vegetation analysis and change detection on tuticorin coastal
vegetation analysis and change detection on tuticorin coastal
International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) VEGETATION ANALYSIS AND CHANGE DETECTION ON TUTICORIN COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, TAMIL NADU - USING REMOTE SENSING AND GIS * K.Muthukumar1, No: 9B, Keelakottai, Gangaikondan-via, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. A.Selvin Samuel2. Department of Botany, St.John’s College, Palayamkottai, Tamil Nadu, India. Email Abstract The coastal vegetation’s are ecologically important ecosystem highly distributed and threatened due to natural and anthropogenic threats. Satellite data of land sat IRS IC –LISS III with PAN merged for 2003 and IRS P6-LISS IV for 2010 were used to identify the vegetation types and changes in the vegetation types using change deduction analysis. The changes estimated by the satellite data processing in the major vegetation types such as mangroves, open vegetation, riveraine vegetation, sand dune vegetation, scrub jungle and teri vegetation are really disturbing because these changes have occurred. The dependence of local people on coastal vegetation for various purposes in this region is also considerably high, which might be a key factor for the changes in the vegetation. The results of this study not only provide an outlook on the present status of the vegetation and the change trends but also provide the basis for further studies on vegetation in the Tuticorin coastal environment of Tamil Nadu. Key words: Indian Remote Sensing, Linear Imaging SelfScanning Sensor Introduction Coastal environment play a vital role in nation’s economy by virtue of their resources, productive habitats and rich flora and fauna. India has a coastline stretch of 7,516 km and nearly 250 million people live within a distance of 50 km from the coast. The shallow gulf is highly productive ecosystem and supports large number of marine organisms including highly threaded species. The coastal part of this district is least concerned and has variety of ecosystems from mangroves, dune vegetation and inland vegetation. The coastal environment is under continuous pressure from natural and anthropogenic factors. The natural threats includes cyclone, storms, tsunami, etc., and anthropogenic threats include clearing and burning of native vegetation for developmental purposes, grazing, planting of invasive alien species, etc., ISSN No: 2319-3484 Tuticorin district has developed in recent and past in coastal areas with industries and other developments. Vegetation acts as an indicator of many of the physical and biological attributes of an area (Austin, 1991; Specht, 1975; Whittaker, and Niering, 1965 and Subrahmanyan and Murthy, 1968). Vegetation mapping plays a fundamental role in providing relevant information and therefore becomes a precondition for the effective management of natural resources, especially for the conservation of biodiversity (Stoms, 1992) and is surrogate for ecosystems in conservation evaluations (Blasco,, 1996). Satellite remote sensing techniques with reasonably high spatial and temporal resolution could be used as potential tools for monitoring changes in different vegetation types in features on spatial and temporal scales (Jayakumar, 2000). The change in vegetation structure is brought about by a number of factors biotic and a biotic resulting in characteristic response of its surroundings a biotic environment, which includes physical factors such as temperature, light, soil, topography etc. (Huggeh, 1998). Studies on the varied biotic factors in relation to biodiversity and their ecological relationship with each other help in the systematic assessment of the status of vegetation. This in turn would result in the formulation of suitable measures of in situ conservation (Miller, 1994). Such an approach plays a vital role in conservation biology (Roy, 1999). The coastal vegetation is a community formed by a variety of salt-tolerant species growing in the inter-tidal areas of the estuary mouth between the land and the sea, and Mangrove vegetation is one of the most productive wetlands on earth. They provide critical habitat for diverse marine and terrestrial flora and fauna. These unique coastal vegetation and inland vegetation are among the most threatened habitats in the world. Traditionally, fishing communities in mangrove ecosystems collect fuel wood, harvest fish, fodder and other natural resources (Bandarnayake, 1998 and Dahdouh-Guebas, 2000).. In recent decades, many coastal areas have come under severe pressure from rapid urban and industrial development, compounded by a lack of awareness among environmental Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 4 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) research institutions and local people. Mangrove vegetation which are the most sensitive and fragile ecosystem may be affected by coastal environment changes including sea level rise. Mangroves have been overexploited or converted to various other forms of land use, including aquaculture, saltpans, urban and industrial development and for the construction of roads and embankments (Gang and Agatsiva, 1992 and Das, 1997). Coastal vegetation and also mangrove vegetation were affected by several developmental activities as well as land-use changes (Dahdouh-Guebas, 2000). Mangrove vegetation and coastal vegetation have not received proper attention and they have been subjected to overexploitation and encroachment, and hence there is a need for conservation and management of mangrove vegetation as well as coastal vegetation. The information on present coastal vegetation cover status; the change it has undergone at a specific period, preferably the latest; and the coastal vegetation areas that are likely to be affected in the near future are needed for planning and sustainable utilization. Remote sensing technology can play a vital role in providing accurate and reliable landscape details with lower cost and lesser time compared to other methods. Use of GIS in decision-making and that tool in environmental problems is well established and they are for resource mapping, spatial analysis and decision-making has been widely reported by many researchers (Jha, 2000; Martin, 1988; Roy, 2000; Porwal, and Pant, 1989; Porwal, and Roy, 1992; Pant, 1992; Jaganathan, and Davi Datt Chauniyal, 2000 and GIS, 1976). For our first objective, a comparison of spatial data of vegetation in the Tuticorin coastal environment for two different periods has to be done, and for the second objective, a comparison of species composition of vegetation in the Tuticorin coastal environment between the past and present has to be done. Objective 1 was carried out by vegetation classification and change detection using satellite data processing between two different periods (2003 and 2010). Objective 2 was carried out by documenting the present species composition of different vegetation through field floristic study and subsequently comparing with existing records such as flowering plants of the Flora of the Gulf of Mannar (Daniel and Umamaheswari, 2001) As in the present study, it was decided to carry out the floristic diversity study by the stratified random plot (quadrate) technique (Magurren, 1988 and Padalia, Satellite data processing, classification, and change detection of the vegetation was done first and the floristic diversity study, documentation of species composition, and comparison with existing records were conducted subsequently. ISSN No: 2319-3484 Study area: Tamil Nadu has a coast length of 1076 km 13 coastal districts. Tuticorin is located in the south east coast of Gulf of Mannar. The coast of Tuticorin is part of Gulf of Mannar Biosphere Reserve, is situated in between the latitude of 8°45’36”N and 9°02’31” N and the longitude of.78°07’17” E and 78°19’18” E. Figure 1. Location of study area map This geographical area runs from the mouth of Vembar to Manappad. The area is endowed with a combination of ecosystem including mangroves, sand dune, scrub, riparian ecosystem etc. Materials and methods Coastal vegetations have been studied using satellite data. The maps generated, using satellite data, were mainly coastal vegetation maps at 1:250,000, 1:50,000 and 1:25,000 scales. In this research two remote sensing satellite images were acquired and used. Two optical Satellite data of land sat IRS IC –LISS III with PAN merged, 5.8 m resolution for 2003 and IRS P6-LISS IV, 5.0 m resolutions for 2010 were used to analyses the changes in the land cover and vegetation types. During the field survey the ground control points of the vegetation types and other land cover classes were collected using GPS. The images were classified digitally manually using visual interpretation keys such as colour, tone, texture, pattern, size and shape. A thematic map of vegetation types and land cover was generated for the two corresponding Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 5 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) images. The classes for vegetation types are mangroves, scrub jungles, sand dune vegetation, riparian vegetation, Teri vegetation, and open vegetation. Ground truth analysis was performed to assess the accuracy of the map prepared and the corrections were carried out to produce the final output maps. Change deduction analysis was performed on the corresponding images to assess the changes in vegetation type. Results and Discussion: The major vegetation types of the study area include mangrove vegetation, open vegetation, sand dune vegetation, scrub jungle vegetation, and teri vegetation etc. To determine the accuracy of the thematic map obtained using visual interpretation from the latest 2010 image, an accuracy assessment was carried out. Doubtful areas were identified and the geographic coordinates of these points were noted from the visually interpreted classified map. All these points were thoroughly checked in the field with GPS points. The overall accuracy assessment stands at 80% in 2010 (Table 4). Spatial changes in vegetation cover were assessed (Tables 2). The change-analysis map showed that major changes were taking place in the proximity of open vegetation due to high anthropogenic pressure. Changes also observed in the river creeks may be due to sedimentation or tidal inundation. The overall change area statistics of different land-cover categories from 2003 to 2010 is presented in Tables 2 and 4. The floristic diversity in each vegetation type and change dynamics in different land-cover categories of the study area are discussed below. Table 1. Image interpretation key for coastal vegetation types within the study area. Sl.No 1. Vegetation Types Mangroves Vegetation Tone Texture Shape Pattern Description Dark Red Medium Varying Smooth Small dense trees 2. Open Vegetation Light green Smooth Regular Smooth Medium sized shrub and grass 3. Riveraine vegetation Light blue Smooth Irregular Narrow Patchy vegetation along the river beds 4. Sand dune vegetation Light grey or whitish Fine Regular Smooth Sands with sparse vegetation 5. Scrub Jungle Coarse Varying Irregular Scattered vegetation 6. Teri vegetation Light yellow Light Orange Coarse Varying Irregular Low vegetation density Figure 2. Image comparison for coastal vegetation types 2003 and 2010 ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 6 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) Figure 3. Changes comparison for coastal vegetation types 2003 and 2010 Table 2. Change Area Matrix from 2003 to 2010 ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 7 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) Table 3. Changes detection in vegetation types (in Hec.) between 2003 and 2010 S.No Vegetation Types 1 Mangroves vegetation 2 Open vegetation 3 Others 4 2003 (Area in 2010 (Area in Change detection Hectares) Hectares) in Hectare 106.06 538.98 + 432.92 36321.53 24020.81 -12300.72 0.00 4626.88 + 4626.88 Riverian vegetation 1801.12 5576.48 + 3775.36 5 Sand dune vegetation 5284.37 8371.74 + 3087.37 6 Scrub jungle 716.23 629.64 + 86.59 7 Teri vegetation 2048.67 2513.44 + 464.78 46277.97 46277.97 Total Figure 4. Changes detection in vegetation types map in between 2003 and 2010 ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 8 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) 1. Mangroves vegetation 2. Open vegetation 3. Riveraine vegetation 4. Sand dune vegetation 5. Scrub jungle vegetation 6. Teri vegetation Total 3 15 1 2 99 4 25 0 15 1 0 45 0 0 27 0 0 4 31 1 1 1 55 2 0 60 2 0 0 1 36 0 39 0 2 3 0 0 38 43 81 32 34 86 40 44 317 Total 4 Teri vegetation 74 Open vegetation Vegetation Types Scrub jungle Sl.No Sand dune vegetation Reference data Riveraine vegetation Classification data Mangroves vegetation Table 4. Image interpretation key for coastal vegetation types and other land cover types within the study area Overall Accuracy = 255/317 = 80% Table 5. Compare the producer’s Accuracy and User’s Accuracy assessment Producer’s Accuracy Sl .No Vegetation Types 1 Mangrove vegetation 2 Open vegetation 3 Riveraine vegetation 4 Sand dune vegetation 5 Scrub jungle vegetation 6 Teri vegetation ISSN No: 2319-3484 74/81 = 91 % User’s Accuracy 74/99 = 74 % 25/32 = 78 % 25/45 = 55 % 27/34 = 79 % 27/31 = 87 % 55/86 = 64% 55/60 = 85% 36/40 = 90% 38/44 = 86 % Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 36/39 = 92% 38/43 = 88 % 9 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) Table. 6. Vegetation types and their dominant species of Tuticorin coastal environment the corresponding vegetation types of Champion and Seth Sl.No 1. 2. Vegetation Types Mangrove vegetation Champion and Seth classification Tidal swamp forests (4B/TS2) Open vegetation Southern thorn scrub (6A/C2/DS1) Dominant species in the vegetation types Rhizophora sps, Avicennia sps suaeda sps , salicorinia sps etc. Prosopis juliflora, Borassus flabellifer, Calotropis gigantea, Ziziphus oenopolia, Achyranthes aspera Lantana camara etc. 3. Riveraine vegetation Dry tropical riverian forest(5/1S1) Pandanus fascicularis, Typha angustata, Acacia auriculiformis Cassia siamea, Ficus benghalensis ,Prosopis juliflora, Casuarina equisetifolia , Terminalia arjuna along with some nectar fetching plants like Catharanthus roseus, and Tephrosia purpurea. Grasses are also abundant in this location. 4. 5. Sand dune vegetation Littoral forests (4A/L1) Scrub jungle Southern thorn forest (6A/C1) Borassus flabellifer, Spinifex littoreus, Launaea sps, Calotropis gigantea and Ipomoea pes-caprae etc. The dry areas of the Tuticorin coastal premises shelter scattered patches of Prosopis juliflora . Some of the dominant tree species are: Acacia spp. and Albizia lebbeck. Predominant herbs and shrubs are: Lantana camera, Euphorbia antiquorum, Calotropis gigantea, Ziziphus oenopolia , Ocimum basilicum, Achyranthes aspera, Croton bonplandianum, Solanum trilobatum, Leucas aspera, Mimosa pudica, Gomphrena serrata, Clitoria ternatea, etc 6. Teri vegetation Mangrove vegetation Aeolian Formations (Teri)6/C/DSWE Ziziphus oenopolia , Mimosa pudica, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia sps. etc. community found on the fringes to the seaward side. A. marriana occurs along the creeks. A net change of 538 ha is observed due to conversion of mudflat to other land use categories from 2003 to 2010. Similarly, an area of 432 ha mangrove forest has been gained from other land-use categories as a result of increased protection and consequent regeneration. The key to the increase in mangrove area due to protection lies in the wise management and use of mangrove Mangrove vegetation is typically a closed evergreen forest of moderate height, composed of species specially adapted to survive on tidal mud, which is partially submerged with salt water or brackish water. A major area of the is covered by mangrove forests. Avicennia mariana, A. officinalis occupies a major portion of the Tuticorin port trust, Palayakayal, Punnaikayal and A. alba occur as a pure ISSN No: 2319-3484 Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 10 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) habitat, and in the enforcement of existing rules and regulations by the State Forest Department and NGOs. deciduous plants. There is also an increase the vegetation covers because it’s a delta. Sand dune vegetation Scrub jungle vegetation Coastal Sand Dune (CSD) vegetation serves as an ecological niche between terrestrial and marine realms, and form important nature conservation sites. However, these habitats have been severely affected by natural and anthropogenic activities resulting in loss of habitat and dependent flora and fauna consequently, and CSD flora has gained more attention for their protection, conservation and rehabilitation. During my field observation the sand dune vegetation of Tuticorin, Kayalpattanam, Thiruchendhur, Kulasakharapattinam, and Manappadu and small patches of Tuticorin in vembar of coastal villages was surveyed. With increasing pressure from biotic factors, the vegetation is a little increasing; Palm swamp vegetation is also found in drier areas within or outside the sand dune vegetation mixed with scrub areas on the landward side. Palm swamp shows typical representation of tufted palms (Borassus flabellifer) up to 10 m in height. This vegetation faces high anthropogenic pressure and change in landscape dynamics is clearly noticeable on the images. A net change of 8371 ha is observed due to conversion of open land to other land use categories from 2003 to 2010. Similarly, an area of 3087 ha sand dune vegetation has been gained from other land-use categories as a result of increased protection and consequent regeneration. In these study areas most common were found in the following species Borassus flabellifer, Spinifex littoreus, Calotropis gigantea and Ipomoea pes-caprae etc. The scrub jungles are made up of tree height up to 10 m tall and often armed with spines. Most of the plants including climbers, xerophytic character like succulent, stunted growth, thorniness etc. The whole area of the Tuticorin coastal belts is covered by scrub Tuticorin north when compare with Tuticorin south has low vegetation scrub, particularly near Manapadu. The dry areas of the Tuticorin coast shelter, scattered patches of Prosopis juliflora. Some of the dominant tree species are: Acacia spp. and Albizia lebbeck. Predominant herbs and shrubs are: Lantana camera, Euphorbia antiquorum Calotropis gigantean, Zizyphus oenopolia, Ocimum basilicum, Achyranthes aspera, Croton bonplandianum, Solanum trilobatum, Leucas aspera, Mimosa pudica, Gomphrena serrata, Clitoria ternatea, Parthenium histrophorus, and Cleome viscosa etc. A net change of 629 ha is observed due to conversion of open land to other land use categories from 2003 to 2010. Similarly, an area of 86 ha scrub jungle has been gained from other land-use categories as a result of increased protection and consequent regeneration. Scrub vegetation was formed due to mangrove deforestation. In the course of time, several exotic species spread over the area, and are affecting the native vegetation, so decreases the scrub vegetation. Riverian vegetation Stream or river banks are riparian areas, and the plants that grow there are called riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation is extremely important because of the many functions it serves. Riparian vegetation is essential for maintaining high water quality in streams, rivers, lakes, and along shorelines. However, riparian vegetation is threatened from residential and commercial construction, sand mining and landscaping. Riverian vegetation (Freshwater swamp) is purely localized and found above the tide level mainly in the Tamiraparani delta, and occupies an area of 1801 ha. A net change of 5576 ha is observed due to conversion of open land to other land use categories from 2003 to 2010. Similarly, an area of 3775 ha Riverian vegetation has been gained from other land-use categories as a result of increased protection and consequent regeneration. The riparian area is relatively dense with Pandanus fascicularis, Typha angustata, Acacia auriculiformis, Cassia siamea, Ficus benghalensis, Prosopis juliflora, Casuarina equisetifolia, Terminalia arjuna along with some nectar fetching plants like Catharanthus roseus, and Tephrosia purpurea. Grasses are also abundant in this location. Albizia sps is the most dominant tree species, associated within several evergreen tree species and few dry ISSN No: 2319-3484 Teri Vegetation Teri dune complex is an undulating terrain having loose heaps of red color sand and silt dust of Aeolian origin. In this study area the Teri vegetation was found in Manapadu south and Viappar of Tuticorin coastal environment. A net change of 2513 ha is observed due to conversion of open land to other land use categories from 2003 to 2010. Similarly, an area of 464 ha Teri vegetation has been gained from other land-use categories as a result of increased protection and consequent regeneration. Teri vegetation was formed due to scrub vegetation deforestation. In the course of time, several exotic species spread over the area, and are affecting the native vegetation. Open vegetation Open vegetation occupy an area of 28,385 ha in the Tuticoruin coastal vegetation found inland near Agriculture land with scrub jungles. Major portion of the area is covered by grasses, small shrub and small trees. Arundo donax, Chrysopogon aciculatus, Dichanthium pertusum and Imperata cylindrica are some dominant grass species found in the area. The open vegetation has been changed into agriculture land, salt pans, land industrial, buildings and others. So open vegetation has decreased compared to 2003 data. Volume 4, Issue 2, March 2015 11 International Journal of Remote Sensing & Geoscience (IJRSG) The land use system undergoes significant change according to the changes in socio-economic and natural conditions of the people. Agricultural practice with open vegetation is gradually decreasing from 36,321 (2003) to 24,020 ha (2010). A net change of 4626 ha area was observed due to conversion agriculture land, salt pans, land industrial, buildings and others by the surrounding villagers. The present study has shown that there is significant increase of 432 ha of mangrove vegetation, 3775 ha of riverian vegetation, 3087 ha sand dune vegetation, 464 ha of Teri vegetation and 86 ha scrub jungle vegetation from 2003 to 2010. Conclusion The present study also found that remote sensing coupled with GIS can be effectively used for real time and long time monitoring of the environment. The baseline information generated on vegetation type mapping has been identified as the fundamental need for any conservation strategy. It has been used in this study to arrive at a broader stratification and spatial distribution of various vegetation classes. It has provided basic information to assess the forest resources, their effective management in the Tuticorin coastal environment and vegetation distribution pattern analysis. Prediction and the direction they would take are aspects that deserve priority, since they are vital for planning effective conservation measures Acknowledgement Authors are grateful to the Director IRS Anna University Chennai for providing GIS maps, and also thankful to Mr. T.Mallikaraj for his encouragement for during the field survey. We also thank the anonymous reviewers whose comments improved this manuscript substantially References [1] Austin, M.P., Vegetation data collection and analysis. In Nature Conservation: Cost effective Biological Surveys and Data Analysis (ed) Common wealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, East Melbourne, Australia, 1991, pp37–41. [2] Specht, R.L.,“The report and its recommendations” in F.Fenner, (ed.) 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