Shelley Smith DiCecco, PT, PhD, CLT


Shelley Smith DiCecco, PT, PhD, CLT
Shelley Smith DiCecco, PT, PhD, CLT-­‐LANA   Fatigue   Muscle Weakness   Loss of Balance   Pain (hip, back, or legs)   Loss of Functional Independence   Education on:   Manual therapy for:   Energy conservation   Pain relief   Posture and/or   Scar tissue mobilization Body Mechanics   Gait training   Pain relief   Exercises for:   Muscle strength   Balance   Endurance   Muscle length   Muscle spasms   Muscle length   Modalities for:   Pain relief   Specializes in treating pelvic floor dysfunctions, usually in both males and females.   What a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist treats:   Bowel (including gas) or Bladder Incontinence   Involuntary loss   Constipation or pain with bowel movements   Pain in the genitals or pelvic floor region, especially anal/vaginal stenosis   Scar tissue in the genitals or pelvic floor region   Sexual dysfunctions, including pain or erectile dysfunction Evaluation   History   Muscoskeletal/Posture   Strength   Motion   Mobility   Skin appearance   Internal:   Scar tissue   Spasms   Strength Treatment   Exercises: strength and motion   Manual therapy: scar tissue, muscle spasms, and motion   Dilators: to stretch tissue   Biofeedback   Education   Modalities   Certified to treat swelling in the genitals, pelvic floor region, abdomen, or legs due to dysfunction in the lymphatic system   Signs and Symptoms of Lymphedema:   Swelling in the genitals, pelvic floor region, abdomen, or legs   Numbness, tingling, achiness, bursting, and/or dragging symptoms in the genitals or pelvic floor region   Discoloration, hairloss, and skin changes   Sores or wounds that will not heal in the genital or pelvic floor region Evaluation Treatment   History   Exercises: Promote   Muscoskeletal/Posture   Strength   Motion   Mobility   Skin appearance   Volumetrics fluid reduction   Manual Lymphatic Drainage   Compression Bandages and Garments   Education   Talk with your doctor about your symptoms and/or concerns   Ask for a referral or prescription to see a physical therapist to help with your condition.   Call to make an appointment   Pelvic Floor Physical Therapists:   APTA: Section on Women’s Health    IPPS: International Pelvic Pain Society    Certified Lymphedema Therapists:   Lighthouse Lymphedema Network    Lymphedema Association of North America (LANA)   www.clt-­‐ Shelley Smith DiCecco, PT, PhD, CLT-­‐LANA Director of Lymphedema and Pelvic Floor Services The Sports Rehabilitation Center Email: Phone: 404-­‐477-­‐7777