Downloadable Smoke Box Brochure Page
Downloadable Smoke Box Brochure Page
The Tim Clothier Immortal Collection Smoke Box Tim Clothier’s Inspired by the ‘Blammo Box’ designed by Tim Clothier The Magician positions a brilliantly-polished metal box on the stage so that the audience has a clear view to the back of its brightly lit interior through the windowed front. The Magician spins the box to display all four sides to the gathered spectators. (An optional Automated Turntable is available for hands free rotation.) The box rapidly fills with smoke. The Magician lifts off the lid and the sides gently unfold, revealing the appearance of an Assistant. Illusionist Masayuki Miyagawa performs with his Tim Clothier Smoke Box * * * D ur ab l e A l l A l um in um C o n s t r u c t io n * * * B r e ak s D o w n an d Pa c k s F l at f o r S h i p p in g * * * I n t e r i o r L ED L i g h t i n g a n d F o g M a c h i n e S m o k e Ef f e c t P o w e r e d b y a R e c h a r g e a b l e B a t te r y S y s t e m Tim Clothier’s Smoke Box Starting at $4,900 Includes Tim Clothier Performance Rights ATA case $750 (Price does not include shipping) ATA Cases are manufactured by outside vendors: prices listed are provided as a courtesy and are subject to change without notice. Optional Automated Turntable: Additional $1,800 PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THESE PHOTOS AND DESCRIPTIONS IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF TIM CLOTHIER ILLUSION PROJECTS INC. ANY REPRODUCTION IN PART OR AS A WHOLE WITHOUT THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF TIM CLOTHIER AND/OR ILLUSION PROJECTS INC. IS PROHIBITED.