ToR for Content Development Technical Rev (1)


ToR for Content Development Technical Rev (1)
Terms of Reference for International Consultants to Development a Learning Module
on Resilience Measurement and Analysis for Technical Professionals
The Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) in collaboration with the Food
and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Children's Fund
(UNICEF), United Nation Development Programme (UNDP), the World Food Programme
(WFP) and The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
(UNOCHA) has established a Resilience Analysis Unit (RAU) that supports the IGAD
Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI).
The overall objective of RAU is to contribute to the efforts by IGAD and Member States to
enhance and sustain drought disaster resilience in the IGAD region. More specifically, RAU
is expected to produce analytical outputs that aim to: i) build an evidence base of the complex
factors contributing to or undermining resilience in various contexts; ii) measure the
contributions of different interventions for policy and programming purposes; iii) improve
the design and effectiveness of future interventions and related accountability mechanisms
through a rigorous Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system; and iv) contribute to strategy
alignment and allow for more integrated and coordinated interventions.
The RAU is results-oriented, with periodic deliverables that are consistent with its strategic
roles at regional level. These results are expected to make national, regional, cross-regional
and global contributions to the understanding of disasters and drought resilience. RAU’s
support will be tailored to the needs of the IGAD Member States and other stakeholders,
based on a prioritization made by IGAD with a clear focus on identifying capacity gaps in
relation to resilience measurement and analysis. In the process, the RAU will complement
and enhance the ongoing effort at country level to run their own analysis of country
programmes developed under IDDRSI by providing targeted capacity building support. To
that effect, RAU and its partners is inviting applications from qualified experts on
curriculum/module development that will be used to strengthen the capacities of experts in
the IGAD Member States.
Scope and Objective of the Consultancy
Capacity development is the overarching concern of the RAU’s initiative to ensure the
establishment of a critical mass of technical experts in resilience measurement and analysis in
the IGAD region. Strengthening of capacity in resilience analysis and use of information
should be ensured at all levels including regional, country and sub-national levels.
RAU in collaboration with the FAO Head Quarters Team has organized a Learning Needs
assessment workshop in December 2014. The workshop that involved experts and officials
from the Member States and other development partners identified key learning areas for two
target groups. These are Analysts and Middle level Policy-makers.
The objective of this consultancy is to prepare a learning module for technical professionals
working on resilience measurement and analysis in the IGAD region in a manner that fully
respond to their tasks identified at the Learning Needs Assessment Workshop that took place
in December 2014 in Mombasa, Kenya.
The proposed learning module seeks to integrate the relevant efforts of the RAU and its
partners and will be adopted in a two-year learning programme to improve the knowledge
and skills of the technical experts (see the Target Audience section) in comprehensive
resilience measurement and analysis. The programme will offer a blend of online
collaborative learning, face-to-face workshops and online mentoring, and build on existing
materials and methods developed by partner organizations. The envisaged learning module is
expected to serve as basis for various forms of delivery to be implemented in the course of
the two years capacity development support in resilience measurement and analysis.
The module is expected to be prepared with modular contents in two main parts. Part 1 will
offer basic training course on resilience measurement and analysis that can be delivered in
three or four day’s workshop, combining lectures and practical sessions. Part 2 will offer
advanced course to be delivered in eight to ten days with intensive hands-on practical
Target Audience
The target audience of the proposed learning module as well as the two-year learning
programme is various technical professionals who have roles in resilience programme
supports. These included, but not limited to monitoring and evaluation (M&E) officers,
development planners, statisticians, economists and other technical advisors involved in the
collection, management, analysis and reporting of information on programs and projects
designed to enhance resilience. Agencies to be covered by this learning programming are
government agencies, UN, NGOs, Regional Economic Communities (e.g., IGAD), Regional
Networks, and International Research Centers, etc.
More specifically, the technical experts to be targeted for this learning programme may have
the following responsibilities:
Design data collection plan on resilience measurement that consists of both qualitative
and quantitative data from primary and secondary sources in relation to pillars of the
IDDRSI. Data to be collected covers cross-sectional and panel data, as deemed
Ensure participatory approaches are adopted (e.g. focus groups, semi-structured
interviews) for the qualitative methodology.
Coordinate and harmonize secondary data on resilience in relation to the IDDRSI
Apply appropriate data analysis for qualitative and quantitative methodology.
Analyse data and provide information on programme performance to resilience
building programme/project managers and decision makers. Analysis of data includes
both exploratory and explanatory (including econometric analysis).
Prepare technical reports for scientific community and policy brief for policy makers.
Identify an appropriate M&E system for resilience programmes, design M&E system
and plan for different contexts/scales.
Support M&E officers on technical matters (program/project work plan, indicators,
and methodologies).
Tasks and Responsibilities
The consultant will work under the direct supervision of Dr Tesfaye Beshash Asfaw,
Coordinator RAU in close consultation with IDDRSI Coordination team based in Djibouti.
The scope of work include:
Prepare a detailed work plan to conduct this assignment.
Work with the IGAD/RAU staff to produce innovative course syllabi contents and
methods for the curricula including practical module.
Where necessary, gather key background documents on existing methodologies of
resilience measurement and analysis to inform the development of learning materials.
This includes the Learning Needs Assessment workshop report.
Review existing learning material on resilience and resilience measurement
Produce Learning Module with sessions for Part 1 and Part 2 in the form of a manual.
Incorporate all comments from IGAD/RAU and others resources persons to be assigned
by IGAD to enrich the content of the Learning Module.
Share the draft learning module with key stakeholders in a workshop at the regional level
before its finalised.
Expected Outputs
Inception report to be submitted within 5 days after signing of the contract with a detailed
plan for developing and delivery of educational materials.
One Learning Module including appropriate sessions for Part 1 and Part 2. The module
should clearly show the lecture session and practical with a guideline for a resource
Outline of lecture and practical sessions as annexes to the module, including references
for each section.
Duration of the work
This assignment is planned for 30 working days and it will commence after a contract is
signed by selected consultant. This consultancy is tentatively planned for the period June July 2015.
Work Station
This is a home-based assignment with missions as directed by the officer tasked to oversee
the assignment. Travel will be for few days at the consolidation stage with IGAD/RAU Staff
and other resources persons.
Post-graduate degree in Economics, Education, and related social sciences, preferably
PhD, with at least ten years’ experience in research, teaching, and training.
Good knowledge and experience in regional education planning policies and
curriculum development.Proven and extensive experience in education and the
development of training curricula and materials;
Knowledge and understanding of conceptual framework of resilience analysis.
Proven knowledge and experience of quantitative and qualitative research
methodology on resilience.
Knowledge of IDDRSI and the context of the IGAD Region.
Fluency in English (written and spoken) with excellent drafting skills. Knowledge of
French (written and oral) will be considered an asset.
How to apply
Technical and financial proposals should be submitted to the following addresses:
Tesfaye Beshah Asfaw, Bogale Lemma <> and John
Kabayo with copy to