Inter- Collegiate Quiz Competition on Climate Change Result
Inter- Collegiate Quiz Competition on Climate Change Result
Inter- Collegiate Quiz Competition on Climate Change Result St. Philomena’s College (Autonomous) Mysore, organized an inter-collegiate quiz competition for UG and PG students on Friday, March 20th 2015. This was one of pre-conference events of the International Conference on “Climate Change – Inconvenient truths, status and way forward”. Twenty five teams (Each team consisted of two students) from different colleges of the city took part in the competition. The quiz competition began with the preliminary round (Written test) of fifty questions sequentially displayed using multimedia screen. The top ten teams were picked up for the oral question round. Dr. Mohan Monterio, an alumnus of St. Philomena’s College was the quiz master. After grueling rounds of fifty-fifty, short connect, long connect, etc., the following top three teams were declared as the first, second and third prize winners of the inter collegiate quiz competition on climate change. Position I Place II Place III Place Institution/College Name St. Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore St. Philomena’s College(Autonomous) Mysore Venkatram Harish Belvadi SJCE College, Mysore Grijesh Gopi Ameer Mohammad Ibrahim Sarath R Srikar Karthick Cash Prize amount(Rs) 10,000/5,000/3,000/- HEARTY CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS Principal