P
Door No.204, Vivekanand Road
vidhya nagar Stage hassan
573202 Hassan 573202 Karnataka
Dr. Ashwini .N
#545, 13th Cross Rmv 2nd
Stage Dollars Colony Bangalore
-94 Bangalore 94 Karnataka
Dr. Ashok Menon
Aswathy peoples Dairy Campus Vyttila
Kochi Kerala 682019 OPD No-4, Dept
of Dermatology K.S Hegde Charetable
hospital, Mangalore-575018
Mangalore 575018 Karnataka
Dr. neetha Thomas
Karathra House OPP Municiapl park
road irinjalaloda, Thrissur Kerala OPD
No-4, Dept of Dermatology K.S Hegde
Charetable hospital, Mangalore-575018
Mangalore 575018 Karnataka
Dr. Gnana Kireeti Gummadi
Plot No. 829, Gokul Plots, KPHB
Kukatpally Hyderabad A.P Dept.
Of skin Kasturba Hospital Manipal,
Karnataka, Manipal Karnataka
Dr. Thansiha Nargis
kalnata House Dvlikunnu Kasaragod
Kerala 671121 Dept of deermatology
Yenepoya Medical College Karnataka
Dr. Arjun Ajay Shankar
Shankar Bhavanpo Varam Kunnur
-670594 kerala 670594 Karnataka
Dr. Nitin B Nair
TMC/1/1/1378, Devi Nivas Guruvayur
Rd Trichy-2 Trichur 2 Karnataka
Dr. Vaishnavi Gopal
B N 20C, Sivasri Sreekrikshnanagar
Ponguhood Trivandrum
Trivandrum Karnataka
Dr. Napur Goyal
House No.1 Block-H BRS Nagar
Ludhiana Punjab Karnataka
Dr. Ajitesh Prakash
C/0 Dr. Gyan Prakash Degree College
Road Pilibhit U.P 262001 Karnataka
Dr. Gillian Roga
220/c, 297, Civil Lines St. Jude’s
School Bareilly U.P 243001
Bareilly 243001 Karnataka
Dr. Saisweth S
No.2 Next Togdvt Hospital Arekere
Bangalore76 Bangalore 76 Karnataka
Dr. Khushbu Tantia
Krishna industries Sadarara Purulia
WB Purulia Purulia Karnataka
Dr. Mallela Harish
H.No.2-5-529/4/9 Mothi Nagar
Khammam Telangana 507003
Telangana 507003 Karnataka
Dr. Madhuri Nallamilli
D No.2-7A-7/1, Venkatnakakinada
533003 east Godavari District, A.P
533238 SSIMSEKC Davangere Karrnataka
577005 Davangere 577005 Karnataka
Dr. Yogesh Kumar K.P
102/15, ABV Road B’B Block
Krnagar Mysore Karnataka 571602
Mysore 571602 Karnataka
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Swetha H.P
No.634, 1st Main, 4th Cross New
Tippasandra Bangalore 560075
Bangalore 560075 Karnataka
Dr. Manjunatha H
Manjunatha H 9th cross Iudp
Layout Chitradurga Karnataka
Dr. P.Alekya
H.No. 7-10-938/2A, Opp Govt Civil
hospital RP Road Nizamabad Telangana
503001 Telangana 503001 Karnataka
Dr. Anvitha C
#409, 2nd Floor, 12th Cross
Sadashiv nagar Bangalore 560080
Bangalore 560080 Karnataka
Dr. Sheena Singh
168, Gracevilla jiviba park
university road surat 395017
Dr. Sonakshi S
209, Sharada Nilayam K.G Nagar
Main road bangalore 560019
Bangalore 560019 Karnataka
Dr. Amitha L.N
D/o Leela Door No. 1089, Prashasthi
Behind Petrol Bunk vidyanagar
Davanagere Davangere Karnataka
Dr. Harshavardhana K N
#90, 20th Cross 2nd Main Road Jayanagar
Mysore-570014 Mysore 570014 Karnataka
Dr. Marthine Deepali
H. No. 2-4-549, Ramnagar
Hawamkonda warangal Dist- Telangana
506001 Telangana 506001 Karnataka
Dr. Saranya Gadde
H.No.8-3-1109/3, Flat No.444,
Vishnu Lekha Plaza, Srinagar Colony,
Hyderabad-500073 Telangana
Telangana 500073 Karnataka
Dr. Naveen Thomas
Kattikatt (H) Vaduthala P.O Cochin-23
Kerala Dept of Dermatology St.
Johns Medical College kerala
Dr. Rekam Anusha
D.No. 6-5-448, Andhra Bank
colony Ramnagar Anantapur
515004 AP Annantpur
Dr. Ashwiini. B
76, 10th cross 1st Main Jagadish
nagar New Delhi Thippasandra
P.O. Bangalore 560075
Bangalore 560075 Karnataka
Dr. Andrea Marie Rosario
Crystal Vas lane 1st cross Falnir
Mangalore-02 Mangalore 2 Karnataka
Dr. Kiran K.C
Dr. Kiran K C S/O Chinnappa K.S
Kalkatte Garnadlu Village, Salurpost,
Thirtahahalli taluk Shimdga karnataka
577414 577414 Karnataka
Dr. Manoj R
49, 17th Ward, Behind Golden
Park Apts, Kodichikkana-halli,
Bangalore Bangalore 76 Karnataka
Dr. Pratik Thacker
A/8, Shanti Mandal, Shastri nagar,
148, S.V. Road Borivali (west) skin
OPD, KMC Hospital Attavar, Mangalore
575002 Mangalore 575002 Karnataka
Dr. Shruthi M.K
#4, 15th Main , 19th Cross
Padmanabhanagar Bangalore
560061 Bangalore 560061 Karnataka
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Prakruthi K.N
63/8, 2nd Cross Lalji
Nagar Lakkasandra Blore
560030 Karnataka
Dr. Bindu Shree R
#1323, 14th Main 7th Cross BTN
2nd Stage bangalore-560076
Bangalore 560076 Karnataka
Dr. Champa R
#112, Thanisandra, Shivram Karanth
Nagar Post Blore-77 Karnataka
Dr. Safal Rahim
BANGALORE 560 060. Bangalore
Dr. Shibhani S Hegde
Om Shree nivas Near YMCA Jodukatte Udupi
Dr. Kette Rethvi Tej
Lakshmi Srinivasa Nilay 5th ‘A’ Cross
Maruthi Nagar Tumurkarnataka-572102
#103, PG Hostel for men, MMCGRI,
Irwyn Road, Mysore karnataka
570001 Mysore 570001 Karnataka
Dr. Ashwini V Swamy
#2110, 8th Cross Kuvempunagar
Channapatna Ramanagar karnataka
571501 #26, women PG hostel
Vinoba Road Mysore 570001
Mysore 570001 Karnataka
Dr. Puneetha B
#MIG 995, Bogadi II stage Chama
rajamohalla mysore 570026
Mysore 570026 Karnataka
Dr. Abhilash.A. Dani
#29, Sanjay Gandhi Nagar Belly-583104
Bellary 583104 Karnataka
Dr. Sowmya Manangi
#2030 C/0, G Gurushanthappa,
2nd main 2nd cross PJ
extension Davangere-577004
Davangere 577004 Karnataka
Dr. Swarna hebbar
#1566, 5th Cross 17th main
BSK 1st Stg Bangalore 560050
Bangalore 560050 Karnataka
Dr. Bhavya Rajanna
#635, 2nd main 11th Block Nagarbhavi
2nd Stage bangalore-560072
Bangalore 560072 Karnataka
Dr. Kanagala Neethu Chowdary
HIG-125, Vuda, colony vinayak
Nagar Visakhapatnam A.P Dept
of Skin kasturba hosp Manipal
Dr. Soumil Khare
House. No. G-13, maruti Residency
Amlidih Raipur Chhattisgarh OPD
Dermatology Dept MVJMCERH, 30th
Kolathur P.O Dandupalya Hoskote
Bangalore Bangalore 562114 Karnataka
Dr. Anuradha Jindal
20-A, Model Town Ext. Ludhiana Punjab
141002 Dept of skin STD KMC Manipal
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Bhagyashree Kanakareddi
Old ito Road Shanti Colony Vidyanagar
Hubli 580021 OPD No.9 SBMPMCH
Blde University Bijapur-586103
Dr. Kindy D.A.S. Newmai
#249, palm Avenaharbari Dimapur
797112 Ngaland Dept of MVJMCGRH,
30th Milestone, NH4 Dandupalya
Hostel, bangalore 562114
Bangalore 562114 Karnataka
Dr. Swetha Yarramachu
Flat No.203, Balaji Classic gomathy
Nagar miniby pass Road Nellore
A.P Dept of Dermatology OPD
MUJMCGRH, Hoskote-562114
Dr. Mohammed Naseef K
Karat House Parambil Peedika
Malappuram kerala-676317
Dermatology MVJMC&RH Dandupaya,
Hoskote Bangalore 562114
Dr. Mareen Ann Jacob
Tony Villa nalanchira Trivandrum 15 kerala
Blessed Mother teresa Hostel ST Johns
Medical College, Room 22, Koramangala
Bangalore Bangalore Karnataka
Dr. Manohara B.K
B Kumar 731, Samrudhi Nilaya CH
Amnigara Channaraya Patna Assan
Dr. M Shashikumar
No.101, Lighth Phase yelahanka
Nettown Bangalore No.61,
Kalpatar U Bhavan AIMS B.G Nagar
-571448, karnataka Karnataka
Dr. Monica Dukkipa
L-69, Srilapark pride Near Calavary
temple Hydernagar Hderbad 500049
Room No. 40 Kalpataru Bhavan
Aims B.G Nagar 571448 Karnataka
Dr. Vasudevan P
Kulathupalayam Puliyur CF
karur-639114 Tamil nadu
Kulathupalayam Puliyur
Karur, tamil nadu 639114
Dr. Mahajan Shubhangi
Room No. 1309, VGPG Hostel
KEM Hospital Mumbai Mumbai
Dr. Manjusha Devikar
C/o Hemant Bhanarkar Building
Near Maskasath Muncipal
Corporation Maskasth Nagpur
Dr. Anshu Rathi
C/o, N.P Chandak Asmita SBI Colony,
Near Bhaktidham Mandir Badnera
Road Amravati 444607 Mumbai
Dr. Abhashri Vastava
Dr.Vivek Diwan 701, Garha Bazar
Diwan Hospital Jabalpur M.P
Dr. Rajshree Chaudhari
15, New Verma Layout Ambazari Nagpur
Dr. Rashmi Badrinatha Aderao
OPD-14, Skin Nair Hospital
Dr. Aayushi Bharat Mehta
394- B, Gupta Nivas, Bhaudaji
Road Matunga Mumbai
400019 Maharashtra
Dr. Deepali Tarate
C-23, police Officers Quaters
Sahar Road Andheri -East Mumbai
Dr. Nagpal Angela
205, Sholay CHS, Raheja Complex,
Seven Bunglows Andheri -West
Mumbai 400061 Maharashtra
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Mahadevi Patil
H. NO. 934/56, kale Layout Mahalaxmi
Nagar Gulbarga Karnataka
Dr. Neha Gupta
#218, Jeevan Kendra Layout Cambridge
Road Bangalore 560008 Karnataka
Dr. Adinarayana
Bandrala Palli Billur Post Bagepalli
Taluk ChickballaPur 563124 Karnataka
Dr. Vivekananda Ittigi
S/o, Asavaraja I#369/1 Acharya
Layout, Harapan Ahhalli
Davangere 583131 Karnataka
Dr. Sabrina Marwen Pereira Vaz
T4, Indira Appts Opposite Hotel Delmon
CA Road Panjim Goa Maharashtra
Dr. Hemant Vasant Talanikar
Vasu Duplex House Rugved
Building Madhuban Colony Jagtap
Dairy Pune 411027 Maharashtra
Dr. Vikhe Supriya Radhakrishna
801, Gemini River front behind Rohan
Nilay AVNDH Pune 7 Maharashtra
Dr. Priyanka Deelip Patil
A 6/702, Saraf Chaudhari Nagar
Thakur complex Kandivali East
Mumbai 400101 Maharashtra
Dr. Beena Vikas Shirole
J- wing 404, Mayuresh Park Lake Road
Bhandup-West Mumbai 78 Maharashtra
Dr. Agarwal Shilpi Ajay Kumar
Flat No. 403, Building No.
231 B Ashok Nagar Bhiwandi
Thane Mumbai Maharashtra
Dr. Nadia Zakir Mian
Muzaffarnagar Medical College
PG Hostel R.No. GF-8 UP
Dr. Deep Anurag
Shoepur Kanke Road Ranchi
Jharkhand 834003 West Bengal
Dr. Devesh Kumar Shukla
STM, Car Avenue Kolkata 73
Dr. Prerna
STM, Car Avenue Kolkata 73
Dr. Saikat Banerjee
M.N. Road Ghoshpara, Kalitala,
P.O.P Anshila, Sodepur North
24, parganas 700112
Dr. Manoj Kumar Sharma
28, Jawahar Nagar
Danbari Kota 324005
Dr. Bajrang Soni
Outside jassusar Gate Maliyon
Mohalla Bikaner 334001 Rajasthan
Dr. Manjaree Morgaonkar
Sube ki goth behind kailash Talkies
Lashkar Gwalior 474001 M.P
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Anil Kumar Singal
C/o, Rameshwar Dayal Sans
Shop No. 10, Nagar wale
New Mandi. Dholpur 328001
LM/AP/ 8862
Dr. J.V Subba Reddy
Plot No. 80, NGOS Colony Nandyal Kurnool
Andhra pradesh 518502 Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Sailaja Gudladona
Elite Skinandh Air Clinic Opp Globla Edge
School KPH Road 4 Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Shaik Shoukath Ali
Santhi Ram Medical College NH18, Nandyal Kurnool Andhra
pradesh Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Rajni R
H.No. 45-108, Chemmumi Apartment
Ravinder Nagar kadapa Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Kotakonda manohar
20-1075,B R.K Nagar
kadapa Andhra pradesh
Dr. Mohd. Sadiq Umar
124, Vasant Vihar Phase I Dehradun
Uttar Pradesh 248001 Uttar Pradesh
Dr. Dilip Kumar Meena
Shiv Colony mahwa Dausa
Rajasthan 321608 New Delhi
Dr. Hajini Ghulam Hassan
Lane 9, Momin Abad Batmaloo
Srinagar Kashmir Jammu & Kashmir
Dr. Montu Deka
H.No. 87, Cachal Road
Sixmile Guwahati 781022
Dr. Dipali Chetan Chavan
Drabchavan Flat No. 6 Devayan Ishree
Building Shivtirtha nagar Pune Maharashtra
Dr. Geetanjali Shetty
904, Mangal Kripa Building off Sv
Road Unnat Nagar 11 Goregaon
Mumbai 400062 Maharashtra
Dr. Tamkanat Fatima
A-22-502,Al-Makkah, Millat Nagar
Andheri Mumbai Mumbai Maharashtra
Dr. Nihar Ranjan Kayal
1/1, Thakur Pukur Road
kolkata 700063 West Bengal
Dr. Vaswatee Madhab
House No. 16, Lakhimi Nagar path,
Hatigaon Guwahati 38 North East
Dr. Pawan Kumar
Hostel No. 7 Room 59
AIIMS Delhi New Delhi
Dr. Shreyans Mutha
44, Sampat Farms Bhicholi
mardana Indore 452016
Dr. Aswathy U
S.R Nivas Kallayam TVM kerala
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Lakshmy R
Vattapparambi Mathilbhagom
Thiruvanamalai Mathhilbhagom
thiruvallai Thiruvanamalai kerala
Dr. Aswini R
Aryat Thonadloor Pandalam P.O
Pathanamthitta 689501 kerala
Dr. Arjun A
TC 6/1491, Vipanchika Thuruvickal
P.O Trivandrum 695011 kerala
Dr. Bebisha J
13A, JJ Villa Joseph St. West Lutheran
Road Near Nadukattu Isakiyamman
Temple Nagar coil-1 1 kerala
Dr. Swathy Lekshmi J.L
Vandanam Puthenchantha P.O
Vallikunnam 690501 kerala
Dr. Nimiya Gopal
D6/16, KSHB Colony Medical
college Kozhikhode kerala
Dr. Mikin George Thomas
Mannilpeedikayil Elanthur P.O
Pathanamthitta kerala
Dr. Mereena Paul
Mulerikal House kongorpilly
P.O Ernakulam Kerala kerala
Dr. Anjali Ullas
2/18, Divya Easthill Calicut
Calicut 673005 kerala
Dr. Nithu B Johns
Darsana TC-17/2195, Sreepuram
Road Poojappura Trivandrum695012 Trivandrum 695012 kerala
Dr. Anand
Mayookham Akash Nagar Near Malamal
JN Alathur palakkad 678541 kerala
Dr. Shwetha V Rajiv
Vaishnavam Meppayil (P.O) Vatakara
Calicut Calicut 673104 kerala
Dr. Deepa R.S
Yesodhara mandiram Kilikollur
East P.O kollam 691004 kerala
Dr. Rani Maria George
Chalassery (H) Peroor Road Ettumanoor,
P.O, Kottayam Kottayam 686631 kerala
Dr. Hashba B.P
Pleasant Villa Chungam
Pappinisseri Kannur 670561 kerala
Dr. Santhiya Vadhana. A
12/4B, The Respuram
Thoothukudi 628001 Chennai
Dr. Shumez Hameedullah
207, 24th Cross Street, Indira Indira
Nagar Adyar 160020 Chennai
Dr. Swetha P
147, A 4th Block 5th Main Rajaji
Nagar Bangalore 560010
Dr. T. Nethra
7A, Kumaran St. Jothi nagar
Arakkonam Vellore 631003 Tamilnadu
Dr. Deepika R
No.45, Bazaar, Street Chinna Salem
Villapuram 606201 Tamilnadu
Dr. Vijay Kumar S
No.6/8, Maruthi Nagar Mayiladuturai
Tamil Nadu Duthurai Tamilnadu
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dr. Kamini C.R
40, New No.Subramani St
Nrpaddy field Rd. Perambur
Perambur 160011 Tamilnadu
Dr. B Poorana
No. 350, 2nd West Cross Muthiah
Nagar Annamalai Nagar Post
Chidambaram 608002 Tamilnadu
Dr. Gandhi Jasmine Mukesh Chandra
85, Nehru Nagar Society Umra
Ichchhanath Surat 395007 Gujarat
Dr. Yasodhara Puvvada
15-13-22/1, Velagavari Street Market
Area Tenali Tenali 522201 Tenali
Dr. Subha Ranjani K Amaraj
4/173, KMS Gardens Sarada
College road Salem 16 Tamilnadu
Dr. Anirudh Somani
Plot No. 17/A, Journalist Colony
Jubilee Hills Hyderabad 33 AP
Dr. Doctor Nevil Bharatkumar
A-40 Keshavnagar Society
Umra Ichchhanath nath Surat
Gujarat surat 395007 Gujarat
Dr. Ashwini Annabathula
#93, Chandragiri Colony East
Neredmet, Hyderabad 500056 AP
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Dermatololgists, Venereologists & Leprologists
Shreeji Chambers, Brahmpuri, Dandia Bazar, Vadodara-390001, Gujarat
Phone (0265)2431085 email: dvlwelfaretrust@gmail.com
Paste One
DVLWT NO._____________________________________________
Branch: ________________
State: _____________
Category: Reg. / Bene
Date: _____________
Signature: __________________
(To be filled in Block Letters )
First Name
Father’s / Husband’s Name
Sex : Male / Female _____________________________________________________________________________________
Age : __________________________ DOB :_________________________________________________________________
Qualifications: _________________________________________________________________________________________
State Branch of IADVL ___________________________________________________________________________________
LM No. : _____________________________________________________________________________________________
In case of Beneficiary Member Fill 1., 2., 3.,
1. IADVL Member Name _________________________________________________________________________________
2. Relation : __________________________________________________________________________________________
3. Mem. No. of IADVL Member : ___________________________________________________________________________
4. Address : ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Tel. No.: STD Code : ____________Residence : _____________________________Clinic: _______________________________
Mobile No. :__________________________________E-mail : __________________________________________________
I, ________________________________the undersigned hereby apply for the Membership of DVL Welfare Trust. I enclosed herewith
Demand Draft / Cheque No. ______________________Date__________________drawn on _________________________ for
(Rupees _________________________________________________________________________________) being
1. Admission Fees as per age
Rs. ______________
2. Annual Membership Fees
Rs. 400/-
3. Advance Fraternity Contribution(AFC)
Rs. 1,500/-
4. Legal Fees (optional/as per type of practice)
(Rupees__________________________________________________________________________________) being
Advance Payment (optional)
I do hereby declare that the above information is true and I have withheld no information whatsoever in the Application, and I
agree to pay the amount demanded.
I further agree to abide by the conditions laid down in the constitution approved by the General Body for this Trust,
Full Name of the Nominee : _______________________________________________________________________________
(Only one name in Capital letter) if nominee is minor, D.O.B_____________________________________________________
Signature of Nominee/Guardian with name in case of minor :_____________________________________________________
Relationship with applicant :______________________________________________________________________________
Address of Nominee : ___________________________________________________________________________________
Date :_______________
Signature :_________________
Signature _____________________
(Signature of regular member)
(Signature of beneficiary member)
Proposed By. Dr.___________________________________ Membership No.:_____________________
Signature of proposer : ______________________________
Admission fees :
The Admission Fees payable shall be as under :
Age in Years
Admission fee
upto the age of 10 years
11 of 20 years
21 of 30 years
Rs. 2000
31 of 40 years
Rs. 3000
41 of 50 years
Rs. 4000
51 of 60 years
Rs. 5000
61 of 70 years
Rs. 7000
above 70 years
Rs. 8000
2. Annual Membership Fees :
Rs. 300 per member/beneficiary enrolled
Every Member has to pay initially Rs. 1500/- as advance F.C Per member/Beneficiary enrolled
4. LEGAL FEES (optional)
Legal fees will be received from regular members only.
(The indemnity coverage will be Rs. seven lacs, per case and Rs. fifteen lacs aggregate per year.
If member wishes, the indemnity coverage will be double by paying the legal fees double.)
For Consultant with only office practice
- Rs. 1000/- per year.
For Consultant with practice of dermato surgery
- Rs. 2000/- per year.
For Consultant with practice of cosmetic, laser & other procedures
- Rs. 3000/- per year.
1. If application form is not duly completed, it will not be accepted.
2. 3 passport sized photograph to be provided with the form.
3. Certified Photocopy of Birth Date Proof (Attested copy of School leaving certificate / passport / driving license or any other
supportive documents.), LM certificate IADVL HQ & Medical Council Registration Certificate must accompany with this form.
4. In case of beneficiary member, the application form must be signed by the Regular member of IADVL.
5. The admission to any applicant is subject to approval by the Managing Committee of the scheme and shall be final and
binding on the applicant.
6. Please pay by local cheque/DD payable at Vadodara in favour of “DVL Welfare Trust”. Send Cheque or DD by Registered A.D.
post only.
7. M.O., Cash or outstation cheque will not be accepted in any circumstances.
8. Please pay by separate DD for each application, otherwise your application may not be accepted.
9. In case, where nominee is minor or illiterate, the left thumb impression must be taken.
10. Benefit of Fraternity Contribution of scheme is liable after completion of one year of membership of the Trust. However nominee
of member be entitle for such benefits if death of members occurs in accidents even within one year of joining the Trust.
11. Separate forms to be filled for every member or beneficiary member
Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists
_____________________ Branch
(To be filled in Triplicate)
Please Print or use Block Letters Only
The Honorary General Secretary
Indian Association of Dermatologists,
Venereologists and Leprologists (IADVL)
Affix Pass Port Size
Dear Sir,
I desire to become as Provisional Life/Life / Associate Life / International Life member of the Association and if selected, I agree,
or abide by the rules and regulations of the Association. I hereby declare that the information provided by me correct and if
found incorrect my membership may be forfeited.
Signature of the Candidate: ________________________________
Name in Full ( in capitals)
Father’s name
Date of Birth
:_________________Age : ________________________Nationality________________
P.G Qualifications and year of passing ____ _______________________________________________________________
(Must Attach documents)
Medical Registration No. and Authority : ____________________________________________________________________
Specialty: (Dermatology, DVL, etc) _______________________________________________________________________
Year of Starting Practice in Specialty :____________________________ Duration___________________________________
Position holding at present :_____________________________________________________________________________
Permanent Address
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Mailing Address
Phone : National Code No.: __________ Regional (S.T.D) Code :______________Resi.: _________________ Mobile :
__________________________ Hospital / Work ____________________________
E-mail (Mandatory)
Proposed by: (1) Name & Code No. : _________________ LM No.
Signature of Proposer ________________________________
Seconded by : (2) Name & Code No.: __________________ LM No.
Signature of Seconder ________________________________
• Proposers & Seconder should be life members of IADVL
[ I enclose herewith Rs. ________________ (In words _________________________________________________
____________________________ _________) by cash/A/c Payee Bank Draft Drawn on _____________________
_______________________________________Bank Dated ____________________ ]
Place :
Signature of Applicant
• One must join a state branch of IADVL is one’s own state, or a neighboring state. One can also become Direct (Central)
member, if neither of those two exists.
• Please enclose 3 pass port side photographs (paste one to the application from & attach two more) Do not use stapler pins.
Forwarded to the Hon. General Secretary, Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists, (Through the
branch secretary) CFC & JC enclosed.
Place :
Branch Secretary
Address of Branch Secretary
Date :
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Received CFC & JC, Member is enrolled in Register. YES / NO
ILM/A.L.M/P.L.M ___________________________________________________
(Hon. General Secretary)
To The Editor IJDVL for including in Mailing list
Name of the Applicant
Permanent Address
Emailing Address
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
completion. All the PLMs need to submit their degree/
diploma certificate to Hon Gen Secretary’s office within 5
years of becoming PLM to become Life members.
Instructions to Applicant:
Class of
Central fund
membership contribution
contribution contribution
(BC) Rs.
(JC) Rs.
Life members 4000
7000 one
Provisional 4000
life members
7000 one
Associate Life 4000
7000 one
Shall not be required to pay annual subscription
Shall not be required to pay annual subscription
(iii)ASSOCIATE LIFE MEMBER: for those who are working in
the field of Dermatology belonging to other specialties
(Dermatopathologists, Genetic Scientists, microbiologists
etc). No voting rights and are not eligible for any executive
post in IADVL.
(iv)INTERNATIONAL LIFE MEMBER: Working outside India
(NRI & others). No voting rights and not eligible for any
executive post in IADVL.
3. A/c payee Demand Draft to be made payable to Indian
Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists &
Leprologists (IADVL), Payable at Branch Secretary’s place.
(contact state branch secretary for details before making
Instructions to State Secretaries:
• Retain one copy of completed application at the state
branch along with branch contribution (Rs 1,500)
International US $ 700 Life membership
Life Members
• Send the second and third copy along with CFC & JC to
National Secretariat by A/c payee demand draft. (CFC,
JC = 5,500/-) in favor of “IADVL” payable at Delhi.
(i) FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP: The person should be posses a
Medical council of India recognized postgraduate degree
or diploma or DNB in the specialty of Dermatology,
Venereology & Leprology in modern medicine.
(ii) Provisional Life Members: Only post graduate students
undergoing training in MCI recognized medical colleges/
postgraduate courses of this specialty or those pursuing
DNB in Dermato-Venereology/DVL are eligible for this
category. Please remember to attach a certificate from
the head of the department where you are undergoing
training. Mention the date of joining date & likely year of
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
Address of National IADVL Secretariat:
Dr Rashmi Sarkar
Honorary General Secretary, IADVL
Professor, Dept of Dermatology & venerelogy,
Ward No. 22/23 (Through Gate No.3),
Maulana Azad Medical College and Lok
Nayak Hospital, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg,
New Delhi- 110002,
Mob.: 09818244340
E-mail: iadvlsecretary2014@gmail.com
April 2015
International Achievements
Dr Kiran Godse MD FRCP Professor D.Y.Patil school of medicine was invited to speak on
subcutaneous autoserum therapy in chronic urticaria at late breaking research session at American
academy of dermatology annual meeting at San Francisco on 20th March 15
D Y Patil university has started one year fellowship in Allergology Course under Prof Dr.Kiran
Godse. This is unique course for super speciality of allergy
Dr Suresh Joshipura have been selected as abstract reviewer for the European Academy of
Dermatology and Venereology Congress.
Vol: 11 Issue: 1
April 2015
Picture Gallery
Inauguration of CME at DERMACON 2015
IADVL Combined CC Meeting and GBM Closing Year 2015
IADVL CC Meeting and Closing GBM 2015-2
DERMACON 2015 Inauguration
Dr Ruis Fernandez receiving Prof.K.C.Kandhari Memorial Award at
Inauguration DERMACON 2015
Dr Ramesh Bhat releasing Souvenir of DERMACON 2015 at Inauguration
Picture Gallery
IADVLEC with Residents-Dream Editorial Team at Inauguration
Dr Ganesh Pai being honoured at Valedictory Function at DERMACON 2015
IADVL Practice Management Cell Meeting at DERMACON 2015
Winners of IADVL GSK National Quiz for PGs 2015 will IADVL EC and
National Quiry Master
Picture Gallery
IADVL Best Branch Award 2014-Manipur
IADVL Best Branch Award 2014-Karnataka
AGBM of Opening Year at DERMACON 2015
IADVL EC with DERMACON Mangalore Organising Team
IADVL Stall DERMACON Mangalore 2015
IADVL Stall DERMACON Mangalore 2015