Read In Fullscreen - Sagua Mañagu + MPG


Read In Fullscreen - Sagua Mañagu + MPG
What to Expect
When You’re
Expecting a
for Daddy’s
Absence and
Baby’s Arrival
May.Jun. 2015
Vol. 14 #3
Splish, Splash:
Let’s Take a Bath
15 Ways to
Girls Just
Have Fun
Good Sports
Your Child’s Early
Development is a Journey
Check off the milestones your child has reached and
share your child’s progress with the doctor at every visit.
Birth to 6 Months
Recognizes Mom/Dad
Strings vowels together
when babbling
(“ah,” “eh,” “oh”)
Uses simple gestures
such as shaking head for
“no” or waving “bye bye”
Responds to own
Turns head to you
when you speak
Copies gestures
12 M
Responds to
simple spoken
1 YE
Coos, babbles, smiles
Likes to play with
others, especially
Imitates simple
words and sounds
24 Mon
18 Months (1
Follows simple
Says sentences with
1 to 2 words
Gets excited when
with other children
Plays simple pretend
such as feeding a doll
Knows what ordinary
things are for (e.g.
telephone, brush, spoon,
Says several single
Walks alone
Says “mama”
and “dada”
Points to show others
something interesting
Kicks a ball
36 Months (3 YEARS)
Points to things or
pictures when they’re
Jumps, runs,
throws, climbs,
and begins to
peddle tricycle
Says sentences
with 2 to 4 words
Climbs well
Plays make-believe
with dolls, animals,
and people
Shows affections
for friends without
The first three years of a child’s life are very important, but keep in
Pulls up to
uam Early Intervention System is
committed to
nabling families to access
ntegrated and quality services
for your children through
upports and shared dreams.
mind that children grow and learn at different rates. If you have
questions about how your child is developing, or if you think your child might
need extra help, contact the Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) for a FREE
DEVELOPMENTAL SCREENING to help you get the services you need to give
your child a good start in life.
To schedule a FREE Developmental Screening or for more information
on early intervention services, call 300-5776/5816.
100% federally funded by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Part C Grant for Infants and Toddlers, Department of
Education, Division of Special Education, Guam Early Intervention System (GEIS) in collaboration with the University of Guam Center
for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research, & Service (Guam CEDDERS).
This poster is adapted from “Tracking Your Child’s Developmental Milestones” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Act Early Campaign.
on early intervention services and early
childhood development visit online at:
editor's letter
Over a century ago, one woman set out on a mission in memory of
her mother. Anna Jarvis wanted a holiday to recognize all mothers,
“the person who has done more for you than anyone in the world.“
She wasn’t successful at first, but in 1914, her persistence resulted in
a Presidential proclamation that set aside the 2nd Sunday in May to
honor mothers. It would take another 52 years and several efforts
on various fronts before President Lyndon Baines Johnson issued a
Presidential proclamation that designated the 3rd Sunday in June as
Father’s Day.
MAÑAGU is proud and pleased to recognize Guam’s Moms and
Dads: awesome women and men who have taken on the enormous
responsibility of raising our island’s children. We are grateful to
the many parents who share their stories, making MAÑAGU what
it is today. Some of the tales offer insights into the challenges of
parenting. Others remind us to laugh at ourselves and our kids’
antics. Still, others let parents know that we’re not alone, that we can
find support in those around us, and take comfort in knowing that “it
takes a village to raise a child.”
Special thanks to the parents who contribute freely to MAÑAGU
Magazine. Among them are the mothers and fathers who answered
Sagua Mañagu’s call on Facebook to give us 15 Ways to Celebrate
Parents. There’s the young couple who spent weeks Preparing for
Daddy’s Absence and Baby’s Arrival. There’s the working mom who
raised one tween and is in the midst of raising another; two mothers
who have found Good Sports for their children; and there’s Barb
Mafnas who thanks her son, Christopher, for helping manage her
Stress Monsters.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Dr. Annie Bordallo and Dr. Ellen Bez, the
owners and visionaries of MPG and Sagua Mañagu. One of the
most important lessons they’ve learned over the years is to take time
to share and enjoy experiences with the people you care about. That
includes their families at home and at work. I’m grateful to be part
of their family. The experiences may come to an end, but the warm
feelings and vivid memories last a lifetime.
Thank you for reading MAÑAGU. It’s certainly our pleasure to bring
it to you.
Editorial Contributions
Marie Babauta-Balbin
Tamara Benavente
Beaudy Camacho
Maressa Cepeda
Lynsey Escalante
Emi Heacock
Kia Laguana
Barbara Mafnas
Anjelica Malone
Shan Shan Mindo
Arlene Palugod
Nadiya Paulino
Michelle Quipse
Pauline Salingbay
Michael Shinohara
Nonnie Shinohara
Yeisly Sierra-Alvarez
LourKrina Taitano
Maelonie Tamondong
Gisselle Yeban
Sherilyn Zapanta
Annie Bordallo, MD
Ellen Bez, MD
Managing Partners
Lina Leon Guerrero
Flori Sanchez
Published by
Sagua Mañagu
Editing & Layout
David Castro
Carlene Okiyama
Cover by
Expressions Studio
Copyright © 2015 by
Sagua Mañagu
All rights reserved.
No portion of this magazine may
be reprinted without prior
written permission.
2 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
We welcome your comments at:
or contact us at
Preparing for Daddy’s Absence
and Baby’s Arrival 6
Splish, Splash: Let’s Take a Bath 8
15 Ways to Celebrate Parents 10
Good Sports 18
What to Expect When You’re
Expecting a Tween 22
Girls Just Gotta Have Fun 24
Regular Features
Congratulations to all the Families
Born at Sagua Mañagu 26
Barb’s Corner 28
About the cover:
Zidáne Mindo will soon
explore the wonders of marine
life, just like his parents.
Photo by Expressions Studio
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 3
Lamaze and More in 2015
Instructor Barbara C. Mafnas, BSN, LCCE, CLC, IBCLC, HB
Lamaze® Classes: A combination of relaxation,
breathing techniques, comfort measures and
position changes that are designed to help
during labor and birth. We stress that partners
are essential throughout labor, birth, postpartum
and parenting. Please bring: a pillow, blanket,
bath towel (for foot soaks), tennis ball, snacks
and water. Moms need to wear shorts or slacks
and comfortable shoes as you’ll be doing some
floor work!
Baby Bonding: Designed to help mothers and
fathers gain confidence as they pick up on
feeding cues and other needs of their babies.
The class includes the first hours after birth,
breast feeding and feeding cues, baby bath time
and massage.
Prenatal Care: Covers journey of pregnancy
from positive pregnancy test to third trimester.
The class Includes prenatal care, nutrition,
common discomforts, early warning signs and
sexual activity. Also covered are the benefits of
rest and exercise.
Orientation: A class specially designed for
parents who choose Sagua Mañagu, covering
pregnancy from positive pregnancy test
through third trimester, then onto childbirth and
newborn care. The first part of the class includes
procedures and care during pregnancy, good
nutrition and exercise as well as answers to
common questions regarding discomforts, early
warning signs, sexual activity, the effects of
alcohol, smoking and recreational drugs. The
second part is an orientation to Sagua Mañagu
that includes patient rights and responsibilities,
the differences between birthing centers and
hospitals; family involvement; newborn care here
and what to expect when you go home.
Sibling Class: Designed for parents and children.
Discussion of child involvement in the labor
process and emotional aspects of being with mom
at this time. Also covers mother/child relationship
changes and expectations. Film “Lizzie and the
Baby” addresses relationship changes, doctors’
visits with mom, animated growth of the fetus,
how baby is born, what new babies look like,
what they can do, how to hold them and more!
Baby Daddy Class: Designed exclusively for dads
to help increase their confidence in becoming a
new dad. Dads will have better understanding of
his woman, recognize the cla ssic signs of labor
and what to do, verbalize 3 feeding cues of the
newborn, understand relationships and dynamics,
and understand his role as the new dad.
Parenting & Safety: This 2-hour class helps
parents understand the importance of interacting
with their baby and understanding growth and
development to provide realistic expectations.
The class will also use open discussion to talk
about subjects as discipline, prevention of
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and Shaken
Baby Syndrome. Life skills such as basic infant
CPR will be included.
Class Fees:
Lamaze $60
Lamaze Refresher Class $40
Baby Bonding, Prenatal Care, Orientation,
Sibling Class, Baby Daddy, & Parenting & Safety
are offered courtesy of Marianas Physicians
Group and Sagua Mañagu-
All classes are held at MPG/Sagua Mañagu Classroom
Website: • Phone: 647-1417 or 1418
May 2015
June 2015
• Lactation Consult
• Orientation
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Crash Course Lamaze
• Lamaze Refresher
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Lactation Consult
• Orientation
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Crash Course Lamaze
• Lamaze Refresher
• Lactation Consult
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Prenatal Care
• Baby Bonding
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
• Lactation
• Orientation
• Sibling Class
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Prenatal Care
• Baby Bonding
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
• Sibling Class
• Custom Lamaze
(2-night class)
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Orientation
• Custom Lamaze
(2-night class)
• Lactation Consult
• Orientation
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Baby Daddy
• Parenting & Safety
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Hynotic Birth
6p- 8p
• Breastfeeding
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Hynotic Birth
6p- 8p
• Sibling Class
• Custom Lamaze
(2-night class)
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Orientation
• Custom Lamaze
(2-night class)
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Hynotic Birth
6p- 8p
• Lactation Consult
• Orientation
• Breastfeeding Social/Support
• Baby Daddy
• Parenting & Safety
• Breastfeeding
• 5-Class Series
Traditional Lamaze
• Orientation
Schedule subject to change without notice
4 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
your pregnancy
Preparing for
Daddy’s Absence
and Baby’s Arrival
By Michael and Nonnie Shinohara
Finding out that your partner will not be
there to experience a blessing that both
of you created due to Uncle Sam’s orders
is very hard to swallow.
We found out about Michael’s
military training orders about a month
and a half before he was about to
leave. Not only was it short notice,
but finding out that he would be gone
Michael and Nonnie had lots to do before Michael left for training.
around the time of our second child’s
birth brought a good amount of tears
to our eyes. But instead of wallowing
donating them to friends and family.
in self-pity the whole time and feeling negative about the
We also started taking out all of the baby things (used
ordeal, we looked towards the bright side. Not only will this for our first child) that were placed in storage. In addition,
training help Michael in his military career, but it will help
we purchased new baby items and furniture and we took in
our whole family financially. We just need to sacrifice his
hand-me-down baby items from friends and family.
presence during the birth of
Items we needed to buy:
our second blessing and his
• Baby Bath
help for the first few weeks
• Drawers
• Memory Foam Mattress (for our stay at my parents’
The realization of
Michael’s absence also
• Nursing pads
added a little more to our
• Newborn and Size 1 diapers
preparation list/plan for baby. Items we took out from storage:
These additions included
• Bottles
confirming our new baby’s
• Breast pump
name before daddy left and
• Travel to-go Crib
making more room for baby.
• Receiving blankets
We got rid of things
• Boppy pillow
that our family didn’t need
• Bumbo
anymore (clothes, shoes, toys,
• Car Seat & Carrier
furniture, etc.). We had a
• Stroller
garage sale, which was very
• By Your Side Sleeper
successful! Although we did
Things from Family and Friends:
have a few items that people
• Baby clothes (newborn sizes)
didn’t want, we ended up
• Baby blankets
6 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
your pregnancy
We made plans with
relatives and friends who can
help and be a part of my
birthing plan and after.
• My mom will drive my son
and me to Sagua Mañagu
• My dad will take off work
(if it’s during a weekday) to
watch my son while my mom
is in the room with me during
• My sister will also try to take
off from work to help out and
be there during labor.
• My mom and dad will
make room at their place to
accommodate our stay for a
few weeks after baby comes.
We packed our clothes, blankets, and the other baby
necessities for Sagua Mañagu and the few weeks that
we will be staying at my parents’ place until my husband
comes back home.
We committed to having more quality family time!
Go to the waterpark and beach with our son Kuma
who loves to play in the water.
• Family shopping to get the necessities for the baby and
my husband Michael’s trip.
• Talk to our almost 3-year-old
son about having a new
sibling and get him excited
about it.
• Have a movie and ice
cream day.
My husband prepared a
Power-of-Attorney document
for me just in case any of our
family documents needed to
be updated for the military.
We created a family
budget to make sure all our
bills and needs would be met
while Michael is gone.
Last but not least, we went
over the time difference and
created a tentative family
call/FaceTime schedule (as it may change when he’s in
We successfully completed our list of things to do before
Michael got on the plane! There may be some things that
we didn’t think about or foresee, but knowing that we
had prepared as much as we could for the arrival of our
new bundle of joy while my husband is away has put our
family’s minds at ease!
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 7
your baby
8 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 9
Ways to Celebrate Parents
he months of May and June are filled with special occasions. High school proms.
Middle school banquets. Graduations. Weddings. For MAÑAGU, these months
also provide an opportunity to recognize a distinct group of people in a special
way: Guam’s moms and dads.
Using the convenience of social media and the popularity
of its Facebook page, Sagua Mañagu put out a call for
ideas on celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Just
as Sagua Mañagu is happy to celebrate 15 years as
Guam’s First Birthing Center, MAÑAGU is pleased to share
10 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
the thoughtful ideas of 15 young parents. Not surprisingly,
these moms and dads enjoy parenthood so much that their
Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations invariably
include their kids. After all, if it weren’t for our kids, how
would we get to enjoy the wonderfully crazy world of
Parents: Michelle Quipse & John Arcala
Children: Jaiden Michael, 2 years
& Jeriah Adam, 5 months
Mother’s Day is a day to show your love and
appreciation for her, and what better way to show
her your appreciation than through a special home
cooked candlelight dinner? Surprise her after her
work shift! Decorate the dining room with candles
and flower petals to make your own venue into
a unique dinner for 2. Pop a bottle of wine and
a special dessert, and you’re good to go! Dress
your little tots in tuxedos or fancy dresses to make
them appear like they are the hosts and servers
for the night. A unique at-home dinner seems more
romantic than a usual dinner out because it shows
that you as dads put effort into preparing for this dinner. It also won’t be crowded like restaurants, and no loud voices
bouncing off walls, which makes this way of dining in more intimate!
Parents: Yeisly Sierra-Alvarez & Jonathan Reyes
Child: Senzi J Archbold, 10 months
Mother’s Day: Start the day with the always special
‘breakfast in the bed,’ and hopefully daddy can take care
of the kids and let mommy take a shower without the rush.
After lunch or anytime during the day spend time with
mommy making her feel special and give her that special
gift: “A Picture puzzle.” A picture puzzle consists of one or
more of her favorite pictures made into a puzzle. Share time
putting it together and see how the “surprise” picture makes
her happy and melts her heart.
Father’s Day: Eat out and play his favorite sport
together as a family.
Parents: Lynsey Escalante & Christopher
Child: Levi Tyler, 3 months
The love of my life is Christopher. He loves art
and fishing. This will be his first Father’s Day. I
want it to be special. I’d like to surprise him with
art work done by myself and our son, Levi Tyler,
and me. Since he loves the ocean and fishing,
lunch or dinner at Underwater World would be
perfect. Or we can have a family day at the
beach or at his favorite fishing spot. This will be
my first Mother’s Day, too. I’d like to have brunch
with my family and just spend quality time with
them… especially my son.
“Levi is the sunshine in our lives & brightens
up our days!”
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 11
Parents: Anjelica & Brett Malone
Children: Ezra, 2 years & Nell, 2 months
My husband Brett loves coffee and as a dad of two
now he actually NEEDS coffee. For his special day, I
would treat him to a morning of coffee tasting. I would
love for him to get a chance to try coffee from different
regions around the world. Then I would treat him to a spa
massage. He has a very physically demanding job and
is always building things for us at home, so I know his
muscles could use some TLC. Lastly, I would take him out
for a sushi dinner with our girls. Sushi dinner has deep
meaning for us since this use to be our go to romantic
dinner before kids were in the picture; but now with our
two girls it’s more of a family affair.
My ideal Mother’s Day celebration would be an
outdoor botanical garden brunch with my best mama
friends. I imagine the table being covered in vases full of
pastel colored roses and wildflowers. We would share
stories about motherhood, including the crazy and rough
times. We would encourage one another and enjoy
delicious food like warm waffles with fresh fruit and
whipped cream. Yumm!! We would also all dress up in
our favorite outfits. Some would wear jeans and a t-shirt;
others a fancy dress; and others a bathing suit under their
favorite sundress. I love it when mamas feel free to be
themselves – ­though sometimes having kids can cause you
to lose sight of this.
Hands down my best Mother’s day so far was last
year’s, 2014. My husband took me on a trip to Paris. He
knew how much I feared losing the freedom to travel after
having kids. So he promised me while I was pregnant
with Ezra that we would always travel, no matter how
many children we had; for some reason though I didn’t
believe him. Then all of a sudden in early 2014 my
husband asked me where in the world I would like to
visit. I thought he was joking, but he wasn’t. He told me
to choose anywhere…and I chose France. So in May of
last year, Brett, Ezra and I boarded a flight from Puerto
Rico to Frankfurt, Germany and then took a fast train
straight into the heart of Paris. We stayed in an old
Parisian flat for 10 days. Every day we were there we
ate Nutella crepes, baguettes, and saw all the beauty that
Paris had to offer.
Parents: Maelonie & Jim Tamondong
Children: Sebastian Christopher, 2 years;
Quentin Jim, 5 months & Leonardo, 6 years
A staycation at a hotel complete with a massage & spa
package, brunch and dinner.
My favorite mother’s day celebration was my FIRST
mother’s day. There is just something about being able
to celebrate that day for the first time and the honor it is
to have a little one make that happen.
For Father’s Day I will be planning for my husband
:) The scavenger hunt will start with his Father’s Day
card from me & the kids (homemade is best!). The
first clue will be in there. The clues will have our papa
(that’s what we call my husband) looking for more
clues in and around the house. Of course it will be fun
because the clues will all be leading to places that have
to do with parenting, being a dad! For example, Clue
number 1: I feel happy and SAFE when papa brings
me for a drive because I’m where I should be. The
answer will be car seat, where he will find the next clue. At each place there will be ‘little’ Father’s Day gifts like a
drawing from our son, or his favorite snack/drink etc. The
final clue will lead to the real father’s day gift, like a ticket
12 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
to a movie/a gift card to Home Depot or car part store/a
gadget he’s been wanting. There are so many ways to
make the scavenger hunt personal and fun:D and the best
part is that the whole family can be involved in making
Dad’s day extra special!!
Parents: Maressa & Christopher
Children: Seijdee Paige, 4 years &
Asher Francisco, 1 years
15 Ways to spend Mother’s Day:
• Treat Mom to a nice Spa Day. i.e.
Mani, Pedi, etc.
• If the special mom in your life likes
to stay in, set up an “at home Spa”
• If she’s a “stay at home” mom, let
her have the “day off.” Mom needs
some time for herself. Send her out
on a little shopping spree or give
her some alone time on the couch.
• Make her breakfast in bed.
My Queen Elsa
• Take her to the BEACH! Nothing is
more relaxing than a nice peaceful
day at the beach.
• Instead of buying a gift for her, make her one that is a
one of a kind piece.
• Do the house chores for her. Dad and kids can take up
the laundry, dishes, etc.
• Set an appointment and pay for her hair and makeup
for the day. Even if you aren’t going anywhere special.
• Have the kids draw signs and make decorations to set
up around the house for her to see when she first wakes
up in the morning.
• Gather the family and throw a BBQ to celebrate all the
mothers in the family.
• Have each kid pick out a flower to give mom.
• Take her to a nice dinner.
• Go to church! Thank God for blessing you and for
blessing her with the title of being a Mother.
• Have a movie date night and let MOM choose the
movie (for once)!
• If she insists on staying home, let her be the queen of
the day. Anything she says, GOES!
On Father’s Day I would center the day around him
and what he would like to do. Brunch is ALWAYS a must!
Feeding a hungry man is the way to his heart! Knowing
my husband, a relaxing day at the beach or a bbq at
home would be a description of a great Father’s Day.
I definitely LOVE to eat, so brunch is a MUST for me.
I also wouldn’t mind a day at the SPA or a simple Mani
and Pedi but most of all, to spend the day with the little
ones who give me the honor of being called a Mother.
Parents: Sherilyn & Marfie Zapanta
Child: Gavin Frey, 1 year
If there was anything I would like
to do to celebrate Mother’s Day, it
would be going around the island
with my husband and son, and taking
advantage of how beautiful the island
is. It’s relaxing for me, since I’m a
nature lover, while at the same time,
feeding my son’s growing curiosity as
he explores new places. Seeing my son
happy and enjoying himself whenever
we’re out really helps me understand
and appreciate the beauty of
motherhood even more. He never fails
to make me feel proud and blessed. May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 13
Parents: Shan Shan & Jeffry Mindo
Child: Zidáne Jen, 3 months
Our little boy is 3 months old. His name is Zidane, and is
named after professional French soccer player Zinedine
Zidane. The name has a wonderful meaning, which
means “Abundance. Growth. The one who progresses
and makes other people progress.”
Zidane is our 1st child therefore this occasion to
be recognized as Father & Mother is truly a humbling
experience. We both would love the idea of planning
a dinner “Under-the-Sea” for each other. Under the sea
turtles, leopard sharks, stingrays, and the many assorted
marine life found at the Underwater World tunnel in
Tumon. As the owners of a scuba diving shop, we would
love the idea of Zidane being in the presence of such
unique marine life to help celebrate our first Father’s/
Mother’s Day.
Shan Shan: It is with so much joy that I wake up
every morning with not one, but two wonderful men in
my life. Well, one is not quite a man yet, and has many
years to go, but he is still my little prince. I would love to
spend the day, or should I say the morning, with having
both of them at my side, in bed, just cuddling and being
a family. Watching my husband play with Zidane and
seeing him smile makes me smile. Our little Zidane wakes
up in the morning and with the recognition of our voices
he often smiles. It is just so adorable. There’s no better
way to begin the day.
Jeffry: I
would love to
begin celebrating
this very special
day in the
presence of God
by attending
mass with
my wife and
newborn son.
Being in the
presence of God
will truly allow
me to reflect and
appreciate the
many blessings.
Although Zidane
is too little now,
I would love to
spend the sunset
hours of Father’s
Day by taking
him paddle
boarding with
me. The image
of having him sit by my feet, while I stand and paddle to
take a nice stroll along the beautiful blue-green waters of
Tumon Bay sounds like a chance to truly appreciate the
joy of being a father.
Parents: Emi & Rodney Heacock III
Children: Rion, 5 years & Ashlie, 4 months
Our way to celebrate would be spending time with my
family. Eating out!!
For Father’s Day we plan on eating out, baking a
cake and letting him play online games as much as he
My favorite mother’s day? That was when Rion
sang, danced and made a sandwich for me at
Parents: Arlene Palugod & Bobby Abat
Children: Raizo Josiah, 4 years & Aeva Olivia, 10 months
Planning my partner’s Father’s Day celebration would mean a family day because
I know that makes him happy. Time is all we need to celebrate: go out for lunch,
a movie and a Yogurtland date with the kids. I would also book an appointment
for an adjustment with a chiropractor because he’s been complaining about a
lingering back ache. He usually doesn’t ask for much but if he hints at purchasing
something to enhance his hobbies, then we can make it happen.
To celebrate Mother’s Day, I’d do the same. Have lunch with the family. Also,
I’d book a pedicure for our Moms.
14 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
Parents: Beaudy Camacho & AJ Toves
Children: Dazz Koray, 4 years & Sterling
Olivar, 4 months
Parents: Pauline Salingbay & Geffrey Pico
Children: Aadyn Quinelle, 6 years & Aadryelle Xydrynn, 4
For Father’s Day, we treat him like it is his
birthday! What he wants to do, what he wants
to eat and where he wants to go.
If I could do anything to celebrate Mother’s
Day it would be something the kids enjoy and
anything that deals with chocolates, seafood,
outdoors or surprises.
Mother’s Day 2014 was amazing! Great
company, delicious food and wonderful gifts.
We finally made my mom cry…tears of joy
with her gift.
On Mother’s Day, I’d love the whole day to sleep, and to
enjoy a little time seated on my own couch, savoring some
peace & quiet with no interruption by my girls. A way to
relax my mind, body &
soul. I’d ask hubby to
handle the mommy duties,
while I’m on my mini
vacation for a few hours.
Every mom needs a
little break to recharge
her batteries. As I see it,
taking some time off isn’t
selfish, it’s taking care of
Once I’ve gotten some
sleep and taken a few
hours to do something
I love, then it’s time to
spend it with my girls.
We could watch movies,
treat them to Playport or
Chuck E. Cheese! I bet I
will surely enjoy myself
and have some fun too.
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May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 15
Parents: Gisselle & Paul Yeban
Child: Gio Aden, 3 years
Expecting another baby boy this May
During the past years, our son Gio had
been the center of our family. This year
marks another chapter of our lives as we
are expecting our second child, Gavin.
My husband Paul and I are blessed to
face the challenge of raising two kids
soon. Today, as we look forward to
celebrating Mother’s Day and Father’s
Day, we will choose something that
includes the whole family. A special
dinner and a simple movie marathon
date would already mean a lot. What
parent wouldn’t love to celebrate their special day with
their kids? I know this day is a time for a little pampering
Parents: Marie Babauta- & John Balbin
Child: Noah John, 6 months
M – Make my day “picture perfect” by taking photos of
this memorable day.
O - Open my arms for hugging and kissing my son all day.
T - Thank God for the blessings I have as a mother by
attending mass in the morning.
H -Honor my mother, Virginia Babauta, by sharing a lunch
date. Her love helped me become the mother I am today.
E -Enjoy the day with my son at the beach.
R - Record this day in a memory box for Noah to look
back on knowing we treasured each moment with him.
16 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
but spending time with your children is the greatest gift of
Parents: Lourkrina Taitano & Ray Sudo
Children: Austin,19 years; Isabel, 13 years; Ian,
8 years
& Mariave, 3 months
Our celebration includes a morning at the shooting
range for some “Mommy and Daddy fun time,”
followed by a day at the waterpark with the whole
family, and a closer with dinner at our family’s
favorite spot – Vitale’s.
If I could choose any way to celebrate
Mother’s Day, I would like to picnic at Asan beach
park watching our kids fly kites and enjoying
each other’s
company. It’s
the simple
things that
make my life
so beautiful.
Day 2012
was my
favorite –
An early
hike down
Steps with
my husband,
by a hot
bubble bath
and evening
mass with my
your child
Parents and children
Learn together to increase their comfort in the
water and build a foundation of basic aquatic
water safety skills.
Learn to ask permission before entering the water
in a safe manner.
Explore buoyancy on their front and back.
Explore submerging their face/head in the water.
Learn to feel comfortable and play safely in an
aquatic environment.
Swimming: It Does a Body Good
By Kia Laguana
Child: Henna Sea, 5 months
Name and description of activity
Swimming Lessons for children as young as 5 months old.
As educators we impart knowledge and build confidence in
the water, educational tips in swimming for their child(ren)
and themselves. We also view this activity as a great
bonding activity for parents and children.
Venue or sports organization/club
Matapang Beach, Tumon Bay. (Right side of zoo, by paddle
board booth.)
Contact Information
Coach Matt Catling and Kia Laguana at 487-8880.
How did you first learn about this activity for your young
Henna’s father, Matt Catling, has been a swim instructor
with various professional experiences for over 20 years.
18 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
How old was your child?
We first started swimming drills with Henna during bath
time as early as 2 weeks old.
What led you to decide that this activity was good for your
We decided to introduce Henna to swimming at an early
age because of the great mental and physical health
How does she like it overall?
Henna loves to swim. On most days when we are unable to
get a swim in, she exhibits cranky behavior. Swimming has
to be Henna’s absolute favorite hobby. Whether swimming,
floating or lounging, being in the water is a must.
your child
What is her
favorite part?
Her favorite
part of class is
accomplishing a
drill, then getting
rewarded with
kisses and praise
from mama and
What is her least
favorite part?
Her least favorite
part of the class
is waiting while
I prepare her
for the water:
the essential
application of
sunscreen and the
proper sun hat for
some shade from
the outrageous
rays of the sun.
What, if any, are the requirements for uniforms, activity fees
that may apply?
For a smooth and comfortable swim experience proper
swimwear is essential. We require that parents obtain a
baggy shirt for elaborate drills.
Child(ren) should be suited in swim pampers and skin
care such as sun screen/coconut oil. Another requisite:
make sure your child(ren) is/are well fed before class. This
will help prevent unnecessary behavior.
We offer our classes starting at $15 per class or $80
for 6 classes.
What is your role as a parent in your child’s activity?
We advise all parents to attentively observe their child(ren)
during each lesson. We also encourage them to praise their
child’d effort. Their attention and praise help their child
build trust and confidence, which in turn makes her more
comfortable in the water.
Added comments
We reside on an island surrounded by water. I highly
recommend that everyone should learn how to swim not just
for recreational purposes, but also for individual survival in
more serious situations.
Lastly, swimming exercises all aspects of the body,
physically and mentally. It not only helps keep the mind and
body healthy, but studies show that swimmers are also more
academically sound.
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 19
your child
n this second part of our “Good Sports” series,
MAÑAGU Magazine presents young parents and their
kids with more options for sports activities.
Just for Kicks
by Tamara Benavente
Shawn, 13 years
EJ, 10 years
Christian, 6 years
Name and
Description of
Venue or Sports
ASC Islanders
for Sports
Coach Jean
Email: isa.
How did you first learn about this sport for your young
We spoke with other parents about sports their children
were playing. Then we took the boys to a practice at the
Dededo Sports Complex and have been Islanders since.
How old were your children?
Shawn was 7 and EJ was 4. Christian started when he was
4 too.
How often do your children participate in the sport?
They have practice twice a week and their games are once
a week.
20 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
What’s their favorite part?
They love just about
everything about this
sport. The goal assisting,
scoring, blocking an
opponent’s attempt, the
camaraderie, old friends,
making new friends, etc.
What’s their least favorite
Their least favorite part is losing but they understand that it’s
part of the game. They just have to learn from it.
What, if any, are the requirements for uniforms, sports
equipment, etc.? Please include any fees that may apply.
Requirements for soccer are:
• shin guards
• long socks
• jersey (team uniform)
• soccer ball (size dependent on age/division)
Fees will vary by club. Estimated cost of a child joining
soccer for the first time would be $150 and that would
include all of the above and club fees.
What is your role as a parent?
As parents, we have a number of roles. We provide snacks
for the team once a season. We make sure the athletes are
hydrated and well-fed. We’re cheerleaders and comforters.
Lastly, the most important role, our child(ren)’s #1 fan.
What advice would you offer other parents who may
consider this sport for their children?
Do it. Children will learn a multitude of things on the field.
Discipline. Responsibility. Compassion. Humility, Good
sportsmanship, Teamwork. The list goes on and on.
your tween
What to Expect
When You’re Expecting
a Tween
Heidi Murkoff’s What to Expect When You’re Expecting is now in its 4th edition. Originally published in
1984—over 30 years ago—it remains atop the best seller list. Amazon calls it “America’s pregnancy bible.”
Wikipedia says over 14.5million copies were in print as of 2008. Imagine how many more since then!
Mothers everywhere tried to prepare for the biggest day of their lives: the birth of their child.
Ask those moms to fast forward 10 years. Remember that beautiful bundle of joy you brought home? Well,
she’s a tween now. And so is her tween brother. While the characterization of your children may have
changed from “bundle of joy” to something that you’d rather not say aloud, just remember: she’s still your little
girl. And he’s still your little boy.
MAÑAGU found Kacy Faulconer’s
article “What to Expect When
You’re Expecting a Tween” on www. It was only posted 2
years ago, but given the internet
access, it wouldn’t be surprising
that the article’s readership is fairly
widespread. Faulconer offers eight
insightful tips for parents of tweens.
MAÑAGU is pleased to share those
tips with our readers, as well as the
perspectives of one parent who has
seen her kids become tweens and
lived to tell about it.
In her article, “What to Expect When
You’re Expecting a Tween,” Kacy
Faulconer offers several helpful insights.
Tween bodies will change—but they
still long for your attention. They’re just
bigger versions of our babies.
Tweens can dish it out, but they can’t
take it. We might forget that when we
hear them sass. Remember: we’re the adults. Sarcasm and
retorts from parents will definitely hurt their feelings.
Tweens cost a lot: school fees, clothes, “toys” and data
plans are much more expensive than crayons and coloring
They aren’t you. Tweens are people in their own right,
not extensions of their parents. Accepting that fact early on
will save you and your tween years of grief.
Tweens like cool things. Enjoy it! . . . and yet, the child
in them still likes cartoons too.
Don’t be a tech dummy: stay current or your tween will
22 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
own you. Setting boundaries for internet use is as critical
as limits on TV, bedtime, outings with friends, etc.
Sleep is still an issue: if they don’t get enough sleep, then
grades, mood and well-being will suffer. Ever seen a tween
melt down? It ain’t pretty.
Influence them. As our kids get older, friends start to have
more influence than parents. Don’t let that happen: hang
out with your tween, take interest in what interests them,
and make family dinners a priority. You don’t want your
12-year old to derive her self-esteem from other 12-year
your tween
Nadiya Paulino, one of MPG’s long-time patient service
representatives and the mother of two, can relate.
In raising her kids, one of the challenges was dressing a tween!
Before the tween years, she could shop for her son Drew and he’d
put the clothes on without any complaints. Now she hears comments
like “Are you kidding me?!” Or “No-way!” If Nadiya can get his
older sister Camy’s input, Drew doesn’t really put up a fight.
Whatever happened to the little kid who was always dressing up
in his costumes?! Drew’s 8th grade banquet was on May 2nd. He
and his mom went back and forth about what attire was appropriate
and finally reached a compromise. Nadiya couldn’t have been
Nadiya has always made it a point to ask Drew and Camy how
their day was. Actively listening to their responses can work wonders
in maintaining the lines of communication between you and your
tween. Her children know she is always open to questions (even
the hard ones). Nadiya allowed Camy to ask what was really on
her mind and then gave her opinion. Often times it wasn’t what her
daughter wanted to hear but Nadiya took the time to listen to what
Camy had to say. That was important to her girl.
Drew is 13 and Camy is now 20. They don’t always agree on
the same things but they do agree that “hugs are free.”
Source: “What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Tween,” Kacy
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 23
for you
By Lina Leon Guerrero
On March 7, 2015, Dr. Bordallo and Dr. Bez
hosted a dinner for 10 of their staff from MPG
and their managing partners, Flori Sanchez and
me. The dinner was held in Niseko, Japan as part
of a once-in-a-lifetime weekend getaway for our
As the docs looked at their staff, most of
whom have been a part of MPG for more than
10 years, they toasted our good fortune in having
24 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
such a wonderful team. Then they offered this
advice. “In this time of your lives, when you’re
busy with work, your kids and their activities, it’s
easy to get caught up in all the things that ‘have
to get done,’ and miss the opportunity to enjoy
this phase of your life. Make time.Take time to
enjoy experiences with your family, your friends,
the people who are special in your life. It doesn’t
have to be elaborate or expensive. A family walk
for you
along the beach in Tumon. A rented movie with
popcorn and the family’s favorite treats in the
living room.”
Dr. Bordallo continues, “I was fortunate to
have fun-loving parents. As a kid, I watched them
have fun with their friends. And every weekend
my Dad would pile my brothers and me into the
family station wagon and take us to the beach.
Early on I learned what fun looked like and how
to enjoy time with my family.”
Years later, as a physician, a business owner
and leader in the community, Dr. Bordallo has
worked to create an environment that offers
patients, family members and staff a memorable
experience. I, for one, am extremely grateful to
share in the experience.
May.Jun. 2015 • MAÑAGU • 25
Congratulations to all the babies
born at Sagua Mañagu!
Khalius Troy
Diana & Dionesis Tamondong
Shonna Nededog & Mathew Gogue
Monica Sherry & Shane Aguon
Eloisa & Noel Penaloza
Ayako & Russel Aubin
Jennifer Lanada & Rodney Capati
Meriah Mantanona
& John Camacho Jr.
Liberty & Rodel Ocampo
Jeah Amor
Marcus Jose
Emilia Ruby
Eula Angela
Haley Brooke
Rochele Kanna
Kristine Chloe
Leo Imanie
Cheryl & Arlan Marquez
Rosalie Ireana
Terilyn Cruz & Jeremias Insular
Vinay Rajiv
Rosette Bautista & Kenrick Gajo Jr.
Joseph Kyrie, Jr.
Ruthanna Martinez & Peter Zapatos
Julien Christopher
Jady & Keith Perez
Evalyn Sabinay
& Robert Delos Reyes
Leeny Tulloc & Vincent Villa
Vanessa Tudela & Romar Lagman
Margie Garrido & Niko Hinton
Lydine & Jachary Arriola
Shivrani & Rajiv Daryanani
Kristine & John Lopez
Jessalyn & Joseph Grape
Donallie & Reynaldo Sianoya
Beverly Encarnacion & Justin
Keani Ann Taitague & Lionel
Salina Borja & Johnathan Respicio
Carina & Brandon Pegarido
May Ann & Jhun Alano
Nobue & Franklin Toves
Kristina Cruz & Joey Mendiola
Melanie San Nicolas & Jerome Ojeda
Jenerose Martir & Petronilo Alagao
Isako Ceasar & Vincent Johnny
Myra Lansang & Rodney Ricarte
Vanessa Cruz & Bedrick Briones
Diane & Jacob Galindo
Aleira Abrazado & Justin Aninzo
Suzie Waathag & Kurt Wayam
Anneliese & Timothy Wenden
Danel San Nicolas & Joseph La Rosa
Kristen Pangelinan & Miguel Castro
Davey Phaynid & Rockson Elden
Mary Santos & Garret Bamba
Leilani Flores & Jae Sang Ji
Liam Gabriel
Janine Reyes & Jovencio Mortera Jr.
Mekeliana Maria
Crystal Santos & Michael Kendrick
Hailey Grace
Maria Salenga & James San Nicolas
Aria Janae
Arabella Lexi
Sofia Anechka
John Rey
Ezekiel Joseph
Myhkaiah Zaleah
Marny Zaldivar
& Michael Carganilla
Aria Naomi
Jenna Kate
Joymira Davey
Charlotte Sirena
Izaiah Kai
Alice Sakura
Madison Joy
Madison Rae
Juliet Ariella
Kierstyn Joy
Morgan Brady
Reignen Kade
Shawn Avery
Wyatt Nicholai
Ethan Alexander
Jonas Gabriel
Charli Jae
Shaun Keith
Elora Quinn
Garret Anthony, Jr.
Riley Zephyr
Bryce Raynen
Kayleen & Aaron Pehipol
Ryder James
Melissa & Franklin Hartin
Eanalya Rishani
Brittney Fausto & Leonard Arriola Jr.
Carly Jean
Rosan Solomon & Timmy Starr
Cristine Tamondong
& Gener Agraan
Aaron Jones-John
Myra & Dorris Green III
Kliu Chisato & Ronald Hocog
Noah-Laurence Rredemelel
Tasha Chargualaf & Frankie Sablan
Satomi & Chris Anas
Charlamagne Jojo
Shellyann & Steve Mori
Amy Cera & Mark Ponio
Neverin John & Takio Erwin
Carmela Abac & Cristopher Rios
Fumiko & Susumu Daiguji
Stephanie & James Guerrero
April & Bradley Murciano
Melanie & Robert Umadhay
Pauline Kichiro & Basmon Monu
Jonnalyn Yutig & Ben De Plata
Magen William & John Sonden
Gilbertha & Sonny Kenbaroy
Magdalena Olter & Reedwin Edwin
Luna Himaya
Sun Young & Rommel Losinio
26 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015
Timmy Christopher, Jr
Daziah Wilder
Lucian Roy
Shevanna April Marie
Gneveah Kahlina
Shin Christopher
Mikeila Nichole
Javene James
Kaydin Anthony
Liam Alexander
Alegria Mia
Michael James
Marianas Physicians Group
Our Focus is on Her
We are here to provide quality healthcare to women on Guam. We strive to deliver care with
compassion; respecting and being attentive to the individual needs of our patients. We work to
build lasting relationships with our patients, to support their health throughout their lives.
Specializing in... Women’s
Health Services
At MPG, Maternity Care includes much more than prenatal visits in the clinic.
We also offer:
• Nutritional counseling for our patients and their family
• Prenatal classes for the expectant mother, father and family
• Prepared childbirth classes, including Lamaze® and Hypnobirthing
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• Exclusive access to Sagua Mañagu
Effective November 1, 2014 MPG’s Team of physicians and midwives is the only group that can
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Feel free to call us for an appointment.
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Most health insurance plans accepted.
472 Chalan San Antonio, Tamuning, Guam 96913
barb's corner
Stress Monsters
Barbara Mafnas, BSN, LCCE, CLC, IBCLC , HB
As I look across my office at the Guam Community College, “exactly” what you mean. Think about what you want to
I see two plastic replicas of Sully from Monster’s Inc. I have say and say it, not sugar coated or embellished in any
to smile when I look at them. I have had them for well over way, say what you mean. Don’t be a people pleaser. It’s
10 years. My son Christopher gave them to me one day
easy to get trapped into a cycle of wanting to make others
when he overheard me talk about how stressed out I was
happy when your own happiness gets placed on the back
about something going on at work. When he asked me
burner. Trust your instincts; your gut instinct never fails you.
what was wrong, I told him the stress monster was after me. Never speak badly about yourself. Always use positive
I remember that he went to his room and while he was in
words and words of affirmation that build you up and that
there, I could hear toys being pulled and tossed from his toy do not tear down your inner reputation of yourself. Never
box in desperation and then, he produced not one, but two
give up on your dreams. Take each day one day at a time
Sully figurines. As he handed them to me he said, “Take
and realize that slow and steady wins the race. Dreams do
these mama and they will keep the stress monster away.”
not come true overnight in most cases. Don’t be afraid to
He pushed them towards me with confidence that they
say no and most defiantly, don’t be afraid to say yes, but
would in fact rid me of some supernatural hold that stress
you choose the details. Be kind to yourself, always. Listen
had over me at that point. I tried to argue with him about
to your body. Rest when you need it, eat when you need
taking his toys but he insisted. I gave in. Still 10 years later, it and take time out of each day just for you. Let go of all
they stand at attention on my desk.
the things you have no control over and by all means stay
I remember putting one on each side of my computer,
away from negativity and drama, (unless you go to a play
facing me. Like cute gargoyles that flanked my computer.
or movie) and above all, LOVE and show love.
They seemed to do the trick, every time I see them, I think
Other ways to reduce stress is to exercise, eat well and
of Chris and his innocence as he handed them to me.
make wise food choices. Take time for nature, a walk,
Somehow momentarily the stress fades and I feel better just
the beach, spend some time outdoors. Find some time
seeing them.
to contribute to a worthy
Sometimes we bring about
cause or service. Build strong
our own stress and sometimes
relationships, enjoy recreation,
it is plopped in our laps. The
but find time to relax and feed
important thing about stress is
your spiritual side. Massage and
how we deal with it. When
detoxing every quarter is also a
our body experiences stress we
healthy idea. Find your favorite
release cortisol and often times
way to de-stress and practice it
we go into fight or flight or freeze
on a daily basis.
situations. This usually causes the
Once you are in a routine of
heart rate and blood pressure to
de-stressing you will begin to
rise among other things. A little
feel better. As for me, I like
stress is good and keeps us on
meditation and essential oils;
our toes and alert and healthy,
lavender and peppermint are
but too much can actually cause
among my favorites. So the
damage. It is so very important
next time you feel stress, take a
to incorporate self-care into our
moment for you. You are worth it
daily lives to help reduce daily
and so are your loved ones.
I find peace in my little blue furry
There are some good tips and
friends that sit at my desk and
pointers for reducing stress; If
somehow they do create a little
it feels wrong, don’t do it. No
magic for my office space and
matter what the situation, if
somehow when I look at them,
you are feeling guilt or strife
the stress fades away… Thank
over something, let it be. Say
you Christopher!
Sully creates a little magic and Barb’s stress fades away.
28 • MAÑAGU • May.Jun. 2015