2015 Local, Regional & National Atfalul Ahmadiyya USA Ijtema Syllabus _______________________________________________________________________________________ SYLLABUS FOR ATFAL EDUCATIONAL COMPETITIONS AT 2015 LOCAL, REGIONAL& NATIONAL IJTEMA SITARA Atfal: Ages 7-8 years HILAL Atfal: Ages 9-10 years QAMAR Atfal: Ages 11-12 years BADAR Atfal: Ages 13-15 years Competitions Requiring Qualification: Recitation of the Holy Qur’an, Memorization of the Holy Qur’an (Qamar & Badar), Speech, Urdu Poem, and Team Trivia Open Competitions:Essay, Prayers, Adhan (for 9 and under) & Spelling Bee (Sitara and Hilal) The Top 3 finalists per age group for each region qualify from the respective regional Ijtema. Names of Regional Winners MUST be submitted by May 31st, 2015 via email to Any Tifl who did not qualify through the Regional Ijtema’s, will not be allowed to compete in competitions requiring qualifications. INDIVIDUAL COMPETITIONS SITARA ATFAL (Ages 7 – 8) Syllabus Item Recitation of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Last 4 Chapters (Random portion(s) or Chapters will be asked) Memorization of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Last 4 Chapters Urdu Poem (Prepare the First Two couplets of One of below)(Qualifying Atfal Only) Kabi Nusrat Nahin Milti Dar-e-Maula Say Gandon Ko WoPeshwaHamara Nau-ne Hay laanay Jamaat Al-Qaseedah (Arabic) by The Promised Messiah (as) (Couplets 1 – 4) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Memorization of Prayers (Open Competition) All prayers in Sitara Atfal Syllabus ( English Speech (Prepare a 3-Minute speech on a Topic) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Importance of Prayers Think before you speak Respect for Elders Essay Competition (Pick one of the Topics below – Max 700 Words) How to be a good Ahmadi kid How I am going to encourage my fellow Atfal to participate in Atfal activities. * Submit Essay with Tifl Name, Majlis, Age to by the deadline. Resources The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an Dur-e-Sameen Dur-e-Sameen Kalam-e-Mahmood Al-Qaseedah Syllabus (Arabic Only) Hadith Hadith Hadith Deadline: May 31, 2015 HILAL ATFAL (Ages 9 – 10) Syllabus Item Recitation of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Last 10Chapters (Random portion(s) or Chapters will be asked) Memorization of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Last 10Chapters Urdu Poem (Prepare the First Two couplets of One of below)(Qualifying Atfal Only) Islam Se Na Bahgo Rahe Huda Yahi Hai Hamd-o-Sanaa Ussi Ko, Jo Zaat Jaawe Daani(Also known as ‘MahmoodKeeAmeen’) Meri Raat Din Bas Yehi Ik Sada Hai Resources The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an Dur-e-Sameen Dur-e-Sameen Kalam-e-Mahmood Page 1 2015 Local, Regional & National Atfalul Ahmadiyya USA Ijtema Syllabus _______________________________________________________________________________________ Al-Qaseedah (Arabic) by The Promised Messiah (as) (Couplets 5 – 8) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Memorization of Prayers (Open Competition) All prayers in Hilal Atfal Syllabus ( English Speech (Prepare a 3-Minute speech on a Topic) (Qualifying Atfal Only) High Status of Mothers in Islam Love for the Holy Prophet (saw) Seeking of Knowledge Essay Competition (Pick one of the Topics below – Max 700 Words) Respecting Elders How I am going to encourage my fellow Atfal to participate in Atfal activities. * Submit Essay with Tifl Name, Majlis, Age to by the deadline. Al-Qaseedah Syllabus (Arabic Only) Hadith Hadith Hadith Deadline: May 31, 2015 QAMAR ATFAL (11-12) Syllabus Item Recitation of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Chapter 2: Verses 255-258&285-287 (Random portion(s) will be asked) Memorization of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Last 15 Chapters (Arabic Only – Random verses will be asked) Ayat-ul-Qursi (Chapter 2, Verse 256) Chapter 2: Verses 1 – 8 (Arabic Only - Random verses will be asked) Urdu Poem (Prepare the First Two couplets of One of below) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Noor-e-Furqaan Hai Jo Sab Nooro-on Se Ajlaa Nikla Muhammad (saw) Par Hamaari Jaan Fida Hai Do Ghari Sabr Say Kam Lo Sathio Al-Qaseedah (Arabic) by The Promised Messiah (as} (Couplets 9 – 12) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Memorization of Prayers (Open Competition) All prayers in Qamar Atfal Syllabus ( English Speech (Prepare a 3-Minute speech on a Topic) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Against Backbiting Love of One’s Country is Part of Faith Persistence in Prayer Essay Competition (Max 700 Words) Importance of Jihad bil-Qalam (Jihad of the Pen) How I am going to encourage my fellow Atfal to participate in Atfal activities. * Submit Essay with Tifl Name, Majlis, Age to by the deadline. Resources The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an Dur-e-Sameen Kalam-e-Mahmood Kalam-e-Tahir Syllabus (Arabic Only) Hadith Hadith Hadith Deadline: May 31, 2015 BADAR ATFAL (13-15) Syllabus Item Recitation of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Chapter 18: Verses 1-13&103-111 (Random portion(s) will be asked) Memorization of The Holy Qur’an(Qualifying Atfal Only) Chapters: 87-88, 91, 93-95, 97, 99-102 (Arabic Only) Chapter 2:1-17, 2:285-287 (Arabic Only - Random verses will be asked) Urdu Poem (Prepare the First Two couplets of One of below) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Har Taraf Fikr Ko Daura Ke Thakhaaya Hum Ne Dushman Ko Zulm Ki Bharchi Se Resources/Comments The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an The Holy Qur’an Dur-e-Sameen Kalam-e-Mahmood Page 2 2015 Local, Regional & National Atfalul Ahmadiyya USA Ijtema Syllabus _______________________________________________________________________________________ Gulshan Mein Phool Baaghon Mein Phal, Aapke Leye Al-Qaseedah (Arabic) by The Promised Messiah (as} (Couplets 12 – 15) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Memorization of Prayers (Open Competition) All prayers in Badar Atfal Syllabus – Page 2 ( English Speech (Prepare a 3-Minute speech on a Topic) (Qualifying Atfal Only) Criteria of a True Muslim Learning and Teaching of the Holy Qur’an Control Over Anger Essay Competition (Max 700 Words) Seeking Absolute Justice and Peace in the World How I am going to encourage my fellow Atfal to participate in Atfal activities. * Submit Essay with Tifl Name, Majlis, Age to by the deadline. Kalam-e-Tahir Al-Qaseedah Syllabus (Arabic Only) Hadith Hadith Hadith Deadline: May 31, 2015 OTHER COMPETITIONS Syllabus Item Adhan Competition(Open to ALL ages 9 & Under) Spelling Bee (Sitara and Hilal Only) - Separate Open Competition Team Trivia (Only ONE Qualified Teams from a Region – 6 Atfal Qualifier Open Open Regional Qualifiers Page 3