ICOBC_AGM_2015_Proxy_form - Indo Canada Ottawa Business


ICOBC_AGM_2015_Proxy_form - Indo Canada Ottawa Business
ICOBC Annual General Meeting
Date: April 10 , 2015 6:00PM
Venue: Rinag, 88 Jamie Avenue, Ottawa, ON K2E 6T6
I, a Regular / Life Time / Corporate member of Indo Canada Ottawa Business Chamber, hereby
appoint ______________________________________________________________ a Regular
/ Life Time / Corporate member of the Corporation, to represent and to act on my behalf at the
Annual General Meeting of the members to be held on April 10 , 2015 and any adjournments
thereof, to the same extent and with the same power as if I was personally present at the said
I understand that to be valid, this Proxy Form has to be submitted to the Election Committee
on or before Mar 18 , 2015 4:00PM.
This Proxy when properly executed confers discretionary authority with respect to all matters that
properly come before the meeting.
Name (PRINT):
Completed proxy form is to be received on or before Mar 18 , 2015 4:00PM:
By post: ICOBC Nomination Committee, 15 Fitzgerald Road, Suite 200, Ottawa, ON, K2H 9G1
By email (scanned form): elections@icobc.org