Illuminati Order / Society OTO Form for Membership File. !!!!!!Attach a


Illuminati Order / Society OTO Form for Membership File. !!!!!!Attach a
Bavaria, MDCCLXXVI , May 1st e .•. v .•. An CCXXXIX Era
of .•. φως .•.
Deus est Homo
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
Illuminati Order / Society OTO
Form for Membership File.
Full Legal Name:
Mailing Address:
Phone Number:
Skype ID:
Google Hangouts ID:
Birth Date:
Desired Frater/Soror Name (Magical Motto):
!!!!!!Attach a copy of your photo State ID or Drivers License. As well as
a recent photo!!!!!!
Degree Fee and Dues Payment Details:
Send your first month $5.00 on dues by mail or pay pal to: –
Brandon Lashbrook 159 Clinmar Apt 1 Centralia, IL. 62801
Upon your first month dues and degree fees you will receive your membership ID card and dues
stamp booklet with first month’s due stamp. A member ID card can be purchased for $14.00 to go
with your red due card booklet at this link.
Member ID Card
Complete and return to:
Brandon Lashbook
159 Clinmar apt 1 Centralia , IL. 62801 USA
Illuminati Order Novice $45.00
Society OTO $45.00
USA and Europas.
pay $20.00 each degree. Due to their extreme oppression by capitalist imperialism we allow as
lesser amount to be paid for degrees.
Third world countries
If you are from an extreme poor country and have no money have a recruitment program where
you can recruit three members each year and have dues and degree fees waived. If you choose
to try this option then let us know and we will make a recruitment supporters ID for you to forward
with our suggested link to those online potentially interested in the order.
The Balance Factor
Novice I ° First Degree Illuminati Order $45.00
Novice Degree Fee
Probationer I ° First Degree Society O.:T.:O.: $45.00
Probationer Degree Fee
Or directly through your
Pay Pal to:
Or Western Union To:
Brandon Lashbrook 159 Clinmar apt 1 Centralia, IL. 62801 USA
Otherwise money order or international money order option is available.
Love is the law, love under will.
Era of φως began on An MDCCLXXVI , May 1st.
Fra .: WothanAzazel
Rex Sacrorum/Kuningaz
Illuminati Order, Homo Rex XIII °
U Hombre Dios Inmortal XXVI °
Society Ordo Templi Orientis, Rex Summus Sanctissimus X-XI °
Astrum .'. Argentum .'. Progradior Lieneage
Grand Lodge Othroerir No. 1 USA