for IDCOL Digitization Project


for IDCOL Digitization Project
IDCOL Digitization Project
08 April 2015
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)
UTC Building, Level-16, 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Table of Contents
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
Objectives of the Digitization Project ...................................................................................................................... 1
Brief Description of the Project .................................................................................................................................. 1
Scope of Work.................................................................................................................................................................... 2
Project Deliverables ........................................................................................................................................................ 5
Project Duration ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Content of EOI Submission ........................................................................................................................................... 5
Eligibility.............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
EOI Submission Deadline .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Annex – A: Technical Specifications ................................................................................................................................... 7
Annex – B: List of Professional Staff................................................................................................................................... 7
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) .................................................................................................. 8
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Terms of Reference for “IDCOL Digitization Project”
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) was established on 14 May 1997 by the Government of
Bangladesh. The Company was licensed by the Bangladesh Bank as a Non-Bank Financial Institution (NBFI) on
5 January 1998. Since its inception, IDCOL is playing a major role in bridging the financing gap for developing
medium to large-scale infrastructure and renewable energy projects in Bangladesh. The company now stands
as the market leader in private sector energy and infrastructure financing in Bangladesh.
IDCOL is the largest energy and infrastructure financing company in Bangladesh and involved in structuring
and financing of many large infrastructure projects in sectors like power, telecom, toll roads, ports, ICT etc.
Many of these projects were first of its kind in Bangladesh and vital for the national development.
In its drive towards promoting alternative sources of energy, IDCOL finances projects and programs that
utilize various forms of renewable sources. Through startup subsidy, concessionary credit, and capacity
development support, IDCOL complements the Government’s mission of generating five percent of the
country’s total electricity from renewable sources by 2015. IDCOL’s objective is to ensure financial and
economic sustainability of the sector with an ultimate goal of commercialization.
IDCOL, situated at Level-16, UTC Building, 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazaar, Dhaka, Telephone No.: 9102171-8,
Fax No.: +880-2-8116663 is now seeking assistance for a digitization project (see scope of work below).The
project will be carried out at IDCOL Head Office (HO) and 12 IDCOL Regional Offices (RO) located at
Brahmanbaria, Barisal, Barguna, Bagura, Chitagong, Dhaka, Khulna, Faridpur, Laxmipur, Mymensingh, Rangpur
and Sylhet.
Objectives of the Digitization Project
The digitization project is intended to
a) To go paperless
b) To improve accessibility and availability of the documents
c) To enhance the search ability of the documents
d) To contribute to the comprehensiveness of IDCOL database
Brief Description of the Project
IDCOL officials process huge amount of documents regularly. Processed documents are kept in archives for
further reference. Due to volume of processed documents and space constraint a Document Archival System is
required by IDCOL. IDCOL through a service provider intends to archive all documents. Approximately
17,500,000 number of pages has to be digitized under IDCOL’s different departments. All the documents will
be digitized within the premises of IDCOL Head Office (HO)and12 IDCOL Regional Offices (RO). No document
shall be allowed to be taken outside from IDCOL premises at any point.
The service provider will deploy sufficient equipment and manpower to complete the work within stipulated
timeframe, including but not limited to:
All hardware required to set up a digitization centre within IDCOL premises. The equipment will be
removed after completion of the project with the authorization of IDCOL.
All required software.
The service provider will perform
Data entry in digitization software
Integration with IDCOL MIS
Training & capacity building
The service provider must complete the project within 6 (six) calendar months.
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Scope of Work
The requested services of the service provider comprise but are not limited to the following:
Detailed action plan for the digitization:
IDCOL staff will be handing over the documents to the service provider in batches. The service provider shall
return the documents to the same staff in the same form after scanning. The service provider will be
responsible for carrying out restoration on documents that are returned damaged as a result of poor handling.
The action plan shall include:
 A detailed work plan for the scanning of documents with milestones and timelines. The work plan shall
be approved by IDCOL.
 A detailed workflow including:
Document preparation: unbinding, repairing, rebinding etc.
Scanning methodology
Quality control: steps for ensuring optimum quality including ensuring that the content of the
scanned documents are the exact replica of the original document, conformity of the pages of
scanned image with that of original, image clarity, resolution, de-skewing, cropping, image
resolution etc.
Naming the documents following a naming convention specified by IDCOL
Disaster Recovery plan
Initial storage of the digitized content
Handing over the digitized content to IDCOL through hard disk
Integration of digitized content with IDCOL MIS
Digitization software
Training & capacity building of IDCOL staff
Setting up a fully equipped digitization centre at IDCOL HO / RO to carry out the project
The service provider is expected to bring his/her own resources, including:
 All the required hardware, software, and supporting equipment (scanners, computers, printers etc.).
 The required personnel/staff (see Annex B)
 Document preparation, unbinding, scanning and rebinding must be done within IDCOL premises. The
rest of the process may be done at service provider’s premises within stipulated timeframe.
Testing phase
Using a representative sample of the documents, the service provider shall conduct a testing of the digitization
process. The purpose of this testing phase is to assess the ability of the proposed work plan and workflow to
digitize documents with required speed and quality. The following criteria will be used to assess this phase:
Number of documents digitized per day
Quality of digitized records
Care and handling of original documents
This phase will allow the service provider to improve their digitization process by adjusting the workflow and
work plan. It is expected that a total of 50,000 pages of documents will be covered in the testing phase.
The service provider must demonstrate the digitization software’s interface and how the complete testing
phase data can be integrated in IDCOL MIS.
Successful completion of this phase is the prerequisite for going ahead with the remaining on the contract. All
payments shall commence only after the successful completion of this phase.
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Scanning and digitization of documents
The digitization of documents (see “Brief Description of the Project” for approximate number of documents to
be digitized)as per technical specifications mentioned in Annex – A will begin after successful completion of
the testing phase.
The digitization process will follow the approved workflow and work plan provided by the service provider
and refined and approved during the testing phase.
The digitization must be conducted in such a way that the scanned documents are as close to the originals as
possible. Image enhancements may be required.
Indexing of the digitized documents
The service provider must ensure the proper indexing of the scanned documents. The indexing technique must
be approved by IDCOL.
Quality checks
The quality check and validation of the output produced by the service provider will be performed by both
IDCOL and the service provider to ensure that the desirable quality is provided on elements including size of
image, resolution of image, file format, cropped and border areas, alignment and text legibility etc.
Should it be found that the service provider has not performed the scanning work satisfactorily and the images
are of poor quality, IDCOL reserves the right to get the documents scanned afresh by another service provider
and the cost incurred shall be adjusted from the service provider’s bill.
Return of the original documents
Original documents will be returned by the service provider on a batch basis. Under no circumstances, the
documents shall be changed, mutilated, destroyed or replaced by some other documents.
The consultant will report to IDCOL by preparing the following reports:
Inception Report
Due within one week after the start of the assignment. The inception report will make a detailed proposal for
the framework of implementation of the digitization project covering section 4.2 of this ToR.
Before proceeding to the fieldwork, the service provider shall submit the inception report containing the
detailed work plan and the work flow to IDCOL.
Report on Equipment Specifications
After completion of the project, IDCOL intends to carry out digitization of documents using own resources. In
this regard, the service provider has to submit a report mentioning detailed technical specifications of
equipment required to continue digitization using IDCOL’s own resources.
The report is due along with second Monthly Progress Report.
Monthly Progress Report
The Monthly Progress Report will describe all activities performed and results achieved within the reported
period. It will report the state of planned / implemented activities and assess their results’ implications on the
implementation of the Project. The Monthly Progress Report must have two dedicated chapters on quality
control and return of original documents titled respectively as Monthly Quality Control Report and Monthly
Return Report of Original Documents.
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Each Monthly Progress Report must be accompanied by the digitized content and submitted to IDCOL through
hard disk.
Draft final report
One week prior to the end of the project duration, a draft final report will be due which will detail all activities
performed and results achieved, covering all aspects of the scope of work. Moreover, the report will include
recommendations relevant for further developing the project, and identify further steps to be taken by IDCOL
regarding the need for further assistance, if any.
Final Report
Due two weeks after IDCOL have submitted their comments on the draft final report, if any.
Report Submission Guidelines
Of every report, two hard copies along with one electronic copy have to be submitted to IDCOL as per time
Except for the final report, all comments by IDCOL will be given not later than two weeks after receipt of the
In addition and if necessary on an ad hoc basis, the service provider shall report on all circumstances that
might jeopardise the achievement of the overall objective and the project results.
Each report shall contain an executive summary. It will also highlight any problems or issues that require
urgent attention with proposals as to how these can best be addressed.
Training & Capacity Building
Three types of training will be provided by service provider:
Management Training:
IDCOL HO officials will be included in this category. The objective of this training is to ensure overall
understanding of operation of the system.
Training areas
Presentation on the overall concepts of the Digital Archiving of files and its scope and benefit.
Introduction to software/database/security concepts
Hands on training on basic operating system functionality
Demonstration on Operation of the Scanning and storing process.
Hands on training on how to use the software to extract MIS reports and use them as decision
support or monitoring tools.
End user Training:
This group will consist of IDCOL RO officials and IDCOL HO support staff who will keep the system running.
The trainees will receive hands on training on subjects specific to him rather than receiving conceptual
understanding on the overall functionality of the total system. This is the key training activity of the project.
Training areas
Presentation on the overall concepts of the Digital Archiving of files and its scope and benefit.
Demonstration on Operation of the Scanning and storing process
Hands on training on the specific area
Disaster Recovery plan
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Technical Users Training:
A strong technical team is required to maintain the system and provide prompt support to the end users. The
service provider will train IDCOL IT Department officials for smooth operation of the digitization software
after expiry of the maintenance phase. IT department officials will work as system administrator/database
administrator, programmer, web master etc.
Training areas
Complete solution for an archiving application Development
Digital archiving administration
Software trouble shooting
Advanced areas of archiving technology
User Manual:
User manuals (in Bangla) incorporating training areas for end user training will be supplied by the service
provider during the training.
In addition, soft copies of presentation slides and other audio visuals will be provided by the service provider.
After the completion of Data Entry, Archiving and Image Processing, the service provider will have to provide
maintenance for 12(twelve) additional months. Maintenance will include the following tasks:
Project Deliverables
Fix any software problems within 2 working days.
Fix any security issues (including virus attacks and other security problems) within 24 hours.
Maintain back-up and recovery of data.
Assist IDCOL to maintain and enhance the system through transfer of knowledge as required.
Develop required modification of existing software for smooth operation and compatibility with
the proposed data entry, archiving and image processing, if necessary.
Detailed work plan and workflow
Approved testing phase
Ongoing reporting
o Inception report
o Monthly progress report
o Monthly quality control report
o Monthly return report of original documents
o Final report
Handing over of the digitized activities through hard disk
Integration of digitized content with IDCOL MIS
Handing over of digitization software
Training & capacity building of IDCOL staff
Maintenance of digitization software
Project Duration
The project duration including document scanning, data-entry, indexing, integration with IDCOL MIS and
training & capacity building will be up to 6 (six) calendar months. Successful completion of the testing phase is
the prerequisite for going ahead with the remaining project.
Content of EOI Submission
IDCOL now invites eligible applicants (“Firms”) to express their interest in providing the Services. Interested
Firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
experience to perform the Services. In this regard, the interested applicants are requested to submit their
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) along with the documents below:
a) Documentary evidence of incorporation of the Firm (Trade License of the year of registration and of
the latest year, MOA, Incorporation certificate, Articles of Association, or Membership of professional
bodies, Partnership deed RJSC, Copy of TIN certificate, Copy of bank statement as evidence of the bank
solvency), if relevant;
b) Audit Report (by CA firm) for last 02 (Two) years containing necessary disclosures;
c) Annual Report, if any;
d) Details of works completed in the last 02 (Two) years including clients' names, brief description of
engagements, contract period, contract value, etc.;
To describe the similar experience, the applicants are requested to fill up a chart like below for each project:
Ref (maximum 7)
Project title
Overall project value
Name of client
Origin of funding
Dates (start/end)
Description of project
Type of services provided
e) Brief CVs of Project Manager and key project personnel;
f) List of available personnel structure (see Annex – B) for the envisaged services with information about
education, professional experience and specific project-related experience;
g) Description of the organization’s capacity and resources.
The firms those meet the following criteria are encouraged to participate:
Companies and firms registered with appropriate authorities;
Have yearly minimum turnover BDT 3,000,000/- (Thirty lac taka only) or equivalent amount;
Record of a minimum of two (02) years’ experience and expertise on similar assignments;
Have completed minimum 03 (three) similar assignments in last 02 (two) years of minimum volume
10 man-months;
e) Have all the technical facilities of their own or necessary arrangements with such facilities;
f) Have a team of key experts.
Previous relevant experience in Bangladesh and qualified staff is imperative. The staff shall be experienced in
similar works under similar conditions. Efficient management and backstopping staff shall be made available
by the firm to supervise its team.
The short-listing criteria are:
a. Years of general experience;
b. Financial Capacity;
c. Numbers of completed similar task/assignment;
d. Qualification and experience of key personnel.
EOI Submission Deadline
The EOI must be received on or before 29 April 2015 by 05:00 PM (Bangladesh Standard Time) and be
forwarded to the following address in one sealed envelope:
Md. Maidul Islam
Officer, Procurement
Infrastructure Development Company Limited
Level-16, UTC Building, 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
International applicants may send their EOI by e-mail at, or
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Annex – A: Technical Specifications
Service commencement: Within 7 calendar days after approval of testing phase
Data accuracy: 100%
Scanning requirements:
o Resolution:
 Optical: 600 dpi or greater
 Black-and white or grayscale output: 600 dpi or greater
 Color output: 300 dpi or greater
o Output options:
 Black and white: 8 bit
 Color: 24 bit
o Scanning quality: 90% readable
Search and retrieve: <3 sec
Image output: PDF/JPEG/TIFF
Data and Image delivery (backup copy): Hard Disk (HDD)
Annex – B: List of Professional Staff
The service provider’s staff list shall ideally comprise but not be limited to the following:
Project Manager
Database Specialist
Scanner Operator
Document processor
Data Entry operator
Maintenance Professional
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)
Level-16, UTC Building, 8 Panthapath, Kawran Bazaar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Telephone No.: 9102171-8, Fax No.: +880-2-8116663
Assignment Title: Selection of Firm for IDCOL Digitization Project
Reference No.: IDCOL/REREDPII/S-27, Date: 08/04/2015
Package No: S-27 under REREDPII
The Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL) has received financing from The World Bank
toward the cost of the Rural Electrification and Renewable Energy Development (RERED)-II Project, and
intends to apply part of the proceeds for the services.
The services ("the Services”) include:
Setting up a fully equipped digitization centre at IDCOL HO / RO to carry out the project;
Conducting a testing of the digitization process;
Scanning and digitization of documents;
Indexing of the digitized documents;
Quality checks and validation;
Regular reporting to IDCOL;
Digitization software;
Providing necessary training & capacity building;
Providing maintenance for 12 (twelve) additional months after completing the whole assignment.
IDCOL now invites eligible applicants (“Consultants”) to express their interest in providing the Services.
Interested Firms should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and
relevant experience to perform the Services. The firms those meet the following criteria are encouraged to
Companies and firms registered with appropriate authorities;
Have yearly minimum turnover BDT 3,000,000/- (Thirty lac taka only) or equivalent amount;
Record of a minimum of 02 (two) years’ experience and expertise on similar assignments;
Have completed minimum 03 (three) similar assignments in last 02 (two) years of minimum
volume 10 (ten) man-months;
Have all the technical facilities of their own or necessary arrangements with such facilities;
Have a team of key experts.
Applicants/Firms who have the eligibility mentioned above are encouraged to submit their EOIs. The
interested applicants are requested to submit require supporting as per mentioned below for proving the
eligibility criteria:
a) Documentary evidence of incorporation of the Firm (Trade License of the year of registration and
of the latest year, MOA, Incorporation certificate, Articles of Association, or Membership of
professional bodies, Partnership deed RJSC, Copy of TIN certificate, Copy of bank statement as
evidence of the bank solvency), if relevant;
b) Audit Report (by CA firm) for last 02 (Two) years containing necessary disclosures;
c) Annual Report, if any;
d) Details of works completed in the last 02 (Two) years including clients' names, brief description
of engagements, contract period, contract value, etc.;
e) Brief CVs of Project Manager and key project personnel;
f) List of available personnel structure for the envisaged services with information about education,
professional experience and specific project-related experience;
g) Description of the organization’s capacity and resources.
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project
The short-listing criteria are:
a) Years of general experience
b) Yearly turnover
c) Numbers of completed similar task/assignment
d) Qualification of team members
The attention of interested Firms is drawn to Paragraph 1.9 of the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and
Employment of Consultants (“Consultant Guidelines”), setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of
interest. Firms may associate with other firms or individuals in the form of a joint venture or a sub
consultancy to enhance their qualifications. Firms will be selected in accordance with the selection based
on Quality and Cost-Based Selection (QCBS) method set out in the Consultant Guidelines and the contract
will be Lump-Sum based.
Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours- 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM (BST)
and the interested firms are requested to visit for detail REOI and Terms of
Reference (ToR) of this assignment. Applications will be evaluated by an evaluation committee in
accordance with the criteria described in the ToR. Only shortlisted applicants will be further communicated
for submission of detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) for final selection.
Expressions of Interest (EOI) must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by
mail, or by fax, or by e-mail). The last date for submission of EOI is 29 April 2015 by 05:00PM (BST). EOI
shall be in a sealed envelope and be clearly marked 'Application for the Firm for IDCOL Digitization
project’. International applicants may send their EOI by e-mail at, or Any application received after the deadline will be returned unopened to the
Md. Maidul Islam,
Officer, Procurement,
Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)
Telephone No.: 9102171-8 (Ext- 143),
Fax No.: +880-2-8116663,
TOR_IDCOL Digitization Project