International Conference New Pathways in Language Learning


International Conference New Pathways in Language Learning
International Conference
New Pathways in Language Learning
Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) - Research and Practice
Pedagogical University of Cracow, 23-24 October 2015
Call for Papers
Dear colleagues,
The Department of Modern Languages of the Pedagogical University of Cracow has been conducting
for many years research focusing on the issues in learning languages. However, recent changes
especially in the fields of new technologies have introduced new perspectives to the way we use
methodological approaches and language learning devices. For this reason, we initiated a series of
conferences entitled New pathways and practices in language learning in order to re-examine our
approaches and explore the new potentiality by the partnership between learning languages and
new technologies.
The first conference of this cycle focuses on the specific aims of languages. This particular theme was
chosen very carefully. Indeed, when language learning is directed towards specific aims it is often
done in order to meet precise needs resulting from a particular field which in return is dominated by
the specific imperatives of business context. However, professional context is based on the idea of
efficiency and has proven to be additionally attracted to new approaches which mainly uses
information and communication technology. Therefore, it makes devices easier to select these new
mediums, describe them or present the related measures and devices.
The subject of our interest comprises many different disciplines. In order to develop itself, it
concentrates around a pedagogical questioning which initiates other fields of knowledge such as
study of behaviourism, the role and training of teachers, the different forms and strategies of
learning, starting new cognitive processes as well as the definition and the delimitation of contents
and the articulation between the general skills in languages and the specific aims link to a particular
This complex set is currently questioned by a new, digital context. What was formerly acknowledged
is now questioned once more: what is the difference between learning by being physically present
and learning with a digital device? Will the traditional class room resist to the Cloud class room?
What are the effects of digital devices on their users and the contents? How should they be defined?
How should the classes be organised? Do teaching institutions have the means and ambitions to do
so? How will the educators and teachers become accustomed to these tools? How will the work be
shared between the digital native learners and the teacher, new to these tools? Will the availability
of such learning devices become a pedagogical fact and will it follow regional, national and/or
European political logics?
The subsequent question clearly shows that schools have to be put in a political perspective if we
wish to understand the strengths and the challenges which contribute to their development. We
switch from an educational to a political perspective. Indeed, it is the European perspectives of a
highly informed society that determine the polices and programmes of development. But it is also
the regional policy of Małopolska Chmura Edukacyjna (Lesser Poland’s Education in Numeric Cloud),
aiming to offer the advantages in a global economy which ignores any boundaries.
We would also like to share our reflections on the innovating project led by the Modern Language
Institute: Language Cloud Academy (iLCA). In October 2014, we opened the university to students
from professional schools and we have been teaching English for professional purposes by
videoconferences along with e-platform. This project realised in the Małopolska Cloud Education –
Małopolska's major project – aims at gathering the joint projects run by the universities and the
schools to provide learners with the opportunity to attend classes taught by the best professors of
Cracow universities.
The School in Cloud is a new idea in education. Classes differ from a conventional school, techniques
are used and the role of the teacher. By presenting this project we would like to contribute to the
discussion concerning the new models in the process of learning languages and identify their
strength and weakness.
For this reason, we invite scholars, educators, language policy makers, educational institutions,
publishers for individual papers, workshops and posters to participate at the International
Conference New Pathways in Language Learning. Languages for Specific Purposes (LSP) - Research
and Practice.
We are waiting for proposals on the core symposium themes. Presentations should provide an
opportunity for symposium participants to engage with some of the challenging and fundamental
questions at the intersection of scholarship and the teaching and learning of Languages for Specific
Purposes (LSP) in this innovative context.
Still under the theme of actual impact or dread of new technologies, the central ideas of the LSP are:
Theoretical and methodological issues of LSP research
Content: Curriculum development, Course design, Materials development and evaluation
Institutional Context
LSP in Digital Age
Role of the LSP teacher
Professional development
General Proposal Guidelines
Abstracts for presentations must be submitted using the online submission form:
Proposals and presentations can be in English, Polish, French, German, Russian, Italian and Spanish.
Texts for publication - which will be the result of our debates - must be submitted in English.
Interpreting services will be available only for plenary sessions. Sessions and workshops will be
organised according to the lecturer's language.
Presentations may be made in a number of formats:
● Individual Papers (20 minutes)
● Workshops (60-90 minutes)
● Posters
All proposals must include the following:
● Name and title of the author, institutional affiliation and the author's contact information
● Title of the proposed presentation
● Abstract (200 -250 words)
● Indicate any equipment needs for your presentation
The most relevant papers accpeted by reviewers will be published in the monograph.
Important Dates:
● 15th July 2015 – deadline for abstract submission
● 30th July 2015 – information about accepted abstracts.
● 15th September 2015 – end of registration, deadline for payment
● 23rd October 2015 – start of the conference
Participation fee and payment:
Participation fees:
 Standard fee: 350 PLN (450 PLN dinner included)
 Special participation fee for PhD students: 250 PLN (350 PLN dinner included)
Bank account number:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej
Bank Pekao SA oddział w Krakowie
PL 71 1240 4722 1111 0000 4852 4687
Bank transfer title : name and surname/ DK-147
All bank charges and commissions are paid by the participants. Please inform your bank about this
when ordering the transfer.
The invoices will be sent via email as a PDF attachment. In order to receive an invoice on behalf of a
company or organisation you must state this in the registration form. If the bank transfer is ordered
by a natural person, it will not be possible to issue the invoice to a company or organization
The participation fee includes:
 Admission to all sessions of the conference
 Certificate for participation
 A printed copy of the conference program
 Coffee breaks
For further information please see the conference website under:
or contact
Scientific Committee
dr hab. Elżbieta Gajewska (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr Sebastian Dusza
(Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr Agnieszka Hennel-Brzozowska (Pedagogical University
of Cracow, Poland), dr hab. Greta Komur (Université de Haute-Alsace, France), Dr hab prof. UP
Aurelia Kotkiewicz (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr hab. Jarosław Krajka (Marie CurrieSkłodowska University, Lublin, Poland), dr hab. Artur Dariusz Kubacki (Pedagogical University of
Cracow, Poland), dr hab. prof UP Teresa Muryn (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr hab.
prof. UP Małgorzata Nowakowska (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr hab. prof. UP
Małgorzata Pamuła-Behrens (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr Chantal Parpette
(Université Lumière-Lyon 2, France), dr hab. Magdalena Sowa (The John Paul II Catholic University of
Lublin, Poland), dr hab prof. UP Anna Turula (Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland), dr
Dominique Ulma (Université d’Angers, France), dr Monica Vlad (Université de Constanta, Roumanie).
Organizing Committee Members
mgr Yuliya Asotska-Wierzba, dr Anita Buczek-Zawiła, dr Radosław Gajda, mgr Agnieszka Kościńska, dr
Beata Malczewska, mgr Kamil Mielnik, mgr Łukasz Olesiak, mgr Emanuel Studnicki, mgr Weronika
Urbanik-Pęk, dr Joanna Woźniakiewicz, mgr Monika Zabrocka
Looking forward to welcoming you in Cracow for New Pathways in Language
Learning Conference!