FAQs - ICF Midwest Regional Conference


FAQs - ICF Midwest Regional Conference
ICF Midwest Regional Recognition Awards
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who is eligible for an award?
Any coach who is not a member of the Awards Committee or its Selection
Subcommittee, and who is both a member of the Global ICF and an ICF Midwest
Region Chapter can be nominated for an award. See FAQ #15 for a list of the ICF
Midwest Region Chapters.
2. Who will select the recipients?
The Awards Committee members are Judy Vernick (ICF Pittsburgh), Kathy
Igoe (ICF Michigan) and Susan Slocum (ICF Chicago). The Awards
Committee oversees the Selection Subcommittee which is comprised of
volunteers from the 14 ICF Midwest Regional Chapters. See FAQ #15 for a
list of the ICF Midwest Region Chapters.
3. When will the recipients be announced?
The recipients of each of the five (5) award categories will be announced and
honored at the 2015 ICF Midwest Regional Conference in Kansas City, MO, June
4. Who can nominate a coach for an award?
Anyone can submit a nomination.
5. What do I need to do to nominate a coach for an award?
To nominate a coach, complete the nomination form. Be sure to select the specific
award category relevant to the coach you are nominating and their accomplishments.
You may want to forward the form to the nominee to obtain some of the information
In order for a nomination to be complete, in addition to submitting a nomination
form, two (2) letters of support (300 words or less) from additional sources must be
submitted to awards@icf-midwest.com from their e-mail addresses. When
submitting a letter of support, please use the following subject line: MRRA for “name
of coach being nominated,” e.g., MRRA for Julie Smith.
6. What is the deadline to submit a nomination?
The deadline for submitting a nomination is March 31, 2015.
7. Is there any leniency on the March 31st deadline?
To ensure equal opportunity for all candidates, we enforce a strict deadline
of March 31st for the nomination form and letters of support. We accept
emailed nominations (forms and letters of support) until 11:59 p.m. ET. No
extensions are granted.
8. Can I nominate more than one coach?
Yes. Please use one nomination form for each coach. See also FAQ #5 above.
9. Can I nominate a coach for more than one award?
Yes. Please use a separate nomination form for each award that you are submitting
for the nominee and include all the relevant information for the specific award. See
also FAQ #5 above.
10. Can a prior award winner be nominated for an award this year?
Yes. A prior award winner can be nominated for the same or different award, with a
caveat. If a coach is re-nominated for an award previously won, their application
must contain new contributions and achievements for which they have not yet been
recognized in this forum. However, a coach who was nominated and did NOT win
may include previously submitted achievements or contributions in their
11. What are the minimum requirements for nominating a coach?
All awards require ICF Global and ICF Midwest Regional Chapter membership.
Regarding ICF credentials, the Avatar award requires the ICF ACC credential, or
that the nominee has submitted an application for the ACC credential. The
Thomas Leonard Achievement Award requires the ICF PCC or MCC credential.
The Community Outreach, Innovation and Leadership Awards do not require
an ICF credential, although ACC, PCC or MCC is preferred.
In order for a nomination to be complete, in addition to submitting a nomination
form, two (2) letters of support (300 words or less) from additional sources must be
submitted to awards@icf-midwest.com from their e-mail addresses. When
submitting a letter of support, please use the following subject line: MRRA for
“name of coach being nominated,” e.g., MRRA for Julie Smith. See also FAQ #5
12. Are only ICF credentialed coaches eligible for an award?
No. The Community Outreach, Innovation and Leadership Awards do not require an
ICF credential, although an ACC, PCC or MCC is preferred. However, the Avatar
Award requires the ICF ACC credential, or that the nominee has submitted an
application for the ACC credential. The Thomas Leonard Achievement Award
requires the ICF PCC or MCC credential. See also FAQ #11 above.
13. Does a coach have to belong to ICF Global in order to receive a Midwest
Regional Recognition Award?
Yes. The Midwest Regional Advisory Council is an ICF Global organization and
only members of ICF Global who are also members of a local Midwest Region
ICF Chapter are eligible for an ICF Midwest Regional Recognition Award. See
also FAQ #11 above.
14. Does a coach have to belong to a local ICF Chapter in order to receive an
Yes. We are an ICF Global organization and only members of the ICF who are
also members of a local ICF Midwest Region Chapter are eligible for an ICF
Midwest Regional Recognition Award. See also FAQ #11 above and FAQ #15
15. What are the ICF Midwest Region Chapters?
The ICF Midwest Region Chapters are:
1. Chicago
2. Cleveland
3. Columbus
4. Greater Indianapolis
5. Heartland
6. Iowa
7. Michigan
8. Minnesota
9. Nebraska
10. Ohio Valley
11. Pittsburgh
12. St. Louis
13. Wisconsin
16. How confidential is this process? Can you send me information about a
All nominations are held in confidence. Our policy is not to release nominationrelated information to anyone other than the individual who submitted it. This is to
protect nominators and supporters who provide this information to the Awards
Committee in confidence.
17. When are the Awards recipients determined? When can I expect to be
The Awards recipients are determined prior to the 2015 ICF Midwest Regional
Conference. Winners will be announced at the Conference. Winners will not
be notified before the Conference.
18. If a nominee wasn’t selected for an Award, can that person be reconsidered
in future years?
Yes, they can be reconsidered, but only if they are nominated again. Only
nominations that are received within the open and close dates for any
particular year will be considered for the awards. See also FAQ #10 above.
19. Once I submit a nomination form via email, is the nomination complete?
No. Your nomination is only complete once your nomination form and the two
(2) required letters of support are received. Email confirmation will be
sent upon receipt of the nomination form and once the complete nomination
package is received (completed nomination form and two (2) letters of
support). See FAQ #11 above.
20. If I nominate a candidate, do I need to send an additional letter of support?
No. There is space on the nomination form for the nominator to include a
description of how the nominee meets the selection criteria for the award plus
the associated accomplishments, including results, measures of success, and
impact of each. Two (2) letters of support (300 words or less) are required from
individuals other than the nominator.
Nomination forms must include email address of the nominator. Letters of
support must come from the email address of the supporter. Letters of support
should be identified in the subject line as follows: MRRA for “name of coach
being nominated,” e.g., MRRA for Julie Smith.
21. What additional (supporting) materials are helpful for the Awards
Press releases, news articles, links to video clips, etc. that support the nominee’s
accomplishments with respect to the Award criteria are helpful.