“The Road not Taken”*


“The Road not Taken”*
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
A Relational Discourse on Pioneers in Individual and Group Analytic Therapy
The conference will take place at Tichonet Academic Campus,
Shoshana Persits Street 3, Tel Aviv
“Two Roads diverged in a wood, and --I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”
*Robert Frost
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
A Relational Discourse on Pioneers in Individual and Group Analytic Therapy
The conference will take place at Tichonet Academic Campus,
Shoshana Persits Street 3, Tel Aviv
Guests of Honor: Dr. Robert Grossmark, USA
Dr. Earl Hopper, England
Dr. Robert Grossmark - Individual and group psychoanalyst. A clinical Associate
Professor and a clinical consultant at NYU. Grossmark published many articles that
integrate contemporary relational ideas with object relations as well as
contemporary perspectives, from Psychoanalytic Gender Theory to relational
approaches to Group Psychotherapy, presented in his last book "The One and
the Many".
Dr. Earl Hopper, psychoanalyst, is one of the eminent group analysts in the world,
a follower of S.H. Foulkes, the founder of Group Analysis. Hopper, lectures and
supervises in many programs for psychotherapy and psychoanalysis, has published
many articles and books mainly on the subject of the "Social Unconscious",
large groups, and the way the roots of pathology are rooted in society no less than
in the soul of the individual.
“Two Roads diverged in a wood, and --I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference”
*Robert Frost
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
Dear Colleagues,
As chairperson of the Israel Institute of Group Analysis I invite you to join us in exploring
a unique way of thinking with regard to individual and group analytic therapy, one that is
innovative, daring and creative. As therapists, we follow our patients and members of our
therapy groups in their efforts to find new ways - small and large - to bring about change
in their lives. You are welcome to join us for two days devoted to thinking about historical
breakthroughs in our field that significantly influenced and changed the essence,
principles and boundaries of psychoanalytic therapy and our ways of being helpful,
as well as, "The Roads Not Taken" that are yet to come.
Marit Joffe Milstein,
Chair of Israeli Institute of Group Analysis (IIGA)
The Israel Institute of Group Analysis is organizing a unique conference focusing on the clinical
break-through process taken by people who dared to walk on the "Road not Taken," and
by doing so, contributed to the evolution of the individual and group analytic therapy.
We have invited two world-renowned lecturers known for their meaningful contribution to
individual and group analysis; Dr. Earl Hopper and Dr. Robert Grossmark. They will be lecturing
on Conscious and Unconscious, “break-through” processes, and its influence on our proffession.
In addition, senior Israeli clinicians will be lecturing on various perspectives regarding
"break- through" processes in therapy, with clinical examples from society, individual and group
analytic therapy. These lectures will be followed by discussions in Median Groups conducted by
members of the Israeli Institute of Group Analysis.
The vision that guided us in this conference was to become for two days a "research community,"
in which we will take time to explore the roads paved (the controlling paradigms) for us by
forerunner clinicians and theorists who dared to "break-through".
We invite all the participants to relate their experiences with regards to the theme of the
conference and to discuss their personal points of view with the lecturers and with other
participants. There will be also special opportunity to experience and participate in Social
Dreaming Matrix, the goal of which will be to explore the Social Unconscious of the participants
and it's place in Israeli society.
We look forward to seeing you and hope the conference will provoke interest, mutual
enrichment, and enjoyment.
The Scientific Committee: Dr. Pnina Rappoport – Chairperson, Diana Topilsky,
Joshua Lavie, Elisabeth Rothshild
*Robert Frost
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
Thursday 21/5/2015
14:00-14:30 Opening words
Marit Joffe Milstein,
Chair of Israeli Institute of
Group Analysis
Dr. Pnina Rappoport,
Chair of the Scientific Committee
14:30-15:15 1st Session
Chair: Dr. Pnina Rappoport
Lecture by Dr. Earl Hopper
Some Crossroads and Turning Points
in Our Lives and in Our Work
15:15-15:35 Discussion with the audience
15:35-16:10 2nd Session
Chair: Joshua Lavie
Lecture by Dr. Avi Berman
Multiple Truths in Psychotherapy:
Beyond Elitism and Classes
16:10-16:30 Discussion with the audience,
Dr. Earl Hopper and Dr. Avi Berman Auditorium
16:30-17:00 Break
17:00-18:30 7 parallel lectures and discussion groups
(Information on the next page)
18:30-19:15 Dinner
19:15-20:45 Social Dreaming: Two parallel
groups led by:
1. Hani Biran and Tamar Elad Room 125
2. Dr. Gila Offer and Smadar Ashuah Room 225
20:45-22:00 Party: "The One and the Many"
along with music and wine
*Robert Frost
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
*Robert Frost
Thursday 21/5/2015
7 Parallel Lectures
1. Anca Ditroi: "When Foulkes meets Ogden" *The session will be conducted in English and in Hebrew
Room 112
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Bracha Hadar
(Two lecturers)
Room 113
Yael Doron: Mental Black Holes in the Social Unconscious
Efrat Even Tzur: "The road to the village"- The Israeli social unconscious
and the Palestinian Nakba *The session will be conducted in English
and in Hebrew
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Shulamit Geler
3. Ami Goffer Farago: The Analytic Rhythm"-The therapeutic relationship-a mutual
Healing Rhythm: Reciprocal and A-Symmetric (the I/we) *The session will be
Room 114
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Nurit Goren
conducted in Hebrew
4. Micha Weiss: Is there a Place for an Ethical Dialogue in the Psychoanalytic
Encounter?-Outline of an Ethical Informed Psychoanalytic Practice *The session will be
Room 115
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Liat Ariel
(Two lecturers)
Room 116
conducted in Hebrew
Liat Warhaftic Aran: An Intersubjective Encounter: The Freedom to
think and feel by using terms pertaining to
Psychopathology as well.-self disclosure of the
therapist's countertransference in Treatment of
patients with Personality disorder
Michaela Maoz: Group Body-The Non-Verbal Dimension of the
Group-as a whole. *The session will be conducted in Hebrew
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Orna Meged Levin
6. Joshua Lavie: Beyond Oedipus - Milestones in Transforming Freudian Basic Paradigm:
Foulkes's Risky Breakthrough in His Twilight Days *The session will be conducted in English
Room 121
and in Hebrew
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Suzy Shoshani
7. Dr. Esther Rapoport: The integration of relationally and Drives in Speielrein's Destruction as a
Cause of Coming into Being *The session will be conducted in Hebrew
Room 117
Discussion in a Median Group conducted by Mishael Chirurg
Group Conductors: Members of the Israeli Institute of Group Analysis:
Liat Ariel, Nurit Goren, Shulamit Geler, Bracha Hadar, Michael Chirurg,
Orna Meged Levin, Shoshani Suzy
Israeli Institute of Group Analysis
| ‫מכון ישראלי לאנליזה קבוצתית‬
International Conference
“The Road not Taken”*
*Robert Frost
Friday 22/5/2015
08:30-09:30 1st Session
Chair: Ilana Laor
Lecture by Dr. Robert Grossmark
Narrating the Unsayable: Enactment, Repair
and Creative Multiplicity in Individual
and Group Psychotherapy
09:30-09:45 Discussion with the audience
09:45-10:40 2nd Session
Chair: Elizabeth Rothshild
Group demonstration, conducted
by Dr. Robi Friedman
10:40-11:00 Discussion with the audience,
Dr. Robert Grossmark and
Dr. Robi Friedman Auditorium
11:00-11:30 Break
11:30-12:50 Social Dreaming:
Continuation of 2 parallel groups
12:50-13:40 Lunch break
13:40-14:20 3rd Session
Chair: Marit Joffe Milstein
Panel includes Robert Grossmark, Earl Hopper, Gila Ofer, Hani Biran,
Avi Berman and Robi Friedman
14:20-14:45 Closure
A special opportunity - only for participants of the conference:
Two supervision workshops conducted by Dr. Robert Grossmark and Dr. Earl Hopper
Pre - Conference Workshop conducted by Dr.
Robert Grossmark | 15:00-19:00
Post Conference Workshop conducted by Dr.
Earl Hopper | 16:00-20:00
Participants who are interested in presenting their case studies during the workshop, are requested to
send their papers no later than 14 days prior to the workshop.
Fees: 220 shekels for each workshop
For further questions, please contact Institute of Group Analysis’ office:
phone: 07-65405124
email: vaad@iiga.org.il
Please click for the early registration: