
Earn around $1,000!
Work up to 120 hours
Get paid for job skills & financial
literacy training
Jobs available throughout L.A.
 Live in L.A. County
 Age 14-21 (up to age 24 if you live in the city
of Los Angeles)
 Foster youth, including kinship care and
AB 12
 Have the right to work in the U.S.
After you apply, you will need:
If you live in the City of Los Angeles:
If you live in other areas of L.A. County:
 Photo ID (CA or school ID)
 DCFS letter with date of birth, foster
youth status, & address where you live
 Social Security Card
Make sure you check the
“foster youth” box on your
application to get priority!
 A work permit from your school district
if you are under 18
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Jobs may start anytime after July 1, 2015
through the fall.
Frequently Asked Questions:
2015 L.A. City & County Jobs for Foster Youth
How do I sign up for a summer job?
What documents will I need to work?
The City of Los Angeles and the County of Los Angeles have separate
online enrollment forms depending on where you live. If you live in
the City of L.A., then you should sign up at
If you do not live in the City of L.A., but live in another area of L.A.
County, then you should sign up at
In order to participate in the jobs program, you need to provide
documents proving your eligibility and right to work in the United
States. You will likely need to bring the following
documents with you when you go to the Youth Employment agency
to enroll:
Photo ID (CA or school ID)
Some areas sound like a separate city, but they are actually part of
the City of Los Angeles (for example, Canoga Park, North Hollywood). You can check to see if you live in Los Angeles by inputting
your address at:
After you submit your address, the search engine will list “current
districts.” If City of Los Angeles is on the list, then you live in L.A.
Social Security Card*
DCFS letter with date of birth, foster youth status, & address
where you live. Ask the Youth Employment agency to get this
letter from the DCFS Youth Development Services Division.
Work Permit from your school district, if you are under 18
Selective Service Registration, only if you are a male who is 18
years or older. Register online at:
If you’re still not sure if you live in the City of L.A., go ahead and
register on both websites.
When can I apply and when will the job start?
The online application system opened in April and will continue to
accept applications until funding for the program runs out, which
could be as late as December. Applications are accepted on a rolling
basis as long as funding remains. The sooner you apply, the better
your chances of getting a job, so apply now! The earliest job placements will begin July 1st.
* Original Social Security Card is preferred to prove right to work in
the U.S., however a legible copy may be accepted under special
If you do not have one or more of these documents, ask your social
worker or attorney for help to get them. The Youth Employment
agency may also help you get these documents, but it could delay
your enrollment in the jobs program.
I’m a foster youth—do I get priority?
What kind of training will I receive?
YES! When you sign up online, be sure to check the “foster youth”
box if you are a current or former foster youth, including if you live
with a relative or you are over 18 and in extended foster care under
AB12. We expect that around 500 jobs will be dedicated just for
foster youth across L.A. County. However, we cannot guarantee jobs
for every youth that applies.
Once you enroll in the jobs program, you will attend up to 20 hours
of PAID work-readiness and financial literacy training. You will learn
how to write a resume, how to interview, proper workplace
etiquette, and what to do with that first paycheck!
I signed up online! Does that mean I have a job?
You will be matched with a place to work based on your interests.
There are many job opportunities available with community
organizations, park & recreation programs, libraries, government
agencies, childcare centers, and community colleges.
No. When you sign-up online, you are just showing your interest in
participating in the jobs program. The application does not guarantee a job. After you apply online, your information will be sent to a
Youth Employment agency that is contracted to serve your local
The employment agency will then try to call or email you and ask
you to come to their offices to fill out the official enrollment forms.
That’s why it’s important to have a correct phone # and email when
you sign up! If you move addresses or if your phone # changes, the
best thing to do is to sign up again online with your new information. Make sure to check your email and voice messages often
and respond right away to confirm that you still want a job!
When can I expect to hear back after I sign up online?
If you sign up before July 1st, Youth Employment agencies will
probably reach out to you in late June or early July. If you sign up
after July 1st, you may be contacted within a few weeks if there are
still openings available.
What kinds of jobs are available?
How much will I be paid?
You can work up to 100 hours (about 6 weeks) and will be paid $9
per hour. In addition, you will be paid for up to 20 hours of training.
In total, you can earn about $1,000.
What if I want a longer-term job?
The L.A. City and County Summer Jobs program uses government
funding to pay wages for youth work experiences. Because of this,
funding is limited and you can only work up to 120 hours.
If you’ve already had some work experience before and are looking
for more permanent part– or full-time employment, the L.A.
Chamber of Commerce helps connect young adults ages 16-24 with
jobs at major companies in Los Angeles. You will need to attend a
Job Skills Workshop and earn a Work Readiness Certificate.
Contact for information about
access to private-sector job opportunities.