Six weeks Industrial training
Six weeks Industrial training
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) Chandigarh Centre IETE Building, Opp. CSIO Colony, Sector 30-B, Chandigarh-160030 Telephone No..: 0172-2651061, Telefax: 0172-2657333 E-mail:, Website: No.;IETE/ Indl Trg/2015 Dated: April 17, 2015 CHAIRMAN SH. SURINDER KUMAR ANGRA (M) 09888947997 IMMDT. PAST CHAIRMAN Subject: Six weeks Industrial /Institution /Summer Training of DIPLOMA & B.Tech Students nd th th during 2 /4 /6 Semesters as per University Norms on Nominal Payment Basis during May 2015 to August 2015 DR. C. GHANSHYAM (M) 09815363532 Kind attention: Training & Placement Officer/HOD/Director/Principal/ISF Co-ordinator HONORARY SECRETARY Greetings from IETE Chandigarh Centre, DR. NEELESH KUMAR (M) 09478515278 We are please to inform you that IETE Chandigarh Centre is extending its Facilities and Resources to impart 6 Weeks Industrial, Institution & Summer/Practical training to Diploma & B.E. /B.Tech students of Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE) in its complex located in Sector 30, Near CSIO, Chandigarh. HONORARY TREASURER DR.,PIYUSH KUMAR AWASTHI (M) 09417070212 VICE CHAIRMAN GP. CAPT. R. C. GOYAL VSM (RETD) (M) 09815864368 EXECUTIVE MEMBER DR. ASHOK KUMAR PAUL (M) 09814969077 DR. G.S. SINGH (M) 09417495512 SH. SUBHASH CHANDER JAIN (M) 09878692912 Founded in 1953, The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is a leading professional society devoted to the advancement of S&T in Electronics, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Computer Science and other related disciplines. IETE serves its more than 70,000 members both individuals, corporate, industries and organizations through its 65 centres spread across India & abroad. IETE Chandigarh Centre caters to the states of HP, J&K, Punjab, Haryana and the Union Territory of Chandigarh. Government of India, Ministry of Science and Technology, Department of Science and Industrial Research has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (SIRO) and the Institution also has been notified as an Educational Institution of National Eminence by the Government of India. The Outline contents of the 6 Weeks training are as follows; Use of Electronic Instruments, Soldering and Disoldering Practice, Active and passive component, Study of other components, Orcad, Introduction to Embedded Systems, Fundamentals of C, 8051 Microcontroller, Embedded hardware and software interfacing. Embedded C, Keil uVision, Proteus(ISIS), ORCAD, Fiber Optics Safety, Fiber Optics DR KAMLESH KUMAR SAINI (M) 09354441682 SH. RAVI KUMAR DONGAONKAR (M) 09417196843 Cable and Connector Identification, Tools and equipment Project selection, Project implementation, PCB Designing, PCB Fabrication, Report writing Presentation skills, Visit to Research & Development Laboratories such as CSIO, TBRL etc. Visit to Electronics Manufacturing Units such as BEL etc., Viva voce Details of course are attached. SH. SURENDER SINGH SAINI (M) 09417162217 CO-OPTED MEMBER SH. D. P. GOEL (M) 09463654539 PROF. J. K. CHHABRA (M) 09888410066 DR RAMA GOPAL V SAREPAKA (M) 09417655686 DR HARDEEP SINGH RYAIT (M) 09878003421 Resource faculty for the training is highly experienced in R&D/Industry to impart the training in most effective way. i) Fee: Rs 2500/- per trainee for 6 Weeks for the course --Use of Components for Project Implementation Fee: Rs 3500/- per trainee for 6 Weeks for the course –Hardware & Embedded Design Fee: Rs 4000/- per trainee for 6 Weeks for the course - Fiber Optic Practical course Fee : Rs 2500/- per trainee for 6 weeks for the course- Industrial training on “SOFT TOOLS” (10% Fee concession for ISF members) (M) 09465448600 ii) iii) iv) SH. RAJESH KUMAR (M) 08427089712 For opening of IETE Students Forum (ISF) at your premises, please feel free to contact undersigned. DR NEELAM RUP PRAKASH STUDENT MEMBER SH. AMAN RANA (M) 08427481600 Ms CHEENA ROHILLA (M) 09779388879 There is provision of monitoring of training by the institution faculty/HOD/TPO during the programme to ascertain the performance of the students. There are limited intakes in each batch and registration is on the basis of the first come first serve. You are requested to bring it to the notice of the students for early registration along with the remittance, to avail of the facilities. For more information, please free to contact, e-mail or visit the Centre personally. Six Weeks Industrial / Summer Training Course Structure (Use of Components for Project Implementation) For Diploma /B.Tech/B.E Students (Fee Rs 2500/-) Topics Use Analog and Digital Multi-meter Use of Oscilloscope (CRO) Soldering / De-soldering Soldering / De-soldering Components Passive devices Components Active Devices Diodes, BJT MOSFET,UJT Components Active Devices ICs LSI, VLSI, UP, UC, ASIC Digital Gates, NAND, NOR, AND, OR Testing gates OR,NOR, AND,NAND & Flip- Flops Multivibrator study OP Amp Study Wireless Technologies Basics of PCB Designing & Fabrication Embedded Technology(ET) An Overview Overview of Different Microcontrollers Study µC (Micro-Controller) Programming Basics Visit to CSIO/ISTC Term Report Details Resolution, Accuracy, Precision, R, L, C Measurement, Voltage Measurement, Current Measurement, Use of Line Tester, Series Bulb Tester Technical Specifications Range, Accuracy Time, Frequency, Amplitude, Waveform Measurement Soldering, Cleaning, Wetting, solder Control of Heat De-Soldering of Joints R,L,C, Color Coding, Ratings, wattage, characteristics study Pin identification, Value, Ratings, Consulting data sheet, Diodes, Zeners, diodes Consulting data sheets Identification, PINs Reading Consulting Data sheets, Identification, PINs Reading recording Testing & recording Assembly Testing & recording An overview on different applications of wireless technologies An Overview of PCB Designing & Fabrication An overview on different applications of embedded technology/systems Overview of 8-Bit, 16-Bit & 32-Bit Microcontrollers Consulting Data manual, Recording data Simple Programs VISIT to CSIO/ISTC Term Report Project Identification by student under guidance Listing out the parts, components, parts for the project Project completion, Test, Report presentation Project Viva-Voice Six Weeks Industrial / Summer Training Course Structure: Hardware & Embedded Design Course (6 Weeks) (Charges Rs 3500/-) Embedded Software Numbering System ,8051 Assembler & Simulator (1 Lab) Simulating I/O Ports (1 Lab) Data Transfer ,Arithmetic & Logical Operations (1 Labs) Number System Conversion (1 Lab) Keil µvision IDE, Test programs(2 Lab) Embedded Hardware Testing 8051 I/O Ports (1 Lab) LED & Switch Interfacing (1 Lab) Buzzer interfacing with 8051(1 Lab ) Relay interfacing with 8051(1 Lab) Seven segment interfacing(2 Labs) Interfacing of LCD with 8051 (2 Lab) Keypad interfacing with 8051(1 Lab) Timer Programming (1 Labs) Counter Programming (1 Labs) ADC Interfacing with 8051 (2 Lab) Interfacing a Sensor with 8051 (1 Labs) Interfacing a DC Motor with 8051 (2 Labs) Interrupt Programming (2 Labs) Introduction to advance microcontroller (PIC,AVR,ARM) Minor Project (6 Labs) List of projects: o o o o o o o o o Bidirectional visitor counter using 8051 Real time clock based digital clock Electronic voting machine Smart street light DC voltmeter Digital thermometer with temperature control Electronic code lock using 8051 Water level controller Line follower robot Six Weeks Industrial / Summer Training For Diploma /B.Tech/B.E Students (Fee Rs 2500/-) Course syllabus of Six weeks Industrial training on “SOFT TOOLS” 1. Embedded C (1/2 week) Introduction of programming Fundamental of C and Embedded C Programming Sample programs 2. Keil uVision (1 week) µVision Debugger/ Assembler/ Compiler Creating project Introduction of various tools, library manager, project ,editor and output windows Creating embedded programs Creating a Project File Using the Project Windows Creating Source Files Adding Source Files to the Project and setting Target Options Building the Project and creating a HEX File Debugging 3. Proteus(ISIS) ( 1 week) Virtual System Modelling (VSM) Picking animated component from library Creating circuit in Editing window and loading hex file Circuit simulation with animated components Using virtual measurement devices and source Microcontroller models to co-simulate the microcontroller based designs i. 4. ORCAD (2 weeks) i. Capture Designing of schematics. Making a Symbol and creating library Adding components and libraries Editing components Creating Netlist ii. Layout PCB designing Loading Template file Making Footprints 6. Loading the Netlist Opening the Netlist in Layout Making the Board Outline Placing the Board Setting up to Route the Board Making a Copper Pour Routing the Board 5. Project (1 ½ weeks) Six Weeks Industrial / Summer Training (Fiber Optic Practical course curriculum) For Diploma /B.Tech/B.E Students (Fee Rs 4000/-) S.No. Topics Introduction to Fiber Optics 1 2 Fiber To The Home 3 Fiber Optics Safety, Application of Fiber Optics 4 Fiber Optics Cable and Connector Identification 5 Termination of Fiber Connectors, Connectorisation, Polishing, testing of connectors 6 Introduction to splicing, Mechanical and Fusion 7 Introduction to basic OTDR Functions, Use of the OTDR, Power source and Light meter Functions 8 Continuity Testing, Tools and equipment 9 Class discussion & Seminar 10 Conclusion 11 Practical or lab or field video after each session 12 Minor Project